“The Third Day – 101”…Blog.
“Good Friday” or “Good Thursday”…?
Recently someone asked… about the “Resurrection of Christ Jesus”. There are several facts to be considered. Easter is celebrated by most Churches, but the nomenclature is ‘incorrect.’ Easter is in fact, a pagan holiday, with all its trappings of Easter bunnies and colored eggs and candy. Correctly, it should be called “Resurrection Sunday”. Most know that Christ Jesus was crucified by the Roman soldiers with the full approval of the Jewish religious leaders, repeatedly shouting …“Crucify Him!”
*** (Luke 23:38) And = an inscription = also was written = over Him = in letters of Greek = and Latin = and Hebrew, = “This Is = THE KING = OF THE JEWS”.
“Resurrection Sunday”… often called Easter, is also celebrated with a wrongly with a day called, ‘Good Friday.’ But herein is the problem with that… “How could Christ be in the grave… ‘Three days and three nights’… “IF”… He was crucified on Friday?” Sorry, He, Christ Jesus was ‘Not’ crucified on Friday. Again, the celebration of ‘Good Friday’ is a complete mistake. Many make an accounting error and many make excuses for time accounting counting sundown as a day, when it starts the evening.
*** (Matthew 12:40) For as Jonah = was = ‘three days’ = and = ‘three nights’ = in the belly of the huge fish, = so the Son of Man = shall be = ‘three days’ = and = ‘three nights’ = in the heart of the earth.
Most Religions do 'not' use… the ‘Bible Truth’ for their point of reference. Instead they substitute their Church teaching for Truth. Perhaps the first thing in this discussion is to see… “Who Raised the Body of Jesus?” Ask most people and they will tell you that God, the God of the Bible, raised Jesus. Most do not know that Christ Jesus said… “The He raised His own body!” Did you know that…?
*** (John 2:19-to-22) Jesus answered = and said to them, = Destroy this temple = and in = ‘three days’ = “ I ” = will raise it up.
(John 2:20) Then the Jews said, = This temple was forty-six years building, = and will you = rear it up = in three days?
(John 2:21) But = He spoke = of the temple = of His body.
(John 2:22) Therefore = when He = had risen = from the dead, = His disciples remembered = that = He had said ‘this’ to them, = and = they believed the Scripture = and = ‘the word’ = which Jesus had said.
Many do not know this…! Often time I share this with that religion called, ‘Jehovah Witnesses.’ You see they “Deny”, that Christ Jesus is God. There are other Pseudo Christian religions that also deny these Bible Facts. His disciples understood these facts, John 2:22 and remembered His word and believed Him. But are there more verses that validate that Truth…?
*** (John 10:17-18) Therefore = My Father [God] = loves Me [Jesus], = because = I = lay down = My life = so that = I = might take it [up] again.
(John 10:18) No one = takes it from Me, = but = I = lay it down = from Myself. = I = have authority = to lay it down, = and = I = have authority = to take it [up] again. = I = have received = this commandment = from My Father.
Since we have established… that Christ Jesus laid down His life and He Himself… took it up again. Ok but what about the difference in the… “Three days and the Three nights”… in the grave? IF He was crucified on Friday [night – one]… Saturday [night – two]… Sunday [night – 3]…? Oops…? Wasn’t He raised on Sunday Morning…? Yes He was… so He could “NOT” possibly have been… ‘Crucified on Friday.’ Ok, so what is the solution? The answer is in the Bible and… “Not in Church teaching and Tradition!” The key, is the word… ‘Preparation’.
*** (Matthew 27:62) And = on the next day, = which was after = the Preparation, = the chief priests and the Pharisees = gathered to Pilate,
*** (Mark 15:42) And it, = becoming evening already, = since it was = the Preparation, = that is, = “the day” = before Sabbath,
*** (Luke 23:54) And = that day was = the Preparation, = and = the Sabbath drew on.
*** (John 19:31) Then the Jews, = because it was = Preparation, = begged Pilate = that their legs might be broken, = and = that they might be taken away, = so that the bodies = should not remain on the cross = on the Sabbath. = For that Sabbath was a ‘high day’.
*** (John 19:42) There, then, = because of = the Preparation = of the Jews, = because the tomb was near, = they laid Jesus.
Do you know about… “The Year of Jubilee”…? Under the Law of God, slaves were free every ‘seven years.’ On the “50th year, called the year of Jubilee [Jubile – KJV] all Israel was to free all debts and all the original property returned to each person of those 12-tribes. So as the land was to lay fallow every seven years, “7-x-7=49”, there was no planting in that year. And there was no planting, 50th - in the year of Jubilee either. This day called… the Preparation… fell during the Year of Jubilee.
*** (Jonah 1:17) And = Jehovah [God] = had prepared = a great fish = to swallow up Jonah. = And Jonah = was in the belly = of the fish = ‘three days’ = and = ‘three nights’.
Forty Two times, the term... “Three days & Three Nights”… is used in the Old Testament. Each and every time, in the OT Hebrew, it strictly means, “Three Days & Three Nights!” There is no question that this was part of the prophecy that Christ Jesus… would be a Jonah, “Three days & Three Nights”… in the Earth. Lets’ do the Math…? Christ Jesus was “Crucified on the Preparation = Thursday [one-night] as He was buried before Sundown. Friday [two-night] and Saturday [third-night]… Which counts for ‘Three Nights’… in the Earth.
*** (Matthew 28:1) But late in the week, = at the dawning into = the first day of the week, = Mary Magdalene and the other Mary = came to see the tomb.
*** (Mark 16:2) And = very early in the morning, = the first day of the week, = they came upon the tomb, = the sun having risen.
The First Day of the Week… “Sunday!” The Jews ended their week on the Sabbath, the day of rest, as commanded by the Law of God. Sunday became the first day of the week, as the NT Church took it as the day of worship. Traditional Good Friday was the convenient day to start the Resurrection Sunday celebration. The Communion service is part and parcel of this resurrection celebration. As it celebrates the death, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus.
*** (Matthew 15:8-9) "This people = draws near to Me [God] = with their mouth, = and = honors Me = with their lips, = but their heart = is far = from Me.
(Matt 15:9) But in vain = they worship Me, = teaching for doctrines = the commandments of men."
*** (Mark 7:7-8-9) However, = they worship Me [God] = in vain, = teaching for doctrines = the commandments of men."
(Mark 7:8) For = laying aside = the commandment of God, = you hold = the tradition of men, = the drippings of pots and cups. = And = many other = such things you do.
(Mark 7:9) And = He [Jesus] = said to them, = Do you do well = to set aside = the commandment of God, = so that you = may keep = your own tradition?
Perhaps now is the time… to ask you to examine what you believe about God and your Traditional Practice of your “Faith in God”. Many times, there are ‘other religious’ trappings and practices that have “Nothing” to do with God or His Word… The Bible!
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that = they received = the “Word” = with all = readiness of mind = and = searched the Scriptures = daily = to see if = those things = were so.
*** (Ephesians 5:9-10) For = the fruit = of the Spirit = consists of every form = of = goodness, = righteousness, = and = Truth.
(Eph 5:10) Proving = what is acceptable = to the Lord,
*** (Psalms 119:18) Open my eyes, = so that I = may behold = wonderful things = out of = Your Law [Word].
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
“Only Two Choices – 101”…Blog.
“Only Two Choices – 101”…Blog.
*** (James 3:1) Not many = of you = should become = teachers, = my brothers, = ‘because’ you know = that = we who teach = will be ‘judged’ = more severely.
Because people have… different opinions about ‘Life and Truth’, I must say that I see, in the Bible, “Only Two Choices!” The “First”… is the one that ‘most’ have; they simply believe what their religion teaches, what they have experienced in their churches and what they themselves believe. The “Second”… is what the Holy Word of God teaches… regardless of what ‘anyone’ else teaches, preaches, experiences or even believes! How very simple is that…?
*** (Numbers 23:19) God = is not a man that = He should lie, = neither = the son of man that = He should repent. = Has He said, = and = shall He not do it? = Or has He spoken, = and = shall He not make it good?
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through = Your Truth. = Your Word = is = Truth.
Many times… those that call themselves ‘Christian’, have varied and differing opinions about Bible Topics. Some denominations have strayed far from Biblical teachings. Entropy has so permeated the Church and ‘believers’… that they are willing to argue and defend, their own position. Hardly do they prove their ‘opinion’, with the complete Biblical Truth. Often they will use, only a few Bible verses, ‘out of context’, to defend their personal or church position or beliefs.
*** (Isaiah 28:13) But = the Word of Jehovah = was to them = precept on precept, = precept on precept; = line on line, = line on line; = here a little, = there a little; = that they = might go, = and = fall backward, = and = be broken = and = snared = and = taken.
*** (Acts 20:27) For = I [Paul] = did not = keep back = from declaring to you = all = the ‘counsel’ of God.
All of God’s Holy Word… and His Truth, is interwoven as a tapestry. The Bible is not like a secular text book where the appendix will easily display topics. Its Truth is hidden and can only be revealed, by the Holy Spirit; to Gods’ real children. One must come to God, the God of the Bible… “Only on, His Terms!” [John 7:38-39] Sorry, most Religions have their truth and discard most of God’s Truth, by their traditions and teachings. Say it isn’t so…? Why then is there a decline in believing ‘The Bible?’
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, = the days come, = says the “Lord Jehovah”, = that I will = send a famine = in the land; = not a famine = of bread nor a thirst for water, = but of ‘hearing’ = the Words of Jehovah.
*** (2Timothy 3:15-16-17) and that from a babe = you have known = the Holy Scriptures, = which are able = to make you wise = to salvation = through faith = in Christ Jesus.
(2Tim 3:16) All Scripture = is God-breathed, = and = is profitable = for “Doctrine”, = for “Reproof”, = for “Correction”, = for “Instruction in Righteousness”,
(2Tim 3:17) that = the man of God = may be perfected, = thoroughly furnished = to every good work.
Anyone using the Word of God… will often be referred to as a Pharisee. That is usually a sign, that the respondent, does now know, what the Bible really says. Can you imagine being called a Doctor, and never making a diagnosis? Or to be, a Pharmacist and never, filling a prescription? Or a CPA and never, doing a financial audit? How then can one, call themselves a Christian… and then “No Know”… what God Himself, says about His Truth, throughout His Word, the Bible…?
*** (Romans 3:18) "There is no = fear of God = before their eyes."
*** (Psalms 25:14) The secret = of Jehovah = is with those = who fear Him; = and = He will show = them = His covenant.
Again you are ‘Faced’… with the “Two Choices!” There are many Bible verses that speak of the “Fear of the Lord”. Some only want to share, the Love of God, and then leave out, the Judgment of God. The nature of God is always balanced. His Love and Judgment is always balanced with His mercy. They are ‘Siamese Twins!’ His Truth is never compromised, but is often openly ‘mocked’, by both unbelievers and Christians. You either accept… the ‘Whole counsel of God’… or you accept only some, only to your detriment.
*** (Luke 4:4) And = Jesus answered him [Satan], = saying, = It is written that = "man shall not = live by bread alone, = but by = ‘every’ = Word of God."
*** (1Corinthians 1:10) But = I exhort you, brothers, = by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, = that you ‘all’ = speak the same thing = and = that there be = ‘no’ divisions among you; = but that you = be perfectly joined together = in the same mind = and = in the same = judgment.
This week… a Christian asked me, if I believed in “Capital Punishment”. I said ‘Yes’ and that I would, pull the switch, without any hesitation. Being a veteran, I know firsthand, the cost of our freedoms. But did God, in His Word, “The Bible”… ordain, ‘Capital Punishment for Murder?’ But of course and I will list, only some of the verses here. You may see for yourselves, what God has said. Genesis 4:8-9-10 = Genesis 9:6 = Exodus 20:13 = Exodus 21:12-to-17 = Leviticus 24:12, 17 = Numbers 35:16-to-34 = Deuteronomy 5:17. Now as for your ‘personal’ choice… you either believe God and His Word… or you believe, what the world teaches, in their political correctness.
There is ‘No’… “Middle Ground!” You are either on the “Lord’s Side”, as a Christian… or you are on, the “World’s Side!” You are either pregnant or you are Not! You are either dead or you are Alive! You either ‘Believe’ what God has said in His Word, “The Truth”… or you ‘Do Not’, believe God, calling Him a ‘Liar!’ It is just as plain as that! What will you then, say to Him, when we all stand before Him in… “His Judgment of All Mankind?”
*** (Luke 11:23) He who = is not with Me [Jesus] = is against Me, = and = he who does not gather = with Me = scatters.
*** (James 4:4) You adulterers! = Don't you know = that friendship = with the world = means ‘hatred’ = against God? = So whoever = wants to be a friend = of this world = is an ‘enemy’ = of God.
It takes a ‘lifetime’ continuing pursuit… to continually update your thinking processes, to know what God said in His Word. The same “Sun”, that ‘melts’ butter… and will also ‘harden’ clay. How you personally respond… to the Word of God… to the “Son of God”… will either ‘melt’ your heart, to repentance… or ‘harden’ your heart… towards God and His Word! The choice is only yours and it belongs to… “No One Else!” Simply open your Bible and read… “1Corinthians 10:3-to-6!” Whose responsibility is that…?
*** (Hebrews 4:5-6-7) and again in this place, = "They will ‘never’ = enter My rest."
(Heb 4:6) Therefore, = since it is still true = that some will enter it, = and = since those = who once heard the good news = failed to enter it = because of their disobedience [unbelief],
(Heb 4:7) He again fixes = a definite day = "Today" = saying long afterward through David, = as already quoted, = "Today, = if you hear His voice [Word], = do not = harden your hearts."
*** (Rom 9:13) As = it is written, = "Jacob = I [God] = loved, = but Esau = I hated."
How many times… has someone presented you with the Holy Word of God, and you responded out of hostility? You of course have your ‘opinion’… and will ‘not’ accept the Word of God, the Opinion of God. Of course you will make some excuse, saying, that the person did not present it in love and kindness. That is simply your ‘excuse’, for not’… “Hearing & Obeying”… the Word of God. Do you not know, that Christ Jesus, Himself said; that His Word shall Judge All…? God told Jesus… what to speak!
*** (John 12:48-49) He who rejects = Me [Jesus] = and = does ‘not’ receive = My Words = has ‘one’ = who judges him; = the “Word” = that I have spoken, = the ‘same’ = shall judge him = in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I [Jesus] = have ‘not’ = spoken = of Myself, = but = the Father [God] = Who sent Me = gave Me = a ‘command’, = what = I should say, = and = what = I = should speak.
*** (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Let us = hear the conclusion = of the whole matter. = “Fear God”, = and = keep His commandments. = For this is = the ‘whole’ duty = of mankind.
(Eccl 12:14) For God = shall bring = every work = into judgment, = ‘with’ = every secret thing, = whether = it is good, = or = whether evil.
It does ‘not matter’… what Bible subject you have ‘your’… opinion on! = Divorce & Remarriage = Sabbath Keeping = Water Baptism, = IF Jesus is God or not = Eternal Security = Tongues = and the myriad of “Bible Topics”. Christ Jesus will; as He said… simply use “His Word”… to judge… “All!” You may argue with each other, you may argue with me… but it is… The Word which will Judge… “All!”
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My Words = do good = to him = who = walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
*** (James 3:1) Not many = of you = should become = teachers, = my brothers, = ‘because’ you know = that = we who teach = will be ‘judged’ = more severely.
Because people have… different opinions about ‘Life and Truth’, I must say that I see, in the Bible, “Only Two Choices!” The “First”… is the one that ‘most’ have; they simply believe what their religion teaches, what they have experienced in their churches and what they themselves believe. The “Second”… is what the Holy Word of God teaches… regardless of what ‘anyone’ else teaches, preaches, experiences or even believes! How very simple is that…?
*** (Numbers 23:19) God = is not a man that = He should lie, = neither = the son of man that = He should repent. = Has He said, = and = shall He not do it? = Or has He spoken, = and = shall He not make it good?
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through = Your Truth. = Your Word = is = Truth.
Many times… those that call themselves ‘Christian’, have varied and differing opinions about Bible Topics. Some denominations have strayed far from Biblical teachings. Entropy has so permeated the Church and ‘believers’… that they are willing to argue and defend, their own position. Hardly do they prove their ‘opinion’, with the complete Biblical Truth. Often they will use, only a few Bible verses, ‘out of context’, to defend their personal or church position or beliefs.
*** (Isaiah 28:13) But = the Word of Jehovah = was to them = precept on precept, = precept on precept; = line on line, = line on line; = here a little, = there a little; = that they = might go, = and = fall backward, = and = be broken = and = snared = and = taken.
*** (Acts 20:27) For = I [Paul] = did not = keep back = from declaring to you = all = the ‘counsel’ of God.
All of God’s Holy Word… and His Truth, is interwoven as a tapestry. The Bible is not like a secular text book where the appendix will easily display topics. Its Truth is hidden and can only be revealed, by the Holy Spirit; to Gods’ real children. One must come to God, the God of the Bible… “Only on, His Terms!” [John 7:38-39] Sorry, most Religions have their truth and discard most of God’s Truth, by their traditions and teachings. Say it isn’t so…? Why then is there a decline in believing ‘The Bible?’
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, = the days come, = says the “Lord Jehovah”, = that I will = send a famine = in the land; = not a famine = of bread nor a thirst for water, = but of ‘hearing’ = the Words of Jehovah.
*** (2Timothy 3:15-16-17) and that from a babe = you have known = the Holy Scriptures, = which are able = to make you wise = to salvation = through faith = in Christ Jesus.
(2Tim 3:16) All Scripture = is God-breathed, = and = is profitable = for “Doctrine”, = for “Reproof”, = for “Correction”, = for “Instruction in Righteousness”,
(2Tim 3:17) that = the man of God = may be perfected, = thoroughly furnished = to every good work.
Anyone using the Word of God… will often be referred to as a Pharisee. That is usually a sign, that the respondent, does now know, what the Bible really says. Can you imagine being called a Doctor, and never making a diagnosis? Or to be, a Pharmacist and never, filling a prescription? Or a CPA and never, doing a financial audit? How then can one, call themselves a Christian… and then “No Know”… what God Himself, says about His Truth, throughout His Word, the Bible…?
