Wednesday, October 31, 2012

“Who Moved – 1010” …Blog.

“Who Moved – 1010” …Blog.

 ‘Who’ Moved…?

              Choice has always… been an ‘Option!’ In the ‘Garden of Eden’, man’s lifestyle was established by his ‘Choice’. Eve first listened to Satan; and then disobeyed God. This brought the “Curse & Death” on all mankind, as Adam also took the forbidden fruit and ate. And he, in doing so; was ‘compliant’ to her disobedience!  So each and every moment of your Life: “You” make the like Choices!” Is it the “Holy Word of God” or is it the “Opinions of Others”? “Plain & Simple”, “You” serve the One: whom “You” really Believe.

“Free Will – 101”…Blog.

“You” may say one thing privately… because “You” do ‘Not’ truly believe His Holy Word. And in public discussion take another stand: fooling people and making them believe that “You’’ are a Christian?” The Truth is: “You” believe: “Only One Opinion”! “God’s or “Yours?” The ONE “You” truly believe; is the One: “You” will Defend! How very many Divorced & Remarried, defend their “Choices”…?

Even if that [pseudo] truth… is your LIE: about: “Divorce” & “Remarriage Adultery!” It does ‘Not’ matter what the personal cost to “You”: and your children really is; does it? [Job 9:20]. The early Church was pure; because they knew the cost of Truth!  And were willing to pay for the Truth: with their own lives. 

*** (1Peter 4:1-2) Therefore, since Christ suffered in the sphere of the flesh, you, too, ‘Must’ arm yourselves: with the same “Determination!” For the person who has suffered in the sphere of the flesh has stopped sinning,
(1Pet 4:2) so that he can live the rest of his time; in the flesh guided, ‘Not’ by human desires; but by the will [Word] of God.

Today, here in America… the Bible: is even mocked by the: “Church Goers!” Their excuse will be something like this. “You’’ are always taking the Bible out of context! They say that to “Defend their ‘SIN’ Choice!” NEVER: do they present any ‘alternative’ Bible verses to defend their wrong choices! Or they falsely say, “You’’ are always ‘Judging’ people!” In reality we are ‘Commanded’ to: Prove All Things! [Isaiah 5:20 & 1Thes 5:21]

Yet they will ‘Not’ provide the ‘True Context’ of said subject! Even in their “Remarriage Adultery”: they Grace Away their wrong choice!  They do ‘Not Know’ the standard of: His Holy Word! Here in America, ‘Christianity’ has become a ‘Social & Cultural: Experiment!’ Remember the “MANY?” [Matthew 7:21-22-23]

Before “You” get upset… Yes, there are those who are Truly -> ‘Born Again’ by the Holy Spirit of God. Yes, there are those who love Christ Jesus: and will stand for “His Holy Word!” But they are ‘Not’ the “MANY”: or the ‘Most’: or the ‘Some!’ They are the “FEW!” Where “You” truly stand on God’s Truth: can be easily determined!

This test is so very simple… where “You” stand on: “Divorce” & “Remarriage Adultery!” Say it isn’t ‘SO’…? “You” could NOT Forgive your Mate; but “You” then expect [demand] forgiveness from God”…? What is wrong with that ‘Picture’…?

*** (Mark 10:5-to-9) But Jesus said to them, "It was because of your “Hardness of Heart” that he [Moses] wrote this command [permission] for you.
(Mark 10:6) But from the beginning of creation, 'God made them male and female.'
(Mark 10:7) 'That is why a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife,
(Mark 10:8) and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
(Mark 10:9) Therefore, what God has joined together, man must ‘Never’ separate."

“Whose your ‘Daddy’ – 101?”…Blog.

‘Who’ Moved…?

Love; in Christ, Roger // “Psalms 138:2”…!

“Who Moved – 1010” …Blog.

*** (Revelation 2:4-5) But I have this against “You’’: that “You” have LEFT: your first love. [Who Moved?]
(Rev 2:5) Therefore remember from where “You” have fallen, and “Repent”: and Do the first works, or else I will come to “You” quickly and will remove your lamp stand [witness] out of its place: unless “You” –> Repent!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

“Who Moved – 109” …Blog.

