“Remarriage – 505” [5-of-?]
Perhaps now is the time… to speak about suffering. Here in America hardly does anyone suffer in their stand for Christ Jesus and the Truth of His Word. The “Easy Believe-ism” that brings many to Christ; never takes into consideration the stand that one must take, for Christ. He spoke of the cost of discipleship, but here today, no one even considers that cost. Like a change of under ware, many change their spouses, and deny their Wedding Vows. Divorce and Remarriage into Adultery = Mark 10:11-12 = has become the norm, rather than the exception. Plain and simple… “Polygamy!”
*** (Matthew 22:37-to-40) Jesus = said to him, = You shall love the Lord your God = with ‘all’ your heart, = and with ‘all’ your soul, = and with ‘all’ your mind.
(Matt 22:38) This is the first = and = great commandment.
(Matt 22:39) And the second = is like it, = You shall love your neighbor = as yourself.
(Matt 22:40) On these = ‘two commandments’ = hang ‘all’ = the Law = and = the Prophets.
*** (Romans 13:9-9) For: = "Do ‘not’ commit adultery; = do ‘not’ murder; = do ‘not’ steal; = do ‘not’ bear false witness; = do ‘not’ lust;" = and ‘if’ there is = any other commandment, = it is ‘summed up’ = in this word, = "You shall love your neighbor = as yourself."
Many who say… they 'Love Jesus', do not practice these commandments of God. If they did, then there would be no divorces after marriages. Non believers would not marry believers and sow the seeds of destruction into a ‘non-compatible’ marriage. But most do not even ‘read & study’ the Word; and then think nothing of disobeying even the simplest commands of God. They take the mentality… “We are under Grace and not under Law”… so we don’t have to obey the commands of God. That – “Whatever you call it”… is ‘not’ True Christianity.
*** (Galatians 3:11) But = that no one is ‘justified’ = by the Law in the sight of God = is clear, for, = "The just shall live by faith."
*** (Romans 6:1-2) What shall we say then? = Shall we = “continue in sin”, = that grace may abound?
(Rom 6:2) “God forbid”. = How shall we, = that are dead to sin, = live ‘any’ longer therein?
*** (1John 3:4) Everyone = who ‘practices’ sin = also ‘practices’ = “lawlessness”, = for ‘sin’ is = “lawlessness”.
*** (John 15:9-10) As the Father = has loved Me, = so I [Jesus] = have loved you; = continue in = My love.
(John 15:10) “If” = you ‘keep’ = My ‘commandments’, = you shall abide = in My love, = even as = I [Jesus] = have ‘kept’ = My Father's commandments = and = abide in His love.
Remember salvation is by Grace alone… and not by earning favor with God by keeping His commandments. It is though a show of Love in keeping them. Remember the word often translated in the JKV… “Iniquity”… as in “Matthew 7:23”…? It is the word in the Greek NT for… “Lawlessness” = as in “1John 3:4” You would not… “Kill or Lie or Steal”… or would you? That was simply a ‘hyperbole!’ Yet someone will say… “Telling one to keep God’s Law, is Legalism!” Sorry you cannot have it both ways! You keep the Law or you don’t keep the Law? Or do you… “Pick & Choose”… what you Obey… for Jesus…?
*** (Acts 5:29) And = Peter and the apostles = ‘answered and said’, = We ‘ought to obey’ = God = ‘rather’ than men.
*** (1Peter 3:17) For it is better, = “if the will of God wills it”, = ‘to suffer’ = for well-doing = than for = evil-doing.
*** (Matthew 10:34-to-38) Do not think = that I [Jesus] = have come = to bring = ‘peace on earth’. = I = “did not” = come to send peace, = but a ‘sword’.
(Matt 10:35) For I [Jesus] = have come = ‘to set’ a man = ‘against’ his father, = and the daughter against her mother, = and the daughter-in-law = against her mother-in-law.
(Matt 10:36) And = a man's ‘foes’ = shall be ‘those’ = of his own = household.
(Matt 10:37) He who loves = ‘father or mother’ = more than Me [Jesus] = is = ‘not worthy’ = of Me. = And = he who ‘loves’ = son or daughter = ‘more’ than Me = is not worthy of Me.
(Matt 10:38) And he who = ‘does not’ = take up his ‘cross’ = and follow Me [Jesus] = is ‘not’ = worthy of Me.
IF you say “Jesus is your Lord”… then perhaps you ‘will suffer’; in your stand for Him and for His Word! Actually there is ‘no maybe’… about it = it is a “Fact!” Some have written my about my blogs and tell me about the “Hell” they catch, for their stand for God’s Word. That is simply the darkness of this world… reacting against the “Light of Truth”… that Jesus brings with His Word, the Bible. Remember, He is the “Living Word”… and the reaction of the Religious… is against Him and the Father.
*** (John 3:19-20-21) And = this is = ‘the condemnation’, = that the Light = has come into the world, = and = men ‘loved darkness’ = rather than the Light, = because their deeds = ‘were evil’.
(John 3:20) For everyone = who = ‘does evil’ = “hates the Light”, = and = ‘does not’ = come to the Light, = lest his deeds = should be exposed.
(John 3:21) But = he who = practices Truth [The Word] = comes to the Light = so that his works = ‘may be revealed’, = that they exist, = having been worked = in God.
*** (John 15:21-22-23) But = ‘all these things’ = they ‘will do’ = to you = for My Name's sake, = ‘because’ they = ‘do not know’ = Him [God] = who sent Me [Jesus].
(John 15:22) If I [Jesus] = had not come = and = “spoken to them”, = they would not have had sin; = but now = they have = “no excuse” = for their sin.
(John 15:23) He who = ‘hates’ Me [Jesus] = ‘hates’ My Father [God] also.
Are you willing to give all… “To ‘obey’ Jesus?” He as the “God Man”… stepped out of Eternity, became the “Son of Man”… “The Passover Sacrifice”… in payment to God for the “Sin/Sins” of ‘all’ mankind. Offered to “All”… and… rejected my “Many!” Once you realize… “The cost to Him”… we then can see what our cost is – in serving Him! Love nailed Him to that Cross… for Our Sin… and He rose again for our Justification! If you ‘do not’ understand this… perhaps it is time for you to… “Come to Jesus!”
*** (Luke 24:44-to-48) And He [Jesus] = said to them, = These are the words = which I = spoke ‘to you’ = while I was still with you, = that = “all things” = must be fulfilled = ‘which were written’ = in the Law of Moses = and = “in the Prophets” = and = “in the Psalms” = about Me.
(Luke 24:45) And = He ‘opened’ their mind = to ‘understand’ = the Scriptures.
(Luke 24:46) And = He said to them, = So it is written, = and = so it behooved Christ = ‘to suffer [death] = and = ‘to rise’ = from the dead = the third day,
(Luke 24:47) and = that “repentance” = and = “remission of sins” = should be proclaimed = in His name = among ‘all’ nations, = beginning at Jerusalem.
(Luke 24:48) And = ‘you’ = are witnesses = of these things.
*** (John 1:14) And = the “Word” [Jesus] = was made flesh, = and = dwelt among us, = and we beheld His glory, = the glory as of = the ‘only begotten’ of the Father, = full of = grace and truth.
*** (John 12:44-to-50) But = Jesus cried out and said, = He who = believes on Me = “does not” = believe on Me = but on Him [God] = who sent Me.
(John 12:45) And = he who = ‘sees’ Me [Jesus] = sees Him [God] = Who sent Me.
(John 12:46) I have come as a Light = into the world, = so that whoever = believes on Me = ‘should not’ = remain in darkness.
(John 12:47) And = ‘if any one’ = hears My Words = and = ‘does not believe’, = I do not judge him [now], = for = I [Jesus] = ‘do not’ come to judge = the world [this first time], = but ‘to save’ the world.
(John 12:48) He who = ‘rejects’ Me = and = ‘does not’ = receive My Words = has ‘one’ who judges him; = “the Word” = that I [Jesus] have spoken, = “the same” = shall ‘judge’ him = in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I [Jesus] = have ‘not’ spoken = of Myself, = but = the Father [God] = Who sent Me = gave Me = a ‘command’, = what = I should ‘say’, = and what = I should ‘speak’.
(John 12:50) And = I know = that His command = is life everlasting. = Therefore = ‘whatever’ I speak, = even as the Father [God] = said to Me, = so I [Jesus] speak.
When you read through… these verses you can readily see that it is the “Word”… that is our only point of reference. Sorry, it is not what your pastor, preacher or denomination teaches! “They are… the Words… that God gave… to Jesus… to speak… to Us!” “IF”… we love Jesus: “THEN”… we will love His Word! You may disagree with these blogs and my line of thinking, but you ‘will not’… be able to disagree with the Holy Word of God! Please understand that it is in the Fear of God… that I write these… to share the Truth of God’s Word.
This ‘hard subject’… about “Divorce & Remarriage”… is only ‘hard’; because our decisions have been against God; and against His Word! Each and every one of us… “Always wants our own way!” Myself included! But then I must think… is my reward ‘now’… or is my reward ‘later?’ Have you ever ‘saved for something’ and then ‘waited’ for just the right ‘time & price?’ That is how I shop. It is simply a word picture about our obedience to Christ and to His Word.
*** (Hebrews 11:24-25-26) Having become great, = Moses = by ‘faith’ = refused to be called = the son of Pharaoh's daughter,
(Heb 11:25) “Choosing rather” = to = ‘suffer affliction’ = with the people of God = than ‘to enjoy’ = the pleasures of sin = for a time,
(Heb 11:26) Esteeming = the ‘reproach’ of Christ = greater ‘riches’ = than the treasures in Egypt, = for he was looking = to the reward.
*** (1John 2:3-to-6) And = ‘by this’ = we know that = we have known Him, = “if” = we keep = His commandments.
(1John 2:4) He who says, = I have known Him [Jesus], = and = “does not keep” = His commandments, = is a Liar, = and = the Truth [Word] = is ‘not’ = in him.
(1John 2:5) But whoever = keeps His Word, = ‘truly’ = in this one = the love of God = is perfected. = By this = we ‘know’ that = we are = in Him [Jesus].
(1John 2:6) He who says = he abides in Him = ‘ought’ himself = ‘also’ to walk = even as = He [Jesus] walked.
One simple Question: Do you do what Jesus says… or "Not?"
Continued in part… “6”
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
*** (Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
“Remarriage – 404” Blog [4-of-?]
“Remarriage – 404” Blog [4-of-?]
Just a word… when one is Born Again by the Holy Spirit of God and… ‘Divorces & Remarries’ into adultery = “Mark 10:11-12” = they “Sin”… against the Holy Spirit; and Quench the Spirit. The NT believer is sealed by the Holy Spirit till the day of redemption… but they then… bring that ‘sin of adultery’, against God… into that new union. They them become witnesses… Against God’s Grace & Mercy! You do remember… “No one can ‘serve’ – two masters”…? Either God or… “Yourself = Luke 16:13!” Love the one, despise the other…!
*** (1Timothy 5:24) Some men's = sins = are ‘open’ beforehand, = going before to judgment. = And some = they also = follow ‘after’.
*** (Psalms 106:15) And = He [God] = gave them their request; = but = sent ‘leanness’ = into their soul.
In the last Blog 303… we started looking at David’s “Adultery”. Simply look at the downward progression of what happens; in the following generations. David’s sin and the sins of all the kings of Israel can all be linked to ‘the disobedience’ by them, to the Word of God. David’s son Ammon = raped David’ daughter Tamar. Absalom later in Davis’s life… led a rebellion against David and the kingdom was taken from David. The list goes on and on… but what ‘someone’ today seem fail to realize… is that God… “Allows you = to Reap… what you Sew!”
*** (Hosea 8:7) For they sow = the ‘wind’, = and = they reap = the “whirlwind”. = It has no stalk; = the bud shall yield no meal; = ‘if’ it does yield, = strangers shall swallow it up.
*** (Galatians 6:7-8-9) Do not be deceived, = God is ‘not’ mocked. = For whatever a man sows, = that he ‘also’ = will reap.
(Gal 6:8) For he = sowing to his flesh = will reap corruption from the flesh. = But he sowing = to the Spirit = will reap life everlasting = from the Spirit.
(Gal 6:9) But we should not lose heart = in well-doing, = for in due season = we shall reap, = ‘if’ we = do ‘not’ faint.
From that day forward… the “Spiritual Life” of King David, was ‘never’ the same. It declined and the things that David wanted to accomplish for God, was given to another. With each place of responsibility; there is the opportunity for good or for evil. That is to say… “To–Obey God’s Word”… or… “Not– To = Obey God’s Word!” Do you think that David lived with that ‘regret’ the remainder of his days? He lost the ability to ‘control and influence’ his children… for God… and they ‘also’ went on to disobey God; because of David’s example. Many who divorce, either men or women… loose that ability… “To Know and Obey God and His Word”.
*** (Deuteronomy 17:14-to-20) When you come to the land = which Jehovah your God gives you, = and shall possess it = and shall live in it and shall say, = I will set a ‘king’ over me, = like all the nations around me,
(Deut 17:15) you shall surely = set a king over you, = whom Jehovah your God shall choose. = You shall set a king over you = from ‘among’ your brothers. = You ‘may not’ = set a ‘stranger’ over you, = who = ‘is not’ your brother [Jew].
(Deut 17:16) But he = “Shall– ‘Not’ –Multiply” = horses to himself, = nor cause the people to return to Egypt, = so as to multiply horses, = because Jehovah = ‘has said’ to you, = You shall return ‘no more’ = that way = from ‘now’ on.
(Deut 17:17) “Nor” shall he = “Multiply – Wives” = to himself, = so that his heart ‘does not’ = turn away. = “Nor” shall he greatly multiply = silver and gold to himself.
(Deut 17:18) And it shall be, = when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, = he “shall write a copy of this Law = in a book = from before the priests, the Levites.
(Deut 17:19) And it = “shall be with him”, = and he “shall read it” = ‘all’ the days of his life, = so that he = ‘may learn’ = to fear Jehovah his God, = to keep = “all the words of this Law”, = and these statutes, = to ‘do’ them,
(Deut 17:20) so that = his heart ‘may not’ be lifted up = above his brothers, = and = that he “does not turn aside” = from the commandment, = to the right = or the left, = so that he ‘may make’ his days longer in his kingdom, = he and his sons, = in the midst of Israel.
*** (Revelation 5:9-10) And they sang a new song, = saying, = You [Christ] are worthy = to take the book = and = to open its seals, = for You were slain = and = have redeemed us = to God = by Your blood = out of ‘every’ kindred = and tongue = and people = and nation.
(Rev 5:10) And You [Jesus] = made us = “kings” = and = priests to our God, and we will reign = over the earth.
Did you notice… “King”… in both ‘Deuteronomy & Revelation?’ The NT believer will reign as King also. To fulfill our future position and our current identification in Christ… do you think it not only necessary = but prudent that we = “Copy the Word of God”… and… “Live by It”… and… “Do It”…as the kings of Israel; were to do…? Absolutely Yes! Each king was ‘only’ to have… “One Wife!” Had God wanted multiple wives… He then would have given Adam… not only Eve; but Betty and Sue and maybe even Sheila! God’s Standard has always been and always will be… “One Husband, One Wife… for Life!”
*** (1Kings 11:3-4) And he [Solomon] had = seven hundred [700] wives, = princesses, = and = three hundred [300] concubines. = And his wives = ‘turned away’ = his heart.
(1Kings 11:4) For it came to pass, = ‘when’ Solomon was old, = that his wives = ‘turned–away’ = his heart = after ‘other’ gods: = and = his heart = was ‘not’ perfect = with the LORD his God, = as was the heart of David his father.
“What Parents… ‘Allow’… in Moderation… Children will… ‘Excuse’… in Excess”…!
The “Intent to Defraud”… is the basis for all divorce and remarriage situations. About now, someone is saying… “What about my husband or wife and what they did?” How many people, pastors and/or churches… “Obey the Word of God” and… “Perform = Church Discipline?” What many try to do is… “Not to hold accountable… ‘both parties’… in a divorce situation!” The “No Fault” divorces are available in all states and have set aside God’s standard for Marriage… and replaced it with man’s standard of “Non-Accountability!” In addition bring a legal matter before the Unbelieving Courts… is a ‘Violation of Scripture’… “1Corinthians 6:1-to-8”.
*** (Matthew 18:15-to-18) But = ‘if’ = your brother shall trespass = ‘against’ you, = go = and = tell him his fault = “between” = you and him = “alone”. = ‘If’ = he hears you, = you have ‘gained’ = your brother.
(Matt 18:16) But “if” = he ‘will not’ = hear you, = take = one or two ‘more’ = with you, = so that = in the mouth of two or three witnesses = ‘every word’ = may be established.
(Matt 18:17) And ‘if’ = he shall ‘neglect’ = to hear them, = tell it to the church. = But if he ‘neglects’ to hear the church, = let him be = to you = as a heathen and a tax-collector.
(Matt 18:18) Truly I [Jesus] say to you, = Whatever = you shall bind on earth = shall occur, = having been bound in Heaven; = and whatever you shall loose on earth = shall occur, = having been loosed in Heaven.
*** (1Corinthians 5:2-to-6) And you are puffed up, = and = ‘have not’ rather mourned, = so that he = “who has done this deed” = may be taken from your midst.
(1Cor 5:3) For as being absent in body = but present in spirit, = I indeed have judged already = as though I were present = concerning him who worked out this thing;
(1Cor 5:4) “In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ”, = when you are gathered together, = with my spirit; = also, with the power = of our Lord Jesus Christ;
(1Cor 5:5) ‘To deliver” = such a one to Satan = for the ‘destruction of the flesh’, = so that the spirit = may be saved = in the day of the Lord Jesus.
(1Cor 5:6) Your boasting is not good. = Do you ‘not know’ = that a little leaven = leavens the whole lump?
*** (1Corinthians 11:30-31-32) That's why = so ‘many’ of you are weak = and sick = and a ‘considerable’ number = are dying.
(1Cor 11:31) But “if” = we judged ourselves ‘correctly’, = we would ‘not’ be judged.
(1Cor 11:32) Now, = while we are being judged = by the Lord, = we are being disciplined = lest we be condemned = along with the world.
Most of ‘who’… call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus… “Do not use ‘or’ want to use” = this Scriptural Methodology… to solve their divorce problem. There are ‘some situations’ in which this has been used; to the Glory of God; but ‘very few’ want to Obey – God’s Word! Those that choose… “Not to do So”… have simply ‘Excused Away’ the Sin of “Divorce & Remarriage Adultery.” Perhaps now is time for your; to ask yourself… “If God gave us instructions in His Word = does He want us: [1.] to Obey them = Or [2.] Not to Obey Them”…?
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = ‘doers’ of the Word, = and = ‘not merely’ = hearers = who = ‘deceive’ themselves.
*** (Luke 6:46) "Why do you = keep calling Me [Jesus] = 'Lord [Master], = Lord [Boss],' = but ‘don't do’ = what I [Jesus] = tell you?
