
“It’s ‘NOT’ just that Easy: Christmas –
101” …Blog
*** (John
7:38-39) The one who believes in Me [Jesus]; as the Scripture has said, will
have rivers of living water flowing from his heart."
(John 7:39) Now He said this about the [Holy] Spirit; Whom those who
were believing in Him were to receive. For the [Holy] Spirit was not yet
present, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. [Luke 24:49 & Acts 2:1-to-5]
*** (John
12:44-to-50) Then Jesus said loudly, "The
one who believes in Me; does Not believe in Me; but in the One [God], Who sent
Me [Jesus].
(John 12:45) The one who sees Me; sees the One [God], Who sent Me
(John 12:46) I [Jesus] have come into the world as light, so that
everyone who believes in Me will not remain in the darkness.
(John 12:47) If anyone hears My Words and does not keep them, I do not
[now] condemn him, for I did not come [this time] to condemn the world but to
save it.
(John 12:48) The one who rejects Me and does NOT receive My Words; has
something to judge him: The Word that I have spoken: will judge him on the last
day. [Revelation 20:10-to-15]
(John 12:49) For I [Jesus] have Not spoken on My own authority.
Instead, the Father [God]: Who sent Me: has himself given Me a commandment;
about what to say and how to speak.
(John 12:50) And I [Jesus] know that His commandment [Acts 17:30-31] is
eternal life. What I [Jesus] speak, therefore, I speak just as the Father [God]
has told Me."
*** (Hebrews 4:1-2) Therefore, a promise being left to enter
into His rest, let us fear lest any of you should seem to come short of it.
(Heb 4:2) For
also we have had the gospel preached, as well as them. But the Word preached did NOT profit them, NOT
being mixed with faith in those who heard it.
(2Peter 1:16) For not having followed fables having been cunningly devised, but
becoming eyewitnesses of the majesty of Jesus Christ, we made known to you the
power and coming of our Lord. [Zechariah 12:10]
the Gospel = Magic? – 101” …Blog.
Soon ‘Many’ will be celebrating Christmas…! Those same ones: say they “Believe in
Jesus” and falsely think they are going to Heaven to be with Him. The “BAD NEWS”
is that their ‘Belief in Jesus’: is their “Same Belief” in Christmas. Believing
in Christmas… “Absolutely Never”… causes One to be: Born Again by the Holy
Spirit of God…! Christ Jesus “QUALIFIED” saving faith, in “John 7:38-39”…!
Those ‘MANY’ have only a “Historical Belief” in Christ Jesus. Their Belief in
Jesus is NOT the “Saving Faith” needed to bring about: “Eternal Salvation!” Their
‘Faith’ in the: “Baby Jesus of Christmas” is NOT the “Biblically Required”: “Saving
Faith!” They purposely OMIT the Risen Christ Jesus: Who will Judge: “ALL
*** (Acts 20:27) For I did ‘Not’ keep back; from
declaring to you; “ALL” the counsel of God.
*** (1Corinthains 16:22) If ‘Anyone’ does Not love [& obey]
the Lord Jesus Christ; let him be
accursed [Damned]. The Lord comes! [Again]
*** (Acts
15:8-9) God, Who ‘knows’ everyone's heart; showed them He approved by giving
them the Holy Spirit, just as he did to us.
(Acts 15:9) He made no distinction between them [Gentiles] and us
[Jews]; because He cleansed their hearts
by [saving] Faith.
*** (Ephesians 2:8-9-10) For by such grace you have been saved
through faith. This does not come from you; it is the gift of God
(Eph 2:9) and NOT the result of works, lest anyone boast.
(Eph 2:10)
For we are His masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works that God
prepared long ago; to be our way of life. [Luke 17:10 & Isaiah 6:8]
*** (Titus 3:5) NOT by works of righteousness which we
have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of
regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,
*** (Romans 8:9) But you are not in the flesh, but in the
Spirit; if the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone has NOT the Spirit of
Christ; he is ‘None’ of His.