*** (Romans 3:18) "There is no = fear of God = before their eyes."
*** (Psalms 25:14) The secret = of Jehovah = is with those = who fear Him; = and = He will show = them = His covenant.
Again you are ‘Faced’… with the “Two Choices!” There are many Bible verses that speak of the “Fear of the Lord”. Some only want to share, the Love of God, and then leave out, the Judgment of God. The nature of God is always balanced. His Love and Judgment is always balanced with His mercy. They are ‘Siamese Twins!’ His Truth is never compromised, but is often openly ‘mocked’, by both unbelievers and Christians. You either accept… the ‘Whole counsel of God’… or you accept only some, only to your detriment.
*** (Luke 4:4) And = Jesus answered him [Satan], = saying, = It is written that = "man shall not = live by bread alone, = but by = ‘every’ = Word of God."
*** (1Corinthians 1:10) But = I exhort you, brothers, = by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, = that you ‘all’ = speak the same thing = and = that there be = ‘no’ divisions among you; = but that you = be perfectly joined together = in the same mind = and = in the same = judgment.
This week… a Christian asked me, if I believed in “Capital Punishment”. I said ‘Yes’ and that I would, pull the switch, without any hesitation. Being a veteran, I know firsthand, the cost of our freedoms. But did God, in His Word, “The Bible”… ordain, ‘Capital Punishment for Murder?’ But of course and I will list, only some of the verses here. You may see for yourselves, what God has said. Genesis 4:8-9-10 = Genesis 9:6 = Exodus 20:13 = Exodus 21:12-to-17 = Leviticus 24:12, 17 = Numbers 35:16-to-34 = Deuteronomy 5:17. Now as for your ‘personal’ choice… you either believe God and His Word… or you believe, what the world teaches, in their political correctness.
There is ‘No’… “Middle Ground!” You are either on the “Lord’s Side”, as a Christian… or you are on, the “World’s Side!” You are either pregnant or you are Not! You are either dead or you are Alive! You either ‘Believe’ what God has said in His Word, “The Truth”… or you ‘Do Not’, believe God, calling Him a ‘Liar!’ It is just as plain as that! What will you then, say to Him, when we all stand before Him in… “His Judgment of All Mankind?”
*** (Luke 11:23) He who = is not with Me [Jesus] = is against Me, = and = he who does not gather = with Me = scatters.
*** (James 4:4) You adulterers! = Don't you know = that friendship = with the world = means ‘hatred’ = against God? = So whoever = wants to be a friend = of this world = is an ‘enemy’ = of God.
It takes a ‘lifetime’ continuing pursuit… to continually update your thinking processes, to know what God said in His Word. The same “Sun”, that ‘melts’ butter… and will also ‘harden’ clay. How you personally respond… to the Word of God… to the “Son of God”… will either ‘melt’ your heart, to repentance… or ‘harden’ your heart… towards God and His Word! The choice is only yours and it belongs to… “No One Else!” Simply open your Bible and read… “1Corinthians 10:3-to-6!” Whose responsibility is that…?
*** (Hebrews 4:5-6-7) and again in this place, = "They will ‘never’ = enter My rest."
(Heb 4:6) Therefore, = since it is still true = that some will enter it, = and = since those = who once heard the good news = failed to enter it = because of their disobedience [unbelief],
(Heb 4:7) He again fixes = a definite day = "Today" = saying long afterward through David, = as already quoted, = "Today, = if you hear His voice [Word], = do not = harden your hearts."
*** (Rom 9:13) As = it is written, = "Jacob = I [God] = loved, = but Esau = I hated."
How many times… has someone presented you with the Holy Word of God, and you responded out of hostility? You of course have your ‘opinion’… and will ‘not’ accept the Word of God, the Opinion of God. Of course you will make some excuse, saying, that the person did not present it in love and kindness. That is simply your ‘excuse’, for not’… “Hearing & Obeying”… the Word of God. Do you not know, that Christ Jesus, Himself said; that His Word shall Judge All…? God told Jesus… what to speak!
*** (John 12:48-49) He who rejects = Me [Jesus] = and = does ‘not’ receive = My Words = has ‘one’ = who judges him; = the “Word” = that I have spoken, = the ‘same’ = shall judge him = in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I [Jesus] = have ‘not’ = spoken = of Myself, = but = the Father [God] = Who sent Me = gave Me = a ‘command’, = what = I should say, = and = what = I = should speak.
*** (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Let us = hear the conclusion = of the whole matter. = “Fear God”, = and = keep His commandments. = For this is = the ‘whole’ duty = of mankind.
(Eccl 12:14) For God = shall bring = every work = into judgment, = ‘with’ = every secret thing, = whether = it is good, = or = whether evil.
It does ‘not matter’… what Bible subject you have ‘your’… opinion on! = Divorce & Remarriage = Sabbath Keeping = Water Baptism, = IF Jesus is God or not = Eternal Security = Tongues = and the myriad of “Bible Topics”. Christ Jesus will; as He said… simply use “His Word”… to judge… “All!” You may argue with each other, you may argue with me… but it is… The Word which will Judge… “All!”
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My Words = do good = to him = who = walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
“Prophecy – 501”…Blog.
“Prophecy – 501”…Blog.
*** (1Corinthians 2:12-13) But we have = ‘not’ received = the spirit of the world, = but = the Spirit from God, = so that we = ‘might know’ = the things = that are freely = given to us = by God.
(1Cor 2:13) These things = we also speak, = ‘not’ in words = which man's wisdom teaches, = ‘but’ = which the Holy Spirit = ‘teaches’, = ‘comparing’ = spiritual things = with spiritual.
*** (Deuteronomy 29:29) The ‘secret’ things = belong to Jehovah our God, = but the revealed things = belong to us = and = to our sons forever, = so that we may ‘do’ = all the words = of this Law.
With ‘all’, the varied responses… perhaps we should continue this discussion about Bible Prophecy, the ‘forth-telling’, of the Truth of God’s Word and… ‘not’ the “fore-telling” of things that will happen. Our personal experience… “Does not”… validate the ‘Truth of God’s Word’… nor can it! The Bible is its own commentary… comparing spiritual Truth, with spiritual Truth. Can you imagine God, being figured out by puny mankind? He would ‘not’ then be… “God Almighty”… Who created all things, visible and invisible, macro and micro, and by Whom… all things continue. Some make God, much like, themselves as men, some even make Him, ‘Santa Clause’.
*** (Romans 1:22 - 23) Professing = to be wise, = they became fools
(Rom 1:23) and = changed the Glory = of the incorruptible God = into a likeness of an image = of corruptible ‘man’, = and of birds, = and four-footed animals, = and creeping things.
*** (Isaiah 55:8-9) For ‘My’ thoughts = are ‘not’ = your thoughts, = ‘nor’ = your ways = My ways, = says Jehovah.
(Isa 55:9) For = as the heavens = are ‘higher’ = than the earth, = so ‘are’ = My ways ‘higher’ = than your ways, = and = My thoughts = ‘than’ = your thoughts.
When someone says… ‘God spoke to me’, outside of His Word, they are in essence saying, that they ‘know’ as much as God, the God of the Bible. He has already said in ‘numerous’ scriptures, that His word is eternal… and that ‘no one’ can understand it… ‘Unless’… revealed by His Holy Spirit. Satan comes as an Angel of Light… “2Corinthians 11:13-14-15”… to lie and to deceive. To what would you compare… “Your Revelation”… ‘To discern’, Satan’s Lie? Lucifer, before his rebellion against God, guarded the throne of God. Now it is guarded by four Seraphs Angels. Please see… “Ezekiel 28” & “Isaiah 6 & 14” & “Revelation 12:4”. Satan too, is the father of all lies… “John 8:44”.
*** (2Peter 1:20-21) knowing this ‘first’, = that no prophecy of the Scripture = came into being = of its ‘own’ = “private” = interpretation.
(2Pet 1:21) For prophecy = was ‘not’ borne = at any time = by the will of man, = but holy men of God = spoke being borne along = by the Holy Spirit.
*** (1John 4:1) Beloved, = ‘do not’ = believe = ‘every’ spirit, = but ‘try’ the spirits = to see if = they are of God, = ‘because’ = ‘many’ = false prophets = have gone out = into the world.
Again to what… do you compare “Your Prophecy” to… ‘if not’… to the Word of God? How would one know…? “If” or “If Not”… it was from God? Even with, the new American money and all its safeguards, there are still ‘counterfeiters’. They simply wash the money and remove the ink and reprint it, even with the water marks. But they ‘cannot’ remove the security chip strip… imbedded in the paper. So too, when some say God spoke, to them something, how would one validate what was said, except by the “Holy Word of God?” Often time, I hear, God revealed to me, ‘this or that. But the Word says something, entirely different! Experience does Not, Validate the Word of God.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = “If” = they do ‘not’ speak = according to this ‘Word’, = it is because = ‘no’ light = is in them.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these were = more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they ‘received= the Word = with ‘all’ readiness of mind = and = ‘searched’ the Scriptures daily = to see = ‘If’ = those things were so.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = ‘If’ = they do ‘not’ hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will ‘not= = be persuaded, = even though ‘one’ = ‘rose’ from the dead.
*** (1Samuel 3:21) And Jehovah = appeared again = in Shiloh. = For Jehovah = ‘revealed’ = Himself = to Samuel = in Shiloh = ‘By’ = the Word of Jehovah. [… How?]
Did you know… that all Bible Prophecy… “Fore-Telling”… is ‘not’ completed and that some of the ones that are revealed… are only ‘partially’ revealed? Jesus Christ, which means, “Messiah”, read one, as it was only partially completed. Many others are too, are only partially revealed. What do you know about the “70-weeks” of Daniel? Do you know that we are holding, in the “69th Week?” Please allow me to share ‘one’… that Christ, spoke about…?
*** (Isaiah 61:1-2) The Spirit = of the “Lord Jehovah” = is on Me [Jesus]; = because Jehovah has anointed Me = to preach the ‘Gospel’ to the poor; = He has sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted, = to proclaim liberty to the captives, = and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
(Isaiah 61:2) to preach = the acceptable year of Jehovah = and = the day of vengeance of our God; = to comfort all who mourn;
*** (Luke 4:18-19) "The Spirit of the Lord = is on Me [Jesus]; = because of this = He has anointed Me = to proclaim the ‘Gospel’ to the poor. = He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, = to proclaim deliverance to the captives, = and new sight to the blind, = to set at liberty those having been crushed,
(Luke 4:19) to proclaim = the acceptable = year of the Lord."
Christ Jesus… ‘Only Partially’… fulfilled “Isaiah 61:1-2” What did He ‘not’ fulfill…? Did you catch it in the Text…? “The Day of Vengeance of our God = and = Comfort to ‘all’ who morn.” When will these facts be fulfilled…? In the future, as Christ Jesus came the ‘first time’… to save mankind from the ‘Power & Penalty’ of… Sin/Sins! The day of ‘Vengeance’ is yet to fulfilled in…. “Revelation 20:1o-to 15”… and comfort to ‘All’ that morn… “Revelation 6:9-10-11” & “Revelation 21 & Revelation 22”. Then and only then… the New Heaven and the New Earth are revealed.
*** (Joel 2:28-to-32) And it shall be afterward, = I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. = And your sons and your daughters = shall prophesy; = your old men shall dream dreams; = your young men shall see visions.
(Joe 2:29) And also = I will pour out My Spirit = on the slaves and on the slave women = in those days.
(Joe 2:30) And I will = show wonders = ‘in’ the heavens, = and = in the earth, = blood and fire = and = pillars of smoke.
(Joe 2:31) The sun = ‘shall be’ = turned into darkness, = and the moon into blood, = before the coming = of the great and awesome = day of Jehovah.
(Joe 2:32) And it shall be, = whoever shall = ‘call’ = on the name of Jehovah = shall be saved; = for salvation shall be in Mount Zion = and in Jerusalem, = as Jehovah has said, = and = in the remnant = ‘whom’ = Jehovah shall call.
*** (Acts 2:16-to-21) But this = ‘is that’ = which was spoken = by the prophet = Joel:
(Act 2:17) "And it shall be = in the last days, = says God, = I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh. = And your sons and your daughters = shall prophesy, = and your young men = shall see visions, = and your old men = shall dream dreams.
(Act 2:18) And in those days = I will pour out My Spirit = upon My slaves and My slave women, = and they shall prophesy.
(Act 2:19) And I will give = wonders in the heaven above, = and miracles on the earth below, = blood = and = fire = and = vapor of smoke.
(Act 2:20) The sun = shall be turned = into ‘darkness’ = and = the moon into ‘blood’, = before that great and glorious = Day of the Lord.
(Act 2:21) And it shall be = that everyone = who shall = ‘call’ = upon the name of the Lord = shall be saved."
In both of these… sections of Scripture, both were ‘Only’… “Partially Fulfilled”. How can we know that…? Simple compare… “Joel 2:30-31-32”… with… “Acts 2:19-20-21”. Has the sun been darkened and the moon turned into blood [color]…? Has the… “Day of the Lord’s Vengeance”… ‘come’… upon the Earth…? Absolutely not. What is missing…? The day of Pentecost came as promised by Christ Jesus in… “John 7:38-39!” The Holy Spirit was given to… “Born Again”… those that are, “Truly His!” Perhaps now it is time to read… “Romans 8:9” & “John 3:3-to-7” & “Proverbs 1:23” & “Ezekiel 39:29”…? Compare, ‘Spiritual’ with ‘Spiritual’… i.e. “1Cor 2:12-13!”
Many are ‘Stuck’… in the Book of Acts and choose ‘not’ to leave. Acts was a… ‘transition’ book… as was Exodus. Israel, went from bondage and slavery, to freedom and provision by Jehovah God. So too, both the “Jew & Gentile”, are offered Salvation today… by the Grace of God. No longer held, to the dietary and offering rituals of the Law, they have their freedom in Christ Jesus. Those ‘miracles’, in Acts, were only “Temporary”. Those miracles in Acts were, also to ‘Validate’ the Apostles ‘Message’… just as Christ used Miracles, to validate His message of the Gospel. See John 10:37-38…!
*** (Acts 5:15) So as to carry out = the sick into the streets = and = place them on cots and mattresses, = so that = at least = ‘the shadow’ = of Peter = passing by might overshadow some of them.
*** (Acts 19:11-12) And = God did = ‘works of power’ = through the hands of Paul,
(Acts 19:12) so that even = ‘handkerchiefs’ or ‘aprons’ = from his skin = being brought onto the sick, = the diseases were released, = and the evil spirits = went out of them.
*** (Act 5:10-11) Then at once = she fell down = at his feet = and expired [died]. = And the younger ones found her dead, = and, carrying her out, = buried her beside her husband [who had Lied also to the Holy Spirit].
(Acts 5:11) And = great fear = came on ‘all’ the church = and = on as ‘many’ = as heard these things.
*** (Acts 12:7) And behold! = An angel of the Lord stood by, = and a light shone in the building. = And striking Peter's side, = he raised him up, saying, = Rise up quickly! = And his chains fell off his hands.
*** (2Timothy 4:20) Erastus stayed at Corinth, = ‘but’ Trophimus = I [Paul] = left ‘sick’ = at Miletus.
Perhaps a look at the Miracles…? Healings by Peters’ shadow, ‘works of power’ by Paul’s clothes for healings, instant death for ‘Lying Believers’, an angel delivering Peter, and yet Paul was taken to prison and then to Rome to be executed. Paul’s Apostolic healing ‘lost’… as he left Trophimus, “Sick at Miletus”. Those sign gifts… “passed on”… as the Scriptures were being completed. If you will take the time, simply read through Acts, and verify these facts for yourselves and the many instances…? What about… “1Corinthians 13:9-10”…?
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My Words = do good = to him = who = walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
*** (1Corinthians 2:12-13) But we have = ‘not’ received = the spirit of the world, = but = the Spirit from God, = so that we = ‘might know’ = the things = that are freely = given to us = by God.
(1Cor 2:13) These things = we also speak, = ‘not’ in words = which man's wisdom teaches, = ‘but’ = which the Holy Spirit = ‘teaches’, = ‘comparing’ = spiritual things = with spiritual.
*** (Deuteronomy 29:29) The ‘secret’ things = belong to Jehovah our God, = but the revealed things = belong to us = and = to our sons forever, = so that we may ‘do’ = all the words = of this Law.
With ‘all’, the varied responses… perhaps we should continue this discussion about Bible Prophecy, the ‘forth-telling’, of the Truth of God’s Word and… ‘not’ the “fore-telling” of things that will happen. Our personal experience… “Does not”… validate the ‘Truth of God’s Word’… nor can it! The Bible is its own commentary… comparing spiritual Truth, with spiritual Truth. Can you imagine God, being figured out by puny mankind? He would ‘not’ then be… “God Almighty”… Who created all things, visible and invisible, macro and micro, and by Whom… all things continue. Some make God, much like, themselves as men, some even make Him, ‘Santa Clause’.
*** (Romans 1:22 - 23) Professing = to be wise, = they became fools
(Rom 1:23) and = changed the Glory = of the incorruptible God = into a likeness of an image = of corruptible ‘man’, = and of birds, = and four-footed animals, = and creeping things.
*** (Isaiah 55:8-9) For ‘My’ thoughts = are ‘not’ = your thoughts, = ‘nor’ = your ways = My ways, = says Jehovah.
(Isa 55:9) For = as the heavens = are ‘higher’ = than the earth, = so ‘are’ = My ways ‘higher’ = than your ways, = and = My thoughts = ‘than’ = your thoughts.
When someone says… ‘God spoke to me’, outside of His Word, they are in essence saying, that they ‘know’ as much as God, the God of the Bible. He has already said in ‘numerous’ scriptures, that His word is eternal… and that ‘no one’ can understand it… ‘Unless’… revealed by His Holy Spirit. Satan comes as an Angel of Light… “2Corinthians 11:13-14-15”… to lie and to deceive. To what would you compare… “Your Revelation”… ‘To discern’, Satan’s Lie? Lucifer, before his rebellion against God, guarded the throne of God. Now it is guarded by four Seraphs Angels. Please see… “Ezekiel 28” & “Isaiah 6 & 14” & “Revelation 12:4”. Satan too, is the father of all lies… “John 8:44”.