*** (Isaiah 24:2) And = “as it is” = with the people, = so it shall be = with the priest [pastor]; = as with the servant, = so with the master; = as with the handmaid, = so it is with her mistress; = as with the buyer, = so with the seller; = as with the lender, = so with the borrower; = as with the creditor, = so with the debtor.
This ‘decline’ of Obedience… to God and to His Word… is nothing but sheer… “License = Jude 1:3-4!” Lucifer, the Chief Angel of God, led ‘one third’ of the angelic realm, into rebellion against God. When ‘one’ does not want to give to God… the Glory and Majesty and Honor… due His Holy Name… they then ‘Rebel’. Mankind does so out of the sin nature, but those who ‘say’ they have been redeemed; do it as ‘rebellion’, as the children of Israel did! They will ‘always find’, friends, pastors and even those… ‘Like Minded’… to validate their disobedience to…. the Holy Word of God! Excusing away sin… and then ‘wrongly’ calling it; God’s ‘Grace & Forgiveness’.
*** (Numbers 23:19) God = ‘is not’ a man = that He should lie, = neither the son of man = that He should repent. = Has He said, = and shall He not = do it? = Or has He spoken, = and = shall He not make it good?
*** (John 8:43-44) [Jesus said] Why do you = ‘not know’ My speech [Words]? = Because you = cannot [will not] = ‘hear’ = My Word.
(John 8:44) You are = of the Devil = as [your] father, = and = the lusts of your father = you ‘will’ do. = He was a murderer = from the beginning, = and = ‘did not’ = abide in the Truth = ‘because’ = there is ‘no’ = Truth = in him. = When he speaks a lie, = he speaks of ‘his’ own, = for he is a ‘liar’ = and = the father of it [lies].
A person is ‘no better’… than their Word…! This month most of us had completed our income tax forms and mailed them in or filed electronically. You make sure you answer honestly all the questions and fill out properly all the forms. But do any, even do so with the Holy Word of God…? They fear the “IRS”… more than they do God, the God of the Bible! … Say it isn’t So?
*** (Rom 3:18) "There is no fear of God before their eyes."
*** (Proverbs 16:6) By mercy and truth, iniquity is purged, and by the fear of Jehovah men turn away from evil.
*** (2Corinthians 7:1) Then having these promises, dearly beloved, = let us cleanse ourselves from all defilements of flesh and spirit, = perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
Continued in part… “5”…
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
*** (Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Just a word… when one is Born Again by the Holy Spirit of God and… ‘Divorces & Remarries’ into adultery = “Mark 10:11-12” = they “Sin”… against the Holy Spirit; and Quench the Spirit. The NT believer is sealed by the Holy Spirit till the day of redemption… but they then… bring that ‘sin of adultery’, against God… into that new union. They them become witnesses… Against God’s Grace & Mercy! You do remember… “No one can ‘serve’ – two masters”…? Either God or… “Yourself = Luke 16:13!” Love the one, despise the other…!
*** (1Timothy 5:24) Some men's = sins = are ‘open’ beforehand, = going before to judgment. = And some = they also = follow ‘after’.
*** (Psalms 106:15) And = He [God] = gave them their request; = but = sent ‘leanness’ = into their soul.
In the last Blog 303… we started looking at David’s “Adultery”. Simply look at the downward progression of what happens; in the following generations. David’s sin and the sins of all the kings of Israel can all be linked to ‘the disobedience’ by them, to the Word of God. David’s son Ammon = raped David’ daughter Tamar. Absalom later in Davis’s life… led a rebellion against David and the kingdom was taken from David. The list goes on and on… but what ‘someone’ today seem fail to realize… is that God… “Allows you = to Reap… what you Sew!”
*** (Hosea 8:7) For they sow = the ‘wind’, = and = they reap = the “whirlwind”. = It has no stalk; = the bud shall yield no meal; = ‘if’ it does yield, = strangers shall swallow it up.
*** (Galatians 6:7-8-9) Do not be deceived, = God is ‘not’ mocked. = For whatever a man sows, = that he ‘also’ = will reap.
(Gal 6:8) For he = sowing to his flesh = will reap corruption from the flesh. = But he sowing = to the Spirit = will reap life everlasting = from the Spirit.
(Gal 6:9) But we should not lose heart = in well-doing, = for in due season = we shall reap, = ‘if’ we = do ‘not’ faint.
From that day forward… the “Spiritual Life” of King David, was ‘never’ the same. It declined and the things that David wanted to accomplish for God, was given to another. With each place of responsibility; there is the opportunity for good or for evil. That is to say… “To–Obey God’s Word”… or… “Not– To = Obey God’s Word!” Do you think that David lived with that ‘regret’ the remainder of his days? He lost the ability to ‘control and influence’ his children… for God… and they ‘also’ went on to disobey God; because of David’s example. Many who divorce, either men or women… loose that ability… “To Know and Obey God and His Word”.
*** (Deuteronomy 17:14-to-20) When you come to the land = which Jehovah your God gives you, = and shall possess it = and shall live in it and shall say, = I will set a ‘king’ over me, = like all the nations around me,
(Deut 17:15) you shall surely = set a king over you, = whom Jehovah your God shall choose. = You shall set a king over you = from ‘among’ your brothers. = You ‘may not’ = set a ‘stranger’ over you, = who = ‘is not’ your brother [Jew].
(Deut 17:16) But he = “Shall– ‘Not’ –Multiply” = horses to himself, = nor cause the people to return to Egypt, = so as to multiply horses, = because Jehovah = ‘has said’ to you, = You shall return ‘no more’ = that way = from ‘now’ on.
(Deut 17:17) “Nor” shall he = “Multiply – Wives” = to himself, = so that his heart ‘does not’ = turn away. = “Nor” shall he greatly multiply = silver and gold to himself.
(Deut 17:18) And it shall be, = when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, = he “shall write a copy of this Law = in a book = from before the priests, the Levites.
(Deut 17:19) And it = “shall be with him”, = and he “shall read it” = ‘all’ the days of his life, = so that he = ‘may learn’ = to fear Jehovah his God, = to keep = “all the words of this Law”, = and these statutes, = to ‘do’ them,
(Deut 17:20) so that = his heart ‘may not’ be lifted up = above his brothers, = and = that he “does not turn aside” = from the commandment, = to the right = or the left, = so that he ‘may make’ his days longer in his kingdom, = he and his sons, = in the midst of Israel.
*** (Revelation 5:9-10) And they sang a new song, = saying, = You [Christ] are worthy = to take the book = and = to open its seals, = for You were slain = and = have redeemed us = to God = by Your blood = out of ‘every’ kindred = and tongue = and people = and nation.
(Rev 5:10) And You [Jesus] = made us = “kings” = and = priests to our God, and we will reign = over the earth.
Did you notice… “King”… in both ‘Deuteronomy & Revelation?’ The NT believer will reign as King also. To fulfill our future position and our current identification in Christ… do you think it not only necessary = but prudent that we = “Copy the Word of God”… and… “Live by It”… and… “Do It”…as the kings of Israel; were to do…? Absolutely Yes! Each king was ‘only’ to have… “One Wife!” Had God wanted multiple wives… He then would have given Adam… not only Eve; but Betty and Sue and maybe even Sheila! God’s Standard has always been and always will be… “One Husband, One Wife… for Life!”
*** (1Kings 11:3-4) And he [Solomon] had = seven hundred [700] wives, = princesses, = and = three hundred [300] concubines. = And his wives = ‘turned away’ = his heart.
(1Kings 11:4) For it came to pass, = ‘when’ Solomon was old, = that his wives = ‘turned–away’ = his heart = after ‘other’ gods: = and = his heart = was ‘not’ perfect = with the LORD his God, = as was the heart of David his father.
“What Parents… ‘Allow’… in Moderation… Children will… ‘Excuse’… in Excess”…!
The “Intent to Defraud”… is the basis for all divorce and remarriage situations. About now, someone is saying… “What about my husband or wife and what they did?” How many people, pastors and/or churches… “Obey the Word of God” and… “Perform = Church Discipline?” What many try to do is… “Not to hold accountable… ‘both parties’… in a divorce situation!” The “No Fault” divorces are available in all states and have set aside God’s standard for Marriage… and replaced it with man’s standard of “Non-Accountability!” In addition bring a legal matter before the Unbelieving Courts… is a ‘Violation of Scripture’… “1Corinthians 6:1-to-8”.
*** (Matthew 18:15-to-18) But = ‘if’ = your brother shall trespass = ‘against’ you, = go = and = tell him his fault = “between” = you and him = “alone”. = ‘If’ = he hears you, = you have ‘gained’ = your brother.
(Matt 18:16) But “if” = he ‘will not’ = hear you, = take = one or two ‘more’ = with you, = so that = in the mouth of two or three witnesses = ‘every word’ = may be established.
(Matt 18:17) And ‘if’ = he shall ‘neglect’ = to hear them, = tell it to the church. = But if he ‘neglects’ to hear the church, = let him be = to you = as a heathen and a tax-collector.
(Matt 18:18) Truly I [Jesus] say to you, = Whatever = you shall bind on earth = shall occur, = having been bound in Heaven; = and whatever you shall loose on earth = shall occur, = having been loosed in Heaven.
*** (1Corinthians 5:2-to-6) And you are puffed up, = and = ‘have not’ rather mourned, = so that he = “who has done this deed” = may be taken from your midst.
(1Cor 5:3) For as being absent in body = but present in spirit, = I indeed have judged already = as though I were present = concerning him who worked out this thing;
(1Cor 5:4) “In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ”, = when you are gathered together, = with my spirit; = also, with the power = of our Lord Jesus Christ;
(1Cor 5:5) ‘To deliver” = such a one to Satan = for the ‘destruction of the flesh’, = so that the spirit = may be saved = in the day of the Lord Jesus.
(1Cor 5:6) Your boasting is not good. = Do you ‘not know’ = that a little leaven = leavens the whole lump?
*** (1Corinthians 11:30-31-32) That's why = so ‘many’ of you are weak = and sick = and a ‘considerable’ number = are dying.
(1Cor 11:31) But “if” = we judged ourselves ‘correctly’, = we would ‘not’ be judged.
(1Cor 11:32) Now, = while we are being judged = by the Lord, = we are being disciplined = lest we be condemned = along with the world.
Most of ‘who’… call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus… “Do not use ‘or’ want to use” = this Scriptural Methodology… to solve their divorce problem. There are ‘some situations’ in which this has been used; to the Glory of God; but ‘very few’ want to Obey – God’s Word! Those that choose… “Not to do So”… have simply ‘Excused Away’ the Sin of “Divorce & Remarriage Adultery.” Perhaps now is time for your; to ask yourself… “If God gave us instructions in His Word = does He want us: [1.] to Obey them = Or [2.] Not to Obey Them”…?
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = ‘doers’ of the Word, = and = ‘not merely’ = hearers = who = ‘deceive’ themselves.
*** (Luke 6:46) "Why do you = keep calling Me [Jesus] = 'Lord [Master], = Lord [Boss],' = but ‘don't do’ = what I [Jesus] = tell you?
*** (Isaiah 24:2) And = “as it is” = with the people, = so it shall be = with the priest [pastor]; = as with the servant, = so with the master; = as with the handmaid, = so it is with her mistress; = as with the buyer, = so with the seller; = as with the lender, = so with the borrower; = as with the creditor, = so with the debtor.
This ‘decline’ of Obedience… to God and to His Word… is nothing but sheer… “License = Jude 1:3-4!” Lucifer, the Chief Angel of God, led ‘one third’ of the angelic realm, into rebellion against God. When ‘one’ does not want to give to God… the Glory and Majesty and Honor… due His Holy Name… they then ‘Rebel’. Mankind does so out of the sin nature, but those who ‘say’ they have been redeemed; do it as ‘rebellion’, as the children of Israel did! They will ‘always find’, friends, pastors and even those… ‘Like Minded’… to validate their disobedience to…. the Holy Word of God! Excusing away sin… and then ‘wrongly’ calling it; God’s ‘Grace & Forgiveness’.
*** (Numbers 23:19) God = ‘is not’ a man = that He should lie, = neither the son of man = that He should repent. = Has He said, = and shall He not = do it? = Or has He spoken, = and = shall He not make it good?
*** (John 8:43-44) [Jesus said] Why do you = ‘not know’ My speech [Words]? = Because you = cannot [will not] = ‘hear’ = My Word.
(John 8:44) You are = of the Devil = as [your] father, = and = the lusts of your father = you ‘will’ do. = He was a murderer = from the beginning, = and = ‘did not’ = abide in the Truth = ‘because’ = there is ‘no’ = Truth = in him. = When he speaks a lie, = he speaks of ‘his’ own, = for he is a ‘liar’ = and = the father of it [lies].
A person is ‘no better’… than their Word…! This month most of us had completed our income tax forms and mailed them in or filed electronically. You make sure you answer honestly all the questions and fill out properly all the forms. But do any, even do so with the Holy Word of God…? They fear the “IRS”… more than they do God, the God of the Bible! … Say it isn’t So?
*** (Rom 3:18) "There is no fear of God before their eyes."
*** (Proverbs 16:6) By mercy and truth, iniquity is purged, and by the fear of Jehovah men turn away from evil.
*** (2Corinthians 7:1) Then having these promises, dearly beloved, = let us cleanse ourselves from all defilements of flesh and spirit, = perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
Continued in part… “5”…
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
*** (Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
“Remarriage – 303” …Blog [3-or-?]
“Remarriage – 303” …Blog [3-or-?]
May I ask you a question…? You who are reading these blogs… “Are we as a people or nation = [1.] getting better… or [2.] getting worse?” It is my belief that the ‘Spiritual’ temperature of America… has gone from cooling off to… “Luke Warm!” Many of our attributes and stands on spiritual subjects can be seen in our parallel with the Spiritual decline of Israel, in the Old Testament. If you have done any reading & studying in the Word of God, you probably have come to this same conclusion.
*** (Revelation 3:15-16) I know your works, = that you are = ‘neither’ = cold nor hot. = I would = that you were = cold or hot.
(Rev 3:16) So because = you are ‘lukewarm’, = and = neither cold nor hot, = I will = ‘vomit’ you = out of My mouth.
*** (Matthew 24:10-11-12) And then = many will be offended, = and = will ‘betray’ = one another, = and = will ‘hate’ = one another.
(Mat 24:11) And = ‘many’ false prophets = will rise = and = deceive ‘many’.
(Mat 24:12) And = because ‘iniquity’ [lawlessness] = shall abound, = the love of many = will become ‘cold’.
The Truth of these verses… is quite ‘eye–opening’ when you look at the Greek NT, and see that the word… “Love –Matt 24:12”… is that ‘Agape Love’; that can only be channeled by the Holy Spirit of God, in the True Believers Life! This fact will really be a shocker to those that study the Word of God. Imagine… “Lawlessness Abounding”… among those that call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus…! When that happens to we who are His children and what happens to the rest of Society… when fail to be the Light & Witness Christ intended for His children…?
*** (1Peter 4:17-18-19) For = the ‘time’ has come = for the judgment = to begin ‘from’ = the house of God. = And ‘if’ = it first begins from us, = what will be = the ‘end’ = of those ‘disobeying’ = the gospel of God?
(1Pet 4:18) And ‘if’ = the righteous one = is ‘scarcely’ saved, = where shall the ungodly = and = the sinner = ‘appear?’
(1Pet 4:19) Therefore = let those who ‘suffer’ = according to = the will of God = commit their souls = in ‘well-doing’, = as to a faithful “Creator”.
When ‘Lawlessness’ abounds… and the “Agape Love” of the saints grows cold, there will be a ‘suffering’ for those; that take a stand for the Holy Word of God! Many who say they Love Jesus, hardly ever… ‘Read & Study’… His Word; in order to grow in His Love and Grace! It is the Word of God, which brings… “Life & Truth”… to our = “Souls, Hearts and Minds”. Without a ‘daily’ feeding in His Word, we become malaise, heartless and cold. Say it isn’t so…?
*** (2Corinthians 4:16) For this cause = we ‘do not’ faint; = but ‘though’ = our outward man perishes, = yet the ‘inward man’ = is being renewed = day by day.
*** (Romans 10:17) Then faith = is of hearing, = and hearing = by the “Word of God”.
*** (John 15:3) Now you = are clean = through the Word = which I [Jesus] = have spoken to you.
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, = the ‘days’ come, = says the Lord Jehovah, = that = I will send a ‘famine’ = in the land; = not a famine of bread = nor a thirst for water, = but = of ‘hearing’ = the Words of Jehovah [God].
In the two previous blogs… we looked at God’s standard for Marriage, ‘one man and one woman’: for Life! We see daily, the moral decay that takes place when society; replaces God’s Word… with society norms and practices. The results is a worldly, driven by pleasures and entertainments = against what God has said in His Word. So too, the Love [Agape] in the hearts of believers, has become cold and ineffective. Their closest relationships, ‘marriage and family’… is replaced with violations of the Holy Word of God. So too, this mindset is passed on to their progeny.
*** (Exodus 34:6-7) And Jehovah = passed by before him [Moses] = and proclaimed, = Jehovah! = Jehovah God, = merciful and gracious, = long-suffering, = and = abundant in goodness = and = Truth,
(Exodus 34:7) keeping mercy for thousands, = forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, = and = Who will by ‘no means’ = clear the guilty, = visiting the iniquity of fathers [Parents / Family] = on the sons, = and on the sons of sons, = to the third = and = to the fourth generation.
*** (2Chronicles 25:2-3-4) And he did the right = in the eyes of Jehovah, = but = ‘not] = with a perfect heart.
(2Chron 25:3) And it happened = when the kingdom was made sure to him, = he ‘killed’ his servants = who had killed his father, = the ‘king’.
(2Chron 25:4) But = he ‘did not’ = kill their sons, = but = ‘as it is written’ = in the Law = in the book of Moses, = where Jehovah ‘commanded’, = saying, = The father ‘shall not’ = die for the sons [sins], = nor shall the sons = die for the fathers [sins], = but ‘every man’ = shall die = for his ‘own’ sin.
There has been a false teaching… about ‘generational sins’ passed on to the family, by the parents. Many excuse away… “Sin/Sins”… saying, “I couldn’t help myself!” That wrong teaching is negated by those verses in… “2Chronicles 25:4”. The human ‘free will’… is not negated by your parents ‘sin/sins’. You cannot use it for your ‘excuse’ for your divorce; before God and His Word. Many want to blame ‘others’… for their ‘own’ decisions. Flip Wilson, a comedian of some years ago used to say, “The Devil made me do It!” That would mean that you have ‘No Choice’… as Lucifer the anointed Cherub, before his fall in rebellion against God = had control over your life. “YOU”… and you ‘alone’… have that ‘free will’; to choose ‘to do’… “Right or Wrong!”
*** (Exodus 20:19-20) And they said to Moses, = You ‘speak’ with us, = and we will hear. = But = ‘let not’ = God speak with us, = lest we die.
(Exodus 20:20) And Moses = ‘said’ to the people, = Do not fear, = for God has come = to ‘test’ you, = and = so that = His fear = ‘may be’ before your faces, = so that = you = may ‘not’ sin.