“Who Moved – 109” …Blog.

‘Who’ Moved…?

Whose Side are “You” ON: “Anyway”…?

*** (Matthew 10:34-to-40) "Do NOT think that I [Jesus] came to bring peace on earth. I did ‘Not’ come to bring peace: but a Sword!
(Matt 10:35) For I [Jesus] came to turn 'a man against his father; a daughter against her mother; and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
(Matt 10:36) A person's ‘enemies’ will be members of his own family.'
(Matt 10:37) "The one who loves his father or mother: more than Me [Jesus] isn't worthy of Me: and the one who loves a son or daughter more than Me: isn't worthy of Me [Jesus].
(Matt 10:38) The one who doesn't take up his cross and follow Me [Jesus]: isn't worthy of Me. [Jesus]
(Matt 10:39) The one who finds his life will lose it; and the one who loses his life because of Me [Jesus]: will find it."
(Matt 10:40) "The one who receives “You” receives Me [Jesus]; and the one who receives Me receives the One [God]: Who sent Me [Jesus].

*** (Jeremiah 17:5-to-10) So says The LORD; “Cursed” is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm; and whose heart ‘departs’ from The LORD.
(Jeremiah 17:6) For he shall be like a juniper in the desert, and shall not see when good comes. But he shall live in the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land that is not inhabited.
(Jeremiah 17:7) Blessed is the man who trusts in The LORD; and The LORD is his trust.
(Jeremiah 17:8) For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters; it sends out its roots by the river, and it shall not fear when the heat comes, but its foliage shall be green; and he is not worried in the year of drought, nor will it cease from yielding fruit.
(Jeremiah 17:9) The heart is ‘Deceitful’ above all things, and ‘Desperately Wicked’; who can know it?
(Jeremiah 17:10) I The LORD search the heart; I try the reins [agendas]; even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.

              Most “Pseudo Christians” go to someone… to share in their decision to “Divorce.” Hardly ever do they go to a “Godly Pastor”: who believes in the “Complete Authority” of the Holy Word of God! They will mostly always go to ‘someone’ who will help them “Justify their Actions!” Ultimately, this decision is AGAINST: the Holy Word of God: because their heart is ‘Not’ right with God!

The backslidden OT Jews… to whom Jeremiah was sent to; did ‘Not’ want to hear this message about their “Deceitful & Desperately Wicked: Hearts!” They even had their “Heathen Idols” the temple of the LORD! So too, does the person seeking a Divorce: to nullify their “Wedding Vows”…! They have set up “Another False god”: within their ‘Hardened Hearts!” They make up their ‘Own jesus’ [2Corinthains 11:4]: who is ‘NOT’: the one True Christ Jesus of the Bible. [John 8:29]

*** (2Corinthians 11:4) For if someone comes along and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or should you receive a different spirit from the one you received or a different gospel from the one you accepted; you are all too willing to listen.

*** (Exodus 20:18-19-20) And all the people saw the thundering’s, and the lightning’s, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking. And when the people saw, they trembled, and stood afar off.
(Exodus 20:19) And they said to Moses, “You” speak with us, and we will hear. But let not God speak with us, lest we die.
(Exodus 20:20) And Moses said to the people; Do not fear, for God has come to test ‘‘You’’, and so that His fear may be before your faces; so that “You” may ‘NOT’ sin.

*** (1Kings 18:21) And Elijah came to all the people and said, How long are “You” limping over two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him. But if Baal is God, then follow him. And the people did ‘NOT” answer him a word.

              The Battle of Obedience… is in the “Mind & Heart!” But a hardened heart ‘Never’ wants to “Hear God” & “His Holy Word!” “You” say “You” love Jesus: and then Hate enough to Divorce in direct rebellion to His Holy Word! Is there a simple way to look at this issue…?  Absolutely Yes!