*** (2Peter 1:20-21) knowing this ‘first’, = that no prophecy of the Scripture = came into being = of its ‘own’ = “private” = interpretation.
(2Pet 1:21) For prophecy = was ‘not’ borne = at any time = by the will of man, = but holy men of God = spoke being borne along = by the Holy Spirit.
*** (1John 4:1) Beloved, = ‘do not’ = believe = ‘every’ spirit, = but ‘try’ the spirits = to see if = they are of God, = ‘because’ = ‘many’ = false prophets = have gone out = into the world.
Again to what… do you compare “Your Prophecy” to… ‘if not’… to the Word of God? How would one know…? “If” or “If Not”… it was from God? Even with, the new American money and all its safeguards, there are still ‘counterfeiters’. They simply wash the money and remove the ink and reprint it, even with the water marks. But they ‘cannot’ remove the security chip strip… imbedded in the paper. So too, when some say God spoke, to them something, how would one validate what was said, except by the “Holy Word of God?” Often time, I hear, God revealed to me, ‘this or that. But the Word says something, entirely different! Experience does Not, Validate the Word of God.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = “If” = they do ‘not’ speak = according to this ‘Word’, = it is because = ‘no’ light = is in them.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these were = more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they ‘received= the Word = with ‘all’ readiness of mind = and = ‘searched’ the Scriptures daily = to see = ‘If’ = those things were so.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = ‘If’ = they do ‘not’ hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will ‘not= = be persuaded, = even though ‘one’ = ‘rose’ from the dead.
*** (1Samuel 3:21) And Jehovah = appeared again = in Shiloh. = For Jehovah = ‘revealed’ = Himself = to Samuel = in Shiloh = ‘By’ = the Word of Jehovah. [… How?]
Did you know… that all Bible Prophecy… “Fore-Telling”… is ‘not’ completed and that some of the ones that are revealed… are only ‘partially’ revealed? Jesus Christ, which means, “Messiah”, read one, as it was only partially completed. Many others are too, are only partially revealed. What do you know about the “70-weeks” of Daniel? Do you know that we are holding, in the “69th Week?” Please allow me to share ‘one’… that Christ, spoke about…?
*** (Isaiah 61:1-2) The Spirit = of the “Lord Jehovah” = is on Me [Jesus]; = because Jehovah has anointed Me = to preach the ‘Gospel’ to the poor; = He has sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted, = to proclaim liberty to the captives, = and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
(Isaiah 61:2) to preach = the acceptable year of Jehovah = and = the day of vengeance of our God; = to comfort all who mourn;
*** (Luke 4:18-19) "The Spirit of the Lord = is on Me [Jesus]; = because of this = He has anointed Me = to proclaim the ‘Gospel’ to the poor. = He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, = to proclaim deliverance to the captives, = and new sight to the blind, = to set at liberty those having been crushed,
(Luke 4:19) to proclaim = the acceptable = year of the Lord."
Christ Jesus… ‘Only Partially’… fulfilled “Isaiah 61:1-2” What did He ‘not’ fulfill…? Did you catch it in the Text…? “The Day of Vengeance of our God = and = Comfort to ‘all’ who morn.” When will these facts be fulfilled…? In the future, as Christ Jesus came the ‘first time’… to save mankind from the ‘Power & Penalty’ of… Sin/Sins! The day of ‘Vengeance’ is yet to fulfilled in…. “Revelation 20:1o-to 15”… and comfort to ‘All’ that morn… “Revelation 6:9-10-11” & “Revelation 21 & Revelation 22”. Then and only then… the New Heaven and the New Earth are revealed.
*** (Joel 2:28-to-32) And it shall be afterward, = I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. = And your sons and your daughters = shall prophesy; = your old men shall dream dreams; = your young men shall see visions.
(Joe 2:29) And also = I will pour out My Spirit = on the slaves and on the slave women = in those days.
(Joe 2:30) And I will = show wonders = ‘in’ the heavens, = and = in the earth, = blood and fire = and = pillars of smoke.
(Joe 2:31) The sun = ‘shall be’ = turned into darkness, = and the moon into blood, = before the coming = of the great and awesome = day of Jehovah.
(Joe 2:32) And it shall be, = whoever shall = ‘call’ = on the name of Jehovah = shall be saved; = for salvation shall be in Mount Zion = and in Jerusalem, = as Jehovah has said, = and = in the remnant = ‘whom’ = Jehovah shall call.
*** (Acts 2:16-to-21) But this = ‘is that’ = which was spoken = by the prophet = Joel:
(Act 2:17) "And it shall be = in the last days, = says God, = I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh. = And your sons and your daughters = shall prophesy, = and your young men = shall see visions, = and your old men = shall dream dreams.
(Act 2:18) And in those days = I will pour out My Spirit = upon My slaves and My slave women, = and they shall prophesy.
(Act 2:19) And I will give = wonders in the heaven above, = and miracles on the earth below, = blood = and = fire = and = vapor of smoke.
(Act 2:20) The sun = shall be turned = into ‘darkness’ = and = the moon into ‘blood’, = before that great and glorious = Day of the Lord.
(Act 2:21) And it shall be = that everyone = who shall = ‘call’ = upon the name of the Lord = shall be saved."
In both of these… sections of Scripture, both were ‘Only’… “Partially Fulfilled”. How can we know that…? Simple compare… “Joel 2:30-31-32”… with… “Acts 2:19-20-21”. Has the sun been darkened and the moon turned into blood [color]…? Has the… “Day of the Lord’s Vengeance”… ‘come’… upon the Earth…? Absolutely not. What is missing…? The day of Pentecost came as promised by Christ Jesus in… “John 7:38-39!” The Holy Spirit was given to… “Born Again”… those that are, “Truly His!” Perhaps now it is time to read… “Romans 8:9” & “John 3:3-to-7” & “Proverbs 1:23” & “Ezekiel 39:29”…? Compare, ‘Spiritual’ with ‘Spiritual’… i.e. “1Cor 2:12-13!”
Many are ‘Stuck’… in the Book of Acts and choose ‘not’ to leave. Acts was a… ‘transition’ book… as was Exodus. Israel, went from bondage and slavery, to freedom and provision by Jehovah God. So too, both the “Jew & Gentile”, are offered Salvation today… by the Grace of God. No longer held, to the dietary and offering rituals of the Law, they have their freedom in Christ Jesus. Those ‘miracles’, in Acts, were only “Temporary”. Those miracles in Acts were, also to ‘Validate’ the Apostles ‘Message’… just as Christ used Miracles, to validate His message of the Gospel. See John 10:37-38…!
*** (Acts 5:15) So as to carry out = the sick into the streets = and = place them on cots and mattresses, = so that = at least = ‘the shadow’ = of Peter = passing by might overshadow some of them.
*** (Acts 19:11-12) And = God did = ‘works of power’ = through the hands of Paul,
(Acts 19:12) so that even = ‘handkerchiefs’ or ‘aprons’ = from his skin = being brought onto the sick, = the diseases were released, = and the evil spirits = went out of them.
*** (Act 5:10-11) Then at once = she fell down = at his feet = and expired [died]. = And the younger ones found her dead, = and, carrying her out, = buried her beside her husband [who had Lied also to the Holy Spirit].
(Acts 5:11) And = great fear = came on ‘all’ the church = and = on as ‘many’ = as heard these things.
*** (Acts 12:7) And behold! = An angel of the Lord stood by, = and a light shone in the building. = And striking Peter's side, = he raised him up, saying, = Rise up quickly! = And his chains fell off his hands.
*** (2Timothy 4:20) Erastus stayed at Corinth, = ‘but’ Trophimus = I [Paul] = left ‘sick’ = at Miletus.
Perhaps a look at the Miracles…? Healings by Peters’ shadow, ‘works of power’ by Paul’s clothes for healings, instant death for ‘Lying Believers’, an angel delivering Peter, and yet Paul was taken to prison and then to Rome to be executed. Paul’s Apostolic healing ‘lost’… as he left Trophimus, “Sick at Miletus”. Those sign gifts… “passed on”… as the Scriptures were being completed. If you will take the time, simply read through Acts, and verify these facts for yourselves and the many instances…? What about… “1Corinthians 13:9-10”…?
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My Words = do good = to him = who = walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Monday, March 22, 2010
“Prophecy – 401”…Blog.
“Prophecy – 401”…Blog.
This is the ‘fifth’… in this series. It started with, “Dreams & Visions – 101”. Perhaps a recap of some of the thoughts. This age is no different than that of backslidden Israel, in the Old Testament, of the Bible. America has been on the Spiritual decline since Prayer was removed from the Public schools. When I attended, there was Bible reading ‘each & every’ morning. That has been replaced with… ‘School Shootings’, ‘Sex between students and students and teachers’. And now, some will still say, that America is a Christian Nation…?... “Not!”
*** (1Corinthians 2:14) But = the natural man = does ‘not’ receive = the things = of the [Holy] Spirit of God, = for they are ‘foolishness’ = to him; = ‘neither’ can he = ‘know’ them, = because = they are spiritually discerned.
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call = evil good and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
The Holy Word of God… is the “Only Complete Authority”, for those that are Truly Born Again, by the Holy Spirit of God. “Nothing More = Nothing Less!” There is no missing information, needed from God! He has ‘not’ hidden, anything more we need to know, than that which is in His Completed Word, The Bible. Those that say there is, are simply “Lying!” About now, someone is saying, “How can that be, just suppose God is telling them something, that is pertinent for today?
*** (Romans 15:4) For whatever things = were written before = were written for our learning, = so that we = through patience and comfort = of the ‘Scriptures’ = might have hope.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If they ‘do not’ = speak = according to = this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
Satan will always… try and get you to question, something that God has already said in His Word, the Bible. Could it just be… that those that are Christians… “Do Not Know, their Bibles?” Could it be that they say that they… ‘Love Jesus’… and yet ‘do not’… Love His Word? Saying and doing… are worlds apart. May I please ask, “How long have you been a Christian?” Please answer for yourselves, and not to me. “____” – years? Then read this blog?
*** (2Corinthians 13:5) examine yourselves, = whether you are in = the ‘faith’, = prove your own selves. = Do you not = ‘know’ your own selves, = that Jesus Christ is in you [Romans 8:9], = unless you are reprobates?
About now… someone is saying, “You have no right to ask me those kinds of questions!” You speak publically about your Faith in God. But what about ‘your’ Faith, in His Word? In these past blogs we have discussed, how the Word of God, was given by men, as the Holy Spirit of God, moved in them. In addition we looked at… “Psalms 138:2, 1Samuel 3:21, Acts 17:11, Luke 16:31, John 17:17… and others!” All have validated, the Truth of the Word of God and nothing else!
*** (Ephesians 5:9-10) for = the fruit of the Spirit = is in all goodness = and = righteousness = and ‘Truth’ [John 17:17],
(Eph 5:10) “Proving” = what is acceptable = to the Lord [1Thessaloians 5:21].
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
We also looked at… the fact that God cannot Lie… “Numbers 23:19”… and that Satan is the father of all Lies… “John 8:58.” May I again ask, “Do you ‘Read & Study’, the Holy Word of God, The Bible”… and pray for understanding to its Truth? Can you converse in Bible Truth, with a member of a Cult or even those of Islam or Atheism? Can you defend the Word of God, chapter and verse… to tell others… “John 10:16”… about the “Love & Judgment”… of God?
*** (2Timothy 2:3-4-5) Therefore = endure hardness, = as a ‘good soldier’ = of Jesus Christ.
(2Tim 2:4) No one = who ‘wars’ = tangles with the affairs of this life, = that he = may ‘please’ = Him [Christ] = Who chose him = to be a soldier.
(2Tim 2:5) And also = ‘if’ = anyone competes, = he is not crowned = ‘unless’ he competes = ‘lawfully’.
*** (Jude 1:3-4) Dear friends, = although I was eager to write to you = about the ‘salvation’ we share, = I found it ‘necessary’ = to write to you = and ‘urge’ you = to continue your = ‘vigorous defense’ = of the faith = that was passed down to the saints = once and for all.
(Jude 1:4) For some people = have ‘slipped in’ = among you = unnoticed. = They were written about = long ago as = being deserving of this condemnation = because they are ungodly. = They turn = the grace of our God = into uncontrollable license = and deny our only Master = and Lord, Jesus Christ.
*** (2Timothy 2:15) Study earnestly = to present yourself = ‘approved’ to God, = a ‘workman’ = that does ‘not need’ = to be ashamed, = rightly dividing = the Word of Truth.
*** (2Timothy 3:14-to-16) But continue = in the things = that you have learned = and = have been assured of, = knowing from Whom = you have learned them,
(2Tim 3:15) and = that from a babe = you have ‘known’ = the “Holy Scriptures”, = which are able = to make you ‘wise’ = to salvation = through ‘faith’ = in “Christ Jesus”.
(2Tim 3:16) All “Scripture” = is God-breathed, = and is profitable = for “Doctrine”, = for “Reproof”, = for “Correction”, = for = “Instruction in righteousness”,
(2Tim 3:17) that = the man of God = may be perfected, = thoroughly ‘furnished’ = to every good work.
Where do you go from here…? If you say you have a vision or a dream from Jesus, may I ask, when was the last time, you had a complete physical with blood and hormone check of your endocrine system? After my first blog on dreams & vision, I received a communication from one that had similar problems from medication. Only after the problem was corrected, did the dreams & visions go away. There are many documented such stories on the internet.
*** (1Corinthains 14:40) Let ‘all things’ = be done decently = and = in order.
*** (1Corinthains 14:32) The spirits = of prophets [True or False] = are subject = to the prophets [True or False],
I read of a testimony… from a medical doctor that treated a Christian teenager. He was seeing visions and hearing voices… ‘Demons’ & God’s… voices. After a complete physical, the doctor found some, abscessed ‘Wisdom Teeth’. After surgical removal and antibiotics, the voices went away. Again, in my first post, “Dreams & Visions – 101”… I also stated that women especially in… “Menopause and Peri-Menopause”… have hormone surges. Those can affect one’s mental state as well as the dental problem stated above.
*** (John 12:48-49-50) He who rejects Me [Jesus] = and ‘does not’ = receive My Words = has ‘one’ who judges him; = “The Word” = that I have spoken, = the ‘same’ = shall judge him = in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I = have ‘not’ spoken = of Myself, = but = the Father [God] = Who sent Me = gave Me = a ‘command’, = ‘what’ = I should ‘say’, = and = ‘what’ = I should ‘speak’.
(John 12:50) And I know = that His command = is life everlasting. = Therefore = whatever I speak, = even as the Father = said to Me, = so I speak.
Once again… for the Last Time… the Holy Word of God, is our Only Authority for God’s Truth! After reading the above verses, will you still tell all of us, that God speaks outside of His Word…? Did He God, add to His Word… and give a divine inspiration to you…? I know Not…! The completed Bible… is all the Revelation from God, the God of the Bible, you will ever need. Joseph Smith of the Mormons and Mohammed of Islam… so too… claimed that God, spoke to them! False religions are identified… as they are in opposition to the Holy Word of God!
*** (Matthew 24:35) The heaven and the earth = shall pass away, = but = My Words = shall ‘not’ = pass away.
*** (2Peter 1:2-to-10) Grace and peace = be multiplied to you = through the ‘knowledge’ of God = and = of Jesus our Lord,
(2Pet 1:3) according as = His divine power = has given to us = all things = that pertain to life = and godliness, = through the ‘knowledge’ of Him = Who has called us = to glory and virtue,
(2Pet 1:4) through which He = has given to us = ‘exceedingly’ great and precious promises, = so that = by these = you might be ‘partakers’ = of the divine nature, = having escaped the corruption = that is in the world = through lust.
(2Pet 1:5) But ‘also’ = in this very thing, = bringing in ‘all diligence’, = filling out your faith = with virtue, = and with virtue, = knowledge;
(2Pet 1:6) and with knowledge = self-control, = and with self-control, = patience, = and with patience, = godliness,
(2Pet 1:7) and with godliness, = brotherly kindness, = and with brotherly kindness, = love.
(2Pet 1:8) For ‘if’ = these things are in you = and = abound, = they make you = to be ‘neither idle’ = ‘nor unfruitful’ = in the knowledge = of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(2Pet 1:9) For he in whom = these things = “are not present” = is blind = and cannot see afar off = and has forgotten = that he was purged from his sins = in the past.
(2Pe 1:10) Therefore, = brothers, = rather = ‘be diligent’ = to make your calling = and = election sure, = for “If” = you do these things, = you shall never fall.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My Words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
This is the ‘fifth’… in this series. It started with, “Dreams & Visions – 101”. Perhaps a recap of some of the thoughts. This age is no different than that of backslidden Israel, in the Old Testament, of the Bible. America has been on the Spiritual decline since Prayer was removed from the Public schools. When I attended, there was Bible reading ‘each & every’ morning. That has been replaced with… ‘School Shootings’, ‘Sex between students and students and teachers’. And now, some will still say, that America is a Christian Nation…?... “Not!”
*** (1Corinthians 2:14) But = the natural man = does ‘not’ receive = the things = of the [Holy] Spirit of God, = for they are ‘foolishness’ = to him; = ‘neither’ can he = ‘know’ them, = because = they are spiritually discerned.
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call = evil good and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
The Holy Word of God… is the “Only Complete Authority”, for those that are Truly Born Again, by the Holy Spirit of God. “Nothing More = Nothing Less!” There is no missing information, needed from God! He has ‘not’ hidden, anything more we need to know, than that which is in His Completed Word, The Bible. Those that say there is, are simply “Lying!” About now, someone is saying, “How can that be, just suppose God is telling them something, that is pertinent for today?
*** (Romans 15:4) For whatever things = were written before = were written for our learning, = so that we = through patience and comfort = of the ‘Scriptures’ = might have hope.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If they ‘do not’ = speak = according to = this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
Satan will always… try and get you to question, something that God has already said in His Word, the Bible. Could it just be… that those that are Christians… “Do Not Know, their Bibles?” Could it be that they say that they… ‘Love Jesus’… and yet ‘do not’… Love His Word? Saying and doing… are worlds apart. May I please ask, “How long have you been a Christian?” Please answer for yourselves, and not to me. “____” – years? Then read this blog?