*** (Deuteronomy 30:19-20) I call Heaven and earth = to record today = ‘against you’. = I have ‘set’ before you = life and death, = blessing and cursing. = Therefore, ‘choose life’, = so that ‘both’ you = and = your seed = may live,
(Deut 30:20) so that you = ‘may love’ = Jehovah your God, = and = that you = ‘may obey’ = His voice, = and = that you ‘may cling’ = to Him. = For He = is your life = and = the length of your days, = so that you may dwell in the land which Jehovah swore = to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give it to them.
Simple “Obedience” is the Key…! When you choose… ‘to disobey’… the Holy Word of God, and get a divorce, you set in action a ‘cascading’ result of decisions and happenings that you will soon have no control over. Following God and His Word; ‘whatever the cost’; will bring His ultimate blessings, some of which you may not see immediately. Again when you trade your marriage and remarry into Adultery… “Mark 10:11-12”… what you call a blessing… is ‘not’ a blessing from God! You have ‘violated’ His Word, and in ‘disobedience’ to Him… call your new life… “A Blessing from God?” What you call it… is ‘not’… what God calls it!
*** (1Samuel 15:22-23) And Samuel said, = Does Jehovah [God]= delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices = as in ‘obeying’ = the voice of Jehovah? = Behold, “to Obey” = is ‘better than’ sacrifice! = “To listen” = is better than the fat of rams!
(1Sam 15:23) For “rebellion” = is as the sin of ‘witchcraft’, = and ‘stubbornness’ = is as “iniquity and idol-worship”. = Because you have = “rejected the Word of Jehovah”, = He has also rejected you from being king!
*** (Mark 8:36-37-38) For = what shall it ‘profit’ a man = if he shall ‘gain’ the whole world = and = lose his own soul?
(Mark 8:37) Or = what shall a man = ‘give’ in exchange = for his soul?
(Mark 8:38) Therefore whoever = shall be ashamed of Me [Jesus] = and = of My ‘Words’ = in this ‘adulterous’ and ‘sinful’ generation, = the Son of Man = ‘shall also’ = be ashamed of him = when He comes = in the glory of His Father = with the holy angels.
*** (2Timothy 3:5-6-7) having a ‘form’ of godliness [religion], = but denying the power of it; = even ‘turn away’ = from these.
(2Tim 3:6) For of these are those = who creep into houses = and = lead captive silly women loaded with sins, = led away with different kinds of lusts,
(2Tim 3:7) ‘ever’ learning = and = ‘never’ able = to come to = the ‘full’ knowledge = of the Truth.
About now… ‘someone’ is saying… “Well my new spouse loves me and my children.” We go to church and have a happy family and love the Lord and His Word. “At what price”… is your new family…? Is or was; your ‘disobedience’ to the Holy Word of God… worth what you now have? Can you say you are “living in complete obedience” = to God and His Word…? Most women and men, who divorce their spouses… ‘who have children’… keep their children, from their ‘real biological parent’. Is that what God wants for your Child or Children…? Did you miss… “1Samuel 15:23”… and ‘the rebellion’… that you are now ‘building’… in your children?
*** (Matthew 15:4) For God = ‘commanded’, = saying, = "Honor your father and mother"; = and, = "He who speaks ‘evil’ = of “father” or “mother”, = let him die by death."
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
*** (2Samuel 12:9-to-14) Why have [King David] you = ‘despised’ = the Word of Jehovah [God], = to ‘do evil’ = in His sight? = You have stricken [killed] = Uriah the Hittite [Bathsheba’s husband] = with the sword, = and have ‘taken’ his wife = to be your wife, = and = have killed him = with the sword of the sons of Ammon.
(2Sa 12:10) And therefore, = “the sword” = shall ‘never’ depart = from your house, = because = you have ‘despised’ Me [God] = and = have taken ‘the wife’ of Uriah the Hittite = to be ‘your’ wife.
(2Sam 12:11) So says Jehovah [God], = Behold, = I [God] = will raise up ‘evil against you’ = out of your ‘own’ house, = and = I [God] = will take your wives = before your eyes = and give them = to your neighbor. = And = he shall lie with your wives = in the sight of this sun.
(2Sam 12:12) For you = did it ‘secretly’, = but I will = do this thing = before all Israel = and = before the sun.
(2Sam 12:13) And David said to Nathan, = I have sinned against Jehovah. = And Nathan said to David, = Jehovah also has put away your sin; = you shall ‘not’ die.
(2Sam 12:14) Only, = ‘because by this deed’ = you have given = ‘great occasion’ = to the enemies of Jehovah [God] = to blaspheme [God], = this child born to you shall surely die.
Continued in part… ‘4’…
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
May I ask you a question…? You who are reading these blogs… “Are we as a people or nation = [1.] getting better… or [2.] getting worse?” It is my belief that the ‘Spiritual’ temperature of America… has gone from cooling off to… “Luke Warm!” Many of our attributes and stands on spiritual subjects can be seen in our parallel with the Spiritual decline of Israel, in the Old Testament. If you have done any reading & studying in the Word of God, you probably have come to this same conclusion.
*** (Revelation 3:15-16) I know your works, = that you are = ‘neither’ = cold nor hot. = I would = that you were = cold or hot.
(Rev 3:16) So because = you are ‘lukewarm’, = and = neither cold nor hot, = I will = ‘vomit’ you = out of My mouth.
*** (Matthew 24:10-11-12) And then = many will be offended, = and = will ‘betray’ = one another, = and = will ‘hate’ = one another.
(Mat 24:11) And = ‘many’ false prophets = will rise = and = deceive ‘many’.
(Mat 24:12) And = because ‘iniquity’ [lawlessness] = shall abound, = the love of many = will become ‘cold’.
The Truth of these verses… is quite ‘eye–opening’ when you look at the Greek NT, and see that the word… “Love –Matt 24:12”… is that ‘Agape Love’; that can only be channeled by the Holy Spirit of God, in the True Believers Life! This fact will really be a shocker to those that study the Word of God. Imagine… “Lawlessness Abounding”… among those that call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus…! When that happens to we who are His children and what happens to the rest of Society… when fail to be the Light & Witness Christ intended for His children…?
*** (1Peter 4:17-18-19) For = the ‘time’ has come = for the judgment = to begin ‘from’ = the house of God. = And ‘if’ = it first begins from us, = what will be = the ‘end’ = of those ‘disobeying’ = the gospel of God?
(1Pet 4:18) And ‘if’ = the righteous one = is ‘scarcely’ saved, = where shall the ungodly = and = the sinner = ‘appear?’
(1Pet 4:19) Therefore = let those who ‘suffer’ = according to = the will of God = commit their souls = in ‘well-doing’, = as to a faithful “Creator”.
When ‘Lawlessness’ abounds… and the “Agape Love” of the saints grows cold, there will be a ‘suffering’ for those; that take a stand for the Holy Word of God! Many who say they Love Jesus, hardly ever… ‘Read & Study’… His Word; in order to grow in His Love and Grace! It is the Word of God, which brings… “Life & Truth”… to our = “Souls, Hearts and Minds”. Without a ‘daily’ feeding in His Word, we become malaise, heartless and cold. Say it isn’t so…?
*** (2Corinthians 4:16) For this cause = we ‘do not’ faint; = but ‘though’ = our outward man perishes, = yet the ‘inward man’ = is being renewed = day by day.
*** (Romans 10:17) Then faith = is of hearing, = and hearing = by the “Word of God”.
*** (John 15:3) Now you = are clean = through the Word = which I [Jesus] = have spoken to you.
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, = the ‘days’ come, = says the Lord Jehovah, = that = I will send a ‘famine’ = in the land; = not a famine of bread = nor a thirst for water, = but = of ‘hearing’ = the Words of Jehovah [God].
In the two previous blogs… we looked at God’s standard for Marriage, ‘one man and one woman’: for Life! We see daily, the moral decay that takes place when society; replaces God’s Word… with society norms and practices. The results is a worldly, driven by pleasures and entertainments = against what God has said in His Word. So too, the Love [Agape] in the hearts of believers, has become cold and ineffective. Their closest relationships, ‘marriage and family’… is replaced with violations of the Holy Word of God. So too, this mindset is passed on to their progeny.
*** (Exodus 34:6-7) And Jehovah = passed by before him [Moses] = and proclaimed, = Jehovah! = Jehovah God, = merciful and gracious, = long-suffering, = and = abundant in goodness = and = Truth,
(Exodus 34:7) keeping mercy for thousands, = forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, = and = Who will by ‘no means’ = clear the guilty, = visiting the iniquity of fathers [Parents / Family] = on the sons, = and on the sons of sons, = to the third = and = to the fourth generation.
*** (2Chronicles 25:2-3-4) And he did the right = in the eyes of Jehovah, = but = ‘not] = with a perfect heart.
(2Chron 25:3) And it happened = when the kingdom was made sure to him, = he ‘killed’ his servants = who had killed his father, = the ‘king’.
(2Chron 25:4) But = he ‘did not’ = kill their sons, = but = ‘as it is written’ = in the Law = in the book of Moses, = where Jehovah ‘commanded’, = saying, = The father ‘shall not’ = die for the sons [sins], = nor shall the sons = die for the fathers [sins], = but ‘every man’ = shall die = for his ‘own’ sin.
There has been a false teaching… about ‘generational sins’ passed on to the family, by the parents. Many excuse away… “Sin/Sins”… saying, “I couldn’t help myself!” That wrong teaching is negated by those verses in… “2Chronicles 25:4”. The human ‘free will’… is not negated by your parents ‘sin/sins’. You cannot use it for your ‘excuse’ for your divorce; before God and His Word. Many want to blame ‘others’… for their ‘own’ decisions. Flip Wilson, a comedian of some years ago used to say, “The Devil made me do It!” That would mean that you have ‘No Choice’… as Lucifer the anointed Cherub, before his fall in rebellion against God = had control over your life. “YOU”… and you ‘alone’… have that ‘free will’; to choose ‘to do’… “Right or Wrong!”
*** (Exodus 20:19-20) And they said to Moses, = You ‘speak’ with us, = and we will hear. = But = ‘let not’ = God speak with us, = lest we die.
(Exodus 20:20) And Moses = ‘said’ to the people, = Do not fear, = for God has come = to ‘test’ you, = and = so that = His fear = ‘may be’ before your faces, = so that = you = may ‘not’ sin.
*** (Deuteronomy 30:19-20) I call Heaven and earth = to record today = ‘against you’. = I have ‘set’ before you = life and death, = blessing and cursing. = Therefore, ‘choose life’, = so that ‘both’ you = and = your seed = may live,
(Deut 30:20) so that you = ‘may love’ = Jehovah your God, = and = that you = ‘may obey’ = His voice, = and = that you ‘may cling’ = to Him. = For He = is your life = and = the length of your days, = so that you may dwell in the land which Jehovah swore = to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give it to them.
Simple “Obedience” is the Key…! When you choose… ‘to disobey’… the Holy Word of God, and get a divorce, you set in action a ‘cascading’ result of decisions and happenings that you will soon have no control over. Following God and His Word; ‘whatever the cost’; will bring His ultimate blessings, some of which you may not see immediately. Again when you trade your marriage and remarry into Adultery… “Mark 10:11-12”… what you call a blessing… is ‘not’ a blessing from God! You have ‘violated’ His Word, and in ‘disobedience’ to Him… call your new life… “A Blessing from God?” What you call it… is ‘not’… what God calls it!
*** (1Samuel 15:22-23) And Samuel said, = Does Jehovah [God]= delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices = as in ‘obeying’ = the voice of Jehovah? = Behold, “to Obey” = is ‘better than’ sacrifice! = “To listen” = is better than the fat of rams!
(1Sam 15:23) For “rebellion” = is as the sin of ‘witchcraft’, = and ‘stubbornness’ = is as “iniquity and idol-worship”. = Because you have = “rejected the Word of Jehovah”, = He has also rejected you from being king!
*** (Mark 8:36-37-38) For = what shall it ‘profit’ a man = if he shall ‘gain’ the whole world = and = lose his own soul?
(Mark 8:37) Or = what shall a man = ‘give’ in exchange = for his soul?
(Mark 8:38) Therefore whoever = shall be ashamed of Me [Jesus] = and = of My ‘Words’ = in this ‘adulterous’ and ‘sinful’ generation, = the Son of Man = ‘shall also’ = be ashamed of him = when He comes = in the glory of His Father = with the holy angels.
*** (2Timothy 3:5-6-7) having a ‘form’ of godliness [religion], = but denying the power of it; = even ‘turn away’ = from these.
(2Tim 3:6) For of these are those = who creep into houses = and = lead captive silly women loaded with sins, = led away with different kinds of lusts,
(2Tim 3:7) ‘ever’ learning = and = ‘never’ able = to come to = the ‘full’ knowledge = of the Truth.
About now… ‘someone’ is saying… “Well my new spouse loves me and my children.” We go to church and have a happy family and love the Lord and His Word. “At what price”… is your new family…? Is or was; your ‘disobedience’ to the Holy Word of God… worth what you now have? Can you say you are “living in complete obedience” = to God and His Word…? Most women and men, who divorce their spouses… ‘who have children’… keep their children, from their ‘real biological parent’. Is that what God wants for your Child or Children…? Did you miss… “1Samuel 15:23”… and ‘the rebellion’… that you are now ‘building’… in your children?
*** (Matthew 15:4) For God = ‘commanded’, = saying, = "Honor your father and mother"; = and, = "He who speaks ‘evil’ = of “father” or “mother”, = let him die by death."
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
*** (2Samuel 12:9-to-14) Why have [King David] you = ‘despised’ = the Word of Jehovah [God], = to ‘do evil’ = in His sight? = You have stricken [killed] = Uriah the Hittite [Bathsheba’s husband] = with the sword, = and have ‘taken’ his wife = to be your wife, = and = have killed him = with the sword of the sons of Ammon.
(2Sa 12:10) And therefore, = “the sword” = shall ‘never’ depart = from your house, = because = you have ‘despised’ Me [God] = and = have taken ‘the wife’ of Uriah the Hittite = to be ‘your’ wife.
(2Sam 12:11) So says Jehovah [God], = Behold, = I [God] = will raise up ‘evil against you’ = out of your ‘own’ house, = and = I [God] = will take your wives = before your eyes = and give them = to your neighbor. = And = he shall lie with your wives = in the sight of this sun.
(2Sam 12:12) For you = did it ‘secretly’, = but I will = do this thing = before all Israel = and = before the sun.
(2Sam 12:13) And David said to Nathan, = I have sinned against Jehovah. = And Nathan said to David, = Jehovah also has put away your sin; = you shall ‘not’ die.
(2Sam 12:14) Only, = ‘because by this deed’ = you have given = ‘great occasion’ = to the enemies of Jehovah [God] = to blaspheme [God], = this child born to you shall surely die.
Continued in part… ‘4’…
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Monday, April 26, 2010
Remarriage - 202 [2-of-?]
“Remarriage – 202”…Blog. [2-of-?]
The second blog in this series… examines ‘what’ brings about Divorce. ‘The Pandemic’ of divorce is in direct relation to ones’… “Spiritual Character.” Had God, the God of the Bible wanted to show mankind some ‘other’ word picture of salvation; he would not have used the ‘marriage model’. He did not want… ‘Polygamy’ and His design is and always will be the… ‘One man and one woman’… till death do them part.
*** (Ephesians 5:31-32-33) For this cause = shall a man leave his father and mother, = and = shall be joined = unto his wife, = and = they ‘two’ = shall be one flesh.
(Eph 5:32) This is a = “great mystery”: = but I speak = concerning Christ = and the church.
(Eph 5:33) Nevertheless = let every one of you in particular = so love his wife even as himself; = and = the wife see that she = ‘reverence’ her husband.
The American Culture… is based on the family unit, as well as in all other cultures. As ‘entropy’ takes place in any culture, so does the breakdown of the ‘Family Unit’. Hollywood has done more to harm society: with its ‘Anti-God’ = ‘Anti-Bible’ and ‘Anti-Moral’… Agenda! Immorality is touted as normal and accepted; while conservative moral fundamentals, are poked fun at. Say it isn’t so…? What ‘wrong’ did Sarah Palin do, in her run for the vice presidency? Since when does a public stand for Christ and the Bible… disqualify one ‘morally’ for public office?
*** (Proverbs 14:34) Righteousness = lifts up a nation, = but sin = is a shame = to any people.
Just as a reminder… President John F. Kennedy was a whoremonger. His brother Ted was a senator killed; ‘Mary Joe Kepochne’ and never did any time for it. In addition he slandered Judge Bork and was Ted instrumental in pushing the “Planned Parenthood” agenda of the… “Killing of ‘Innocent’ Unborn Babies”… in their mother’s womb. President Bill Clinton… shamed our nation, ‘worldwide’… with his sexual antics as state governor and with Monica Lewinsky during his presidency. Hardly any of them, were even worthy of their political office. Yet all our nation, seemed ‘to approve’ their actions, except for a very few.
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
The Mindset of the American… is that you only go around once, so get all you can! The clothing reflects much of the moral standing of a nation. The female body is marked only as a commodity… leaving its sexuality open for all. One can see on TV… adds for ‘over-the-counter’… medications for venereal diseases as infections, herpes and even the overnight abortion pill. Playboy & Hustler publications and the ‘Pornography Industry’… have devastated the morality of both men and women… and only a few speak out.
*** (2Peter 2:12-13-14) But these, = as unreasoning natural brute animals = having been born for capture and corruption, = speak evil of the things that they do not understand. = And they will utterly perish = in their own corruption,
(2Pet 2:13) being about to receive = the wages of unrighteousness, = deeming indulgence as pleasure in the daytime, = and reveling in spots and blemishes, = feasting along with you = in their deceits,
(2Pet 2:14) having eyes = full of adultery = and never ceasing from sin, = alluring unstable souls, = having a heart exercised with covetousness. = They are cursed children
The Homosexual Agenda… with a ‘word change’ from the media; to “Gay” = has touted itself as a normal minority, seeking Federal protection under the ‘hate crimes’ legislations. Even one of the perverted Cesars’ of Rome… had a ‘horse’ as a domestic partner. Since when… “in common sense”… does a perverted sexuality… qualify for any social status? It “never” does…! TV and Hollywood both push this homosexual mindset… into the minds of their viewers.
*** (Romans 1:28-to-32) And even as they did not = think fit = to have God in their knowledge, = God gave them over = to a reprobate mind, = to do the things = not right,
(Rom 1:29) being filled with = all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; being full of envy, murder, quarrels, deceit, evil habits, becoming whisperers,
(Rom 1:30) backbiters, haters of God, insolent, proud, braggarts, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
(Rom 1:31) undiscerning, perfidious, without natural affection, unforgiving, unmerciful;
(Rom 1:32) who, = knowing the righteous order of God, = that those = practicing such things = are ‘worthy of death’, = not only ‘do them’, = but have ‘pleasure’ = in those ‘practicing’ them.
About now… someone is saying, “What has that to do with “Divorce & Remarriage?” It is part and parcel of the human family make up; in its view of the Family Unit! A “Family and Marriage”, is a covenant between a man and a woman and “God!” It is more than just a civil union, but has a ‘spiritual’ foundation, which has been under attack by the Media. Since Hollywood Actors… divorce and remarry so often… they send a message to each and every one of us. If you don’t like your partner… divorce them… just as we do, and there is no harm, it’s just … “No Fault!” …LIE!
