Sunday, October 31, 2010
“Religion or ‘Relationship’ with Christ” – 101…Blog.
“Religion or ‘Relationship’ with Christ” – 101…Blog.
‘Many’ people mix… their ‘Thinking’ about… “True Christianity” with ‘Other Religions’. In its ‘Purest’ sense… “True Christianity” is… “NOT A Religion!” It is a “Relationship”… with God… ‘Through & By’ the “Finished Work of Redemption”… in Christ Jesus; the God Man. God has provided this “Sinless Sacrifice”; the Passover Lamb of God! “Christ Jesus”… was Crucified; and Died; And ‘Rose Again’ for our “Justification”. That is a ‘50-cent’ word, simply meaning… “Judicially Right with and before God!” All… “Paid in Full!” [1/2]
*** (Romans 3:21) But now, apart from the law, = God's righteousness is revealed and is attested = by the Law and the Prophets-
(Rom 3:22) God's righteousness = through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ for = all who believe. For there is no distinction,
(Rom 3:23) since all have sinned = and continue to fall short = of God's glory.
(Rom 3:24) By His grace = they are “Justified” = freely = through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
(Rom 3:25) Whom God offered as a place = where atonement = by Christ's blood = could occur through faith. = He did this = to demonstrate His righteousness, = because He had waited patiently = to deal with sins committed in the past.
The word “Religion”… from the Latin; means ‘to bind’ one’s self to God. No ‘One’ can do that… because “God is Holy”… and mankind is ‘Sinful’. How then does the ‘Unholy’… make itself… right with God? How does Sinful Mankind… approach a “Sinless GOD”…? No one can… except by the “Precious Blood of Christ Jesus!” That ‘once’ for all time… sacrifice for “All” mankind… is accepted by “Few”… and rejected by “Most!” Mankind loves their “SIN/SINS”… because it feeds their Fallen Nature!
*** (John 3:16-to-21) "For this is how = God loved the world: = He gave his unique Son [Christ Jesus] = so that everyone = who believes in Him = might not perish = but have eternal life.
(John 3:17) For God sent the Son into the world [this time], = not to condemn the world, = but that the world = might be saved = through Him.
(John 3:18) Whoever believes in Him = is not condemned, = but whoever ‘does not’ believe = has already been condemned, = because = he has not believed = in the name of God's unique Son.
(John 3:19) And this is the basis for judgment: = The light has come into the world, = but people loved the darkness [sin] = more than the light = because their actions were evil.
(John 3:20) For everyone = who practices ‘wickedness’ = hates the light = and does not come to the light, = so that his ‘actions’ = may ‘not’ be exposed [by that light].
(John 3:21) But whoever = does what is true = comes to the light, = so that all may see that his actions = have been done in God."
Unbalanced - 101
We are All… “The ‘Creations’ of God”… but “NOT All”… are “The ‘Children’ of God”. Did you know, that Christ Jesus called some… “Of ‘your’ Father–The Devil”..? Some; by faith in Christ Jesus… are God’s Children! But those that… “Reject Christ Jesus” / and ‘Do Not’… accept Him; on ‘His Terms’… are simply the ‘Children of Satan’ and “Children of the Darkness [Evil]”. One will readily say that ‘Satan’ for his rebellion; should spend ‘Eternity’ in the “Lake of Fire”… and ‘then’ make “Excuses”… for those that… “Reject Jesus!” Satan’s ‘rebellion’ against God; is no different… than mans’ ‘rebellion’ against God!
*** (1John 4:19) We love = Him = because = He first loved us.
*** (John 1:12) But as many as = received Him [Jesus], = He gave to them authority to become the children of God, = to those who believe on His name,
*** (John 8:42-to-45) Jesus said to them, = If God were your father, = you would love Me, = for I went forth and came from God; f= or I did not come of Myself, = but He sent Me.
(John 8:43) Why do you ‘not know’ My speech? = Because you = cannot [will not] = hear My Word.
(John 8:44) You are of the Devil as father, = and the lusts of your father you will do. = He was a murderer from the beginning, = and did not abide in the Truth = because there is ‘no’ Truth in him. = When he speaks a Lie, = he speaks of ‘his own’, = for he is a Liar = and = the ‘father’ of it [Lies].