*** (2Corinthians 13:5) examine yourselves, = whether you are in = the ‘faith’, = prove your own selves. = Do you not = ‘know’ your own selves, = that Jesus Christ is in you [Romans 8:9], = unless you are reprobates?
About now… someone is saying, “You have no right to ask me those kinds of questions!” You speak publically about your Faith in God. But what about ‘your’ Faith, in His Word? In these past blogs we have discussed, how the Word of God, was given by men, as the Holy Spirit of God, moved in them. In addition we looked at… “Psalms 138:2, 1Samuel 3:21, Acts 17:11, Luke 16:31, John 17:17… and others!” All have validated, the Truth of the Word of God and nothing else!
*** (Ephesians 5:9-10) for = the fruit of the Spirit = is in all goodness = and = righteousness = and ‘Truth’ [John 17:17],
(Eph 5:10) “Proving” = what is acceptable = to the Lord [1Thessaloians 5:21].
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
We also looked at… the fact that God cannot Lie… “Numbers 23:19”… and that Satan is the father of all Lies… “John 8:58.” May I again ask, “Do you ‘Read & Study’, the Holy Word of God, The Bible”… and pray for understanding to its Truth? Can you converse in Bible Truth, with a member of a Cult or even those of Islam or Atheism? Can you defend the Word of God, chapter and verse… to tell others… “John 10:16”… about the “Love & Judgment”… of God?
*** (2Timothy 2:3-4-5) Therefore = endure hardness, = as a ‘good soldier’ = of Jesus Christ.
(2Tim 2:4) No one = who ‘wars’ = tangles with the affairs of this life, = that he = may ‘please’ = Him [Christ] = Who chose him = to be a soldier.
(2Tim 2:5) And also = ‘if’ = anyone competes, = he is not crowned = ‘unless’ he competes = ‘lawfully’.
*** (Jude 1:3-4) Dear friends, = although I was eager to write to you = about the ‘salvation’ we share, = I found it ‘necessary’ = to write to you = and ‘urge’ you = to continue your = ‘vigorous defense’ = of the faith = that was passed down to the saints = once and for all.
(Jude 1:4) For some people = have ‘slipped in’ = among you = unnoticed. = They were written about = long ago as = being deserving of this condemnation = because they are ungodly. = They turn = the grace of our God = into uncontrollable license = and deny our only Master = and Lord, Jesus Christ.
*** (2Timothy 2:15) Study earnestly = to present yourself = ‘approved’ to God, = a ‘workman’ = that does ‘not need’ = to be ashamed, = rightly dividing = the Word of Truth.
*** (2Timothy 3:14-to-16) But continue = in the things = that you have learned = and = have been assured of, = knowing from Whom = you have learned them,
(2Tim 3:15) and = that from a babe = you have ‘known’ = the “Holy Scriptures”, = which are able = to make you ‘wise’ = to salvation = through ‘faith’ = in “Christ Jesus”.
(2Tim 3:16) All “Scripture” = is God-breathed, = and is profitable = for “Doctrine”, = for “Reproof”, = for “Correction”, = for = “Instruction in righteousness”,
(2Tim 3:17) that = the man of God = may be perfected, = thoroughly ‘furnished’ = to every good work.
Where do you go from here…? If you say you have a vision or a dream from Jesus, may I ask, when was the last time, you had a complete physical with blood and hormone check of your endocrine system? After my first blog on dreams & vision, I received a communication from one that had similar problems from medication. Only after the problem was corrected, did the dreams & visions go away. There are many documented such stories on the internet.
*** (1Corinthains 14:40) Let ‘all things’ = be done decently = and = in order.
*** (1Corinthains 14:32) The spirits = of prophets [True or False] = are subject = to the prophets [True or False],
I read of a testimony… from a medical doctor that treated a Christian teenager. He was seeing visions and hearing voices… ‘Demons’ & God’s… voices. After a complete physical, the doctor found some, abscessed ‘Wisdom Teeth’. After surgical removal and antibiotics, the voices went away. Again, in my first post, “Dreams & Visions – 101”… I also stated that women especially in… “Menopause and Peri-Menopause”… have hormone surges. Those can affect one’s mental state as well as the dental problem stated above.
*** (John 12:48-49-50) He who rejects Me [Jesus] = and ‘does not’ = receive My Words = has ‘one’ who judges him; = “The Word” = that I have spoken, = the ‘same’ = shall judge him = in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I = have ‘not’ spoken = of Myself, = but = the Father [God] = Who sent Me = gave Me = a ‘command’, = ‘what’ = I should ‘say’, = and = ‘what’ = I should ‘speak’.
(John 12:50) And I know = that His command = is life everlasting. = Therefore = whatever I speak, = even as the Father = said to Me, = so I speak.
Once again… for the Last Time… the Holy Word of God, is our Only Authority for God’s Truth! After reading the above verses, will you still tell all of us, that God speaks outside of His Word…? Did He God, add to His Word… and give a divine inspiration to you…? I know Not…! The completed Bible… is all the Revelation from God, the God of the Bible, you will ever need. Joseph Smith of the Mormons and Mohammed of Islam… so too… claimed that God, spoke to them! False religions are identified… as they are in opposition to the Holy Word of God!
*** (Matthew 24:35) The heaven and the earth = shall pass away, = but = My Words = shall ‘not’ = pass away.
*** (2Peter 1:2-to-10) Grace and peace = be multiplied to you = through the ‘knowledge’ of God = and = of Jesus our Lord,
(2Pet 1:3) according as = His divine power = has given to us = all things = that pertain to life = and godliness, = through the ‘knowledge’ of Him = Who has called us = to glory and virtue,
(2Pet 1:4) through which He = has given to us = ‘exceedingly’ great and precious promises, = so that = by these = you might be ‘partakers’ = of the divine nature, = having escaped the corruption = that is in the world = through lust.
(2Pet 1:5) But ‘also’ = in this very thing, = bringing in ‘all diligence’, = filling out your faith = with virtue, = and with virtue, = knowledge;
(2Pet 1:6) and with knowledge = self-control, = and with self-control, = patience, = and with patience, = godliness,
(2Pet 1:7) and with godliness, = brotherly kindness, = and with brotherly kindness, = love.
(2Pet 1:8) For ‘if’ = these things are in you = and = abound, = they make you = to be ‘neither idle’ = ‘nor unfruitful’ = in the knowledge = of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(2Pet 1:9) For he in whom = these things = “are not present” = is blind = and cannot see afar off = and has forgotten = that he was purged from his sins = in the past.
(2Pe 1:10) Therefore, = brothers, = rather = ‘be diligent’ = to make your calling = and = election sure, = for “If” = you do these things, = you shall never fall.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My Words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Sunday, March 21, 2010
“Prophecy – 301” …Blog.
“Prophecy – 301” …Blog.
This if the ‘forth’… in this series. Perhaps a little review…? All Truth comes from the Word of God and… “All Lies”… come from Satan, the antithesis. Satan will always question what God has said and then get we humans to do the same. Satan’s simple and effective plan, which has worked well, throughout the ages, beginning in “Genesis 3:1”. How about you… What do you “Feel”… ‘sorry wrong word’ [to illustrate this point]… “Know”… about the Word of God. We know that God cannot Lie… “Numbers 23:19”… and that Satan is the Father of All Lies… “John 8:44”.
*** (Matthew 13:19) When = “Anyone” = hears the ‘Word’ of the kingdom = and = does ‘not’ understand it, = then the wicked one comes = and ‘catches away’ that = which was sown = in his ‘heart’. = This is the seed = sown by the wayside.
IF this is the ‘forth’… in the series, why is it not called, -401? Well it started out with, “Dreams & Visions – 101” That is because some say, that God speaks to them, outside of His Holy Word, in ‘dreams & visions’. Surely the God of the Bible, does ‘not’ violate, His Word, does He…? “Absolutely Not!” Do these two verses, say anything about the devil, snatching… ‘dreams & visions’… out of your heart…? No, they and the Bible speak about the “Word of God”… ‘Only!’
*** (Luke 8:11-12) And = the parable is this: = The seed is = the “Word of God”.
(Luke 8:12) Those by the roadside = are the ones who hear; = then the Devil comes = and = takes the ‘Word’ = out of their hearts, = lest = they should ‘believe’ = and = ‘be saved’.
Imagine how very important… the “Word of God” is, that even Satan, deems it important, to the Eternal Salvation of Gods’ creation, by the Word of God! Everyone, who ‘does not’ hold the Word of God, ‘Sacred & Holy’… is on Satan’s side… ‘Through & By’… “Rejecting the Word of God!” Have you ever heard someone use the term… ‘Fundy’ or a ‘Legalist?’ They were probably rejecting the posting, of the Word of God. A Biblical “Fundamentalist”, will hold to the ‘Absolute Authority’ of the Word of God. Did you know that Jesus was a Fundamentalist… to the Word?
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] = answered and said, = It is written, = "Man shall ‘not’ live = by bread alone, = but by ‘every’ = “Word” = that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus answered him, saying, = It is written that = "man shall ‘not’ live = by bread alone, = but by every = “Word” of God."
Many who say, that they… “Love Jesus”… surely do ‘not’ show the same Love, for His Word. Since when is Jesus, separated from His Word? “Absolutely Never!” He is the “Living Word!” This conflict, throughout the Old and New Testaments, has been and always will be ‘Against’… the “Absolute Authority” = of the Word of God! ‘Idolatry’ is simply nothing more, than “YOU”… telling God, that you, by some other means, know better than His Word! ‘Plain & Simple’, as Satan tried the same trick with Eve… “Has God ‘Really’ said… you shall not eat…?”
*** (Genesis 2:16-17) And Jehovah God = commanded the man, = saying, = You may freely eat = of every tree in the garden,
(Gen 2:17) but you = shall ‘not’ eat = of the tree of knowledge = of good and evil. = For in the day that you eat of it = you shall surely die.
*** (Romans 6:14) For = sin = shall not = have dominion over you: = for you are not under the law, = but under grace.
(Rom 6:15) What then? = Shall we = sin, = because we are not = under the law, = but under grace? = God forbid.
What do these… verses have to do with ‘Prophecy?’ Please allow me to ask you, ‘What’ the above verses mean? Do they mean that we are ‘Not’ under the Law of God? Do they mean that we ‘no longer’ have to obey the Law [Word] of God? Does it mean that ‘God’s Grace’, covers all our actions? If one is ‘Born Again’, does it mean that they are ‘free to do’, what they want, outside of the Law [Word] of God…? Why were these in the Corinthian Church… sick and dying…? Was it because they violated the Word of God…? Or, because of the swine flu? …Not!
*** (1Corinthians 11:30) That's why = so ‘many’ of you = are weak and sick = and a considerable number = are dying.
*** (Acts 5:10-11) She instantly = fell down at his feet = and died. = When the young men came in, = they found her dead. = So they carried her out = and buried her next to her husband.
(Acts 5:11) And = ‘great fear’ = seized the whole church = and = ‘everyone else’ = who heard about this.
In ‘both’ these instances… these ‘say’ they were they, “Under Grace”, and yet they died, for their “Lawlessness”. Many today ‘Wrongly’… “Grace Away Sin/Sins”… and then say that a person… “That ‘says’ they are a Christian”, is forgiven already for that ‘Sin!’. Is that is because they ‘do not’ know, what the Scriptures teaches? Are they in themselves are, ‘Prophesying’ … ‘saying’… “More, Less and Different”, from what the Scriptures say? Do you know, about the woman taken in adultery in “John 8:3-to-11”, where Jesus told her… “Go and Sin No More!” What do those verses really mean? Did Jesus excuse away her Sin…from the “Law of God”…?
*** (Luke 17:3) Take heed = to yourselves. = If = your brother = trespasses = against you, = “rebuke” him. = And ‘if’ = he ‘repents’, = forgive him.
*** (Ecclesiastes 8:11) Because = sentence [judgment] = against = an ‘evil’ work = is ‘not’ executed = speedily, = therefore = the heart of the sons of men = “is fully set” = in them = to do evil.
When something is ‘wrong’… “Most” will not say anything against it, “Unless it affects them, Directly!” Perhaps that is why most Churches have left off, teaching… “The Word of God”. They may casually read a verse here and there, but do they ‘systematically’ teach it, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, teaching and preaching… “God’s Truth?” Or has it gotten down to economics? As the Churches have expanded and spent monies, they should not have spent, so they have too, ‘compromised’ on God’s Word… as ‘not’ to drive away, the ‘Payee Collections’.
*** (Isaiah 24:2) And as it is = with the people, = so it shall be = with the priest [pastor]; = as with the servant, = so with the master; = as with the handmaid, = so it is with her mistress; = as with the buyer, = so with the seller; = as with the lender, = so with the borrower; = as with the creditor, = so with the debtor.
*** (Isaiah 28:13) But = the Word of Jehovah = was to them = precept on precept, = precept on precept; = line on line, = line on line; = here a little, = there a little; = that they might go, = and fall backward, = and be broken = and snared = and taken.
“False Prophecy”… is ‘anything less’, than the “Absolute Standard”, which God, has set in His Word, “The Bible”. When someone says ‘other than’… what the Bible says… they are ‘Prophesying. But they are doing so, with “Lies!” Excusing away… “Sin/Sins”… when they should have been dealt with. They simply set another standard… ‘Different & Against’… what the Word of God says. Say it isn’t so? When was the last time, you heard of this or experienced this, in any of the Churches you have ever attended? It is called, Biblical Church Discipline.
*** (Matthew 18:15) But = if your brother = shall trespass against you, = go and tell him = his fault = between you = and = ‘him alone’. = If = he hears you, = you have gained your brother.
(Matt 18:16) But if = he will ‘not’ hear you, = take = one or two ‘more’ = with you, = so that = in the mouth of two or three witnesses = every word = may be established.
(Matt 18:17) And ‘if’ = he shall neglect to hear them, = tell it to the church. = But ‘if’ = he neglects = to hear the church, = let him be to you = as a heathen and a tax-collector.
Your “Prophesying”… is simply… ‘HOW’… ‘YOU’… “Live your Life for Christ!” Is it in… ‘Obedience’… to His Word, the Bible… or is it to some ‘other’ standard? Remember what Christ Jesus said…? “But to live by… ‘Every’ Word of God”…! Remember you are a ‘witness’… of the Grace of God! It is simply, ‘What Authority’, do ‘you’ give to the… Holy Word of God, in your personal life. ‘Prophesying’… can either ‘Uphold God’s Word’… or in the opposite negative sense… ‘Vilify the Word of God’. Where you stand on, its Authority, is in reality, what you ‘really believe’, about God and His Word. How than can ‘ONE’ Say… “I Love Jesus”… and then, “Not Love & Know & Do… His Word… the Bible?”
*** (2Timothy 3:7) who are =always learning, = and = can ‘never’ come = to the full knowledge = of the Truth.
*** (Jude 1:3-4) My beloved, = while I take all pains = to write to you of our common = ‘faith’, = it is needful for me to write to you, = exhorting you to maintain = a ‘conflict’ = for the faith = which was once delivered = to the saints.
(Jude 1:4) For some = have obtained acceptance, = who from the beginning were registered beforehand = under this condemnation: = “wicked men”, = who “pervert” the grace of God = to impurity, = and = deny Him = Who is the only Lord God = and our Lord, = Jesus the Messiah.
*** (Matthew 5:23-24) Therefore if = ‘you’ = offer your gift on the altar, = and = there remember = that your brother = has “Anything” = ‘against you’,
(Matt 5:24) leave your gift there = before the altar and go. = “First” = be reconciled to your brother, = and = then come and offer your gift.
Have you ever… experienced ‘Matthew 5:23-24?’ Or have you, known about two people that have been at odds with each other and ‘both’ call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus? Are you yourself, at odds with another Christian? Have you ever… “Missed going to Church”… and gone and ‘got right’… with that other person…? Then perhaps your… ‘Prophesying’… or Living like a Christian… is Not Real? What… “You call”… ‘Loving Jesus’… “Is Not Right”… when you are at odds, with your Brother or Sister in Christ and with the Holy Word of God!
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = ‘doers’ = of the Word, = and = not merely hearers = who continually deceive themselves.
*** (John 12:48-49) He who rejects = Me [Jesus] =and = does ‘not’ receive = My Words = has ‘one’ = who judges him; = the “Word” = that I have spoken, = the same = shall judge him = in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I [Jesus] = have ‘not’ spoken = of Myself, = but the Father [God] = Who sent Me = gave Me = a command, = what I should say, = and what = I should speak.
Now to you that say… “God speaks to ‘me’, outside of His Word”…! How can that really be? If you hear voices, or have dreams and visions… outside of God’s Word, the Bible = they are not from God! The test of God’s Truth, is always ‘God’s Word’… “Nothing More, Nothing Less!” Did Jesus lie when He spoke those above verses? Does the Holy Spirit speak different than the Word of God? Does God the Father, speak outside of His Word? In all cases… “Absolutely Not!” His standard is the same for… “All mankind”… as He is ‘no’ respecter of persons.
*** (1Samuel 3:21) And = Jehovah = appeared again in Shiloh. = For Jehovah = revealed Himself = to Samuel = in Shiloh = ‘by’ = the Word of Jehovah.
*** (Zechariah 8:18) And = the Word of Jehovah of Hosts = came to me, saying,
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = ‘If’ they = do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = ‘no’ light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = ‘If’ = they do not hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will ‘not’ be persuaded, = even though = ‘one’ = rose from the dead.
*** (Luke 24:44) And He [Jesus] = said to them, = These are the words which I spoke to you = while I was still with you, = that all things = must be fulfilled = which were written = in the Law of Moses = and in the Prophets = and in the Psalms = about Me.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = “Your Word” = ‘above all’ = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
This if the ‘forth’… in this series. Perhaps a little review…? All Truth comes from the Word of God and… “All Lies”… come from Satan, the antithesis. Satan will always question what God has said and then get we humans to do the same. Satan’s simple and effective plan, which has worked well, throughout the ages, beginning in “Genesis 3:1”. How about you… What do you “Feel”… ‘sorry wrong word’ [to illustrate this point]… “Know”… about the Word of God. We know that God cannot Lie… “Numbers 23:19”… and that Satan is the Father of All Lies… “John 8:44”.