*** (1Corinthians 14:33) For God = is ‘not’ = the author of confusion, = but of peace, = as in = all ‘churches’ = of the saints.
*** (Acts 20:27-28) For I = did ‘not’ keep back = from declaring to you = ‘all’ the counsel of God.
(Acts 20:28) Therefore = take ‘heed’ to yourselves, = and = to ‘all’ the flock = in which the Holy Spirit = has made you overseers, = to feed the church of God = which He [Jesus] = has “purchased” = with His own blood.
*** (Luke 17:21) ‘Neither’ shall they say, = Lo here! = or, lo there! = for, behold, = the kingdom of God = is ‘within’ you.
*** (Romans 8:9) But you are ‘not’ = in the flesh, = but ‘in’ the Spirit, = ‘if’ the Spirit of God dwells in you. = But if anyone = has ‘not’ the Spirit of Christ, = he is ‘none’ of His.
The ‘Church’ = which You are… is ‘not’ a denomination! It is the Holy Spirit, indwelling each Born Again Believer… Who makes ‘you’; the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ! In essence you are married to Christ, in Spirit, to be redeemed with a new body, upon the final resurrection! That is where you are coming from… but where are you going? You choose to ‘divorce’ your mate, but the Spirit of God indwells you? Then you choose to marry another, ‘disavowing’ your former wedding vows. Does God… disavow you… and take His Holy Spirit away from you and give it to another…?
*** (Mark 10:11-12) So He [Jesus] said to them, = "Whoever divorces his wife = and marries another woman = commits ‘adultery’ = against her.
(Mark 10:12) And if a woman = divorces her husband = and marries another man, = she ‘commits’ adultery."
*** (1Corinthians 6:18-19-20) Keep on running away = from sexual immorality. = Any ‘other’ sin = that a person commits = is outside his body, = but the person who sins sexually = sins against his own body.
(1Cor 6:19) You ‘know’ that = your body = is a ‘sanctuary’ = of the Holy Spirit = Who is ‘in’ you, = Whom you have ‘received’ from God [John 7:38-39], = don't you? = You ‘do not’ belong = to yourselves,
(1Cor 6:20) ‘Because’ = you were bought for a price. = Therefore, = glorify God = with your bodies.
Remarriage follows ‘divorce’…! Many today, do not what to hear what God says in His Word… ‘about divorce’. God actually… Hates Divorce = “Malachi 2:14-to-16!” The Jews of Jesus day, made divorce a common practice of ‘convenience’. So today Americans ‘follow’ in their sins and practice ‘multiple polygamies’ with their multiple divorces and remarriages. Say it isn’t so…? I speak this to the… “Fact & Practice”… of those that call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus!
*** (Matthew 19:8-9) He [Jesus] said to them, "It was because of = your “hardness” of heart = that Moses allowed you = to divorce your wives. = But from the beginning = it was ‘not’ this way.
(Matt 19:9) I tell you = that whoever = divorces his wife, = except for sexual immorality, = and marries another woman = commits adultery."
*** (1Corinthians 7:10-11-&-39) And = to the married = I command = not I, = but the Lord, = a woman is ‘not’ = to be separated = from her husband.
(1Cor 7:11) But if = she is ‘indeed’ separated, = let her “Remain Unmarried”, = or be ‘reconciled’ = to her husband. = And a husband = is ‘not’ = to leave his wife.
(1Cor 7:39) The wife is bound = by the law [of God] = as long as her husband ‘lives’, = but if her husband = sleeps in death, = she is at liberty = to be ‘remarried’ = to whom she will, = ‘only’ = in the Lord.
*** (Luke 6:46) And why do ‘you’ = call Me [Jesus] = Lord [Master], = Lord [Boss], = and = “do not do” = what I say?
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = ‘doers’ of the Word, = and ‘not’ = merely hearers = who ‘deceive’ themselves.
After my first post… there were response to me about supposed accusations of verbal abuse, and a plethora of ‘other excuses’… why a divorce was needed and wanted. Remember you ‘do not’ answer to me… but to the Christ Jesus… “Who bought you with – His Precious Blood.” This discussion is to get you… back to obedience… to the Word of God. It is Him, to Whom you must justify your actions and decisions. I do not, again, do not stand in judgment or condemnation of anyone, as Christ Jesus is your judge.
*** (Ezekiel 2:7) And you = ‘shall speak’ = My Words to them, = whether = they will hear = or whether = they will forbear, = for they are rebellious.
*** (Jeremiah 1:8) Do ‘not’ = be afraid of their faces; = for I am with you = to deliver you, = says Jehovah.
*** (James 3:1) Not many of you = should become teachers, = my brothers, = because you know = that we who teach = will be judged = “more severely”.
*** (2Timothy 4:1-to-4) Therefore I = “solemnly witness” = before God = and the Lord Jesus Christ, = Who is going ‘to judge’ = the living = and the dead = according to His appearance = and His kingdom,
(2Tim 4:2) Preach the Word, = be instant in season = and = out of season, = Reprove, = Rebuke, = Exhort = with all long-suffering = and doctrine.
(2Tim 4:3) For ‘a time’ will be = when they = ‘will not’ = endure sound doctrine, = but they will heap-up = teachers to themselves = according to = their own lusts, tickling the ear.
(2Tim 4:4) And they will = ‘turn away’ = their ears = from the “Truth” = and = will be turned = to myths.
Continued in part… 3.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
The second blog in this series… examines ‘what’ brings about Divorce. ‘The Pandemic’ of divorce is in direct relation to ones’… “Spiritual Character.” Had God, the God of the Bible wanted to show mankind some ‘other’ word picture of salvation; he would not have used the ‘marriage model’. He did not want… ‘Polygamy’ and His design is and always will be the… ‘One man and one woman’… till death do them part.
*** (Ephesians 5:31-32-33) For this cause = shall a man leave his father and mother, = and = shall be joined = unto his wife, = and = they ‘two’ = shall be one flesh.
(Eph 5:32) This is a = “great mystery”: = but I speak = concerning Christ = and the church.
(Eph 5:33) Nevertheless = let every one of you in particular = so love his wife even as himself; = and = the wife see that she = ‘reverence’ her husband.
The American Culture… is based on the family unit, as well as in all other cultures. As ‘entropy’ takes place in any culture, so does the breakdown of the ‘Family Unit’. Hollywood has done more to harm society: with its ‘Anti-God’ = ‘Anti-Bible’ and ‘Anti-Moral’… Agenda! Immorality is touted as normal and accepted; while conservative moral fundamentals, are poked fun at. Say it isn’t so…? What ‘wrong’ did Sarah Palin do, in her run for the vice presidency? Since when does a public stand for Christ and the Bible… disqualify one ‘morally’ for public office?
*** (Proverbs 14:34) Righteousness = lifts up a nation, = but sin = is a shame = to any people.
Just as a reminder… President John F. Kennedy was a whoremonger. His brother Ted was a senator killed; ‘Mary Joe Kepochne’ and never did any time for it. In addition he slandered Judge Bork and was Ted instrumental in pushing the “Planned Parenthood” agenda of the… “Killing of ‘Innocent’ Unborn Babies”… in their mother’s womb. President Bill Clinton… shamed our nation, ‘worldwide’… with his sexual antics as state governor and with Monica Lewinsky during his presidency. Hardly any of them, were even worthy of their political office. Yet all our nation, seemed ‘to approve’ their actions, except for a very few.
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
The Mindset of the American… is that you only go around once, so get all you can! The clothing reflects much of the moral standing of a nation. The female body is marked only as a commodity… leaving its sexuality open for all. One can see on TV… adds for ‘over-the-counter’… medications for venereal diseases as infections, herpes and even the overnight abortion pill. Playboy & Hustler publications and the ‘Pornography Industry’… have devastated the morality of both men and women… and only a few speak out.
*** (2Peter 2:12-13-14) But these, = as unreasoning natural brute animals = having been born for capture and corruption, = speak evil of the things that they do not understand. = And they will utterly perish = in their own corruption,
(2Pet 2:13) being about to receive = the wages of unrighteousness, = deeming indulgence as pleasure in the daytime, = and reveling in spots and blemishes, = feasting along with you = in their deceits,
(2Pet 2:14) having eyes = full of adultery = and never ceasing from sin, = alluring unstable souls, = having a heart exercised with covetousness. = They are cursed children
The Homosexual Agenda… with a ‘word change’ from the media; to “Gay” = has touted itself as a normal minority, seeking Federal protection under the ‘hate crimes’ legislations. Even one of the perverted Cesars’ of Rome… had a ‘horse’ as a domestic partner. Since when… “in common sense”… does a perverted sexuality… qualify for any social status? It “never” does…! TV and Hollywood both push this homosexual mindset… into the minds of their viewers.
*** (Romans 1:28-to-32) And even as they did not = think fit = to have God in their knowledge, = God gave them over = to a reprobate mind, = to do the things = not right,
(Rom 1:29) being filled with = all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; being full of envy, murder, quarrels, deceit, evil habits, becoming whisperers,
(Rom 1:30) backbiters, haters of God, insolent, proud, braggarts, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
(Rom 1:31) undiscerning, perfidious, without natural affection, unforgiving, unmerciful;
(Rom 1:32) who, = knowing the righteous order of God, = that those = practicing such things = are ‘worthy of death’, = not only ‘do them’, = but have ‘pleasure’ = in those ‘practicing’ them.
About now… someone is saying, “What has that to do with “Divorce & Remarriage?” It is part and parcel of the human family make up; in its view of the Family Unit! A “Family and Marriage”, is a covenant between a man and a woman and “God!” It is more than just a civil union, but has a ‘spiritual’ foundation, which has been under attack by the Media. Since Hollywood Actors… divorce and remarry so often… they send a message to each and every one of us. If you don’t like your partner… divorce them… just as we do, and there is no harm, it’s just … “No Fault!” …LIE!
*** (1Corinthians 14:33) For God = is ‘not’ = the author of confusion, = but of peace, = as in = all ‘churches’ = of the saints.
*** (Acts 20:27-28) For I = did ‘not’ keep back = from declaring to you = ‘all’ the counsel of God.
(Acts 20:28) Therefore = take ‘heed’ to yourselves, = and = to ‘all’ the flock = in which the Holy Spirit = has made you overseers, = to feed the church of God = which He [Jesus] = has “purchased” = with His own blood.
*** (Luke 17:21) ‘Neither’ shall they say, = Lo here! = or, lo there! = for, behold, = the kingdom of God = is ‘within’ you.
*** (Romans 8:9) But you are ‘not’ = in the flesh, = but ‘in’ the Spirit, = ‘if’ the Spirit of God dwells in you. = But if anyone = has ‘not’ the Spirit of Christ, = he is ‘none’ of His.
The ‘Church’ = which You are… is ‘not’ a denomination! It is the Holy Spirit, indwelling each Born Again Believer… Who makes ‘you’; the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ! In essence you are married to Christ, in Spirit, to be redeemed with a new body, upon the final resurrection! That is where you are coming from… but where are you going? You choose to ‘divorce’ your mate, but the Spirit of God indwells you? Then you choose to marry another, ‘disavowing’ your former wedding vows. Does God… disavow you… and take His Holy Spirit away from you and give it to another…?
*** (Mark 10:11-12) So He [Jesus] said to them, = "Whoever divorces his wife = and marries another woman = commits ‘adultery’ = against her.
(Mark 10:12) And if a woman = divorces her husband = and marries another man, = she ‘commits’ adultery."
*** (1Corinthians 6:18-19-20) Keep on running away = from sexual immorality. = Any ‘other’ sin = that a person commits = is outside his body, = but the person who sins sexually = sins against his own body.
(1Cor 6:19) You ‘know’ that = your body = is a ‘sanctuary’ = of the Holy Spirit = Who is ‘in’ you, = Whom you have ‘received’ from God [John 7:38-39], = don't you? = You ‘do not’ belong = to yourselves,
(1Cor 6:20) ‘Because’ = you were bought for a price. = Therefore, = glorify God = with your bodies.
Remarriage follows ‘divorce’…! Many today, do not what to hear what God says in His Word… ‘about divorce’. God actually… Hates Divorce = “Malachi 2:14-to-16!” The Jews of Jesus day, made divorce a common practice of ‘convenience’. So today Americans ‘follow’ in their sins and practice ‘multiple polygamies’ with their multiple divorces and remarriages. Say it isn’t so…? I speak this to the… “Fact & Practice”… of those that call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus!
*** (Matthew 19:8-9) He [Jesus] said to them, "It was because of = your “hardness” of heart = that Moses allowed you = to divorce your wives. = But from the beginning = it was ‘not’ this way.
(Matt 19:9) I tell you = that whoever = divorces his wife, = except for sexual immorality, = and marries another woman = commits adultery."
*** (1Corinthians 7:10-11-&-39) And = to the married = I command = not I, = but the Lord, = a woman is ‘not’ = to be separated = from her husband.
(1Cor 7:11) But if = she is ‘indeed’ separated, = let her “Remain Unmarried”, = or be ‘reconciled’ = to her husband. = And a husband = is ‘not’ = to leave his wife.
(1Cor 7:39) The wife is bound = by the law [of God] = as long as her husband ‘lives’, = but if her husband = sleeps in death, = she is at liberty = to be ‘remarried’ = to whom she will, = ‘only’ = in the Lord.
*** (Luke 6:46) And why do ‘you’ = call Me [Jesus] = Lord [Master], = Lord [Boss], = and = “do not do” = what I say?
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = ‘doers’ of the Word, = and ‘not’ = merely hearers = who ‘deceive’ themselves.
After my first post… there were response to me about supposed accusations of verbal abuse, and a plethora of ‘other excuses’… why a divorce was needed and wanted. Remember you ‘do not’ answer to me… but to the Christ Jesus… “Who bought you with – His Precious Blood.” This discussion is to get you… back to obedience… to the Word of God. It is Him, to Whom you must justify your actions and decisions. I do not, again, do not stand in judgment or condemnation of anyone, as Christ Jesus is your judge.
*** (Ezekiel 2:7) And you = ‘shall speak’ = My Words to them, = whether = they will hear = or whether = they will forbear, = for they are rebellious.
*** (Jeremiah 1:8) Do ‘not’ = be afraid of their faces; = for I am with you = to deliver you, = says Jehovah.
*** (James 3:1) Not many of you = should become teachers, = my brothers, = because you know = that we who teach = will be judged = “more severely”.
*** (2Timothy 4:1-to-4) Therefore I = “solemnly witness” = before God = and the Lord Jesus Christ, = Who is going ‘to judge’ = the living = and the dead = according to His appearance = and His kingdom,
(2Tim 4:2) Preach the Word, = be instant in season = and = out of season, = Reprove, = Rebuke, = Exhort = with all long-suffering = and doctrine.
(2Tim 4:3) For ‘a time’ will be = when they = ‘will not’ = endure sound doctrine, = but they will heap-up = teachers to themselves = according to = their own lusts, tickling the ear.
(2Tim 4:4) And they will = ‘turn away’ = their ears = from the “Truth” = and = will be turned = to myths.
Continued in part… 3.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
(Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Sunday, April 25, 2010
“Remarriage – 101”…Blog.
“Remarriage – 101”…Blog.
Hello… “Name Withheld!”
Thank you for our… continued discussion about “Divorce & Remarriage”. It is so refreshing to be able to discuss the Truth from the Holy Word of God, even though we have ‘differing opinions’ on the same subject. Many ‘do not’ take the time to… walk with God, through His Word. Instead they rely on others, to keep them fed. Usually, the Spiritual Food they hold to… is biased on ‘Man’s Opinion’… instead of: “God’s Truth”... found in His Word, the Bible!
*** (Job 9:20) If I = justify myself, = my own mouth shall = condemn me; = though I am perfect, = He [God] = shall declare me perverse.
*** (Exodus 20:19-20) And = they said to Moses, = You speak with us, = and we will hear. = But = ‘let not’ = God speak with us, = lest we die.
(Exodus 20:20) And Moses said to the people, = Do not fear, = for God has come = to ‘test’ you, = and so that = ‘His fear’ = may be before your faces, = so that you = may ‘not’ sin.
Sorry it has taken… a couple of days, to respond to you, but I had thought I had better make things ‘quite clear’, from the Word of God, about this topic. I have been studying this subject for some years and find two differing camps. Additionally find that; ‘Error is often mixed with Truth’… so that it often appears as Truth. Why else would Satan come; as an ‘Angel of Light’, and with his followers, who are often ‘religious’… and then sew Tares within the field of Wheat?
Today the Pandemic of… ‘Divorce & Remarriage’… is much like that of “Backslidden Israel”. They too had departed in ‘heart’ from God and His… “Law, Precepts, Ordinances, Statutes and Word of the Lord”… and had substituted; their ‘own’ thinking. You may find Pastors; on both sides of this issue and those that ‘justify’ their actions… ‘Also’ taking sides against the Word of God. He will ultimately use His Word… in the Last Judgment of all mankind.
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
“More” of those… that ‘call’ the Blessed Name of Jesus… ‘Divorce & Remarry’… than those that… “Do Not”… “Know Jesus = as Unbelievers!” What is wrong with their… “Concept of Reconciliation and Forgiveness”…? Did they completely miss… “2Corinthians 5:18-to-21”… and…. “1John 1:5-to-10?” Perhaps they were ‘never’ really… Born Again… as John spoke about in… “1John 2:19” Christ did speak about those… ‘Many’… in Matthew 7:21-22-23 that thought they were His… but He, Christ, denied them!
Today ‘many’ preachers… “DO NOT”… share the ‘Whole Counsel of God’; but instead… ‘Pick & Choose’… selectively; as ‘do not’ want to drive away; their parishioners. This insures some ‘income’ to continue what they often wrongly call… ‘The Lord’s Work.’ It is not so… ‘If it does not’… hold true; to the Holy Scriptures. Just like, the blind leading the blind; as Christ spoke about in… “Matthew 15:14!”
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] = answered and said, = It is written, = "Man shall ‘not’ = live by bread alone, = but by… “Every Word” = that proceeds out of = the mouth of God."
Those, that are ‘Real Christians’… continually study His Word to ‘Learn & Obey’… more and more; of His Truth. Those that are not… ‘Do Not Accept’… His Word; as the “Only Authority”… for those; that are Truly Born Again. Those that ‘do not’… often times get angry… at someone who ‘espouses’… the Final Authority of the Scriptures, the Holy Word of God.
*** (1Corinthians 2:14) But the natural man = does ‘not’ receive the things = of the Spirit of God, = for they are ‘foolishness’ to him; = neither can he ‘know them’, = because they are spiritually discerned.
We ‘all’ have our own opinion”… on what the Bible teaches about… “Sin, Righteousness and Judgment”… but “Only the Word of God”… is the “Final Authority”. Many today say they believe in Jesus, but in “Which Jesus?” Each denomination has its own interpretation of… “Who… Jesus Is!” But the Bible tells really… ‘Who – Jesus Is’… but only to ‘those’; willing to listen to God’s Word. The Muslims even have a Jesus; but he too is ‘not’ the same as the Jesus of the Word of God!