*** (1Corinthains 1:17) For Christ did ‘NOT’ send me [Paul] to Baptize;
but to Preach the gospel; not in wisdom of words; lest the cross of Christ
should be made of no effect.
*** (Romans 11:6) But if by grace, then it is no more of works; otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it is of works, then it is no more of grace; otherwise work is no more work.
*** (Ephesians
4:5) There is one Lord, one faith, One Baptism,
*** (1Corinthains
12:13) For also by one [Holy] Spirit we are all baptized into
one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether bond or free, even all
were made to drink into one Spirit.
(1Cor 12:14) For the body is not one member, but many.
Question: Is the “ONE Baptism” of Ephesians 4:5: ‘Water’
or “Holy Spirit Baptism”..?
Answer: The “Holy Spirit!” Water Baptism is ONLY
an outward testimony of a supposed inward faith: But it does NOT bring about Salvation: “Ephesians 2:9” Not of Works
LEAST anyone should “BRAG!”
Baptism and Salvation – 101 Blog.
Right away, someone will say that… they have been “Water Baptized”…! Sorry ‘Water
Baptism’ is NOT: “Saving Faith.” Water Baptism is LIKE: ‘Celebrating Christmas’.
It will NOT: get someone, Born Again by the Holy Spirit of God! It is ONLY the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit that gets ONE… “Born Again”, Born from Above, by the
“Holy Spirit of GOD!” “MANY” simply believe what their Church or Denomination
teaches. Yet, they do NOT know what the Holy Word of GOD: “Teaches!” When we
all stand before the: Judgment Seat of Christ Jesus… What will ‘You’ say to HIM…?
Will You tell Jesus, “Lord, I simply believed what my Church Taught?” Sorry, No
Excuses “ALLOWED”…!
*** (Hebrews 9:27) And as it is appointed to men once to
die; but [immediately] after this the judgment,
‘Funeral’ – 101” …Blog.
*** (Ecclesiastes 3:2) a time to be born, and a time to DIE; a
time to plant, and a time to pull up what is planted;
*** (Acts
17:11) And these were more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received = the Word = with all
readiness of mind = and = searched the
Scriptures = “DAILY” = to see
if those things were so [or Not].
*** (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Let
us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God; and keep His
commandments. For this is the
whole duty of man.
(Eccl 12:14) For God shall bring every work into judgment; with ‘every’ secret
thing; ‘whether’ it is Good; or
‘whether’ Evil.
(Isaiah 65:12)
Therefore I [God] will number you to the sword; and you will all bow down to
the slaughter; because I [God] called and you did Not answer; when I [God]
spoke; you did Not hear and did evil before My eyes; and chose that in which I [God] did Not
‘Conditional’–>‘Mercy’ of God – 101” …Blog.
*** (Jeremiah 11:14) And you: do “Not” pray for this people,
“Nor” lift up a cry or prayer for them. For I [God] will “Not” hear them in the time; they cry to Me for
their trouble.
*** (Ezekiel
14:14) And though these three
men: –> Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it: –> they should deliver: –> “Only” their own souls by their
righteousness; says the Lord Jehovah.
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being “Doers” of the Word, and
“NOT” merely hearers, who ‘Deceive’ themselves. [James 1:22]
“Daily: Spiritual ‘Decisions’ – 101”…Blog.
(2Corinthains 5:19-20-21) For in Christ God; was reconciling the world
[any that would come] to Himself; by not counting their sins against them
through His forgiveness]; and He has committed to us; the message of
reconciliation. [in Christ alone]
(2Co 5:20) Therefore, we are Christ's representatives; as though God
were pleading through us [to You!]. We plead on Christ's behalf: “[You] Be
reconciled to God!”
(2Co 5:21) God made the One [Jesus]; Who did not know sin; to be sin
for us [Christ our Passover]; so that we might become God's righteousness in
Him [Jesus].
‘You’ be: “Reconciled to God?” – 101” …Blog.
in Christ, Roger // “Psalms 138:2”…!