*** (Matthew 13:19) When = “Anyone” = hears the ‘Word’ of the kingdom = and = does ‘not’ understand it, = then the wicked one comes = and ‘catches away’ that = which was sown = in his ‘heart’. = This is the seed = sown by the wayside.
IF this is the ‘forth’… in the series, why is it not called, -401? Well it started out with, “Dreams & Visions – 101” That is because some say, that God speaks to them, outside of His Holy Word, in ‘dreams & visions’. Surely the God of the Bible, does ‘not’ violate, His Word, does He…? “Absolutely Not!” Do these two verses, say anything about the devil, snatching… ‘dreams & visions’… out of your heart…? No, they and the Bible speak about the “Word of God”… ‘Only!’
*** (Luke 8:11-12) And = the parable is this: = The seed is = the “Word of God”.
(Luke 8:12) Those by the roadside = are the ones who hear; = then the Devil comes = and = takes the ‘Word’ = out of their hearts, = lest = they should ‘believe’ = and = ‘be saved’.
Imagine how very important… the “Word of God” is, that even Satan, deems it important, to the Eternal Salvation of Gods’ creation, by the Word of God! Everyone, who ‘does not’ hold the Word of God, ‘Sacred & Holy’… is on Satan’s side… ‘Through & By’… “Rejecting the Word of God!” Have you ever heard someone use the term… ‘Fundy’ or a ‘Legalist?’ They were probably rejecting the posting, of the Word of God. A Biblical “Fundamentalist”, will hold to the ‘Absolute Authority’ of the Word of God. Did you know that Jesus was a Fundamentalist… to the Word?
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] = answered and said, = It is written, = "Man shall ‘not’ live = by bread alone, = but by ‘every’ = “Word” = that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus answered him, saying, = It is written that = "man shall ‘not’ live = by bread alone, = but by every = “Word” of God."
Many who say, that they… “Love Jesus”… surely do ‘not’ show the same Love, for His Word. Since when is Jesus, separated from His Word? “Absolutely Never!” He is the “Living Word!” This conflict, throughout the Old and New Testaments, has been and always will be ‘Against’… the “Absolute Authority” = of the Word of God! ‘Idolatry’ is simply nothing more, than “YOU”… telling God, that you, by some other means, know better than His Word! ‘Plain & Simple’, as Satan tried the same trick with Eve… “Has God ‘Really’ said… you shall not eat…?”
*** (Genesis 2:16-17) And Jehovah God = commanded the man, = saying, = You may freely eat = of every tree in the garden,
(Gen 2:17) but you = shall ‘not’ eat = of the tree of knowledge = of good and evil. = For in the day that you eat of it = you shall surely die.
*** (Romans 6:14) For = sin = shall not = have dominion over you: = for you are not under the law, = but under grace.
(Rom 6:15) What then? = Shall we = sin, = because we are not = under the law, = but under grace? = God forbid.
What do these… verses have to do with ‘Prophecy?’ Please allow me to ask you, ‘What’ the above verses mean? Do they mean that we are ‘Not’ under the Law of God? Do they mean that we ‘no longer’ have to obey the Law [Word] of God? Does it mean that ‘God’s Grace’, covers all our actions? If one is ‘Born Again’, does it mean that they are ‘free to do’, what they want, outside of the Law [Word] of God…? Why were these in the Corinthian Church… sick and dying…? Was it because they violated the Word of God…? Or, because of the swine flu? …Not!
*** (1Corinthians 11:30) That's why = so ‘many’ of you = are weak and sick = and a considerable number = are dying.
*** (Acts 5:10-11) She instantly = fell down at his feet = and died. = When the young men came in, = they found her dead. = So they carried her out = and buried her next to her husband.
(Acts 5:11) And = ‘great fear’ = seized the whole church = and = ‘everyone else’ = who heard about this.
In ‘both’ these instances… these ‘say’ they were they, “Under Grace”, and yet they died, for their “Lawlessness”. Many today ‘Wrongly’… “Grace Away Sin/Sins”… and then say that a person… “That ‘says’ they are a Christian”, is forgiven already for that ‘Sin!’. Is that is because they ‘do not’ know, what the Scriptures teaches? Are they in themselves are, ‘Prophesying’ … ‘saying’… “More, Less and Different”, from what the Scriptures say? Do you know, about the woman taken in adultery in “John 8:3-to-11”, where Jesus told her… “Go and Sin No More!” What do those verses really mean? Did Jesus excuse away her Sin…from the “Law of God”…?
*** (Luke 17:3) Take heed = to yourselves. = If = your brother = trespasses = against you, = “rebuke” him. = And ‘if’ = he ‘repents’, = forgive him.
*** (Ecclesiastes 8:11) Because = sentence [judgment] = against = an ‘evil’ work = is ‘not’ executed = speedily, = therefore = the heart of the sons of men = “is fully set” = in them = to do evil.
When something is ‘wrong’… “Most” will not say anything against it, “Unless it affects them, Directly!” Perhaps that is why most Churches have left off, teaching… “The Word of God”. They may casually read a verse here and there, but do they ‘systematically’ teach it, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, teaching and preaching… “God’s Truth?” Or has it gotten down to economics? As the Churches have expanded and spent monies, they should not have spent, so they have too, ‘compromised’ on God’s Word… as ‘not’ to drive away, the ‘Payee Collections’.
*** (Isaiah 24:2) And as it is = with the people, = so it shall be = with the priest [pastor]; = as with the servant, = so with the master; = as with the handmaid, = so it is with her mistress; = as with the buyer, = so with the seller; = as with the lender, = so with the borrower; = as with the creditor, = so with the debtor.
*** (Isaiah 28:13) But = the Word of Jehovah = was to them = precept on precept, = precept on precept; = line on line, = line on line; = here a little, = there a little; = that they might go, = and fall backward, = and be broken = and snared = and taken.
“False Prophecy”… is ‘anything less’, than the “Absolute Standard”, which God, has set in His Word, “The Bible”. When someone says ‘other than’… what the Bible says… they are ‘Prophesying. But they are doing so, with “Lies!” Excusing away… “Sin/Sins”… when they should have been dealt with. They simply set another standard… ‘Different & Against’… what the Word of God says. Say it isn’t so? When was the last time, you heard of this or experienced this, in any of the Churches you have ever attended? It is called, Biblical Church Discipline.
*** (Matthew 18:15) But = if your brother = shall trespass against you, = go and tell him = his fault = between you = and = ‘him alone’. = If = he hears you, = you have gained your brother.
(Matt 18:16) But if = he will ‘not’ hear you, = take = one or two ‘more’ = with you, = so that = in the mouth of two or three witnesses = every word = may be established.
(Matt 18:17) And ‘if’ = he shall neglect to hear them, = tell it to the church. = But ‘if’ = he neglects = to hear the church, = let him be to you = as a heathen and a tax-collector.
Your “Prophesying”… is simply… ‘HOW’… ‘YOU’… “Live your Life for Christ!” Is it in… ‘Obedience’… to His Word, the Bible… or is it to some ‘other’ standard? Remember what Christ Jesus said…? “But to live by… ‘Every’ Word of God”…! Remember you are a ‘witness’… of the Grace of God! It is simply, ‘What Authority’, do ‘you’ give to the… Holy Word of God, in your personal life. ‘Prophesying’… can either ‘Uphold God’s Word’… or in the opposite negative sense… ‘Vilify the Word of God’. Where you stand on, its Authority, is in reality, what you ‘really believe’, about God and His Word. How than can ‘ONE’ Say… “I Love Jesus”… and then, “Not Love & Know & Do… His Word… the Bible?”
*** (2Timothy 3:7) who are =always learning, = and = can ‘never’ come = to the full knowledge = of the Truth.
*** (Jude 1:3-4) My beloved, = while I take all pains = to write to you of our common = ‘faith’, = it is needful for me to write to you, = exhorting you to maintain = a ‘conflict’ = for the faith = which was once delivered = to the saints.
(Jude 1:4) For some = have obtained acceptance, = who from the beginning were registered beforehand = under this condemnation: = “wicked men”, = who “pervert” the grace of God = to impurity, = and = deny Him = Who is the only Lord God = and our Lord, = Jesus the Messiah.
*** (Matthew 5:23-24) Therefore if = ‘you’ = offer your gift on the altar, = and = there remember = that your brother = has “Anything” = ‘against you’,
(Matt 5:24) leave your gift there = before the altar and go. = “First” = be reconciled to your brother, = and = then come and offer your gift.
Have you ever… experienced ‘Matthew 5:23-24?’ Or have you, known about two people that have been at odds with each other and ‘both’ call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus? Are you yourself, at odds with another Christian? Have you ever… “Missed going to Church”… and gone and ‘got right’… with that other person…? Then perhaps your… ‘Prophesying’… or Living like a Christian… is Not Real? What… “You call”… ‘Loving Jesus’… “Is Not Right”… when you are at odds, with your Brother or Sister in Christ and with the Holy Word of God!
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = ‘doers’ = of the Word, = and = not merely hearers = who continually deceive themselves.
*** (John 12:48-49) He who rejects = Me [Jesus] =and = does ‘not’ receive = My Words = has ‘one’ = who judges him; = the “Word” = that I have spoken, = the same = shall judge him = in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I [Jesus] = have ‘not’ spoken = of Myself, = but the Father [God] = Who sent Me = gave Me = a command, = what I should say, = and what = I should speak.
Now to you that say… “God speaks to ‘me’, outside of His Word”…! How can that really be? If you hear voices, or have dreams and visions… outside of God’s Word, the Bible = they are not from God! The test of God’s Truth, is always ‘God’s Word’… “Nothing More, Nothing Less!” Did Jesus lie when He spoke those above verses? Does the Holy Spirit speak different than the Word of God? Does God the Father, speak outside of His Word? In all cases… “Absolutely Not!” His standard is the same for… “All mankind”… as He is ‘no’ respecter of persons.
*** (1Samuel 3:21) And = Jehovah = appeared again in Shiloh. = For Jehovah = revealed Himself = to Samuel = in Shiloh = ‘by’ = the Word of Jehovah.
*** (Zechariah 8:18) And = the Word of Jehovah of Hosts = came to me, saying,
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = ‘If’ they = do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = ‘no’ light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = ‘If’ = they do not hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will ‘not’ be persuaded, = even though = ‘one’ = rose from the dead.
*** (Luke 24:44) And He [Jesus] = said to them, = These are the words which I spoke to you = while I was still with you, = that all things = must be fulfilled = which were written = in the Law of Moses = and in the Prophets = and in the Psalms = about Me.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = “Your Word” = ‘above all’ = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Friday, March 19, 2010
“Prophecy – 201” …Blog.
“Prophecy – 201” …Blog.
The second in this series… will continue with some responses from the past ‘two’ blogs. Some said, that God spoke to them, in dreams and through others. But when asked, they ‘Never Validated’, what was told them… by the “Scriptures?” Why was that…? How can that be that someone would take… something ‘other’, than God’s Word, and then ‘Not’ check it out, with the Word of God…? If one really, “Loves Jesus”, why would they be afraid, to check out what was told them, with the Word of God…?
*** (Ephesians 5:9-10) for the fruit of the Spirit = is in all goodness = and righteousness = and = “Truth”,
(Eph 5:10) = “Proving” = what is = ‘acceptable’ = to the Lord.
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through = “Your Truth”. = Your Word = is Truth.
Over 30-years ago… I came to Christ on His terms [John 7:38-39], and was Born Again by His Holy Spirit. My eyes were opened to His Truth, as I poured into His Word, to learn about Him. I too was interested in ‘Prophecy’ and wanted to know about the future. One of the older ladies at Church, gave me a box of Gospel Tracks, that she had been given by her now deceased mother. There were Gospel Tracks, dated back as early as 19oo. I opened on dated 1914.
*** (Romans 15:4) For whatever things = were written before = were written = for our ‘learning’, = so that we = through patience and comfort = of the “Scriptures” = might have hope.
In this box… of Gospel Tracks, was one discussion the ‘Horses’ found in the book of Revelation. In there, the writer spoke that the “End Times”, were upon them. If you study history, you will recall that ‘horses’ were used in the armed forces in WW 1. The writer had been fitting in the… ‘Current News’… into Bible Prophecy and was “Wrong!” WW 1 was not the end of the world. Today many too are trying to make the recent earthquakes, wrongly fit into the Bible Prophecy. How about “9-11”, did you think that the… “End was at hand?”
*** (Matthew 24:23-24-25) Then ‘if’ =any man shall say to you, = Lo, here is Christ! = Or, There! = Do ‘not’ = believe it.
(Matt 24:24) For ‘false’ Christs’ = and = ‘false’ prophets = will arise = and = ‘show’ great signs and wonders; = so much so that, = if it were possible, = they would deceive = even the elect.
(Matt 24:25) Behold, = I [Jesus] = have told = ‘you’ = beforehand.
How can it be… that so very many will be taken in, by such ‘Lies and Signs?’ Could it be so simple as, “They Do NOT Know their Bible, and what it says…?” Absolutely Yes! Of course you know about… “Entropy?” You get older and your bones and muscles ache. Your vehicle upholstery gets worn and the paint fades. Now do you really think that there is more Truth? There is less and will be less, as you can see what Entropy does. More and more, will read & study their Bibles… Less & Less!
*** (2Timothy 3:13) But evil men = and seducers = will go forward = to worse, = deceiving = and = being deceived.
Did you see the Photo for this blog…? I purposely chose this one as an ‘example’ of “Deception!” Did you notice, “Don’t be Left Behind?” May I ask you a simple question. Are there any that will come to Christ Jesus for Salvation, that will be… “Left Behind?” That is an honest question, can I get an honest answer from your, before you read any further? “Yes” =or= “No” =or= “Maybe?”… Your answer indicate, how well you know your Bible and what Christ says? What does the ‘Scripture’, say about this issue?
*** (John 6:37) “All” = that the Father [God] gives Me [Jesus] = shall come to Me, = and the one = who comes to Me = I will = in ‘no way’ = cast out.
*** (John 6:44) No one = can come to Me [Jesus] = unless the Father [God] = Who has sent Me = ‘draw him’, = and = I will raise him up = at the last day.
*** (John 10:16) And = I [Jesus] = have ‘other sheep’ = who are ‘not’ of this fold. = I must also lead those, = and = they shall hear My voice, = and = there shall be one flock, = one Shepherd.
Now according to the Scriptures… will any that God gave to Jesus, be… ‘Left Behind?’ “Absolutely Not!” Some misguided persons even wrote a book and published a movie, “Left Behind!” Another one, some 20 plus years ago was called, “A thief in the Night!” These were no more than, ‘Scare Tactics’… to get someone to make a decision for Christ. That is ‘not’ what the Bible teachers, to ‘win’ someone to Christ. You cannot ‘win’ someone to Christ, as I do not even like that term. As if you had, the ability to ‘win’ some unbeliever, to Christ. …NOT!
Again, people simply… ‘Do Not’… Believe God and what He has put in His Word! Perhaps if I could approach it from… “God’s Perspective?” What do you know about the Names of God? He through His Word, revealed ‘some’ of His character, by what He is called throughout the Word. May I illustrate this fact and also let you know, that this is only a partial list.
1. Elohim… “God” His power and might… Genesis 1:1 & Psalms 19:1.
2. El-Elyon… “Most High God... Gen 14:17-20, Isaiah 14:13-14.
3. El Olam… “The Everlasting God”… Isaiah 40:28-31.
4. El Roi… “The Strong One that sees”… Genesis 16:13.
5. El Shaddi… “God Almighty”… Genesis 17:1 & Psalms 91:3.
6. Adonai… “Lord”, the Lordship of God… Malachi 1:16.
7. Jehovah… “(Yahweh) The Lord, God’s Eternal Nature… Genesis 2”4.
8. Jehovah-Jireh… “The Lord will provide”… Genesis 22:13-14.
9. Jehovah-Maccaddeshem… “The Lord your sanctifier”… Exodus 31:13.
10. Jehovah-Nissi… ‘The Lord our banner”… Exodus 17:15.
11. Jehovah-Rapha… “The Lord our healer”… Exodus 15:26.
12. Jehovah-Rohi… “The Lord my shepherd”… Psalms 23:1.
13. Jehovah-Sabboah… “The Lord of Hosts”… Isaiah 6:1-to-3.
14. Jehovah-Shalom… “The Lord is peace”… Judges 6:24.
15. Jehovah-Shammah… “The Lord Who is present”… Ezekiel 48:35.
16. Jehovay-Tsidkenu… “The Lord our righteousness… Jeremiah 23:6
17. I AM… “The Lord Eternal”… Exodus 3:12-15.
This list is not… a complete but only a partial one to illustrate this “Point”. Did you know… that God, the God of the Bible… has said that His Word… “Is Above”… His Name…? How important is “His Word” the Bible, if He says… it is above His Name…?
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and praise Your name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for Your Truth's sake; = for You [God] = have “magnified” = Your Word = ‘above’ = “All” = Your Name.
Now please tell me… How can God then set aside His Word, and show you His Truth, apart from that? He can Not! His Word is the very character of God! Why then would HE… use something besides His Word…? “He would Not!” = “He has Not!” = “He will Not!” Can it get any plainer than that…? Since when do you put your… “Visions, Dreams and Thoughts”… Above the very Words of Jehovah God…? Perhaps, because ‘you’… “Do Not ‘Really’ Know”… the God of The Word of God…?
*** (Isaiah 55:6-to-11) Seek Jehovah [God] = while = He may be found; = call on Him = while He is near.
(Isa 55:7) Let the wicked = forsake his way, = and the unrighteous man = his thoughts; = and let him = return to Jehovah, = and = He will have mercy on him; = and to our God, = for He will abundantly pardon.
(Isa 55:8) For = My thoughts = ‘are not’ = your thoughts, = ‘nor’ = your ways = My ways, = says Jehovah.
(Isa 55:9) For as the heavens = are higher than the earth, = so are = My ways = higher than = your ways, = and = My thoughts = than = your thoughts.