Please allow me to explain… what I believe the Scriptures teach; and then ‘test’ what I say about applying this; to the issue of “Divorce & Remarriage”. Base this on what Christ Jesus said about… “Remarriage being Adultery”… if the other spouse is still living. One can take the time to… extract the Truth of the Word of God… by taking ‘all’ the Bible verses on this subject and seeing the ‘Whole Picture’. No one ‘ever’ speaks about their… “Wedding Vows”… they made to Jesus either, even before witnesses. No one that attended their wedding; holds them to their ‘Vows’… not even the pastors!
*** (Mark 10:11-12) So He [Jesus] said to them, = "Whoever divorces his wife = and marries another woman = commits adultery against her.
(Mark 10:12) And = if a woman = divorces her husband = and marries another man, = she commits adultery."
Some, whom are Born Again… by the Holy Spirit of God… will go into the Bible and see what ‘areas’ of their lives… do not live up to… the Word of God; and then ‘correct’ their actions… in obedience to His Word. Some will ‘not’ and then are either; chastened [spanked] by the Father God or live in a land of ‘spiritual dryness’… no matter how they try and correct their situation… without the fruit of ‘Repentance!’
*** (Psalms 106:15) And = He [God] = gave them = what they asked, = but = sent ‘leanness’ = into their soul.
*** (1Timothy 5:24) Some men's sins = are ‘open’ beforehand, = going before = to judgment. = And some = they ‘also’ = follow after.
May I now… share with you, some thoughts from the Word of God, about “Confession, Repentance and Forgiveness”…? Those that know the Word… often apply… “1John 1:5-to-10”… when they are Convicted by the Holy Spirit… about Sin in their lives. Those that respond to Him… have a tender heart: those that ‘do not’; have a… “Hardened Heart like Pharaoh!” Christ Jesus even said that ‘divorce’… is a result of a hardened heart… “Mark 10:5”.
… I am a Christian and work in an accounting firm. I have control of the … ‘Monies & Securities’… for that ‘Firm’. I get tempted and “Steal”… some ‘Barer Bonds [Ten Thousand ‘US’ Dollars– 10K].’
… Because of the nature of such securities, I get away with it. Sometime later, I am ‘convicted by God’… about the Theft… and… “Confess it to Jesus!” …I claim… “1John 1:9” – If we confess our sin, He is faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
… Am I “Then”… required to… “Give back the Monies or Securities”…? Please answer this question … “Yes” = or = “No”…?
*** (Ephesians 4:28) Let him who = ‘stole’ = steal ‘no more’, = but rather = let him labor, = working with his hands = the thing which is good, = so that he may have something = to give to him = who needs.
*** (Proverbs 28:13) He who = ‘covers’ his sins = shall not be blessed; = but whoever = ‘confesses’ = and = ‘leaves them’ = shall have mercy.
*** (Luke 19:8) And = Zacchaeus stood and said = to the Lord [Jesus], = Behold, Lord, = I give half of my goods = to the poor. = And = in ‘anything’ = I accused anyone ‘falsely’, = I restore it = fourfold.
This Dynamic of “Repentance in Forgiveness”… is ‘not taught’… in Churches today. If I have stolen those ‘Financial Securities’… I am then… by the right of the forgiveness from God… to make “Restitution”, for those actions. Throughout the Scriptures… one can find this Truth. You can apply… “Any Sin”… to this dynamic and plug it into… “Ephesians 4:28 & Proverbs 28:13 & Romans 6:1-2”. Most will not recognize these truths, but justify their past decisions.
True Forgiveness… “Leaves the SIN!” The word, “Repentance”… in the Bible… means having a… “Change of Mind = that is demonstrated = in a Change of Actions!” If I am forgiven by God… do I keep on ‘Sinning’… so that God’s Grace will… “Continue to Grace – in that SIN”…? “Yes or No”…? The action that caused that Sin… “Must”… be stopped… or it is not… “Real Forgiveness and Repentance”…!
From “Stealing” – to – “Stealing NO More!
From “Adultery” – to – “Adultery No More!”
From “Lying” – to – “Lying NO More!”
From “Murder” – to – “Murder NO More!”
*** (Romans 6:1-2) What shall we say = then? = Shall we = ‘continue’ = in sin, = that [God’s] grace = may abound?
(Rom 6:2) “God forbid”. = How shall we, = that are dead to sin, = “LIVE ANY LONGER = THEREIN?”
Many times… I hear pastors and others… ‘Excuse away Sin’… into “License = Jude 1:3-4”… and say… “Go and Sin No More!” Like so many others… they take ‘out of context’… those verses spoken by Christ Jesus in… “John 8:3-to-11”. What they… “Fail to Say”… about is what Jesus said; found in a previous chapter of… “John 5:14”. That… “Pick & Choose Mentality”… has become so acceptable in the Churches; that when someone says anything ‘different’; they are… “Branded a ‘Legalist’ and/or a Pharisee!”
*** (John 5:14) Afterward = Jesus found him = in the temple = and said to him, = Behold, = you are made ‘whole’. = “Sin No More” = lest a worse thing = come to you.
“Go and Sin No More”… OR… “Go and Sin no more… lest a “Worse Thing”… come upon you!” That is what ‘Repentance’ is all about, in and by the… “Fear of God!” True Forgiveness ‘always’ has works of repentance… accompanying itself. Without repentance works; it is Not… “Biblical Forgiveness!” … “Go and Sin = No ‘MORE’ = Any Longer!” Do you ever hear that… in your Church…? Divine Accountability can be seen in… Ecclesiastes 12:13-14…!
… “Forgiveness = ‘Without’ = Repentance Actions”… is like…
… “Smoke without Fire”…
… “Clouds without Rain”…
… “Life without God’s Word!”…
… “Spiritually Dry Churches… replacing God’s Holy Word… with ‘Entertainment’… and calling it… Worship!” … “NOT!”
… Need I go on…?
*** (Isaiah 28:13) But = the Word of Jehovah = was to them = “precept on precept”, = “precept on precept”; = “line on line”, = “line on line”; = “here a little”, = “there a little”; = that ‘they’ = might go, = and = ‘fall backward’ [backslide], = and = be broken = and = snared = and = taken.
*** (Proverbs 5:22) His own iniquities = shall take the wicked himself, = and = he shall be ‘held’ = with the cords = of ‘his’ sin.
All you have to do… is speak to ‘Jesus’, about what He has… ‘Already said’… in His Word. I do not write this; to accuse or excuse any actions; of those that call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus. His Fire; will try ‘All’ our works… and we can now choose to ‘Repent’… and then plant good works, to replace our ‘former’ harvest of bad ones! That is the ‘Cost’ of… “True Discipleship in Christ!” What about it… are you ‘really’ His Child… or… “Just Religious?”
*** (1Timothy 5:25) Likewise also = the good works of some = are manifest beforehand, = and = those who are ‘otherwise’ = cannot be hidden.
*** (Matthew 3:8) Bring forth therefore = ‘fruits’ = worthy of repentance;
*** (2Timothy 2:3-4-5) Therefore endure hardness, = as a ‘good soldier’ = of Jesus Christ.
(2Tim 2:4) No one = who ‘wars’ = tangles with the affairs of this life, = that he may = please Him = Who chose him = to be a ‘soldier’.
(2Tim 2:5) And = also if anyone competes, = he = is ‘not’ crowned = unless he competes = ‘lawfully’.
*** (Luke 24:48) And = you are = ‘witnesses’ = of these things.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Hello… “Name Withheld!”
Thank you for our… continued discussion about “Divorce & Remarriage”. It is so refreshing to be able to discuss the Truth from the Holy Word of God, even though we have ‘differing opinions’ on the same subject. Many ‘do not’ take the time to… walk with God, through His Word. Instead they rely on others, to keep them fed. Usually, the Spiritual Food they hold to… is biased on ‘Man’s Opinion’… instead of: “God’s Truth”... found in His Word, the Bible!
*** (Job 9:20) If I = justify myself, = my own mouth shall = condemn me; = though I am perfect, = He [God] = shall declare me perverse.
*** (Exodus 20:19-20) And = they said to Moses, = You speak with us, = and we will hear. = But = ‘let not’ = God speak with us, = lest we die.
(Exodus 20:20) And Moses said to the people, = Do not fear, = for God has come = to ‘test’ you, = and so that = ‘His fear’ = may be before your faces, = so that you = may ‘not’ sin.
Sorry it has taken… a couple of days, to respond to you, but I had thought I had better make things ‘quite clear’, from the Word of God, about this topic. I have been studying this subject for some years and find two differing camps. Additionally find that; ‘Error is often mixed with Truth’… so that it often appears as Truth. Why else would Satan come; as an ‘Angel of Light’, and with his followers, who are often ‘religious’… and then sew Tares within the field of Wheat?
Today the Pandemic of… ‘Divorce & Remarriage’… is much like that of “Backslidden Israel”. They too had departed in ‘heart’ from God and His… “Law, Precepts, Ordinances, Statutes and Word of the Lord”… and had substituted; their ‘own’ thinking. You may find Pastors; on both sides of this issue and those that ‘justify’ their actions… ‘Also’ taking sides against the Word of God. He will ultimately use His Word… in the Last Judgment of all mankind.
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
“More” of those… that ‘call’ the Blessed Name of Jesus… ‘Divorce & Remarry’… than those that… “Do Not”… “Know Jesus = as Unbelievers!” What is wrong with their… “Concept of Reconciliation and Forgiveness”…? Did they completely miss… “2Corinthians 5:18-to-21”… and…. “1John 1:5-to-10?” Perhaps they were ‘never’ really… Born Again… as John spoke about in… “1John 2:19” Christ did speak about those… ‘Many’… in Matthew 7:21-22-23 that thought they were His… but He, Christ, denied them!
Today ‘many’ preachers… “DO NOT”… share the ‘Whole Counsel of God’; but instead… ‘Pick & Choose’… selectively; as ‘do not’ want to drive away; their parishioners. This insures some ‘income’ to continue what they often wrongly call… ‘The Lord’s Work.’ It is not so… ‘If it does not’… hold true; to the Holy Scriptures. Just like, the blind leading the blind; as Christ spoke about in… “Matthew 15:14!”
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] = answered and said, = It is written, = "Man shall ‘not’ = live by bread alone, = but by… “Every Word” = that proceeds out of = the mouth of God."
Those, that are ‘Real Christians’… continually study His Word to ‘Learn & Obey’… more and more; of His Truth. Those that are not… ‘Do Not Accept’… His Word; as the “Only Authority”… for those; that are Truly Born Again. Those that ‘do not’… often times get angry… at someone who ‘espouses’… the Final Authority of the Scriptures, the Holy Word of God.
*** (1Corinthians 2:14) But the natural man = does ‘not’ receive the things = of the Spirit of God, = for they are ‘foolishness’ to him; = neither can he ‘know them’, = because they are spiritually discerned.
We ‘all’ have our own opinion”… on what the Bible teaches about… “Sin, Righteousness and Judgment”… but “Only the Word of God”… is the “Final Authority”. Many today say they believe in Jesus, but in “Which Jesus?” Each denomination has its own interpretation of… “Who… Jesus Is!” But the Bible tells really… ‘Who – Jesus Is’… but only to ‘those’; willing to listen to God’s Word. The Muslims even have a Jesus; but he too is ‘not’ the same as the Jesus of the Word of God!
Please allow me to explain… what I believe the Scriptures teach; and then ‘test’ what I say about applying this; to the issue of “Divorce & Remarriage”. Base this on what Christ Jesus said about… “Remarriage being Adultery”… if the other spouse is still living. One can take the time to… extract the Truth of the Word of God… by taking ‘all’ the Bible verses on this subject and seeing the ‘Whole Picture’. No one ‘ever’ speaks about their… “Wedding Vows”… they made to Jesus either, even before witnesses. No one that attended their wedding; holds them to their ‘Vows’… not even the pastors!
*** (Mark 10:11-12) So He [Jesus] said to them, = "Whoever divorces his wife = and marries another woman = commits adultery against her.
(Mark 10:12) And = if a woman = divorces her husband = and marries another man, = she commits adultery."
Some, whom are Born Again… by the Holy Spirit of God… will go into the Bible and see what ‘areas’ of their lives… do not live up to… the Word of God; and then ‘correct’ their actions… in obedience to His Word. Some will ‘not’ and then are either; chastened [spanked] by the Father God or live in a land of ‘spiritual dryness’… no matter how they try and correct their situation… without the fruit of ‘Repentance!’
*** (Psalms 106:15) And = He [God] = gave them = what they asked, = but = sent ‘leanness’ = into their soul.
*** (1Timothy 5:24) Some men's sins = are ‘open’ beforehand, = going before = to judgment. = And some = they ‘also’ = follow after.
May I now… share with you, some thoughts from the Word of God, about “Confession, Repentance and Forgiveness”…? Those that know the Word… often apply… “1John 1:5-to-10”… when they are Convicted by the Holy Spirit… about Sin in their lives. Those that respond to Him… have a tender heart: those that ‘do not’; have a… “Hardened Heart like Pharaoh!” Christ Jesus even said that ‘divorce’… is a result of a hardened heart… “Mark 10:5”.
… I am a Christian and work in an accounting firm. I have control of the … ‘Monies & Securities’… for that ‘Firm’. I get tempted and “Steal”… some ‘Barer Bonds [Ten Thousand ‘US’ Dollars– 10K].’
… Because of the nature of such securities, I get away with it. Sometime later, I am ‘convicted by God’… about the Theft… and… “Confess it to Jesus!” …I claim… “1John 1:9” – If we confess our sin, He is faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
… Am I “Then”… required to… “Give back the Monies or Securities”…? Please answer this question … “Yes” = or = “No”…?
*** (Ephesians 4:28) Let him who = ‘stole’ = steal ‘no more’, = but rather = let him labor, = working with his hands = the thing which is good, = so that he may have something = to give to him = who needs.
*** (Proverbs 28:13) He who = ‘covers’ his sins = shall not be blessed; = but whoever = ‘confesses’ = and = ‘leaves them’ = shall have mercy.
*** (Luke 19:8) And = Zacchaeus stood and said = to the Lord [Jesus], = Behold, Lord, = I give half of my goods = to the poor. = And = in ‘anything’ = I accused anyone ‘falsely’, = I restore it = fourfold.
This Dynamic of “Repentance in Forgiveness”… is ‘not taught’… in Churches today. If I have stolen those ‘Financial Securities’… I am then… by the right of the forgiveness from God… to make “Restitution”, for those actions. Throughout the Scriptures… one can find this Truth. You can apply… “Any Sin”… to this dynamic and plug it into… “Ephesians 4:28 & Proverbs 28:13 & Romans 6:1-2”. Most will not recognize these truths, but justify their past decisions.
True Forgiveness… “Leaves the SIN!” The word, “Repentance”… in the Bible… means having a… “Change of Mind = that is demonstrated = in a Change of Actions!” If I am forgiven by God… do I keep on ‘Sinning’… so that God’s Grace will… “Continue to Grace – in that SIN”…? “Yes or No”…? The action that caused that Sin… “Must”… be stopped… or it is not… “Real Forgiveness and Repentance”…!
From “Stealing” – to – “Stealing NO More!
From “Adultery” – to – “Adultery No More!”
From “Lying” – to – “Lying NO More!”
From “Murder” – to – “Murder NO More!”
*** (Romans 6:1-2) What shall we say = then? = Shall we = ‘continue’ = in sin, = that [God’s] grace = may abound?
(Rom 6:2) “God forbid”. = How shall we, = that are dead to sin, = “LIVE ANY LONGER = THEREIN?”
Many times… I hear pastors and others… ‘Excuse away Sin’… into “License = Jude 1:3-4”… and say… “Go and Sin No More!” Like so many others… they take ‘out of context’… those verses spoken by Christ Jesus in… “John 8:3-to-11”. What they… “Fail to Say”… about is what Jesus said; found in a previous chapter of… “John 5:14”. That… “Pick & Choose Mentality”… has become so acceptable in the Churches; that when someone says anything ‘different’; they are… “Branded a ‘Legalist’ and/or a Pharisee!”
*** (John 5:14) Afterward = Jesus found him = in the temple = and said to him, = Behold, = you are made ‘whole’. = “Sin No More” = lest a worse thing = come to you.
“Go and Sin No More”… OR… “Go and Sin no more… lest a “Worse Thing”… come upon you!” That is what ‘Repentance’ is all about, in and by the… “Fear of God!” True Forgiveness ‘always’ has works of repentance… accompanying itself. Without repentance works; it is Not… “Biblical Forgiveness!” … “Go and Sin = No ‘MORE’ = Any Longer!” Do you ever hear that… in your Church…? Divine Accountability can be seen in… Ecclesiastes 12:13-14…!
… “Forgiveness = ‘Without’ = Repentance Actions”… is like…
… “Smoke without Fire”…
… “Clouds without Rain”…
… “Life without God’s Word!”…
… “Spiritually Dry Churches… replacing God’s Holy Word… with ‘Entertainment’… and calling it… Worship!” … “NOT!”
… Need I go on…?
*** (Isaiah 28:13) But = the Word of Jehovah = was to them = “precept on precept”, = “precept on precept”; = “line on line”, = “line on line”; = “here a little”, = “there a little”; = that ‘they’ = might go, = and = ‘fall backward’ [backslide], = and = be broken = and = snared = and = taken.
*** (Proverbs 5:22) His own iniquities = shall take the wicked himself, = and = he shall be ‘held’ = with the cords = of ‘his’ sin.
All you have to do… is speak to ‘Jesus’, about what He has… ‘Already said’… in His Word. I do not write this; to accuse or excuse any actions; of those that call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus. His Fire; will try ‘All’ our works… and we can now choose to ‘Repent’… and then plant good works, to replace our ‘former’ harvest of bad ones! That is the ‘Cost’ of… “True Discipleship in Christ!” What about it… are you ‘really’ His Child… or… “Just Religious?”
*** (1Timothy 5:25) Likewise also = the good works of some = are manifest beforehand, = and = those who are ‘otherwise’ = cannot be hidden.
*** (Matthew 3:8) Bring forth therefore = ‘fruits’ = worthy of repentance;
*** (2Timothy 2:3-4-5) Therefore endure hardness, = as a ‘good soldier’ = of Jesus Christ.
(2Tim 2:4) No one = who ‘wars’ = tangles with the affairs of this life, = that he may = please Him = Who chose him = to be a ‘soldier’.
(2Tim 2:5) And = also if anyone competes, = he = is ‘not’ crowned = unless he competes = ‘lawfully’.
*** (Luke 24:48) And = you are = ‘witnesses’ = of these things.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Saturday, April 24, 2010
“Substitution – 303”…Blog [part 3-of-3]
“Substitution – 303”…Blog [part 3-of-3]
Review Reason “One”…! We discussed the Names of God… with list… revealing some of His character and attributes. He stated in His Truth, His Word… “Psalms 138:2”… that His Word, is exalted above His Name! Have you “Substituted”… ‘a dream’ and/or ‘a vision’… for the Name, Character, Holiness, and Word of God? Can you say that God, the God of the bible made you so very special… that He spoke to you… “Ex Parte?” Perhaps, you had better check… just where that spirit… came from…? Can you honestly say what God supposedly said to you, is greater than these Bible verses…?
