“Post ‘9-11’ Duplicity – 101” …Blog.
*** (Proverbs
14:34) Righteousness lifts up a nation; but Sin is a ‘curse’ to any people.
*** (Amos 4:10) I [God] have sent among you the
pestilence after the manner of Egypt: = your young men have I slain with the
sword, = and have taken away your horses; and I have made the stink of your
camps to come up unto your nostrils: yet have you not returned [REPENTED] unto
Me, says the LORD.
*** (Genesis 4:10) And He [God] said, What have you done?
The voice of your brother's blood cries to Me [God] from the ground. [Cain
killed Abel]
*** (Exodus 20:13) You shall Not Murder the
Do ‘You’ share the national remembrance… for those “4,000+” slain in the “9-11
Terrorist Attack?” And then are ‘You’… “Silent
about the “4,000+”… “Innocent Babies: Slain” in American Abortion Clinics… “Each & Every DAY”…? That my ‘Friend’
is simple… “Duplicity!” ‘You’ say all life is precious and yet… “Each & Every DAY”… more than ‘Four
Thousand+’ –> Innocent ‘American’
Babies –> are murdered by their, “American
Mothers!” Yes, their Innocent Blood… cries out to God in… “Judgment ‘Against’
America”…! God, the God of the Entire Universe… has raised “UP” a wicked
president… against our Nation! Our Constitutional mandates are being set aside.
Class warfare is being preached by the Liberal News Media. We are slowly
evolving into the… “Socialist European Model”…! Our uniqueness as a “Sovereign Independent
Nation”… is being eroded: in a universal transfer of wealth… to other nations.
Our ‘Foreign Aid’ is not only expected but: demanded by the ‘Enemies’ to
American freedoms! All this as we still sing… “God Bless America”…? What is
WRONG with that picture?
*** (Daniel 4:17) This matter is by the ‘decree’ of the
watchers; and the ‘demand’ by the Word of the Holy Ones; = so that the living
‘may know’ that the = Most High [God] = ‘rules’ in the kingdom of men, = and =
gives it to ‘whomever’ = He will, = and sets up over it; the = LOWEST [Basest]
= of men. [Genesis 18:25]
*** (Isaiah
45:5-6-7) I am the LORD
Jehovah; and there is ‘none’
else; ‘no’ God besides Me; I clothed you, though you have not known Me;
(Isa 45:6) that they may know from the rising of the sun, and to the
sunset; that there is ‘none’
besides Me. I am the LORD Jehovah,
and there is ‘none’ else;
(Isa 45:7) forming the light and creating darkness; making peace and
creating evil. I the LORD Jehovah; do all these things.
*** (Judges 2:10) And also all that generation were gathered
unto their fathers: and there arose
another generation after them –> which knew NOT: the LORD, nor yet the
works which He had done for Israel.
*** (2Chronicles 19:2) And Jehu
the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Should you -> Help the ungodly, -> and
love them that hate the LORD? Therefore is wrath upon you from before the LORD.
*** (Isaiah 26:10) Let favor be shown to the
wicked; ‘Yet’ he will ‘NOT’ learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness he
will deal ‘unjustly’, and ‘Will Not’ behold the majesty of Jehovah the LORD.
*** (Jeremiah 13:23) Can the
Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard its spots? Then you also may do good; who are ‘Accustomed’ to: Doing Evil!
*** (Ecclesiastes
8:11) Because sentence against
an evil work is not executed speedily; therefore the heart of the sons of men
is fully set in them to do evil.
(Isaiah 65:12)
Therefore I [God] will number you to the sword; and you will all bow down to
the slaughter; because I [God] called and you did Not answer; when I [God]
spoke; you did Not hear and did evil before My eyes; and chose that in which I [God] did Not
… American’s buy Over FOUR $ Trillion dollars in
Illegal Drugs Including MARIJUANA! American Mothers have MURDERED Over
55,000,000 Million “INNOCENT” Babies by Abortion. American is the World's
Largest EXPORTER of PORN & Abortion Technology!
is NOT: – ‘American’ – 101” …Blog.
*** (Jeremiah 11:14) And you, do ‘NOT’ pray for this people; ‘Nor’
lift up a cry or prayer for them. For I will ‘NOT’ hear them in the time they cry to Me [God] for their trouble.
*** (Ezekiel
14:14) And though these
three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job,
were in it; they should deliver “Only” their own souls by their
righteousness; says the Lord Jehovah.
Simply read the Old Testament… and see what GOD did to “Spank”
[Chasten] those who called themselves, “His People”…? Did ‘You’ think that God
would allow… ‘American Christians’… to Sin as America does: and then do “Nothing”…?
God aloud… “Wicked Rulers”… to “Spank His People ISRAEL”… when they ‘Sinned’
against HIM…! Do ‘You’ see so very many ‘American Christians’… falsely claim
those promises given: “Only” to Israel! Do ‘You’ see any of them… “Claiming
those corresponding: CURSES”…for ‘Not Keeping’: His HOLY WORD…? Absolutely “NOT!”
*** (Deuteronomy
30:19) I [Moses] call Heaven and earth to record today against you. I have set
before you life and death, blessing and
cursing. Therefore, choose life, so that both you and your seed may live,
*** (Malachi
3:6) For I am Jehovah the Lord; I change not. Because of this you sons of
Jacob are not destroyed.