Do “You” do things… God’s Way in accordance with His Holy Word…? Or as the song says, “I did it ‘MY’ Way”…! What is the middle of “S-I-N”…? Is it not… “I”…? “ME”…? “MINE”…? Have “YOU” ever heard two year old child say: “MINE”…?

Surely that is ‘NOT’… the response of ANY: “Truly Born Again, Blood Washed: Child of God”…? Do “You” do things: God’s Way in accordance with His Holy Word…?

Please answer: “Yes or NO?”

“Open ‘HEART’ Surgery – 101” …Blog.
*** (Psalms 119:11) I have hidden Your Word in my -> “HEART” -> so that I might ‘not’ sin against You [Lord].

*** (2Corinthians 10:3-to-6) Of course, we are living in the flesh; but we do not fight in a fleshly way.
(2Cor 10:4) For the weapons of our warfare are not those of the flesh. Instead, they have the power of God to demolish fortresses. We tear down arguments. [Jude 1:3-4]
(2Cor 10:5) And every proud obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God; taking every thought ‘captive’ in order to obey Christ. [It is Written]
(2Cor 10:6) We are ready to punish [1Jn 1:5-to-10] every “Act of Disobedience”; when your  ‘Obedience’ is complete. [Proverbs 28:13 & Romans 6:1-2]

*** (Philippians 2:5) Have the same attitude among yourselves; that was also in Christ Jesus:

*** (John 8:28-29) Then Jesus said to them, When “You” have lifted up the Son of Man, then “You” shall know that I AM [Exodus 3:14], and that I do nothing of Myself, but as My Father has taught Me, I speak these things.
(John 8:29) And He [God] Who sent Me [Jesus] is with Me. The Father [God] has not left Me [Jesus] alone, for I [Jesus] always do those things which please Him [God].

*** (Matthew 7:21-22-23) Not everyone who says to Me [Jesus], Lord! Lord! Shall enter the kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will [Word] of My Father in Heaven.
(Matt 7:22) MANY” will say to Me [Jesus] in that day, Lord! Lord! Did we not prophesy in Your name; and through your name throw out demons; and through your name do many wonderful works?
(Matt 7:23) And then I [Jesus] will say to them: I [Jesus] “NEVER” knew ‘‘You’’! Depart from Me; those practicing Lawlessness! [Luke 6:46 & James 1:22]

Did Christ Jesus say… ‘Few, Some’ or: “MANY”…? He said… “MANY!” This is reflective of the “MANY” who say they were “His!” Today, as throughout history! Those “MANY” still [Falsely] claim to be His.

Those “MANY” has always… held a different opinion of ‘Right & Wrong’: than is established in His Holy Word! That is the ‘Simple Test’: when push comes to shove!

Those “MANY” will always… choose ‘Another’ way! They do NOT want the: “Truth” of His Holy Word of God: “The Scriptures!”

Those “MANY” will ‘Always’ –> Validate: “Divorce” & “Remarriage Adultery!” They will ‘NOT’ repent of that SIN: ‘Either’…! Their heart continues to get “Harder & Harder!”

Say it isn’t “SO”…?

*** (2Timothy 3:5-6-7) They will hold to an outward form of godliness but deny its power. Stay away from such people.
(2Ti 3:6) For some of these men [Trolls] go into homes and deceive foolish women who are burdened with sins and swayed by all kinds of desires.
(2Ti 3:7) These WOMEN are always studying -> but are NEVER able to arrive at a full knowledge of the Truth.

*** (Romans 3:18) "There is ‘NO’ fear of God before their eyes." [Ecclesiastes 10:11-12]

The Fear of God – 101 Blog [1/3]

‘Who’ Moved…?

Love; in Christ, Roger // “Psalms 138:2”…!

Monday, October 29, 2012

“Who Moved – 108” …Blog.

“Who Moved – 108” …Blog.

 ‘Who’ Moved…?

The Complete Authority!

When did GOD leave “You” in Control…?  Answer: Absolutely “NEVER!”