(Isa 55:10) For as the rain comes down, = and the snow from the heavens, = and does not return there, = but waters the earth, = and makes it bring out = and bud, and give seed to the sower = and bread to the eater;
(Isa 55:11) so shall = “My Word” = be, = which goes out of My mouth; = it = ‘shall not’ = return to Me void, = but = it shall accomplish = what = I please, = and = it shall certainly = do = what I sent it = to do.
How can anyone… then ‘Claim’, that God spoke to them, outside of His Word? Are any of your thoughts or ways, higher than Gods’? … “NOT!” = “Dreams, Visions and Prophecies”… are outside of the Realm of the Completed Word of God, the Bible. = “IF”… His Word is not Enough… “What Then Is”...? Absolutely Nothing! = What is the Name written on His Vesture…? Please read it aloud in the following Bible Verses…?
*** (Revelation 19:11-12-13) And I saw Heaven opened. = And behold, a white horse! = And He sitting on him = was called Faithful and True. = And in righteousness = He judges = and = makes war.
(Rev 19:12) And His eyes = were like a flame of fire, = and = on His head many crowns. = And = He had a name written, = one that no one knew = except Himself.
(Rev 19:13) And He had been clothed = in a garment dipped in blood, = and = His “Name” = is called = = “The Word of God”.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If they do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
*** (1Samuel 3:21) And Jehovah appeared again in Shiloh. = For Jehovah = revealed Himself = to Samuel = in Shiloh = “BY” = the Word of Jehovah.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = If = they do not hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will = ‘not’ be persuaded, = even though = one = rose from the dead.
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘They Are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with… “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
The second in this series… will continue with some responses from the past ‘two’ blogs. Some said, that God spoke to them, in dreams and through others. But when asked, they ‘Never Validated’, what was told them… by the “Scriptures?” Why was that…? How can that be that someone would take… something ‘other’, than God’s Word, and then ‘Not’ check it out, with the Word of God…? If one really, “Loves Jesus”, why would they be afraid, to check out what was told them, with the Word of God…?
*** (Ephesians 5:9-10) for the fruit of the Spirit = is in all goodness = and righteousness = and = “Truth”,
(Eph 5:10) = “Proving” = what is = ‘acceptable’ = to the Lord.
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through = “Your Truth”. = Your Word = is Truth.
Over 30-years ago… I came to Christ on His terms [John 7:38-39], and was Born Again by His Holy Spirit. My eyes were opened to His Truth, as I poured into His Word, to learn about Him. I too was interested in ‘Prophecy’ and wanted to know about the future. One of the older ladies at Church, gave me a box of Gospel Tracks, that she had been given by her now deceased mother. There were Gospel Tracks, dated back as early as 19oo. I opened on dated 1914.
*** (Romans 15:4) For whatever things = were written before = were written = for our ‘learning’, = so that we = through patience and comfort = of the “Scriptures” = might have hope.
In this box… of Gospel Tracks, was one discussion the ‘Horses’ found in the book of Revelation. In there, the writer spoke that the “End Times”, were upon them. If you study history, you will recall that ‘horses’ were used in the armed forces in WW 1. The writer had been fitting in the… ‘Current News’… into Bible Prophecy and was “Wrong!” WW 1 was not the end of the world. Today many too are trying to make the recent earthquakes, wrongly fit into the Bible Prophecy. How about “9-11”, did you think that the… “End was at hand?”
*** (Matthew 24:23-24-25) Then ‘if’ =any man shall say to you, = Lo, here is Christ! = Or, There! = Do ‘not’ = believe it.
(Matt 24:24) For ‘false’ Christs’ = and = ‘false’ prophets = will arise = and = ‘show’ great signs and wonders; = so much so that, = if it were possible, = they would deceive = even the elect.
(Matt 24:25) Behold, = I [Jesus] = have told = ‘you’ = beforehand.
How can it be… that so very many will be taken in, by such ‘Lies and Signs?’ Could it be so simple as, “They Do NOT Know their Bible, and what it says…?” Absolutely Yes! Of course you know about… “Entropy?” You get older and your bones and muscles ache. Your vehicle upholstery gets worn and the paint fades. Now do you really think that there is more Truth? There is less and will be less, as you can see what Entropy does. More and more, will read & study their Bibles… Less & Less!
*** (2Timothy 3:13) But evil men = and seducers = will go forward = to worse, = deceiving = and = being deceived.
Did you see the Photo for this blog…? I purposely chose this one as an ‘example’ of “Deception!” Did you notice, “Don’t be Left Behind?” May I ask you a simple question. Are there any that will come to Christ Jesus for Salvation, that will be… “Left Behind?” That is an honest question, can I get an honest answer from your, before you read any further? “Yes” =or= “No” =or= “Maybe?”… Your answer indicate, how well you know your Bible and what Christ says? What does the ‘Scripture’, say about this issue?
*** (John 6:37) “All” = that the Father [God] gives Me [Jesus] = shall come to Me, = and the one = who comes to Me = I will = in ‘no way’ = cast out.
*** (John 6:44) No one = can come to Me [Jesus] = unless the Father [God] = Who has sent Me = ‘draw him’, = and = I will raise him up = at the last day.
*** (John 10:16) And = I [Jesus] = have ‘other sheep’ = who are ‘not’ of this fold. = I must also lead those, = and = they shall hear My voice, = and = there shall be one flock, = one Shepherd.
Now according to the Scriptures… will any that God gave to Jesus, be… ‘Left Behind?’ “Absolutely Not!” Some misguided persons even wrote a book and published a movie, “Left Behind!” Another one, some 20 plus years ago was called, “A thief in the Night!” These were no more than, ‘Scare Tactics’… to get someone to make a decision for Christ. That is ‘not’ what the Bible teachers, to ‘win’ someone to Christ. You cannot ‘win’ someone to Christ, as I do not even like that term. As if you had, the ability to ‘win’ some unbeliever, to Christ. …NOT!
Again, people simply… ‘Do Not’… Believe God and what He has put in His Word! Perhaps if I could approach it from… “God’s Perspective?” What do you know about the Names of God? He through His Word, revealed ‘some’ of His character, by what He is called throughout the Word. May I illustrate this fact and also let you know, that this is only a partial list.
1. Elohim… “God” His power and might… Genesis 1:1 & Psalms 19:1.
2. El-Elyon… “Most High God... Gen 14:17-20, Isaiah 14:13-14.
3. El Olam… “The Everlasting God”… Isaiah 40:28-31.
4. El Roi… “The Strong One that sees”… Genesis 16:13.
5. El Shaddi… “God Almighty”… Genesis 17:1 & Psalms 91:3.
6. Adonai… “Lord”, the Lordship of God… Malachi 1:16.
7. Jehovah… “(Yahweh) The Lord, God’s Eternal Nature… Genesis 2”4.
8. Jehovah-Jireh… “The Lord will provide”… Genesis 22:13-14.
9. Jehovah-Maccaddeshem… “The Lord your sanctifier”… Exodus 31:13.
10. Jehovah-Nissi… ‘The Lord our banner”… Exodus 17:15.
11. Jehovah-Rapha… “The Lord our healer”… Exodus 15:26.
12. Jehovah-Rohi… “The Lord my shepherd”… Psalms 23:1.
13. Jehovah-Sabboah… “The Lord of Hosts”… Isaiah 6:1-to-3.
14. Jehovah-Shalom… “The Lord is peace”… Judges 6:24.
15. Jehovah-Shammah… “The Lord Who is present”… Ezekiel 48:35.
16. Jehovay-Tsidkenu… “The Lord our righteousness… Jeremiah 23:6
17. I AM… “The Lord Eternal”… Exodus 3:12-15.
This list is not… a complete but only a partial one to illustrate this “Point”. Did you know… that God, the God of the Bible… has said that His Word… “Is Above”… His Name…? How important is “His Word” the Bible, if He says… it is above His Name…?
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and praise Your name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for Your Truth's sake; = for You [God] = have “magnified” = Your Word = ‘above’ = “All” = Your Name.
Now please tell me… How can God then set aside His Word, and show you His Truth, apart from that? He can Not! His Word is the very character of God! Why then would HE… use something besides His Word…? “He would Not!” = “He has Not!” = “He will Not!” Can it get any plainer than that…? Since when do you put your… “Visions, Dreams and Thoughts”… Above the very Words of Jehovah God…? Perhaps, because ‘you’… “Do Not ‘Really’ Know”… the God of The Word of God…?
*** (Isaiah 55:6-to-11) Seek Jehovah [God] = while = He may be found; = call on Him = while He is near.
(Isa 55:7) Let the wicked = forsake his way, = and the unrighteous man = his thoughts; = and let him = return to Jehovah, = and = He will have mercy on him; = and to our God, = for He will abundantly pardon.
(Isa 55:8) For = My thoughts = ‘are not’ = your thoughts, = ‘nor’ = your ways = My ways, = says Jehovah.
(Isa 55:9) For as the heavens = are higher than the earth, = so are = My ways = higher than = your ways, = and = My thoughts = than = your thoughts.
(Isa 55:10) For as the rain comes down, = and the snow from the heavens, = and does not return there, = but waters the earth, = and makes it bring out = and bud, and give seed to the sower = and bread to the eater;
(Isa 55:11) so shall = “My Word” = be, = which goes out of My mouth; = it = ‘shall not’ = return to Me void, = but = it shall accomplish = what = I please, = and = it shall certainly = do = what I sent it = to do.
How can anyone… then ‘Claim’, that God spoke to them, outside of His Word? Are any of your thoughts or ways, higher than Gods’? … “NOT!” = “Dreams, Visions and Prophecies”… are outside of the Realm of the Completed Word of God, the Bible. = “IF”… His Word is not Enough… “What Then Is”...? Absolutely Nothing! = What is the Name written on His Vesture…? Please read it aloud in the following Bible Verses…?
*** (Revelation 19:11-12-13) And I saw Heaven opened. = And behold, a white horse! = And He sitting on him = was called Faithful and True. = And in righteousness = He judges = and = makes war.
(Rev 19:12) And His eyes = were like a flame of fire, = and = on His head many crowns. = And = He had a name written, = one that no one knew = except Himself.
(Rev 19:13) And He had been clothed = in a garment dipped in blood, = and = His “Name” = is called = = “The Word of God”.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If they do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
*** (1Samuel 3:21) And Jehovah appeared again in Shiloh. = For Jehovah = revealed Himself = to Samuel = in Shiloh = “BY” = the Word of Jehovah.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = If = they do not hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will = ‘not’ be persuaded, = even though = one = rose from the dead.
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘They Are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with… “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Thursday, March 18, 2010
“Prophecy – 101” …Blog!
“Prophecy – 101” …Blog!
*** (Numbers 23:19) God = is not a man = that He should lie, = neither the son of man = that He should repent. = Has He said, = and shall He not do it? = Or has He spoken, = and shall He not make it good?
One thing for sure… is that “God cannot Lie!” He has given us His Word, the Bible and in that book are the ‘Words of Life & Death’. The acceptance of His Word, will bring one ‘eternal life’… but the rejection of His Word, will bring ‘eternal damnation’. Seldom does anyone speak of the ‘Judgment of God’, but “many” speak of the ‘Love of God’. That provides an “Unbalance” presentation of God, the God of the Bible. Many believe God and Jesus, to be like Santa Clause.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If they = ‘do not speak’ = according to = this Word, = it is because = ‘no light’ = is in them.
Many Churches no longer… ‘Preach & Teach’, the Bible. Instead there is more entertainment, music and singing than actual teaching from the “Holy Word of God”. Some even have their members share thoughts, in what is called… Prophecy. Yes, is what they share, the Truth of the Word of God, or is it what that persons believes? Many of that so called Prophecy, does not agree with the Holy Word of God. I have found in my Christian life, that “Unlearning” preconceived ideas, is a large part of “Learning”.
*** (2Peter 1:19-20-21) We also have a = more sure Word of ‘prophecy’, = to which you do well = to take heed, = as to a light that shines = in a dark place, = until = the day dawns = and = the Daystar = arises in your hearts,
(2Pe 1:20) knowing this = ‘first’, = that no = ‘prophecy’ of the Scripture = came into being = of its own = private interpretation.
(2Pe 1:21) For ‘prophecy’ = was not borne = at any time by the will of man, = but holy men of God = spoke = being borne along = by the Holy Spirit.
Many times… people confuse the word Prophecy. The completed Scriptures, the Bible, and its preaching is… “Forth-Telling or Preaching!” As it was being written, it became… “Fore-Telling.” many of the Old Testament Prophecies… are yet to be Fulfilled. Christ Jesus will restore Israel, to its prominent position, and Jesus will reign here for, ‘1,000-years’ here on earth. This ‘Prophecy’ is called… “Fore-Telling.” Today there is no more… “Fore-Telling”… Because the Word of God, the Bible is complete. This is an example of “Fore-Telliing”, as it speaks about Christ Jesus the Messiah.
*** (Isaiah 9:6-7) For to us a Child is born, = to us a Son is given; = and the government = shall be on His shoulder; = and His name = shall be called = Wonderful, = Counselor, = The mighty God, = The everlasting Father, = The Prince of Peace.
(Isa 9:7) There is no end = of the increase of His government = and = peace on the throne of David, = and on His kingdom, = to order it = and to establish it = with judgment = and with justice = from now on, = even forever. = The zeal of Jehovah of Hosts will do this.
There are more… than 300 prophecies about Christ Jesus found in the Old Testament. There are more in the New Testament about His future work and judgment of the nations and peoples. Many are intrigued with the book of Revelation, yet one cannot begin to understand it, unless one also studies, many of the Old Testament books also. God, the God of the Bible… wove His Truth, throughout the entire Bible. It is not as complex as a college textbook, nor as simple as one of those… “You-Know-What=for Dummies!”
*** (1Corinthians 2:12-13-14) But = we have ‘not’ received = ‘the spirit of the world’, = but the “Spirit from God”, = so that we = ‘might know’ = the things that are = freely given to us = by God.
(1Cor 2:13) These things = we ‘also speak’, = ‘not’ = in words = which man's wisdom teaches, = but which the Holy Spirit teaches, = comparing spiritual things = with spiritual.
(1Cor 2:14) But = the ‘natural man’ = does “Not” receive = the things of the Spirit of God, = for they are = ‘foolishness’ to him; = neither can he = ‘know’ them, = because they are spiritually discerned.
*** (John 6:63) It is the [Holy] Spirit = that makes alive, = the flesh profits nothing. = The Words = that I [Jesus] = speak to you = are Spirit = and are Life.
Unless one is "Born Again"… by the Holy Spirit of God, they cannot begin to understand the Word of God. For an example, each of us has heard someone say… “The Bible is full of Contradictions”. That is the ‘perfect example’ of what the above Scriptures call, ‘The Natural Man.’ He or she, cannot know the Spiritual things of God and His Word, neither can he or she, know them. Sure, they can memorize, learn and repeat them, just as a Parrot. But the True Spiritual Truth, is not known unto them, unless they are Born Again, born from above.
*** (Romans 8:9) But you = are not in the flesh, = but in the Spirit, = ‘if’ = the Spirit of God = dwells in you. = But if ‘anyone’ = has ‘not’ = the Spirit of Christ, = he is = ‘none’ = of His.
*** (Romans 8:16-17) The Spirit Himself = bears witness with our spirit = that we are = the children of God.
(Rom 8:17) And if = we are children, = then we are heirs; = heirs of God = and joint-heirs = with Christ; = so that if we ‘suffer’ with Him, = we may also be glorified together.
Did you notice… that ‘suffering’ preceded being glorified with Him? ‘Prophecy’, that is those that ‘preach & teach’ that… “Jesus wants you Rich and Well”… or the… “Name it & Claim It Gospel of Prosperity”… are Speaking “LIES”… about the Word of God. They are called by the Bible, “False Prophets!” If you have read through the Old Testament, you find more “False Prophets & Preachers” than real ones. God continually sent them to correct the error of the, “Kings, Priests and Peoples”. It is the same today, ‘many’ that supposed… “Prophecy”… are simply “Liars”, because what they say… does not agree with the Written Word of God!
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were also = ‘false prophets’ = among the people, = even as there will be = ‘false teachers’ = among you, = who secretly will bring in “destructive heresies”, = even denying the Master, Who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And = “Many” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and = because of them = the way of Truth [The Bible] = will be evil spoken of.
Say it isn’t so…? Simply read any Bible Discussion Board on the Internet. There is more ‘heresy’ there, being touted as, ‘The Truth.’ Did you also notice home very many, ‘Do not use the Bible’ as their point of reference? “I believe” or “I think” or “I have experienced this or that!” The Holy Word of God… is ‘cast aside’ and substituted with, “Half Truths and even outright Lies!” By individual Prophecy, that is their personal belief and not the Bible, people ‘speak’ with their authority and… “Not that of God and His Word!” Just look at the above verses… ‘2Pet 2:2’… “The way of ‘Truth’, will be evil spoken of.
*** (John 16:13-14-15) However, = when He, = the Spirit of Truth, = has come, = He will guide you = into all Truth. = For He shall not = speak of Himself, = but whatever He hears, = He shall speak. = And He will announce [reveal] to you = things to come.
(John 16:14) He will glorify Me [Jesus], = for He will receive of Mine = and will announce [reveal] it to you.
(John 16:15) All things = that the Father has = are Mine. = Therefore I said = that He will take of Mine = and will announce [reveal] it to you.
*** (Luke 18:8) I [Jesus] = say to you = that He [God] = will avenge them speedily. = Yet = when the Son of Man [Jesus] comes [again], = shall He find [True Biblical] ‘faith’ = on the earth?
Today many are ‘Religious’… but few, that say they are Christian, ‘read & study’ the Holy Word of God. Even ‘fewer’ know what it means and have not, compared Scripture with Scriptures, to discern the meanings of particular Biblical Truths. The God of the Bible, is not like Rodney King… “Can’t we all, just get along?” He is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, and will Rule the Nations, with a Rod of Iron. He will bring Justice where it is need, without any partiality or respect of any person! Just as He, God, said so, in this and many other verses.
*** (Zechariah 13:2-3-4) And = it shall be in that day, = says Jehovah of Hosts, = I will cut off the names of the idols = out of the land, = and they shall be remembered no more. = And also I will cause = the [false] prophets and the unclean spirit = to pass out of the land.