(John 8:45) And because = I [Jesus] = tell you the truth, = you = ‘do not’ = believe Me.
Most ‘work’ for someone...! You either ‘do’ or not ‘not do’… what your “Job Description” says. All in exchange you get a “Pay Check [Wages]!” Those that, ‘do not’ do their “Job”… are called “Unemployed!” Those that are self employed… work for their Boss also; ‘Themselves’. And the “Government” overseas your ‘Work issues’ and ‘Taxes’ and ‘Business regulations’. ‘None’ are an “Island to Themselves!” We are “All” accountable to ‘Someone!’ No ‘one’ is completely free… to do as they please! Even the speeder, will get caught! You ‘Earn’… and “Receive Wages”… for what you ‘Work For!’
*** (Romans 6:23) For = the “Wages” of sin = is death, = but the “Gift” of God = is eternal life = through Jesus Christ our Lord.
*** (Romans 3:10-11-12) as it is written: = "There is none righteous, no not one;
(Rom 3:11) there is ‘none’ that understands, = there is ‘none’ that seeks after God."
(Rom 3:12) "They are ‘all’ gone out of the way, = they have ‘together’ become unprofitable, there is none that does good, no, not one."
*** (Romans 5:12) Therefore, = even as through one man [Adam] = sin entered into the world, = and death by sin, = and so death passed on ‘all’ men = inasmuch as ‘all’ sinned:
*** (Psalms 14:1-2-3) To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. = The fool has said in his heart, = There is no God! = They acted corruptly; = they have done abominable works, = there is ‘none’ who does good.(Psalms 14:2) Jehovah [God] looked down from Heaven = on the sons of men, = to see if there were ‘any’ = who understood and sought God.
(Psalms14:3) “All” have gone aside, = together they ‘are’ filthy; = there is ‘none’ who does good, = no, = ‘not’ one.
“God”, by ‘Christ Jesus’… has provided a “Total Payment” for All “SIN/SINS”… Past: Present: and Future! He, “Christ Jesus”; has ‘given & offered’ that Salvation to… “Each & Every”… one of “US!” May I ask a simple Question…? What have you done with Christ Jesus..? Have you said… “NO, I don’t need ‘Your Payment’ for “My”… “SIN/SINS!” That is ‘Exactly’… what you do… when You “Reject”… God’s Provision for your “SIN/SINS!” Jesus paid it “All”… and you have told Him… “NO!”
*** (Acts 17:30-31-32) Truly, then, = God overlooking the times of ignorance, = now He strictly commands = ‘all’ men everywhere = to Repent,
(Acts 17:31) because He = has appointed = a day = in which He = is going = to judge the world = in righteousness = by a Man [Christ] = Whom He appointed, = having given proof = to all = by raising Him = from the dead.
(Acts 17:32) And hearing of a resurrection of the dead, = some ‘indeed’ mocked; = and others said, = ‘We will hear you again concerning this’.
Repentance – 101 [1/?]
Recently, I had someone… say to me, “What about those that ‘do not’ come to Christ, did Christ die for their sins also…? Is there a ‘Limited Atonement’… only for those that come to Christ Jesus? Absolutely Yes! Perhaps I may share with you a simple understanding of this fact?
1. I give you a check for… “10,000 dollars!”
2. You thank me and ‘Never’ cash that check!
3. You think that it is charity but I tell you it is ‘grace’ with no strings attached.
4. Still… you want to succeed on your own, with the help of no one.
5. You Die…!
6. Your heirs close your estate and find my check to you for the money.
7. They go to the Bank… and try and cash my check, made out to you.
8. The bank informs them… sorry the person is dead; the funds are… “Non-Transferable!”
That is a ‘word picture’… of “Salvation”. God calls “All” mankind to Himself. Many refuse His gift of Grace in payment for their… “Sin/Sins.” Their ‘Refusal’ to cash their check, the… “Gift of God”… will leave one… without the ‘eternal’ payment for their… “Sin / Sins!” This… Atonement by Christ Jesus for YOU… is paid for by the… “Death, Burial and Resurrection of Himself”… But…rejected by You! Where then do you expect to spend eternity… after spitting in the face of God and refusing His gift of Grace to you? This is the Gospel… that we communicate as… “Evangelism = You are Witnesses of these Things… “Luke 24:44-to-49”
(Hebrews 10:29) How much = more = severe a punishment = do you think = that person deserves = who tramples on = God's Son, = treats as common = the blood of the covenant = by which it was sanctified, = and = insults = the Spirit of grace?