*** (Isa 55:6-to-11) ‘Seek’ Jehovah = ‘while’ = He may be found; = ‘call’ on Him = ‘while’ = He is near.
(Isa 55:7) Let the wicked = ‘forsake’ his way, = and = the unrighteous man = his thoughts; = and = let him = ‘return’ to Jehovah, = and = He will have mercy on him; = and = to our God, = for He will = ‘abundantly’ pardon.
(Isa 55:8) For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways My ways, says Jehovah.
(Isa 55:9) For as = the heavens ‘are higher’ = than the earth, = so are = “My ways” = ‘higher’ than = your ways, = and = “My thoughts” = than = your thoughts.
(Isa 55:10) For as the rain comes down, = and the snow from the heavens, = and does not return there, = but waters the earth, = and makes it bring out = and bud, = and give seed to the sower = and bread to the eater;
(Isa 55:11) so ‘shall’ = “My Word be”, = which goes out of = My mouth; = it = ‘shall not’ = return to Me = void, = but it = ‘shall accomplish’ = what I please, = and = it shall certainly = ‘do’ = what I sent = ‘it’ = to do.
Review = Reason “TWO”…! This section took the Word of God as it proof of Truth. God cannot Lie… and Satan is the father of all lies. God allows… lying spirits… do deceive those in disobedience to His Word. As in the OT so today in the NT there are many False preachers and teachers… even as “Satan” has disguised himself as an ‘Angel of Light.’ The Word of God is always used to “Test Truth”… and we are ‘commanded’… to Prove all Things!
Reason “Three”, God… Jehovah God of the Bible, the Only God… will bring all things into the judgment of… “His Word”. He has given over… all judgment… to Christ Jesus. He will use the Holy Word of God… “Alone”… to judge “US!” He will ‘not use’ your… ‘dreams & visions’… nor anything else. The Fire of God’s Judgment will… Try All Works!
*** (John 12:44-to-50) But Jesus = cried out and said, = He who believes on Me = ‘does not’ = believe on Me = but on Him [God] = who sent Me.
(John 12:45) And = he who sees Me = sees Him [God] = Who sent Me.
(John 12:46) I have come = as a Light = into the world, = so that ‘whoever’ = believes on Me = should ‘not’ remain = in darkness.
(John 12:47) And = ‘if’ = any one hears My Words = and = does ‘not’ believe, = I do not [now] judge him, = for = I do not come [this time] = to judge the world, = but to save the world.
(John 12:48) He who rejects Me = and = does ‘not’ receive = My Words = has one who judges him; = the “Word” = that I have spoken, = the ‘same’ = shall judge him = in the last day.
(John 12:49) For = I have ‘not’ spoken = of Myself, = but = the Father [God] = Who sent Me = gave Me a command, = ‘what’ = I should say, = and = ‘what’ = I should speak.
(John 12:50) And = I know = that His command = is life everlasting. = Therefore ‘whatever’ I speak, = even as the Father said to Me, = so I ‘speak’.
*** (1Corithians 3:11-to-15) For any other foundation = can ‘no one’ lay = than the one being laid, = who is Jesus Christ. [1Peter 2:6-7-8]
(1Cor 3:12) And = if anyone builds = on this foundation = gold, silver, precious stones, = wood, hay, stubble,
(1Cor 3:13) each one's work = ‘shall’ be revealed. = For the Day = shall declare it, = because = it shall be revealed by fire; = and the fire = ‘shall’ try each one's work = as to what kind = it is.
(1Cor 3:14) If anyone's work = which he built ‘remains’, = he shall receive a ‘reward’.
(1Cor 3:15) If anyone's work = shall be ‘burned up’, = he shall suffer ‘loss’. = But he = shall be saved, = yet so as by fire [Revelation 20:10-to-15].
*** (2Peter 2:4-to-10) For = ‘if’ God = did ‘not spare’ sinning angels, = but thrust them down into hell, = and = delivered them into chains of darkness, = being reserved to judgment [Revelation 20:10-to-15].
(2Pet 2:5) And He = did ‘not’ spare the old world, = but = saved Noah the eighth one [and his family], = a preacher of righteousness, = bringing in ‘the flood’ = upon = the world of the ungodly.
(2Pet 2:6) And = turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah = into ‘ashes’, = He ‘condemned’ them with an overthrow, = setting an ‘example’ = to men = intending to live ungodly.
(2Pet 2:7) And = He delivered righteous Lot, = oppressed with = the lustful behavior of the lawless [1John 2:15-16-17].
(2Pet 2:8) For that righteous one = living among them, = in seeing and hearing, = his righteous soul = was tormented = from ‘day to day’ = with their unlawful deeds.
(2Pet 2:9) The Lord knows how = to deliver the godly = out of temptation, = and to reserve the ‘unjust’ = for a day of judgment, = to be punished,
(2Pet 2:10) and = ‘especially those’ = who walk after the flesh = in the lust of uncleanness, = and = despise dominion. = They are darers, = self-pleasing; = not trembling at glories, speaking evil.
About NOW… someone is thinking, “What has this to do with Substitution?” Many who call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus, and say they have been Christians for many years… do not care to know… what GOD has said in His Word. Say it isn’t so…? Do you spend more time, in entertainment, than in the Holy Word of God…? In your Church service, is the Holy Word of God, Proclaimed as the Only Point of Reference for those that call His Name…? Or is their ‘entertainment’… that takes the place of the Word of God…?
*** (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Let us hear = the conclusion = of the whole matter. = ‘Fear God], = and = keep His commandments. = For this is = the whole ‘duty’ of man.
(Eccl 12:14) For God = ‘shall’ bring every work into judgment, = with every ‘secret’ thing, = whether it is ‘good’, = or whether ‘evil’.
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, = the days come, = says the Lord Jehovah, = that I = will send = a ‘famine’ = in the land; = not a famine of bread = nor a thirst for water, = but of hearing = the Words of Jehovah.
Is it not like this today…? Why do people, who live in such a blessed nation, have such ‘disdain’… for the Holy Word of God…? Even those, that call themselves Christians, will not hear the Holy Word of God. If I had a ‘dollar’, for every time someone got mad at me, for posting the Word of God, I could ‘retire’… very comfortably. Not unlike ‘backslidden’ Israel, who did ‘not’ want to hear; the Word of God, so too today, Americans will ‘not’ hear, the Holy Word of God.
*** (James 1:22) Keep on ‘being’ = doers of the Word, = and = ‘NOT’ = merely hearers = who = “Deceive” themselves.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If = they do NOT speak according TO this Word, = it is because NO light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, If they = do NOT = hear Moses and the Prophets, = they will NOT = be persuaded, = even though one rose from the dead.
Have you ever… got angry, at someone that posted the Word of God…? Many times, people will say, “You are Judging me!” Or, “Why are you using the Word of God, to slam me?” Can you imagine that? One calls the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus… the Living Word of God… and then says that they are being ‘slammed’… by “His Word”…? Perhaps they themselves, are being convicted in their spirits… by the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit! If someone is in … ‘fellowship & obedience’… to the Word of God; there is then… “No Condemnation!”
*** (Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, = it is said, = The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, = if these are His doings. = Do not = “My Words” = do ‘good’ = to him = who ‘walks’ uprightly? [Absolutely Yes!]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with… “His Word”...!
What have you “Substituted”… in your thought processes, for the Holy Word of God…? Are you in obedience to the Word of God…? I neither ‘accuse or excuse’, your decisions… but simply encourage you… to return… to the “God of the Word”… and to the “Word of God!” Do you daily feed yourself on His Word…? You think nothing of eating three meals and snacks. And yet may only hear the Word, at Church, if even that? Many ‘never’ read their Bibles… “Daily!”
(Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = ‘searched’ the Scriptures = daily = to see if those things = were so.
(1Samuel 3:21) And Jehovah = appeared again in = Shiloh. = For Jehovah [God] = revealed Himself = to Samuel = in Shiloh = ‘by’ = the Word of Jehovah.
Has your ‘Substitution’… been that so called, ‘Christian Music?’ Many times I cannot listen to it, because of the message it sends. How can it be called Christian when… “Jesus or God”… is never mentioned? It is mostly, ‘he or him’ or some other vague reference to God? Simply read the Psalms… the hymnbook of the Old Testament and see what the Real Pattern is for God’s Glory! Remember…. “Every Song is a Sermon!”
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] answered = and said, = It is written, = "Man shall ‘not’ live = by bread alone, = but by = ‘every’ Word = that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
*** (2Corinthians 10:3-to-6) Of course, = we are living in the flesh, = but we ‘do not’ fight = in a fleshly way.
(2Cor 10:4) For the weapons = of our warfare = are not those of the flesh. = Instead, = they have the ‘power’ of God = to demolish fortresses. = We tear down arguments
(2Cor 10:5) and = ‘every proud obstacle’ = that is raised ‘against’ = the knowledge of God, = taking ‘every thought’ = captive = in order to = ‘obey’ = Christ.
(2Cor 10:6) We are ready = to punish every act of disobedience = when your obedience is complete [‘Proverbs 28:13’ -&- ‘1John 1:5-to-10’].
*** (2Corinthians 13:5-6) examine yourselves, = whether you ‘are’ in the faith, = ‘prove’ your own selves. = Do you ‘not know’ your own selves, = that Jesus Christ [Romans 8:9] = is in you, = ‘unless’ = you are reprobates?
(2Cor 13:6) But I trust = that you will know = that we = are ‘not’ reprobates.
“PRAYER”: Father God, I come to you in the merits of finished work of Christ Jesus, and ‘openly confess’, to You that I ‘do not’ love Your Word, as I should. I turn from myself and my ways… and turn to “Your Word”, to lead me, guide me and teach me, ‘You Way!’ Thank you Lord, for hearing my prayer, and for chastening me, as You see fit, that I may bring forth… “Glory to Your Name and Your Kingdom”… I ask this in Jesus Name and for Your Glory! Amen & Amen!
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Review Reason “One”…! We discussed the Names of God… with list… revealing some of His character and attributes. He stated in His Truth, His Word… “Psalms 138:2”… that His Word, is exalted above His Name! Have you “Substituted”… ‘a dream’ and/or ‘a vision’… for the Name, Character, Holiness, and Word of God? Can you say that God, the God of the bible made you so very special… that He spoke to you… “Ex Parte?” Perhaps, you had better check… just where that spirit… came from…? Can you honestly say what God supposedly said to you, is greater than these Bible verses…?
*** (Isa 55:6-to-11) ‘Seek’ Jehovah = ‘while’ = He may be found; = ‘call’ on Him = ‘while’ = He is near.
(Isa 55:7) Let the wicked = ‘forsake’ his way, = and = the unrighteous man = his thoughts; = and = let him = ‘return’ to Jehovah, = and = He will have mercy on him; = and = to our God, = for He will = ‘abundantly’ pardon.
(Isa 55:8) For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways My ways, says Jehovah.
(Isa 55:9) For as = the heavens ‘are higher’ = than the earth, = so are = “My ways” = ‘higher’ than = your ways, = and = “My thoughts” = than = your thoughts.
(Isa 55:10) For as the rain comes down, = and the snow from the heavens, = and does not return there, = but waters the earth, = and makes it bring out = and bud, = and give seed to the sower = and bread to the eater;
(Isa 55:11) so ‘shall’ = “My Word be”, = which goes out of = My mouth; = it = ‘shall not’ = return to Me = void, = but it = ‘shall accomplish’ = what I please, = and = it shall certainly = ‘do’ = what I sent = ‘it’ = to do.
Review = Reason “TWO”…! This section took the Word of God as it proof of Truth. God cannot Lie… and Satan is the father of all lies. God allows… lying spirits… do deceive those in disobedience to His Word. As in the OT so today in the NT there are many False preachers and teachers… even as “Satan” has disguised himself as an ‘Angel of Light.’ The Word of God is always used to “Test Truth”… and we are ‘commanded’… to Prove all Things!
Reason “Three”, God… Jehovah God of the Bible, the Only God… will bring all things into the judgment of… “His Word”. He has given over… all judgment… to Christ Jesus. He will use the Holy Word of God… “Alone”… to judge “US!” He will ‘not use’ your… ‘dreams & visions’… nor anything else. The Fire of God’s Judgment will… Try All Works!
*** (John 12:44-to-50) But Jesus = cried out and said, = He who believes on Me = ‘does not’ = believe on Me = but on Him [God] = who sent Me.
(John 12:45) And = he who sees Me = sees Him [God] = Who sent Me.
(John 12:46) I have come = as a Light = into the world, = so that ‘whoever’ = believes on Me = should ‘not’ remain = in darkness.
(John 12:47) And = ‘if’ = any one hears My Words = and = does ‘not’ believe, = I do not [now] judge him, = for = I do not come [this time] = to judge the world, = but to save the world.
(John 12:48) He who rejects Me = and = does ‘not’ receive = My Words = has one who judges him; = the “Word” = that I have spoken, = the ‘same’ = shall judge him = in the last day.
(John 12:49) For = I have ‘not’ spoken = of Myself, = but = the Father [God] = Who sent Me = gave Me a command, = ‘what’ = I should say, = and = ‘what’ = I should speak.
(John 12:50) And = I know = that His command = is life everlasting. = Therefore ‘whatever’ I speak, = even as the Father said to Me, = so I ‘speak’.
*** (1Corithians 3:11-to-15) For any other foundation = can ‘no one’ lay = than the one being laid, = who is Jesus Christ. [1Peter 2:6-7-8]
(1Cor 3:12) And = if anyone builds = on this foundation = gold, silver, precious stones, = wood, hay, stubble,
(1Cor 3:13) each one's work = ‘shall’ be revealed. = For the Day = shall declare it, = because = it shall be revealed by fire; = and the fire = ‘shall’ try each one's work = as to what kind = it is.
(1Cor 3:14) If anyone's work = which he built ‘remains’, = he shall receive a ‘reward’.
(1Cor 3:15) If anyone's work = shall be ‘burned up’, = he shall suffer ‘loss’. = But he = shall be saved, = yet so as by fire [Revelation 20:10-to-15].
*** (2Peter 2:4-to-10) For = ‘if’ God = did ‘not spare’ sinning angels, = but thrust them down into hell, = and = delivered them into chains of darkness, = being reserved to judgment [Revelation 20:10-to-15].
(2Pet 2:5) And He = did ‘not’ spare the old world, = but = saved Noah the eighth one [and his family], = a preacher of righteousness, = bringing in ‘the flood’ = upon = the world of the ungodly.
(2Pet 2:6) And = turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah = into ‘ashes’, = He ‘condemned’ them with an overthrow, = setting an ‘example’ = to men = intending to live ungodly.
(2Pet 2:7) And = He delivered righteous Lot, = oppressed with = the lustful behavior of the lawless [1John 2:15-16-17].
(2Pet 2:8) For that righteous one = living among them, = in seeing and hearing, = his righteous soul = was tormented = from ‘day to day’ = with their unlawful deeds.
(2Pet 2:9) The Lord knows how = to deliver the godly = out of temptation, = and to reserve the ‘unjust’ = for a day of judgment, = to be punished,
(2Pet 2:10) and = ‘especially those’ = who walk after the flesh = in the lust of uncleanness, = and = despise dominion. = They are darers, = self-pleasing; = not trembling at glories, speaking evil.
About NOW… someone is thinking, “What has this to do with Substitution?” Many who call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus, and say they have been Christians for many years… do not care to know… what GOD has said in His Word. Say it isn’t so…? Do you spend more time, in entertainment, than in the Holy Word of God…? In your Church service, is the Holy Word of God, Proclaimed as the Only Point of Reference for those that call His Name…? Or is their ‘entertainment’… that takes the place of the Word of God…?
*** (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Let us hear = the conclusion = of the whole matter. = ‘Fear God], = and = keep His commandments. = For this is = the whole ‘duty’ of man.
(Eccl 12:14) For God = ‘shall’ bring every work into judgment, = with every ‘secret’ thing, = whether it is ‘good’, = or whether ‘evil’.
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, = the days come, = says the Lord Jehovah, = that I = will send = a ‘famine’ = in the land; = not a famine of bread = nor a thirst for water, = but of hearing = the Words of Jehovah.
Is it not like this today…? Why do people, who live in such a blessed nation, have such ‘disdain’… for the Holy Word of God…? Even those, that call themselves Christians, will not hear the Holy Word of God. If I had a ‘dollar’, for every time someone got mad at me, for posting the Word of God, I could ‘retire’… very comfortably. Not unlike ‘backslidden’ Israel, who did ‘not’ want to hear; the Word of God, so too today, Americans will ‘not’ hear, the Holy Word of God.
*** (James 1:22) Keep on ‘being’ = doers of the Word, = and = ‘NOT’ = merely hearers = who = “Deceive” themselves.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If = they do NOT speak according TO this Word, = it is because NO light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, If they = do NOT = hear Moses and the Prophets, = they will NOT = be persuaded, = even though one rose from the dead.
Have you ever… got angry, at someone that posted the Word of God…? Many times, people will say, “You are Judging me!” Or, “Why are you using the Word of God, to slam me?” Can you imagine that? One calls the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus… the Living Word of God… and then says that they are being ‘slammed’… by “His Word”…? Perhaps they themselves, are being convicted in their spirits… by the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit! If someone is in … ‘fellowship & obedience’… to the Word of God; there is then… “No Condemnation!”
*** (Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, = it is said, = The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, = if these are His doings. = Do not = “My Words” = do ‘good’ = to him = who ‘walks’ uprightly? [Absolutely Yes!]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with… “His Word”...!
What have you “Substituted”… in your thought processes, for the Holy Word of God…? Are you in obedience to the Word of God…? I neither ‘accuse or excuse’, your decisions… but simply encourage you… to return… to the “God of the Word”… and to the “Word of God!” Do you daily feed yourself on His Word…? You think nothing of eating three meals and snacks. And yet may only hear the Word, at Church, if even that? Many ‘never’ read their Bibles… “Daily!”
(Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = ‘searched’ the Scriptures = daily = to see if those things = were so.
(1Samuel 3:21) And Jehovah = appeared again in = Shiloh. = For Jehovah [God] = revealed Himself = to Samuel = in Shiloh = ‘by’ = the Word of Jehovah.
Has your ‘Substitution’… been that so called, ‘Christian Music?’ Many times I cannot listen to it, because of the message it sends. How can it be called Christian when… “Jesus or God”… is never mentioned? It is mostly, ‘he or him’ or some other vague reference to God? Simply read the Psalms… the hymnbook of the Old Testament and see what the Real Pattern is for God’s Glory! Remember…. “Every Song is a Sermon!”