(Zech 13:3) And it shall be = when ‘any’ = shall yet “prophesy”, = his father and his mother = who gave birth to him = shall say to him then, = “You shall not live”; = for you = ‘speak lies] = in the name of Jehovah. = And his father and his mother who gave him birth = shall thrust him through = when he ‘prophesies’.
(Zech 13:4) And it shall be in that day, = the [false] prophets shall be ashamed, = each one of his vision, = when he ‘prophesies’. = And they shall ‘not’ wear = a hairy garment = to “deceive”.
So is it today… that Many that falsely claim to ‘Prophecy’, in the Name of God, are simply “Liars!” The Holy Word of God is… “Totally Complete! There are “No More Prophecies”… all that we need to know, is in the completed, Word of God, the Bible. Say it isn’t so…? Please don’t tell me that God has given you, ‘Alone some Prophecy?’ It is not so…! Perhaps you do ‘not know’, what God gave us to… “Verify and Validate His Truth?” It is simply, the completed Holy Word of God…!
*** (Acts 17:11) And these were = more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they = “received the Word with all readiness of mind” = and “searched the Scriptures daily” = to see if those things = were so.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and = to the testimony! = “If” = they ‘do not’ speak = according to this Word, = it is because = ‘no light’ = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = “If” = they do not hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will = “not be persuaded”, = even though = ‘one’ = rose from the dead.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = ‘above all’ = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
*** (Numbers 23:19) God = is not a man = that He should lie, = neither the son of man = that He should repent. = Has He said, = and shall He not do it? = Or has He spoken, = and shall He not make it good?
One thing for sure… is that “God cannot Lie!” He has given us His Word, the Bible and in that book are the ‘Words of Life & Death’. The acceptance of His Word, will bring one ‘eternal life’… but the rejection of His Word, will bring ‘eternal damnation’. Seldom does anyone speak of the ‘Judgment of God’, but “many” speak of the ‘Love of God’. That provides an “Unbalance” presentation of God, the God of the Bible. Many believe God and Jesus, to be like Santa Clause.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If they = ‘do not speak’ = according to = this Word, = it is because = ‘no light’ = is in them.
Many Churches no longer… ‘Preach & Teach’, the Bible. Instead there is more entertainment, music and singing than actual teaching from the “Holy Word of God”. Some even have their members share thoughts, in what is called… Prophecy. Yes, is what they share, the Truth of the Word of God, or is it what that persons believes? Many of that so called Prophecy, does not agree with the Holy Word of God. I have found in my Christian life, that “Unlearning” preconceived ideas, is a large part of “Learning”.
*** (2Peter 1:19-20-21) We also have a = more sure Word of ‘prophecy’, = to which you do well = to take heed, = as to a light that shines = in a dark place, = until = the day dawns = and = the Daystar = arises in your hearts,
(2Pe 1:20) knowing this = ‘first’, = that no = ‘prophecy’ of the Scripture = came into being = of its own = private interpretation.
(2Pe 1:21) For ‘prophecy’ = was not borne = at any time by the will of man, = but holy men of God = spoke = being borne along = by the Holy Spirit.
Many times… people confuse the word Prophecy. The completed Scriptures, the Bible, and its preaching is… “Forth-Telling or Preaching!” As it was being written, it became… “Fore-Telling.” many of the Old Testament Prophecies… are yet to be Fulfilled. Christ Jesus will restore Israel, to its prominent position, and Jesus will reign here for, ‘1,000-years’ here on earth. This ‘Prophecy’ is called… “Fore-Telling.” Today there is no more… “Fore-Telling”… Because the Word of God, the Bible is complete. This is an example of “Fore-Telliing”, as it speaks about Christ Jesus the Messiah.
*** (Isaiah 9:6-7) For to us a Child is born, = to us a Son is given; = and the government = shall be on His shoulder; = and His name = shall be called = Wonderful, = Counselor, = The mighty God, = The everlasting Father, = The Prince of Peace.
(Isa 9:7) There is no end = of the increase of His government = and = peace on the throne of David, = and on His kingdom, = to order it = and to establish it = with judgment = and with justice = from now on, = even forever. = The zeal of Jehovah of Hosts will do this.
There are more… than 300 prophecies about Christ Jesus found in the Old Testament. There are more in the New Testament about His future work and judgment of the nations and peoples. Many are intrigued with the book of Revelation, yet one cannot begin to understand it, unless one also studies, many of the Old Testament books also. God, the God of the Bible… wove His Truth, throughout the entire Bible. It is not as complex as a college textbook, nor as simple as one of those… “You-Know-What=for Dummies!”
*** (1Corinthians 2:12-13-14) But = we have ‘not’ received = ‘the spirit of the world’, = but the “Spirit from God”, = so that we = ‘might know’ = the things that are = freely given to us = by God.
(1Cor 2:13) These things = we ‘also speak’, = ‘not’ = in words = which man's wisdom teaches, = but which the Holy Spirit teaches, = comparing spiritual things = with spiritual.
(1Cor 2:14) But = the ‘natural man’ = does “Not” receive = the things of the Spirit of God, = for they are = ‘foolishness’ to him; = neither can he = ‘know’ them, = because they are spiritually discerned.
*** (John 6:63) It is the [Holy] Spirit = that makes alive, = the flesh profits nothing. = The Words = that I [Jesus] = speak to you = are Spirit = and are Life.
Unless one is "Born Again"… by the Holy Spirit of God, they cannot begin to understand the Word of God. For an example, each of us has heard someone say… “The Bible is full of Contradictions”. That is the ‘perfect example’ of what the above Scriptures call, ‘The Natural Man.’ He or she, cannot know the Spiritual things of God and His Word, neither can he or she, know them. Sure, they can memorize, learn and repeat them, just as a Parrot. But the True Spiritual Truth, is not known unto them, unless they are Born Again, born from above.
*** (Romans 8:9) But you = are not in the flesh, = but in the Spirit, = ‘if’ = the Spirit of God = dwells in you. = But if ‘anyone’ = has ‘not’ = the Spirit of Christ, = he is = ‘none’ = of His.
*** (Romans 8:16-17) The Spirit Himself = bears witness with our spirit = that we are = the children of God.
(Rom 8:17) And if = we are children, = then we are heirs; = heirs of God = and joint-heirs = with Christ; = so that if we ‘suffer’ with Him, = we may also be glorified together.
Did you notice… that ‘suffering’ preceded being glorified with Him? ‘Prophecy’, that is those that ‘preach & teach’ that… “Jesus wants you Rich and Well”… or the… “Name it & Claim It Gospel of Prosperity”… are Speaking “LIES”… about the Word of God. They are called by the Bible, “False Prophets!” If you have read through the Old Testament, you find more “False Prophets & Preachers” than real ones. God continually sent them to correct the error of the, “Kings, Priests and Peoples”. It is the same today, ‘many’ that supposed… “Prophecy”… are simply “Liars”, because what they say… does not agree with the Written Word of God!
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were also = ‘false prophets’ = among the people, = even as there will be = ‘false teachers’ = among you, = who secretly will bring in “destructive heresies”, = even denying the Master, Who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And = “Many” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and = because of them = the way of Truth [The Bible] = will be evil spoken of.
Say it isn’t so…? Simply read any Bible Discussion Board on the Internet. There is more ‘heresy’ there, being touted as, ‘The Truth.’ Did you also notice home very many, ‘Do not use the Bible’ as their point of reference? “I believe” or “I think” or “I have experienced this or that!” The Holy Word of God… is ‘cast aside’ and substituted with, “Half Truths and even outright Lies!” By individual Prophecy, that is their personal belief and not the Bible, people ‘speak’ with their authority and… “Not that of God and His Word!” Just look at the above verses… ‘2Pet 2:2’… “The way of ‘Truth’, will be evil spoken of.
*** (John 16:13-14-15) However, = when He, = the Spirit of Truth, = has come, = He will guide you = into all Truth. = For He shall not = speak of Himself, = but whatever He hears, = He shall speak. = And He will announce [reveal] to you = things to come.
(John 16:14) He will glorify Me [Jesus], = for He will receive of Mine = and will announce [reveal] it to you.
(John 16:15) All things = that the Father has = are Mine. = Therefore I said = that He will take of Mine = and will announce [reveal] it to you.
*** (Luke 18:8) I [Jesus] = say to you = that He [God] = will avenge them speedily. = Yet = when the Son of Man [Jesus] comes [again], = shall He find [True Biblical] ‘faith’ = on the earth?
Today many are ‘Religious’… but few, that say they are Christian, ‘read & study’ the Holy Word of God. Even ‘fewer’ know what it means and have not, compared Scripture with Scriptures, to discern the meanings of particular Biblical Truths. The God of the Bible, is not like Rodney King… “Can’t we all, just get along?” He is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, and will Rule the Nations, with a Rod of Iron. He will bring Justice where it is need, without any partiality or respect of any person! Just as He, God, said so, in this and many other verses.
*** (Zechariah 13:2-3-4) And = it shall be in that day, = says Jehovah of Hosts, = I will cut off the names of the idols = out of the land, = and they shall be remembered no more. = And also I will cause = the [false] prophets and the unclean spirit = to pass out of the land.
(Zech 13:3) And it shall be = when ‘any’ = shall yet “prophesy”, = his father and his mother = who gave birth to him = shall say to him then, = “You shall not live”; = for you = ‘speak lies] = in the name of Jehovah. = And his father and his mother who gave him birth = shall thrust him through = when he ‘prophesies’.
(Zech 13:4) And it shall be in that day, = the [false] prophets shall be ashamed, = each one of his vision, = when he ‘prophesies’. = And they shall ‘not’ wear = a hairy garment = to “deceive”.
So is it today… that Many that falsely claim to ‘Prophecy’, in the Name of God, are simply “Liars!” The Holy Word of God is… “Totally Complete! There are “No More Prophecies”… all that we need to know, is in the completed, Word of God, the Bible. Say it isn’t so…? Please don’t tell me that God has given you, ‘Alone some Prophecy?’ It is not so…! Perhaps you do ‘not know’, what God gave us to… “Verify and Validate His Truth?” It is simply, the completed Holy Word of God…!
*** (Acts 17:11) And these were = more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they = “received the Word with all readiness of mind” = and “searched the Scriptures daily” = to see if those things = were so.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and = to the testimony! = “If” = they ‘do not’ speak = according to this Word, = it is because = ‘no light’ = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = “If” = they do not hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will = “not be persuaded”, = even though = ‘one’ = rose from the dead.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = ‘above all’ = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
“Dreams & Visions – 101”
“Dreams & Visions – 101”
Recently someone asked me… ‘What about the ‘dreams’, I am having from the Lord?’ My response was the we now have the Completed Word of God, the Old & New Testament. Why would God, the God of the Bible, use dreams and visions, when His revelation is complete in the Bible? There is a “spiritual warfare” going on for the hearts and minds of mankind. That battle is based on the “What IF!” The question is… ‘what if’… God has ‘not’ revealed, His Truth in the Completed Bible?
*** (Genesis 3:1) Now the serpent [Satan] = was more cunning than any beast of the field = which Jehovah God had made. = And he said = to the woman, = Is it so that God has said, = You = ‘shall not’ = eat of every tree of the garden?
Satan’s trick is still the same…! “Has God really said”, You shall not…? In order to question the complete authority of God, Satan and his workers, will try and get you to believe that God is holding something back, which you need to know. In this particular case, ‘The Knowledge of Good & Evil!” God never intended for mankind to, ‘Know Evil’… but only to know… ‘Good!’ Did you know that ‘dreams’ can come from other places than from God? Maybe something you ate, or even for women, in ‘peri-menopause’ or ‘menopause’, by an upset hormone balance?
*** (1Samuel 15:22-23) And Samuel said, = Does Jehovah [God] = delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices = as in ‘obeying’ = the voice [Word] of Jehovah? = Behold, ‘to obey’ = is better than sacrifice! = To listen = is better than the fat of rams!
(1Sam 15:23) For ‘rebellion’ = is as the sin of witchcraft, = and = stubbornness is as iniquity and idol-worship. = Because you have ‘rejected’ = the Word of Jehovah, = He has also rejected you from being king!
The first King of Israel… to God’s chosen people, ‘did not’ obey God and what He told him to do. Did you notice ‘rebellion’ is as the sin of witchcraft? Replete throughout the Old Testament, His people disobeyed His Word. The 70-year captivity in Babylon was punishment for ‘not’ keeping God’s Commands. Over and over again, they were led by “False Prophets” giving ‘dreams and visions’ that were ‘not’ from God. But what about the Bible verse that tells us we will have ‘dreams and visions’…? Remember… “A verse taken out of context… is usually a pretext for Error!”
*** (Joel 2:28-to-32) And it shall be afterward, = I will pour out My Spirit = on all flesh. = And your sons and your daughters = shall prophesy; = your old men = shall dream dreams; = your young men = shall see visions.
(Joe 2:29) And also = I will pour out My Spirit = on the slaves and on the slave women in those days.
(Joe 2:30) And I will = show wonders in the heavens, = and in the earth, = blood = and fire = and = pillars of smoke.
(Joe 2:31) The sun = shall be turned into darkness, = and the moon into blood, = before = the coming of = the great and awesome = day of Jehovah.
(Joe 2:32) And it shall be, = whoever shall call = on the name of Jehovah = shall be saved; = for salvation shall be in Mount Zion = and in Jerusalem, = as Jehovah has said, = and in the remnant = ‘whom’ = Jehovah = shall call.
Let us first… determine to whom this was written? It was written to Israel, the Jews. They, the Jews, will… prophesy, dream dreams, see visions. AND… I… God, will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth… “Blood and Fire and Pillars of Smoke!” The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon to the color of blood. Have any of those… “Physical Manifestations”… taken place, along with the… “Prophecy, dream dreams and see visions”…? …Not! Are any gentiles included in these verses…? Sorry No!
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) For such ones are = ‘false apostles’, = ‘deceitful workers’, = transforming themselves = into the apostles of Christ.
(2Cor 11:14) Did not = even Satan = ‘marvelously transform’ = himself = into an angel of light?
(2Cor 11:15) Therefore = it is no great thing = if his ministers = also = ‘transform themselves’ = as ministers of righteousness, = whose end = shall be according to their works.
Have you had… a minister or preacher, tell you those ‘dreams’ are from God? Did he or she, “Infer or Imply”… that God speaks to us though ‘dreams, visions and the like?’ How do you know then, that they are not… ‘Those’… spoken about in the above Bible Verses? If you believe that ‘each and every preacher’, is telling you “God’s Truth”, you are severely wrong! Oh yes, how do you, distinguish if… it is an angel of God… or… “Satan disguised as an… ‘Angel’ of Light?”
*** (Isaiah 8:19-20) And when they = shall say to you, = Seek to the mediums = and to wizards = who peep = and mutter; = should not a people = seek to their God, = than for the living to the dead?
(Isa 8:20) “To the Law” = and = “To the testimony”! = If = they ‘do not’ speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
Backslidden Israel… had learned from the heathen in the land, the witchcraft visions and séances and dreams… and ‘not to depend’, on the Word of God. So too today, when one will not… “Search, read & study”… the Word of God, but rely on dreams and visions, they are doing the same as backslidden Israel did. God has given us everything we need to know in His Word. What was the practice of the early church, in the book of Acts? How did they verify, what the Apostles preached…?
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they = received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = ‘Searched the Scriptures’ = daily = to see if those things = were so.
*** (Ephesians 5:8-9-10) For you were = once darkness, = but now = you are light in the Lord; = walk as children of light
(Eph 5:9) For = the fruit of the Spirit = is in all goodness = and = righteousness = and = Truth,
(Eph 5:10) “Proving” = what is acceptable = to the Lord.
Those new Christians… the “Bereans” [v16], searched the Scriptures for the validity of the Truth! How about you, when you read something, do you check if it is, a valid Scriptural Truth… or Not? Yes, even these blogs that I write and post, do you check them out with the Scriptures, or do you just take my word? It is your responsibility… to validate each and every thing, with the Scriptures! There are some preachers and teachers on the “Pseudo Christian TV & Radio” that I will ‘not’ listen to. They twist the Word of God, to make it say something that it does not say, and yes, even using Scriptures! Remember Satan, comes as an angel of light, and his preachers do too…! The “Name It & Claim It” group for one! There is No Such… Biblical Teaching!
*** (Matthew 15:14) Let them alone. = They are blind leaders = of the blind. = And if = the blind lead the blind, = both = shall fall into the ditch.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But = there were also = ‘false prophets’ = among the people, = even as = there will be = ‘false teachers’ = ‘among you’, = who secretly will bring in = destructive heresies, = even denying the Master = who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And = “Many” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and = because of them = the way of Truth = will be evil spoken of.
Perhaps along with carrying… ‘Your Bible and notebook’, you should be checking out… what you are told, from the Pulpit, Radio or TV…? The Word of God… is the only “Truth”, to validate what is said and what is taught! You should ‘not’ trust any teaching, until you have checked it out in the complete word of God. How about It…? Will you trust the Word of God, and the Truth of the Word? And ‘not’… in those dreams, visions and the like… that will only lead you away, as Satan did with Eve, to question, God and His Word?
*** (Isaiah 8:20) “To the Law” = and = “To the testimony”! = If = they ‘do not’ speak = according to this Word, = it is because = ‘no light’ = is in them.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = ‘above all’ = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = The Truth = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Recently someone asked me… ‘What about the ‘dreams’, I am having from the Lord?’ My response was the we now have the Completed Word of God, the Old & New Testament. Why would God, the God of the Bible, use dreams and visions, when His revelation is complete in the Bible? There is a “spiritual warfare” going on for the hearts and minds of mankind. That battle is based on the “What IF!” The question is… ‘what if’… God has ‘not’ revealed, His Truth in the Completed Bible?
*** (Genesis 3:1) Now the serpent [Satan] = was more cunning than any beast of the field = which Jehovah God had made. = And he said = to the woman, = Is it so that God has said, = You = ‘shall not’ = eat of every tree of the garden?