*** (Isaiah 55:6-to-11) Seek The LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.
(Isa 55:7) Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to The LORD, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.
(Isa 55:8) For My thoughts are ‘Not’ your thoughts, ‘Nor’ your ways My ways, says The LORD.
(Isa 55:9) For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. [Matthew 24:35]
(Isa 55:10) For as the rain comes down, and the snow from the heavens, and does not return there, but waters the earth, and makes it bring out and bud, and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater;
(Isa 55:11) so shall My Word be, which goes out of My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I [God] please, and it shall certainly do what I [God] sent it to do.

*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship toward Your holy temple, and praise Your name: for Your loving-kindness and for Your Truth's sake; for “You” [God] have magnified Your Word above all Your name.

*** (Isaiah 44:6) So says the LORD, the King of Israel, and His redeemer Lord of Hosts; I am the First, and I am the Last; and besides Me there is no God. [Revelation 2:8]

*** (Numbers 23:19) God is ‘Not’ a man that He should LIE: neither the son of man that He should repent. Has He said, and shall He not do it? [Yes!] Or has He spoken, and shall He not make it good? [Yes!]

*** (Genesis 18:25) Far be it from “You” [God] to act in this manner; to kill the righteous with the wicked. And far be it from “You’’, that the righteous should be as the wicked. Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? [Absolutely YES!]

*** (Malachi 3:6) For I am the LORD; I change ‘Not!’ Because of this “You” sons of Jacob are not destroyed.

*** (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today-and forever!

*** (Luke 6:46) And why do “You” call Me [Jesus] Lord, Lord, and “Do Not Do”: what I [Jesus] say?

*** (Isaiah 28:13) But the Word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

*** (James 1:22) Keep on being ‘Doers’ of the Word, and ‘Not’ merely hearers who “Deceive” themselves.

*** (John 12:47-to-50) And if any one hears My Words and does ‘NOT’ believe; I [Jesus] do not [Now] judge him; for I do not come [this first time] to judge the world, but to save the world.
(John 12:48) He who rejects Me [Jesus] and does not receive My Words has One: Who judges him; the Word that I [Jesus] have spoken; the same [Holy Word of God] shall judge him in the: “Last Day.”
(John 12:49) For I [Jesus] have ‘Not’ spoken of Myself; but the Father [God]: Who sent Me [Jesus] gave Me a command: what I should say: and what I should speak.
(John 12:50) And I know that His command is life everlasting. Therefore whatever I [Jesus] speak, even as the Father [God] said to Me: so I speak.

*** (Jeremiah 23:29) Is not My Word like a fire? Says the LORD; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?

*** (Hebrews 4:12) For the ‘ Word’ of God is ‘Living’ and ‘Active’, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow, as it judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart.
(Heb 4:13) No creature can hide from Him, but all are naked and helpless before the eyes of the One [God]: to Whom we ‘MUST’ give a word of account. [Ecclesiastes 12:13-14]

What is the position… “You” take in your mind, heart & soul? It is the “Only One” of the “Holy Word of God”…? Or is it ‘Another’…?

What justification… for your Divorce: did “You” share with ‘Others?’ Was it the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth…?

Did “You” allow… your ‘Mate’ to SHARE: their “Side of the Conflict”…? Your facts are “Not Truth”: BUT: Only, ‘Your’ side of the Conflict! [Matthew 18:16]

Did GOD give “You’’… permission to Divorce your Mate…? You say “You” Love Jesus, don’t “You?”

Please answer: “Yes or NO”…?

How did He [God] give “You” that Permission…?

What Bible verses… did “You” violate: to justify your actions…? Do “You” even care…?

If it wasn’t HIM [God]… then it was: “ONLY, Your Sinful SELF”… and Not GOD! And “You” still say “You”: Love Jesus…? He GOD, absolutely “NEVER” Violates: His Holy Word…!

*** (Luke 4:4) Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'One must not live on bread alone: but on every Word of God. [Deuteronomy 8:3-4]

“Not by Bread ‘Alone’ – 101” …Blog.

‘Who’ Moved…?

Love; in Christ, Roger // “Psalms 138:2”…!