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] answered = and said, = It is written, = "Man shall ‘not’ live = by bread alone, = but by = ‘every’ Word = that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
*** (2Corinthians 10:3-to-6) Of course, = we are living in the flesh, = but we ‘do not’ fight = in a fleshly way.
(2Cor 10:4) For the weapons = of our warfare = are not those of the flesh. = Instead, = they have the ‘power’ of God = to demolish fortresses. = We tear down arguments
(2Cor 10:5) and = ‘every proud obstacle’ = that is raised ‘against’ = the knowledge of God, = taking ‘every thought’ = captive = in order to = ‘obey’ = Christ.
(2Cor 10:6) We are ready = to punish every act of disobedience = when your obedience is complete [‘Proverbs 28:13’ -&- ‘1John 1:5-to-10’].
*** (2Corinthians 13:5-6) examine yourselves, = whether you ‘are’ in the faith, = ‘prove’ your own selves. = Do you ‘not know’ your own selves, = that Jesus Christ [Romans 8:9] = is in you, = ‘unless’ = you are reprobates?
(2Cor 13:6) But I trust = that you will know = that we = are ‘not’ reprobates.
“PRAYER”: Father God, I come to you in the merits of finished work of Christ Jesus, and ‘openly confess’, to You that I ‘do not’ love Your Word, as I should. I turn from myself and my ways… and turn to “Your Word”, to lead me, guide me and teach me, ‘You Way!’ Thank you Lord, for hearing my prayer, and for chastening me, as You see fit, that I may bring forth… “Glory to Your Name and Your Kingdom”… I ask this in Jesus Name and for Your Glory! Amen & Amen!
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Friday, April 23, 2010
“Substitution – 202”…Blog [part 2-of-3]
“Substitution – 202”…Blog [part 2-of-3]
Just how… do ‘you’ then; “Test your dreams & visions”…? How do you know “IF”… they are from God, the God of the Bible…? With what measure do you validate what you claim is from God? I have been born again for over 30-years and yes, I know that God does not count seniority. But do you really believer that Truth is more prevalent or less prevalent? Those on both the TV and Radio… who claim to be Christian… do you really believe all they… ‘Say & Teach’… without ‘validating’ it with… the Holy Word of God…? These blogs cover what is called new prophecy for today.
*** (Luke 6:26) Woe to you = when ‘all’ men = shall speak well of you! = For so = their fathers = did to = the ‘false’ prophets.
*** (Matthew 7:15) Beware of = ‘false prophets’ = who come to you = in sheep's clothing, = but inwardly = they are ravening wolves.
*** (Matthew 24:23-24-25) Then if = ‘any’ man = shall say to you, = Lo, here is Christ! = Or, There! = Do ‘not’ = believe it.
(Matt 24:24) For false Christs’ = and false prophets = will ‘arise’ = and show ‘great signs and wonders’; = so much so that, = ‘if’ it were possible, = they would ‘deceive’ = even the elect.
(Matt 24:25) Behold, = I [Jesus] = have told =you = ‘beforehand’.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were also = ‘false prophets’ = among the people, = even as = there ‘will be’ = false teachers = among you, = who secretly = will bring in ‘destructive heresies’, = even denying the Master = who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And “Many” = will follow = their pernicious ways, = and = because of them = the way of Truth = will be = ‘evil’ spoken of.
About now… there are some that will… ‘Affirm & Say’… that God speaks to them today! They have placed their… “Experience”… as their validation; of the Truth from God. Many have had parents who have had a particular denomination or Church teaching and passed it on to them. They simply follow their previous teaching, ‘without’ validating it with and by the… “Holy Word of God!” In the days of Jesus, He called it, in the gospels, the… “Traditions of the Elders.”
*** (Matthew 22:29) Jesus answered = and = said to them, = “You Err”, = not knowing the Scriptures = nor = the power of God.
*** (Luke 11:42) But woe to you, Pharisees! = For you tithe mint and rue = and = every herb, = and ‘pass over’ = “Judgment” = and = the ‘love of God’. = You ought to have ‘done’ these, = and not to leave the other undone.
Those that say God… speaks to them in ‘dreams & visions’… do not even ‘know’… the Word of God. Strange as it may seem, “Most” that say they are Christians, have never studied the OT Hebrew and the NT Greek. In the above Blog, “Which Bible – 101”, there is a study on such items. The English translations we read are often… religiously and culturally influenced. The NT was written in Greek, where the text agrees in person, number and gender. Hence the Truth of the Word of God, cannot be mistaken, as in the subject of… ‘Female Pastors’, or the “144,000” Jewish Male Virgins in… “Revelation 14:4”
*** (John 8:42-43-44) “Jesus” = said to them, = If God were your father, = you would love Me, = for I went forth = and came from God; = for I ‘did not’ come of Myself, = but He [God] = sent Me [Jesus].
(John 8:43) Why do you = ‘not know’ = My speech? = Because = you ‘cannot’ [will not] = hear My Word.
(John 8:44) You are = of the Devil = as [your] father, = and = the lusts of your father = you ‘will’ do. = He was a ‘murderer’ = from the beginning, = and = ‘did not’ = abide in = The Truth = ‘because’ = there is ‘no’ = Truth in him. = When he speaks = a “Lie”, = he speaks = of ‘his own’, = for he is = a “Liar” = and = the ‘father’ of it.
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) For = such ones = are ‘false apostles’, = ‘deceitful workers’, = transforming ‘themselves’ = into = the apostles of Christ.
(2Cor 11:14) Did not = ‘even’ Satan = marvelously transform himself = ‘into’ = an angel of light?
(2Cor 11:15) Therefore = it is ‘no great thing’ = ‘if’ = his ministers = also transform themselves = as ministers of righteousness, = whose end = shall be = according to their works.
Dreams & Visions… have been the “Substitutions”… for the Holy Word of God! Many today, simply say that God speaks to them, without the Word! Surely you don’t expect me to… ‘Believe You’… when the Holy Word of God… says ‘different’…? A friend of mine, who says they were a Born Again Christian, and had attended Bible School… told me that God, had told them to get a divorce. When I presented them with what God had said in His Word, and they would not speak to me anymore. How strange, that the god [small-g] they knew, ‘did not’ use, the Word of God [capital-G]…?
*** (1Corinthians 2:14) But the = natural man = does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are = foolishness = to him; neither can he = know = them, because they are spiritually discerned.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If = they do NOT speak according TO this Word, = it is because NO light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, If they = do NOT = hear Moses and the Prophets, = they will NOT = be persuaded, = even though one rose from the dead.
Surely as the sun rises and sets… someone will “Substitute”… their own way, for the Holy Word of God. It happened with Cane & Able and is happening today also. Many churches have departed from the “Complete Authority of the Word of God”… and gone on to their Politically Correct Agendas. The Scriptures speak to this over and over again. You will simply… “Obey God and His Word”… or… You will ‘Obey’ your own desires. Can it be any ‘simpler’ than that…?
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = ‘doers’ of The Word, = and = ‘not merely’ = hearers = who = ‘deceive’ themselves.
*** (Luke 6:46) "Why do = you keep calling = Me [Jesus] = 'Lord, Lord,' = but ‘don't do’ = what = I tell you?
*** (John 15:9-10-11) As the Father = has loved Me, = so I [Jesus] = have loved you; = continue in My love.
(John 15:10) If = you ‘keep’ = My commandments, = you ‘shall’ abide = in My love, = even as = I [Jesus] = have ‘kept’ = My Father's commandments = and = abide in His love.
(John 15:11) I [Jesus] = have spoken these things = to you so that = My joy = might remain in you = and = your joy might be full.
How about a Review…? Preamble = It is the Holy Spirit, Who brings, ‘Salvation to the Sinner’ by the Grace of God. It is He, that teaches one, from the Word of God… “Gods’ Truth”. The Holy Spirit Born[s] one Again, from Above, by the will of the Father and He spanks those that are really His children. Without the Holy Spirit… one ‘cannot’… even begin to understand the Truth of the Word of God…! Substitution by Anything Else… for the Holy Word of God… is not from the God of the Bible; Jehovah God! And is ‘NOT’… the Truth of the Holy Word of God!
*** (1Corinthains 2:12-to-16) But we = have ‘not received’ = the spirit of the world, = but = the [Holy] Spirit from God, = so that we = ‘might know’ = the things = that are freely given = to us = by God.
(1Co 2:13) These things = we ‘also’ speak, = ‘not in words’ = which man's wisdom teaches, = but = which the Holy Spirit teaches, = ‘comparing’ = spiritual things = with ‘spiritual’.
(1Co 2:14) But = the natural man [Not Born Again] = does ‘not receive’ = the things = of the Spirit of God, = for they are = ‘foolishness’ to him; = neither = can he ‘know’ them, = because they are = ‘spiritually’ discerned.
(1Co 2:15) But = he who is spiritual = ‘judges all things’, = yet he himself = is judged by no one.
(1Co 2:16) For who has known = the mind of the Lord, = that he may instruct Him? = But we have = the mind of Christ.
End of part 2 of 3..!
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
*** (Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My Words = do good = to him = who = walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Just how… do ‘you’ then; “Test your dreams & visions”…? How do you know “IF”… they are from God, the God of the Bible…? With what measure do you validate what you claim is from God? I have been born again for over 30-years and yes, I know that God does not count seniority. But do you really believer that Truth is more prevalent or less prevalent? Those on both the TV and Radio… who claim to be Christian… do you really believe all they… ‘Say & Teach’… without ‘validating’ it with… the Holy Word of God…? These blogs cover what is called new prophecy for today.
*** (Luke 6:26) Woe to you = when ‘all’ men = shall speak well of you! = For so = their fathers = did to = the ‘false’ prophets.
*** (Matthew 7:15) Beware of = ‘false prophets’ = who come to you = in sheep's clothing, = but inwardly = they are ravening wolves.
*** (Matthew 24:23-24-25) Then if = ‘any’ man = shall say to you, = Lo, here is Christ! = Or, There! = Do ‘not’ = believe it.
(Matt 24:24) For false Christs’ = and false prophets = will ‘arise’ = and show ‘great signs and wonders’; = so much so that, = ‘if’ it were possible, = they would ‘deceive’ = even the elect.
(Matt 24:25) Behold, = I [Jesus] = have told =you = ‘beforehand’.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were also = ‘false prophets’ = among the people, = even as = there ‘will be’ = false teachers = among you, = who secretly = will bring in ‘destructive heresies’, = even denying the Master = who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And “Many” = will follow = their pernicious ways, = and = because of them = the way of Truth = will be = ‘evil’ spoken of.
About now… there are some that will… ‘Affirm & Say’… that God speaks to them today! They have placed their… “Experience”… as their validation; of the Truth from God. Many have had parents who have had a particular denomination or Church teaching and passed it on to them. They simply follow their previous teaching, ‘without’ validating it with and by the… “Holy Word of God!” In the days of Jesus, He called it, in the gospels, the… “Traditions of the Elders.”
*** (Matthew 22:29) Jesus answered = and = said to them, = “You Err”, = not knowing the Scriptures = nor = the power of God.
*** (Luke 11:42) But woe to you, Pharisees! = For you tithe mint and rue = and = every herb, = and ‘pass over’ = “Judgment” = and = the ‘love of God’. = You ought to have ‘done’ these, = and not to leave the other undone.
Those that say God… speaks to them in ‘dreams & visions’… do not even ‘know’… the Word of God. Strange as it may seem, “Most” that say they are Christians, have never studied the OT Hebrew and the NT Greek. In the above Blog, “Which Bible – 101”, there is a study on such items. The English translations we read are often… religiously and culturally influenced. The NT was written in Greek, where the text agrees in person, number and gender. Hence the Truth of the Word of God, cannot be mistaken, as in the subject of… ‘Female Pastors’, or the “144,000” Jewish Male Virgins in… “Revelation 14:4”
*** (John 8:42-43-44) “Jesus” = said to them, = If God were your father, = you would love Me, = for I went forth = and came from God; = for I ‘did not’ come of Myself, = but He [God] = sent Me [Jesus].
(John 8:43) Why do you = ‘not know’ = My speech? = Because = you ‘cannot’ [will not] = hear My Word.
(John 8:44) You are = of the Devil = as [your] father, = and = the lusts of your father = you ‘will’ do. = He was a ‘murderer’ = from the beginning, = and = ‘did not’ = abide in = The Truth = ‘because’ = there is ‘no’ = Truth in him. = When he speaks = a “Lie”, = he speaks = of ‘his own’, = for he is = a “Liar” = and = the ‘father’ of it.
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) For = such ones = are ‘false apostles’, = ‘deceitful workers’, = transforming ‘themselves’ = into = the apostles of Christ.
(2Cor 11:14) Did not = ‘even’ Satan = marvelously transform himself = ‘into’ = an angel of light?
(2Cor 11:15) Therefore = it is ‘no great thing’ = ‘if’ = his ministers = also transform themselves = as ministers of righteousness, = whose end = shall be = according to their works.
Dreams & Visions… have been the “Substitutions”… for the Holy Word of God! Many today, simply say that God speaks to them, without the Word! Surely you don’t expect me to… ‘Believe You’… when the Holy Word of God… says ‘different’…? A friend of mine, who says they were a Born Again Christian, and had attended Bible School… told me that God, had told them to get a divorce. When I presented them with what God had said in His Word, and they would not speak to me anymore. How strange, that the god [small-g] they knew, ‘did not’ use, the Word of God [capital-G]…?
*** (1Corinthians 2:14) But the = natural man = does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are = foolishness = to him; neither can he = know = them, because they are spiritually discerned.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If = they do NOT speak according TO this Word, = it is because NO light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, If they = do NOT = hear Moses and the Prophets, = they will NOT = be persuaded, = even though one rose from the dead.
Surely as the sun rises and sets… someone will “Substitute”… their own way, for the Holy Word of God. It happened with Cane & Able and is happening today also. Many churches have departed from the “Complete Authority of the Word of God”… and gone on to their Politically Correct Agendas. The Scriptures speak to this over and over again. You will simply… “Obey God and His Word”… or… You will ‘Obey’ your own desires. Can it be any ‘simpler’ than that…?
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = ‘doers’ of The Word, = and = ‘not merely’ = hearers = who = ‘deceive’ themselves.
*** (Luke 6:46) "Why do = you keep calling = Me [Jesus] = 'Lord, Lord,' = but ‘don't do’ = what = I tell you?
*** (John 15:9-10-11) As the Father = has loved Me, = so I [Jesus] = have loved you; = continue in My love.
(John 15:10) If = you ‘keep’ = My commandments, = you ‘shall’ abide = in My love, = even as = I [Jesus] = have ‘kept’ = My Father's commandments = and = abide in His love.
(John 15:11) I [Jesus] = have spoken these things = to you so that = My joy = might remain in you = and = your joy might be full.
How about a Review…? Preamble = It is the Holy Spirit, Who brings, ‘Salvation to the Sinner’ by the Grace of God. It is He, that teaches one, from the Word of God… “Gods’ Truth”. The Holy Spirit Born[s] one Again, from Above, by the will of the Father and He spanks those that are really His children. Without the Holy Spirit… one ‘cannot’… even begin to understand the Truth of the Word of God…! Substitution by Anything Else… for the Holy Word of God… is not from the God of the Bible; Jehovah God! And is ‘NOT’… the Truth of the Holy Word of God!
*** (1Corinthains 2:12-to-16) But we = have ‘not received’ = the spirit of the world, = but = the [Holy] Spirit from God, = so that we = ‘might know’ = the things = that are freely given = to us = by God.
(1Co 2:13) These things = we ‘also’ speak, = ‘not in words’ = which man's wisdom teaches, = but = which the Holy Spirit teaches, = ‘comparing’ = spiritual things = with ‘spiritual’.
(1Co 2:14) But = the natural man [Not Born Again] = does ‘not receive’ = the things = of the Spirit of God, = for they are = ‘foolishness’ to him; = neither = can he ‘know’ them, = because they are = ‘spiritually’ discerned.
(1Co 2:15) But = he who is spiritual = ‘judges all things’, = yet he himself = is judged by no one.
(1Co 2:16) For who has known = the mind of the Lord, = that he may instruct Him? = But we have = the mind of Christ.
End of part 2 of 3..!
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
*** (Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My Words = do good = to him = who = walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
Thursday, April 22, 2010
“Substitution – 101”…Blog. [1 of 3]
“Substitution – 101”…Blog. [1 of 3]
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, = the days come, = says the Lord Jehovah, = that I = will send a famine = in the land; = not a famine = of bread = nor a thirst for water, = but = of ‘hearing’ = the Words of Jehovah.
Recently I have received… many responses from my Blogs [6-part] about… “Dreams & Visions – 101” and Prophecy. The above blog was the last in the series. It was my purpose to point people back to the “Word of God”… as their “Only Point of Reference for the Truth of God!” The responses have been varied and still others believe that God, the God of the Bible, speaks to them… “Ex Parte!” That is outside of the ‘Completed’… “Word of God”. What have you… “Substituted”… for the Holy Word of God…?
*** (Isaiah 1:18) Come now, = and = let us ‘reason’ together, = says Jehovah; = though your sins = are as scarlet, = they shall be = as white as snow; = though they are = red like crimson, = they shall be like wool.
“Three Reasons”… for this line of thought, that I will discuss here and would like a “Scriptural Response” from you… so that you may see ‘your’ line of reasoning. Yes, God did [past tense] speak through Visions, Dreams and the like… throughout the Bible, to chosen people. But since the Holy Spirit has come = according to the promise of Christ Jesus… “John 7:38-39”… there is no need for God to use the same today. “The Word of God”; is completed! Perhaps an understanding of… 1Corinthians 13:9-10… and you will understand? Remember the Holy Spirit ‘did not’ seal a person in the OT. When one sinned, they could lose the Holy Spirit! Not so for the NT Believer!
*** (1Samuel 16:13-14) And Samuel = took the horn of oil = and anointed him [David] = in the midst of his brothers. = And = the Spirit of Jehovah [Holy Spirit] = came on David from that day forward. = And Samuel rose up = and went to Ramah.
(1Sam 16:14) But = the Spirit of Jehovah = ‘departed’ = from Saul, = and = an ‘evil spirit’ = from Jehovah = terrified him. [1Kings 22:20-to-23]
All ‘Truly’ – “Born Again”, believers… are sealed by the Holy Spirit. They are “Eternally Secure = Romans 8:9”… and have that Holy Spirit as the down payment [earnest] of their inheritance in Christ. The Holy Spirit is with our spirits and teaches us from the Word of God. But there is a requirement, and that is Obedience to the Word of God. If we are disobeying the Word, and are really His Children, then the Father has promised to “Spank Us!” IF the Father does not spank His children, then perhaps that one is… “Not: ‘His’ Child!”
*** (Hebrews 12:8) Now = ‘if’ = you are ‘without’ = ‘any’ discipline, = in which all sons share, = then you are = “Illegitimate” [bastards] = and = ‘not’ = His sons.
*** (1Corinthians 11:30) That's why = so ‘many’ of you = are ‘weak’ = and = ‘sick’ = and = a ‘considerable number’ = are “Dying!”
*** (John 15:1-2-3) I [Jesus] = am the True Vine, = and = My Father is the Vinedresser.
(John 15:2) Every branch in Me = that does ‘not’ = bear fruit, = He takes away. = And every one = that bears fruit, = He ‘prunes’ it = so that it ‘may’ = bring forth = ‘more’ fruit.