Satan’s trick is still the same…! “Has God really said”, You shall not…? In order to question the complete authority of God, Satan and his workers, will try and get you to believe that God is holding something back, which you need to know. In this particular case, ‘The Knowledge of Good & Evil!” God never intended for mankind to, ‘Know Evil’… but only to know… ‘Good!’ Did you know that ‘dreams’ can come from other places than from God? Maybe something you ate, or even for women, in ‘peri-menopause’ or ‘menopause’, by an upset hormone balance?
*** (1Samuel 15:22-23) And Samuel said, = Does Jehovah [God] = delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices = as in ‘obeying’ = the voice [Word] of Jehovah? = Behold, ‘to obey’ = is better than sacrifice! = To listen = is better than the fat of rams!
(1Sam 15:23) For ‘rebellion’ = is as the sin of witchcraft, = and = stubbornness is as iniquity and idol-worship. = Because you have ‘rejected’ = the Word of Jehovah, = He has also rejected you from being king!
The first King of Israel… to God’s chosen people, ‘did not’ obey God and what He told him to do. Did you notice ‘rebellion’ is as the sin of witchcraft? Replete throughout the Old Testament, His people disobeyed His Word. The 70-year captivity in Babylon was punishment for ‘not’ keeping God’s Commands. Over and over again, they were led by “False Prophets” giving ‘dreams and visions’ that were ‘not’ from God. But what about the Bible verse that tells us we will have ‘dreams and visions’…? Remember… “A verse taken out of context… is usually a pretext for Error!”
*** (Joel 2:28-to-32) And it shall be afterward, = I will pour out My Spirit = on all flesh. = And your sons and your daughters = shall prophesy; = your old men = shall dream dreams; = your young men = shall see visions.
(Joe 2:29) And also = I will pour out My Spirit = on the slaves and on the slave women in those days.
(Joe 2:30) And I will = show wonders in the heavens, = and in the earth, = blood = and fire = and = pillars of smoke.
(Joe 2:31) The sun = shall be turned into darkness, = and the moon into blood, = before = the coming of = the great and awesome = day of Jehovah.
(Joe 2:32) And it shall be, = whoever shall call = on the name of Jehovah = shall be saved; = for salvation shall be in Mount Zion = and in Jerusalem, = as Jehovah has said, = and in the remnant = ‘whom’ = Jehovah = shall call.
Let us first… determine to whom this was written? It was written to Israel, the Jews. They, the Jews, will… prophesy, dream dreams, see visions. AND… I… God, will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth… “Blood and Fire and Pillars of Smoke!” The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon to the color of blood. Have any of those… “Physical Manifestations”… taken place, along with the… “Prophecy, dream dreams and see visions”…? …Not! Are any gentiles included in these verses…? Sorry No!
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) For such ones are = ‘false apostles’, = ‘deceitful workers’, = transforming themselves = into the apostles of Christ.
(2Cor 11:14) Did not = even Satan = ‘marvelously transform’ = himself = into an angel of light?
(2Cor 11:15) Therefore = it is no great thing = if his ministers = also = ‘transform themselves’ = as ministers of righteousness, = whose end = shall be according to their works.
Have you had… a minister or preacher, tell you those ‘dreams’ are from God? Did he or she, “Infer or Imply”… that God speaks to us though ‘dreams, visions and the like?’ How do you know then, that they are not… ‘Those’… spoken about in the above Bible Verses? If you believe that ‘each and every preacher’, is telling you “God’s Truth”, you are severely wrong! Oh yes, how do you, distinguish if… it is an angel of God… or… “Satan disguised as an… ‘Angel’ of Light?”
*** (Isaiah 8:19-20) And when they = shall say to you, = Seek to the mediums = and to wizards = who peep = and mutter; = should not a people = seek to their God, = than for the living to the dead?
(Isa 8:20) “To the Law” = and = “To the testimony”! = If = they ‘do not’ speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
Backslidden Israel… had learned from the heathen in the land, the witchcraft visions and séances and dreams… and ‘not to depend’, on the Word of God. So too today, when one will not… “Search, read & study”… the Word of God, but rely on dreams and visions, they are doing the same as backslidden Israel did. God has given us everything we need to know in His Word. What was the practice of the early church, in the book of Acts? How did they verify, what the Apostles preached…?
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they = received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = ‘Searched the Scriptures’ = daily = to see if those things = were so.
*** (Ephesians 5:8-9-10) For you were = once darkness, = but now = you are light in the Lord; = walk as children of light
(Eph 5:9) For = the fruit of the Spirit = is in all goodness = and = righteousness = and = Truth,
(Eph 5:10) “Proving” = what is acceptable = to the Lord.
Those new Christians… the “Bereans” [v16], searched the Scriptures for the validity of the Truth! How about you, when you read something, do you check if it is, a valid Scriptural Truth… or Not? Yes, even these blogs that I write and post, do you check them out with the Scriptures, or do you just take my word? It is your responsibility… to validate each and every thing, with the Scriptures! There are some preachers and teachers on the “Pseudo Christian TV & Radio” that I will ‘not’ listen to. They twist the Word of God, to make it say something that it does not say, and yes, even using Scriptures! Remember Satan, comes as an angel of light, and his preachers do too…! The “Name It & Claim It” group for one! There is No Such… Biblical Teaching!
*** (Matthew 15:14) Let them alone. = They are blind leaders = of the blind. = And if = the blind lead the blind, = both = shall fall into the ditch.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But = there were also = ‘false prophets’ = among the people, = even as = there will be = ‘false teachers’ = ‘among you’, = who secretly will bring in = destructive heresies, = even denying the Master = who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And = “Many” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and = because of them = the way of Truth = will be evil spoken of.
Perhaps along with carrying… ‘Your Bible and notebook’, you should be checking out… what you are told, from the Pulpit, Radio or TV…? The Word of God… is the only “Truth”, to validate what is said and what is taught! You should ‘not’ trust any teaching, until you have checked it out in the complete word of God. How about It…? Will you trust the Word of God, and the Truth of the Word? And ‘not’… in those dreams, visions and the like… that will only lead you away, as Satan did with Eve, to question, God and His Word?
*** (Isaiah 8:20) “To the Law” = and = “To the testimony”! = If = they ‘do not’ speak = according to this Word, = it is because = ‘no light’ = is in them.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = ‘above all’ = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = The Truth = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Monday, March 15, 2010
“The Chameleon – 101” …Blog.
“The Chameleon – 101” …Blog.
What is a Chameleon…? Perhaps you are one…? But of course, I do not mean that insect eating cold blooded lizard. Perhaps you adapt to the ‘Politically Correct’ philosophy or some other social persuasion, even to neutrality. Your identity is hidden in some group you hold to, or at least an identifiable acceptance of, even by joining Face Book or Twitter or some other internet group.
*** (Luke 8:17) For ‘nothing’ = is secret = that shall not be revealed; = nor secret = which shall not be known = and = come to be revealed. [& Ecclesiastes 12:13-14]
I do a lot of posting… on various internet sites. Often time, in a particular discussion, one will misquote a Bible verse and try and make it fit into the discussion. Again there are others that will take a Bible verse out of context and use it to try and discredit God and His Word. They are merely ‘Chameleons’ hiding among the group, trying to validate their thinking. Really the Bible speaks about these in this verse. They are ‘Chameleon’ wolves, disguised as sheep!
*** (Matthew 7:15) Beware of = false prophets = who come to you = in sheep's clothing, = but inwardly = they are ravening wolves.
One would think… given the benefit of the doubt, that they might come, seeking the Truth found in the Bible. Usually that is not the case. The Bible, both the OT and the NT, are replete with information about these ‘false prophets’. They blend in with the group and gain acceptance by them, only to seed the Lies among the Truth. Just because someone calls themselves Christian, they may not be. If you live in a ‘garage’, surely, you as a human cannot be called a ‘car’.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2-3) But there were = also = false prophets among the people, = even as = there will be = false teachers = among you, = who “Secretly” = will bring in destructive heresies, = even denying the Master who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And = “Many” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and = because of them = the way of Truth [The Bible] = will be evil spoken of.
Imagine that…? The ‘Chameleon’, the false teachers, hide among the Saints, in the Church. How then can one distinguish who they are, without head hunting and destroying the Church? The Bible has a distinct procedure for doing this. It is a simple test, that you may even test yourself. Could it really be that easy? The real question is… “Do you really want to know, if you are one of those ‘false prophets?’
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony [Prophets]! = If they = ‘do not’ speak = according to this Word, = it is because = ‘no light’ = is in them.
*** (1Corinthains 14:32) The spirits of prophets [True or False] are subject to the prophets [True or False],
*** (1Cointhians 2:14) But the natural man = does “Not” = Receive the things = of the Spirit of God, = for they are = “Foolishness” = to him; = “Neither” = can he know them, = because = they are spiritually discerned.
Do you readily… accept what God has said in His Word, The Bible without Question? To qualify this, I am not speaking about those verses, taken out of context. The Biblical doctrines such as, “Salvation by God’s Grace Alone” & “Christ Jesus is God” & “The Holy Spirit brings about salvation by His conviction of the Sinner” and the many other Valid Bible doctrines and teachings. The error teachings are like, that one has to be water baptized, or that one must keep the Sabbath to be right with God.
*** (Isaiah 28:13) But = the Word of Jehovah = was to them = precept on precept, = precept on precept; = line on line, = line on line; = here a little, = there a little; = that they might go, = and fall backward, = and be broken = and snared = and taken.
*** (2Timothy 3:15-16-17) and that = from a babe = you have known = the Holy Scriptures, = which are able = to make you wise to salvation = through faith = in Christ Jesus.
(2Tim 3:16) All Scripture is = God-breathed, = and is profitable = for doctrine, = for reproof, = for correction, = for instruction in righteousness,
(2Tim 3:17) that = the man of God = may be perfected, = thoroughly furnished = to every good work.
These verses… make it absolutely clear, that our “Only Authority is what God says in His Word”, The Bible. Many as ‘Chameleons’ hide in their denominations, never checking if what they are told, has the validity of Holy Scripture. Have you noticed ‘all the new groups’ that do not call themselves Church bodies? They are titled as, movement, fellowship, new way and the list goes on and on. Yet when questioned about their teaching, they claim to believe the Bible.
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus = answered him [Satan], = saying, = It is written = that "man shall not live by bread alone, = but by every = Word of God."
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, = the days come, = says the Lord Jehovah, = that I will send = a famine in the land; = not a famine of bread = nor a thirst for water, = but of hearing = the Words of Jehovah.
Was the teaching you receive… is it from the Bible in correct context and does that teacher hold to the “Complete Authority of the Scriptures?” How about you, do you study the Scriptures on your own, relying on God to teach you, out of His Word…? Do you take out your Bible and test the teaching you have been learning from? Just how long have you been a Christian? Do you spend time, daily, in the Word of God? Does your life indicate a goal to serve God in obedience to His Word?
*** (2Corinthians 4:16) For this cause = we do not faint; = but though = our outward man perishes, = yet = the inward man = is being renewed = ‘day by day’.
*** (1Peter 2:2-3) desire = the sincere milk of the Word, = as newborn babes, = so that you = may grow = by it;
(1Pet 2:3) if truly = you have tasted that = the Lord is gracious.
Do you ‘prepare’ your… “Heart”… before you pray, read & study the Word of God? How about before you go to Church to hear His Word? How about before you sing praises to Him, or any other form of worship? How about confession about those hidden secret sins, do you confess them before any religious worship? Perhaps if we start to treat the Holy Word of God, as God does in His Holiness, we would take His Word… “Seriously?”
*** (2Chronicles 12:14) And = he did the evil = because he = did not = prepare his heart = to seek Jehovah.
*** (Ezra 7:10) For Ezra had = prepared his heart = to seek the Law of Jehovah, = and = “To Do It”, = and to teach statutes = and judgments = in Israel.
*** (Psalms 90:8) You have set = our iniquities = before You, = ‘our secret sins’ = in the light of Your face.
*** (Psalms 19:12-13-14) Who can understand his errors? = Oh make me pure = from = secret faults;
(Psalms 19:13) and = keep Your servant back = from presumptuous sins; = do not let them = rule over me; = then I shall be upright, = and I shall be innocent = of great transgression.
(Psalms 19:14) Let = the words of my mouth = and = the meditation of my heart = be pleasing = in Your sight, = O Jehovah, = my Rock = and my Redeemer.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = ‘above all’ = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = The Truth = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
What is a Chameleon…? Perhaps you are one…? But of course, I do not mean that insect eating cold blooded lizard. Perhaps you adapt to the ‘Politically Correct’ philosophy or some other social persuasion, even to neutrality. Your identity is hidden in some group you hold to, or at least an identifiable acceptance of, even by joining Face Book or Twitter or some other internet group.
*** (Luke 8:17) For ‘nothing’ = is secret = that shall not be revealed; = nor secret = which shall not be known = and = come to be revealed. [& Ecclesiastes 12:13-14]
I do a lot of posting… on various internet sites. Often time, in a particular discussion, one will misquote a Bible verse and try and make it fit into the discussion. Again there are others that will take a Bible verse out of context and use it to try and discredit God and His Word. They are merely ‘Chameleons’ hiding among the group, trying to validate their thinking. Really the Bible speaks about these in this verse. They are ‘Chameleon’ wolves, disguised as sheep!
*** (Matthew 7:15) Beware of = false prophets = who come to you = in sheep's clothing, = but inwardly = they are ravening wolves.
One would think… given the benefit of the doubt, that they might come, seeking the Truth found in the Bible. Usually that is not the case. The Bible, both the OT and the NT, are replete with information about these ‘false prophets’. They blend in with the group and gain acceptance by them, only to seed the Lies among the Truth. Just because someone calls themselves Christian, they may not be. If you live in a ‘garage’, surely, you as a human cannot be called a ‘car’.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2-3) But there were = also = false prophets among the people, = even as = there will be = false teachers = among you, = who “Secretly” = will bring in destructive heresies, = even denying the Master who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And = “Many” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and = because of them = the way of Truth [The Bible] = will be evil spoken of.
Imagine that…? The ‘Chameleon’, the false teachers, hide among the Saints, in the Church. How then can one distinguish who they are, without head hunting and destroying the Church? The Bible has a distinct procedure for doing this. It is a simple test, that you may even test yourself. Could it really be that easy? The real question is… “Do you really want to know, if you are one of those ‘false prophets?’
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony [Prophets]! = If they = ‘do not’ speak = according to this Word, = it is because = ‘no light’ = is in them.
*** (1Corinthains 14:32) The spirits of prophets [True or False] are subject to the prophets [True or False],
*** (1Cointhians 2:14) But the natural man = does “Not” = Receive the things = of the Spirit of God, = for they are = “Foolishness” = to him; = “Neither” = can he know them, = because = they are spiritually discerned.
Do you readily… accept what God has said in His Word, The Bible without Question? To qualify this, I am not speaking about those verses, taken out of context. The Biblical doctrines such as, “Salvation by God’s Grace Alone” & “Christ Jesus is God” & “The Holy Spirit brings about salvation by His conviction of the Sinner” and the many other Valid Bible doctrines and teachings. The error teachings are like, that one has to be water baptized, or that one must keep the Sabbath to be right with God.
*** (Isaiah 28:13) But = the Word of Jehovah = was to them = precept on precept, = precept on precept; = line on line, = line on line; = here a little, = there a little; = that they might go, = and fall backward, = and be broken = and snared = and taken.
*** (2Timothy 3:15-16-17) and that = from a babe = you have known = the Holy Scriptures, = which are able = to make you wise to salvation = through faith = in Christ Jesus.
(2Tim 3:16) All Scripture is = God-breathed, = and is profitable = for doctrine, = for reproof, = for correction, = for instruction in righteousness,
(2Tim 3:17) that = the man of God = may be perfected, = thoroughly furnished = to every good work.
These verses… make it absolutely clear, that our “Only Authority is what God says in His Word”, The Bible. Many as ‘Chameleons’ hide in their denominations, never checking if what they are told, has the validity of Holy Scripture. Have you noticed ‘all the new groups’ that do not call themselves Church bodies? They are titled as, movement, fellowship, new way and the list goes on and on. Yet when questioned about their teaching, they claim to believe the Bible.
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus = answered him [Satan], = saying, = It is written = that "man shall not live by bread alone, = but by every = Word of God."
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, = the days come, = says the Lord Jehovah, = that I will send = a famine in the land; = not a famine of bread = nor a thirst for water, = but of hearing = the Words of Jehovah.
Was the teaching you receive… is it from the Bible in correct context and does that teacher hold to the “Complete Authority of the Scriptures?” How about you, do you study the Scriptures on your own, relying on God to teach you, out of His Word…? Do you take out your Bible and test the teaching you have been learning from? Just how long have you been a Christian? Do you spend time, daily, in the Word of God? Does your life indicate a goal to serve God in obedience to His Word?
*** (2Corinthians 4:16) For this cause = we do not faint; = but though = our outward man perishes, = yet = the inward man = is being renewed = ‘day by day’.
*** (1Peter 2:2-3) desire = the sincere milk of the Word, = as newborn babes, = so that you = may grow = by it;
(1Pet 2:3) if truly = you have tasted that = the Lord is gracious.
Do you ‘prepare’ your… “Heart”… before you pray, read & study the Word of God? How about before you go to Church to hear His Word? How about before you sing praises to Him, or any other form of worship? How about confession about those hidden secret sins, do you confess them before any religious worship? Perhaps if we start to treat the Holy Word of God, as God does in His Holiness, we would take His Word… “Seriously?”
*** (2Chronicles 12:14) And = he did the evil = because he = did not = prepare his heart = to seek Jehovah.
*** (Ezra 7:10) For Ezra had = prepared his heart = to seek the Law of Jehovah, = and = “To Do It”, = and to teach statutes = and judgments = in Israel.
*** (Psalms 90:8) You have set = our iniquities = before You, = ‘our secret sins’ = in the light of Your face.
*** (Psalms 19:12-13-14) Who can understand his errors? = Oh make me pure = from = secret faults;
(Psalms 19:13) and = keep Your servant back = from presumptuous sins; = do not let them = rule over me; = then I shall be upright, = and I shall be innocent = of great transgression.
(Psalms 19:14) Let = the words of my mouth = and = the meditation of my heart = be pleasing = in Your sight, = O Jehovah, = my Rock = and my Redeemer.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = ‘above all’ = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = The Truth = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/