*** (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus Christ; the same: yesterday: and
today: and forever.
*** (Luke 3:8) Therefore bring forth fruits worthy of
repentance; and do not begin to say within yourselves; We have Abraham for our father. For I say to you that God
is able to raise up children to Abraham: from these stones.
– 101 Blog [1/6]
Do ‘You’ want or do ‘You’ pray for a “Revival”… for our Nation, ‘America?’ Why do ‘You’
pray for such a ‘Revival?’ Is it to return prosperity to our ‘Nation’ and with all
its… “Wickedness & Debauchery”…? Did Israel ever bring forth such a… “National
Repentance”…? American Christians today… hardly if ever… “Repent & Confess
& Forsake [Proverbs 28:13 & Romans 6:1-2”] their “SIN”…! Do they ever change from their… “Worldly Lifestyle?”
Could it be that the “MANY”: who call themselves Christians… have ‘Never’ been:
“TRULY Born Again” by the Holy Spirit of GOD…? Could it be that they are only… ‘Sociological
*** (Luke 9:23) And He [Jesus] said to all, If anyone
desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and
follow Me.
*** (Matthew 7:21-22-23) NOT Everyone = who says to Me [Jesus], Lord! Lord!
Shall enter the kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will [Word] of My Father
in Heaven.
(Matt 7:22) MANY = will say to Me [Jesus] in that
day, Lord! Lord! Did we not prophesy in Your name, and through Your name throw
out demons, and through Your name do many wonderful works?
(Matt 7:23)
And then I [Jesus] will say to them = I [Jesus]
‘Never’ knew you! = Depart from Me [Jesus]; those working lawlessness!
*** (Proverbs 28:13) He who covers his sins shall not be
blessed; but whoever confesses and leaves [Forsakes] them shall have mercy.
*** (Romans
6:1-2) What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may
(Rom 6:2) God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any
longer therein?
*** (Romans 8:9) You, however, are not of the flesh but
under the control of the Spirit; since God's [Holy] Spirit lives in you. And if
anyone ‘does not’ have; the Spirit of Christ, he does = ‘NOT’ = belong to Him.
*** (Galatians 2:16) Knowing that a man is “Not Justified”:
-> by works of the Law: -> but through Faith in Jesus Christ; even we
believed in Jesus Christ: -> that we might be Justified by the faith in
Christ: -> and ‘Not’ by works of the Law. For ALL flesh -> will ‘Not’ be
justified: ->by works of law.
(Galatians 3:11) Now it is obvious that no one is justified in
the sight of God by the law, because "The righteous [justified] will live
by faith."
is ‘Salvation?’ – 101” …Blog.
‘You’ like “MANY”… miss
that the Holy Spirit... “John 7:38-39”... and the Spiritual Baptism...
“1Corinthians 12:13 & Ephesians 4:5”... is a “Divine Transaction”: Done by “GOD
ALONE!” ‘You’ purposely missed.... “Acts 15:8-9”... where GOD sees their
“Hearts”... and HE ‘Only’... gives them: His Holy Spirit… “Ephesians 4:30 &
Romans 8:9 & 2Corinthains 1:21-22”!
(2Corinthains 5:19-20-21) For in Christ God; was reconciling the world
[any that would come] to Himself; by not counting their sins against them
through His forgiveness]; and He has committed to us; the message of
reconciliation. [in Christ alone]
(2Co 5:20) Therefore, we are Christ's representatives; as though God
were pleading through us [to You!]. We plead on Christ's behalf: “[You] Be
reconciled to God!”
(2Co 5:21) God made the One [Jesus]; Who did not know sin; to be sin
for us [Christ our Passover]; so that we might become God's righteousness in
Him [Jesus].
‘You’ be: “Reconciled to God?” – 101” …Blog.
*** (Mark 7:6-7-8) He [Jesus] told them,
"Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites. As it is
written, 'These people honor me with their lips: –> but their hearts are far
from Me [God].
(Mark 7:7) Their worship of Me is empty: –> because they teach human rules as doctrines.'
(Mark 7:8) You ‘abandon’ the commandment of God: –> and hold to ‘human’ tradition."
… MOST do not realize that it was: ‘NOT’… the Roman soldiers –> that nailed Christ Jesus to the Cross…! It was the “SINS” of…
“ME, My Sins”… that Nailed ‘HIM’ to that Cross…! True Biblical Confession
happens ‘Only’ –> when we are
willing to take that… “Personal Responsibility” of: –> “My Sins Nailed ‘HIM’ [Christ Jesus]:–> there to that Cross”…!
is ‘Confession’ of SIN – 101” …Blog.
*** (1Jn
1:9-10) If we make it our habit to confess our sins, He is faithful and
righteous to forgive us those sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
[Proverbs 28:13 & Romans 6:1-2]
(1Jn 1:10) If we say that we have never sinned, we make Him a liar and
His word is ‘not’ in us.
*** (1Corinthians 2:14) But the = natural man = does “NOT”…
receive the things [WORD] of the Spirit of God; for they are = “FOOLISHNESS” =
to him; Neither can he = Know = them; because they are spiritually discerned.
(2Corinthains 13:5) examine yourselves; whether you are in the
faith; prove your own selves. Do you not know your own selves; that Jesus
Christ is in you [Romans 8:9]; unless you are reprobates?
in Christ, Roger // “Psalms 138:2”…!