(John 15:3) Now you are = clean = through the “Word” = which I = have spoken to you.
*** (1John 2:19) They = went ‘out’ = from us, = but = they were = ‘not’ of us; = for = if they were of us, = they would have = continued with us. = But = they went out = so that it = ‘might be revealed’ = that they were = ‘not’ all = of us.
The Holy Spirit… is the Key for the NT believers’… understanding the Truth of the Holy Word of God! He seals us, reveals to us, teaches us, gives us peace, gives us understanding and all the other blessings of being a True… Child of God… ‘sons & heirs’; of the Most High, Only God! When was the last time you read through… “Romans chapter – Eight”… and discovered your position in Christ…? How about; “John chapter – Seventeen”… and read Jesus’ prayer; for those that are truly His…?
*** (John 14:26-27) But the Comforter, = the Holy Spirit = Whom the Father will send in My name, = He shall teach you ‘all’ things = and = bring ‘all’ things to your remembrance, = whatever I have said to you.
(John 14:27) Peace = I leave with you, = My peace = I give to you. = Not as the world gives = do I give to you. = Let not your heart be troubled, = neither let it be afraid.
*** (Ephesians 1:11-to-14) in whom also we have been chosen to an inheritance, = being predestinated according to the purpose of Him = Who works ‘all’ things according to the counsel = of His own will,
(Eph 1:12) for us to be = to the praise of His glory, = who ‘previously’ had trusted in Christ;
(Eph 1:13) in whom also you, = ‘hearing’ the Word of Truth, = the gospel of our salvation, = in Whom also believing, = you were ‘sealed’ = with the Holy Spirit of promise,
(Eph 1:14) Who is ‘the earnest’ = of our inheritance, = to the redemption = of the purchased possession, = to the praise of His glory.
*** (Romans 8:9) But you = are ‘not’ = in the flesh, = but = ‘in’ = the Spirit, = ‘if’ = the Spirit of God = dwells in you. = But = if anyone = has ‘not’ = the Spirit of Christ, = he is = ‘none’ = of His.
Reason “One”…! God, Jehovah God of the Bible, the Only God… has given us His Name, so that we may see His Character and Attributes… through His Names in the Word of God. I chose only to list… ‘some’… of His Names here. It is up to you, while reading through His Word, to find more and add them to your List. The many facets of a diamond reflect light as do the many Names of God, reflect His Glory and Truth.
1. Elohim… “God” His power and might… Genesis 1:1 & Psalms 19:1.
2. El-Elyon… “Most High God... Gen 14:17-20, Isaiah 14:13-14.
3. El Olam… “The Everlasting God”… Isaiah 40:28-31.
4. El Roi… “The Strong One that sees”… Genesis 16:13.
5. El Shaddi… “God Almighty”… Genesis 17:1 & Psalms 91:3.
6. Adonai… “Lord”, the Lordship of God… Malachi 1:16.
7. Jehovah… “(Yahweh) The Lord, God’s Eternal Nature… Genesis 2”4.
8. Jehovah-Jireh… “The Lord will provide”… Genesis 22:13-14.
9. Jehovah-Maccaddeshem… “The Lord your sanctifier”… Exodus 31:13.
10. Jehovah-Nissi… ‘The Lord our banner”… Exodus 17:15.
11. Jehovah-Rapha… “The Lord our healer”… Exodus 15:26.
12. Jehovah-Rohi… “The Lord my shepherd”… Psalms 23:1.
13. Jehovah-Sabboah… “The Lord of Hosts”… Isaiah 6:1-to-3.
14. Jehovah-Shalom… “The Lord is peace”… Judges 6:24.
15. Jehovah-Shammah… “The Lord Who is present”… Ezekiel 48:35.
16. Jehovay-Tsidkenu… “The Lord our righteousness… Jeremiah 23:6
17. I AM… “The Lord Eternal”… Exodus 3:12-15.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
After reading some of these Names of God… what does He say about… “His Word”…? He says, in His Word that… He has… ‘MAGNIFIED’ = “His Word”… “Above”… All His Name! Have you read and understood what that Means…? God, Jehovah God, says His “Word”… is above His Name! Think about that… for ‘several’ minutes; before reading on. Are you saying that God has spoken to you, “Yes YOU”… through ‘dreams & visions’… that are ‘above’… “His Word”…? Greater… ‘dreams & visions’… that are ‘above’… “His Name”…? Just think of those implications…? Can you honestly say that; about what you have… “Substituted”… for God’s Holy Word?
Reason “TWO”…! God, Jehovah God of the Bible, the Only God… has provided “His Word”; to Test what some ‘call’… “Truth!” How else would we know… “IF”… it came from God… or from a “Lying Spirit?” You can test counterfeit money with a black light or infrared scanner or even those simple pens. But how do you test what God has said… “IF”… you do not have something to validate or test; those supposed… “Dreams & Visions”…? ? ?
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) “Prove” = ‘all’ things; = hold fast = that which is good.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = ‘searched’ the Scriptures = daily = to see if those things = were so.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If = they do NOT speak according TO this Word, = it is because NO light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, If they = do NOT = hear Moses and the Prophets, = they will NOT = be persuaded, = even though one rose from the dead.
*** (2Chronicles 18:19-to-22) And Jehovah said, = Who shall tempt Ahab king of Israel = so that he may go up = and = ‘fall’ at Ramoth-gilead? = And one spoke saying in one way, = and = another saying in another way.
(2Ch 18:20) And = a spirit came out = and = stood before Jehovah = and said, = “I will tempt him”. = And Jehovah said, = With what?
(2Ch 18:21) And he said, = I will go out = and = be a “lying spirit” = in the mouth = of ‘all’ his [King Ahab’s] prophets. = And Jehovah said, = You shall tempt him, = and = you are able. = Go out = and do so.
(2Ch 18:22) And = now behold, = Jehovah has put = a ‘lying’ spirit = in the mouth of these ‘your’ [King Ahab’s] prophets, = and = Jehovah has spoken evil = against you.
You say you have… “Dreams & Visions”… from God, the God of the Bible? But with what do you… “TEST”… then with? Many say they have… ‘such & such’… from the Lord. When I show them a Bible Verse… that disagrees with their… ‘dreams & visions’… they get mad with me. IF it is really from God, then they should… “Agree 100%”… with His Word, which is Above His Blessed Name…
“Psalms 138:2.” Once again, in the Bible, God did use dreams and visions… but now… “His Completed Word”… has all the validity anyone needs!
*** (Ephesians 5:9) for the = ‘fruit’ of the Spirit = is in ‘all’ = goodness = and = righteousness = and = “Truth”,
(Eph 5:10) “Proving” = what is ‘acceptable’ = to the Lord.
*** (1John 2:20-21) But you have = an anointing [Holy Spirit] = from the Holy One [Christ Jesus], = and you know all things.
(1John 2:21) I have = ‘not’ written to you = because you = ‘do not know’ = The Truth, = but because = you “know it”, = and “know” = that ‘no lie’ = is of The Truth.
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through = Your Truth. = Your Word = is Truth.
*** (Psalms 119:159-160) See how I love Your Commandments; = O Jehovah, = according to Your loving-kindness = give me life.
(Psalms 119:160) Your Word = is True = from the beginning; = and = ‘every one’ of Your righteous judgments = endures forever.
*** (1John 4:1) Beloved, = ‘do not’ believe = every spirit, = but = “Try the spirits” = to see = ‘if’ = they are of God, = because = ‘many false prophets’ = have gone out = into the world.
*** (Numbers 23:19) God [Jehovah] = is ‘not’ a man = that = He should lie, = neither = the son of man = that He should repent. = Has He said, = and = shall He not do it? = Or has He spoken, = and = shall He not = make it good?
End part ‘ONE of Three’…!
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
*** (Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My Words = do good = to him = who = walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, = the days come, = says the Lord Jehovah, = that I = will send a famine = in the land; = not a famine = of bread = nor a thirst for water, = but = of ‘hearing’ = the Words of Jehovah.
Recently I have received… many responses from my Blogs [6-part] about… “Dreams & Visions – 101” and Prophecy. The above blog was the last in the series. It was my purpose to point people back to the “Word of God”… as their “Only Point of Reference for the Truth of God!” The responses have been varied and still others believe that God, the God of the Bible, speaks to them… “Ex Parte!” That is outside of the ‘Completed’… “Word of God”. What have you… “Substituted”… for the Holy Word of God…?
*** (Isaiah 1:18) Come now, = and = let us ‘reason’ together, = says Jehovah; = though your sins = are as scarlet, = they shall be = as white as snow; = though they are = red like crimson, = they shall be like wool.
“Three Reasons”… for this line of thought, that I will discuss here and would like a “Scriptural Response” from you… so that you may see ‘your’ line of reasoning. Yes, God did [past tense] speak through Visions, Dreams and the like… throughout the Bible, to chosen people. But since the Holy Spirit has come = according to the promise of Christ Jesus… “John 7:38-39”… there is no need for God to use the same today. “The Word of God”; is completed! Perhaps an understanding of… 1Corinthians 13:9-10… and you will understand? Remember the Holy Spirit ‘did not’ seal a person in the OT. When one sinned, they could lose the Holy Spirit! Not so for the NT Believer!
*** (1Samuel 16:13-14) And Samuel = took the horn of oil = and anointed him [David] = in the midst of his brothers. = And = the Spirit of Jehovah [Holy Spirit] = came on David from that day forward. = And Samuel rose up = and went to Ramah.
(1Sam 16:14) But = the Spirit of Jehovah = ‘departed’ = from Saul, = and = an ‘evil spirit’ = from Jehovah = terrified him. [1Kings 22:20-to-23]
All ‘Truly’ – “Born Again”, believers… are sealed by the Holy Spirit. They are “Eternally Secure = Romans 8:9”… and have that Holy Spirit as the down payment [earnest] of their inheritance in Christ. The Holy Spirit is with our spirits and teaches us from the Word of God. But there is a requirement, and that is Obedience to the Word of God. If we are disobeying the Word, and are really His Children, then the Father has promised to “Spank Us!” IF the Father does not spank His children, then perhaps that one is… “Not: ‘His’ Child!”
*** (Hebrews 12:8) Now = ‘if’ = you are ‘without’ = ‘any’ discipline, = in which all sons share, = then you are = “Illegitimate” [bastards] = and = ‘not’ = His sons.
*** (1Corinthians 11:30) That's why = so ‘many’ of you = are ‘weak’ = and = ‘sick’ = and = a ‘considerable number’ = are “Dying!”
*** (John 15:1-2-3) I [Jesus] = am the True Vine, = and = My Father is the Vinedresser.
(John 15:2) Every branch in Me = that does ‘not’ = bear fruit, = He takes away. = And every one = that bears fruit, = He ‘prunes’ it = so that it ‘may’ = bring forth = ‘more’ fruit.
(John 15:3) Now you are = clean = through the “Word” = which I = have spoken to you.
*** (1John 2:19) They = went ‘out’ = from us, = but = they were = ‘not’ of us; = for = if they were of us, = they would have = continued with us. = But = they went out = so that it = ‘might be revealed’ = that they were = ‘not’ all = of us.
The Holy Spirit… is the Key for the NT believers’… understanding the Truth of the Holy Word of God! He seals us, reveals to us, teaches us, gives us peace, gives us understanding and all the other blessings of being a True… Child of God… ‘sons & heirs’; of the Most High, Only God! When was the last time you read through… “Romans chapter – Eight”… and discovered your position in Christ…? How about; “John chapter – Seventeen”… and read Jesus’ prayer; for those that are truly His…?
*** (John 14:26-27) But the Comforter, = the Holy Spirit = Whom the Father will send in My name, = He shall teach you ‘all’ things = and = bring ‘all’ things to your remembrance, = whatever I have said to you.
(John 14:27) Peace = I leave with you, = My peace = I give to you. = Not as the world gives = do I give to you. = Let not your heart be troubled, = neither let it be afraid.
*** (Ephesians 1:11-to-14) in whom also we have been chosen to an inheritance, = being predestinated according to the purpose of Him = Who works ‘all’ things according to the counsel = of His own will,
(Eph 1:12) for us to be = to the praise of His glory, = who ‘previously’ had trusted in Christ;
(Eph 1:13) in whom also you, = ‘hearing’ the Word of Truth, = the gospel of our salvation, = in Whom also believing, = you were ‘sealed’ = with the Holy Spirit of promise,
(Eph 1:14) Who is ‘the earnest’ = of our inheritance, = to the redemption = of the purchased possession, = to the praise of His glory.
*** (Romans 8:9) But you = are ‘not’ = in the flesh, = but = ‘in’ = the Spirit, = ‘if’ = the Spirit of God = dwells in you. = But = if anyone = has ‘not’ = the Spirit of Christ, = he is = ‘none’ = of His.
Reason “One”…! God, Jehovah God of the Bible, the Only God… has given us His Name, so that we may see His Character and Attributes… through His Names in the Word of God. I chose only to list… ‘some’… of His Names here. It is up to you, while reading through His Word, to find more and add them to your List. The many facets of a diamond reflect light as do the many Names of God, reflect His Glory and Truth.
1. Elohim… “God” His power and might… Genesis 1:1 & Psalms 19:1.
2. El-Elyon… “Most High God... Gen 14:17-20, Isaiah 14:13-14.
3. El Olam… “The Everlasting God”… Isaiah 40:28-31.
4. El Roi… “The Strong One that sees”… Genesis 16:13.
5. El Shaddi… “God Almighty”… Genesis 17:1 & Psalms 91:3.
6. Adonai… “Lord”, the Lordship of God… Malachi 1:16.
7. Jehovah… “(Yahweh) The Lord, God’s Eternal Nature… Genesis 2”4.
8. Jehovah-Jireh… “The Lord will provide”… Genesis 22:13-14.
9. Jehovah-Maccaddeshem… “The Lord your sanctifier”… Exodus 31:13.
10. Jehovah-Nissi… ‘The Lord our banner”… Exodus 17:15.
11. Jehovah-Rapha… “The Lord our healer”… Exodus 15:26.
12. Jehovah-Rohi… “The Lord my shepherd”… Psalms 23:1.
13. Jehovah-Sabboah… “The Lord of Hosts”… Isaiah 6:1-to-3.
14. Jehovah-Shalom… “The Lord is peace”… Judges 6:24.
15. Jehovah-Shammah… “The Lord Who is present”… Ezekiel 48:35.
16. Jehovay-Tsidkenu… “The Lord our righteousness… Jeremiah 23:6
17. I AM… “The Lord Eternal”… Exodus 3:12-15.
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
After reading some of these Names of God… what does He say about… “His Word”…? He says, in His Word that… He has… ‘MAGNIFIED’ = “His Word”… “Above”… All His Name! Have you read and understood what that Means…? God, Jehovah God, says His “Word”… is above His Name! Think about that… for ‘several’ minutes; before reading on. Are you saying that God has spoken to you, “Yes YOU”… through ‘dreams & visions’… that are ‘above’… “His Word”…? Greater… ‘dreams & visions’… that are ‘above’… “His Name”…? Just think of those implications…? Can you honestly say that; about what you have… “Substituted”… for God’s Holy Word?
Reason “TWO”…! God, Jehovah God of the Bible, the Only God… has provided “His Word”; to Test what some ‘call’… “Truth!” How else would we know… “IF”… it came from God… or from a “Lying Spirit?” You can test counterfeit money with a black light or infrared scanner or even those simple pens. But how do you test what God has said… “IF”… you do not have something to validate or test; those supposed… “Dreams & Visions”…? ? ?
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) “Prove” = ‘all’ things; = hold fast = that which is good.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = ‘searched’ the Scriptures = daily = to see if those things = were so.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If = they do NOT speak according TO this Word, = it is because NO light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, If they = do NOT = hear Moses and the Prophets, = they will NOT = be persuaded, = even though one rose from the dead.
*** (2Chronicles 18:19-to-22) And Jehovah said, = Who shall tempt Ahab king of Israel = so that he may go up = and = ‘fall’ at Ramoth-gilead? = And one spoke saying in one way, = and = another saying in another way.
(2Ch 18:20) And = a spirit came out = and = stood before Jehovah = and said, = “I will tempt him”. = And Jehovah said, = With what?
(2Ch 18:21) And he said, = I will go out = and = be a “lying spirit” = in the mouth = of ‘all’ his [King Ahab’s] prophets. = And Jehovah said, = You shall tempt him, = and = you are able. = Go out = and do so.
(2Ch 18:22) And = now behold, = Jehovah has put = a ‘lying’ spirit = in the mouth of these ‘your’ [King Ahab’s] prophets, = and = Jehovah has spoken evil = against you.
You say you have… “Dreams & Visions”… from God, the God of the Bible? But with what do you… “TEST”… then with? Many say they have… ‘such & such’… from the Lord. When I show them a Bible Verse… that disagrees with their… ‘dreams & visions’… they get mad with me. IF it is really from God, then they should… “Agree 100%”… with His Word, which is Above His Blessed Name…
“Psalms 138:2.” Once again, in the Bible, God did use dreams and visions… but now… “His Completed Word”… has all the validity anyone needs!
*** (Ephesians 5:9) for the = ‘fruit’ of the Spirit = is in ‘all’ = goodness = and = righteousness = and = “Truth”,
(Eph 5:10) “Proving” = what is ‘acceptable’ = to the Lord.
*** (1John 2:20-21) But you have = an anointing [Holy Spirit] = from the Holy One [Christ Jesus], = and you know all things.
(1John 2:21) I have = ‘not’ written to you = because you = ‘do not know’ = The Truth, = but because = you “know it”, = and “know” = that ‘no lie’ = is of The Truth.
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through = Your Truth. = Your Word = is Truth.
*** (Psalms 119:159-160) See how I love Your Commandments; = O Jehovah, = according to Your loving-kindness = give me life.
(Psalms 119:160) Your Word = is True = from the beginning; = and = ‘every one’ of Your righteous judgments = endures forever.
*** (1John 4:1) Beloved, = ‘do not’ believe = every spirit, = but = “Try the spirits” = to see = ‘if’ = they are of God, = because = ‘many false prophets’ = have gone out = into the world.
*** (Numbers 23:19) God [Jehovah] = is ‘not’ a man = that = He should lie, = neither = the son of man = that He should repent. = Has He said, = and = shall He not do it? = Or has He spoken, = and = shall He not = make it good?
End part ‘ONE of Three’…!
*** (Psalms 138:2) I will worship = toward Your holy temple, = and = praise Your Name = for Your loving-kindness = and = for “Your Truth's” sake; = for You [God] = have magnified = Your Word = “ABOVE – ALL” = Your Name. = [Psalms 119:18 & 1Samuel 3:21 & Deuteronomy 29:29]
"NO”… Real Christian... ‘Fears’, = “The Truth” = of the Word of God... “Unless”… ‘they are’… Out of … “Obedience & Fellowship” …with ‘GOD’… and with “His Word”...!"
*** (Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, if these are His doings. = Do not = My Words = do good = to him = who = walks uprightly?
Thank you for Your EAR! [Job 12:11] Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/