You fear the ‘Police Officer’… who pulls you over for Speeding, don’t You? You obey the Civil & Criminal Laws… Don’t You…? Surely you do not want to… “Go to Jail”… “Do You”…? You pay your real estate and IRS tax… “Don’t You?” So then, “Why as the ‘Creation’ of God”… do you “Not Obey HIM”…? It is because… “You”… ‘Have & Want’… to be your own god [small-g]….! You want to be complete “Boss”… over your life.
*** (2Corinthians 4:3-4) So if = our gospel is veiled, = it is veiled = to those = who are dying [both Physically & Spiritually].
(2Cor 4:4) In their case, = the god of this world [Satan] = has blinded the minds of those who ‘do not’ believe = to keep them from seeing the light = of the glorious gospel of Christ, = Who is the image of God.
*** (2Corinthians 11:14) And no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
*** (Romans 2:15) who show = the work of the Law = written in their hearts, = their conscience also bearing witness, = and the thoughts = between one another = accusing = or even excusing = one another,
“ I ”… is the Middle of… “ S–‘I’–N ”…! Of course… ‘You’… do not want to… subject yourself to God and to His Holy Word. Satan has ‘blinded’ you… and you have ‘blinded’ yourself… by ‘Your’ disobedience to God! You could call that… “Double–Blinded–Ness!” Christ Jesus is the ‘Light of the Word’… and He has revealed Himself to you. Your… “Free Will”… ‘allows’ you “To Reject” or “To Accept”… Christ’s finished payment for Your… “SIN/SINS!” Either way… Jesus pays it All… OR… you will… “Say NO”… and go to the Lake of Fire… for Eternity!
When ‘ONE’… is Born Again… by the Holy Spirit of God… “Then” and “Only Then”… can they be ‘rightly’ called… “A Child of God” or “A Son of God!” Those that are… “NOT” = “His Children”… do ‘NOT’ have the Holy Spirit of God. In that Blinded state; and in that Darkness that Satan has blinded them with… “All” and “Any Truth of God”… is simply “FOOLISHNESS”… to Them! Only Christ; the Light of the Word… can free ‘one’… from that Darkness!
*** (Jude 1:17-18-16) But you, = dear friends, = must remember the statements and predictions = of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(Jude 1:18) They kept telling you, = "In the last times = mockers = will appear, = following their own = ungodly desires."
(Jude 1:19) These are the people = who cause divisions. = They are worldly, = devoid of the [Holy] Spirit.
*** (1Corinthians 2:14) A person who isn't spiritual [Born Again] = doesn't accept = the things of God's Spirit, = for they are = nonsense to him. = He can't understand them = because they are spiritually evaluated.
*** (1Peter 1:22-to-25) Purifying your souls = in the obedience of the Truth = through the [Holy] Spirit = to unfeigned love of the brothers, = love one another fervently = out of a pure heart,
(1Pet 1:23) having been ‘born again’, = not of corruptible seed [religion], = but of incorruptible, = through the living Word of God, = and abiding forever.
(1Pet 1:24) For all flesh is as grass, = and all the glory of men = as the flower of the grass. = The grass withers, and its flower falls out,
(1Pet 1:25) but the Word of the Lord = endures forever. = And this is the Word = preached as gospel to you.
The Anointing – 101
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Friday, October 29, 2010
“Christians and ‘Halloween’ – 101”…Blog.
“Christians and ‘Halloween’ – 101”…Blog.
*** (Acts 5:29) And Peter = and the apostles = answered = and said, = We ought to = “Obey God” = rather than men.
Last October… I published my “Halloween – 101” Blog… and ‘MANY’ that called themselves Christian… ‘Either Blocked’ me or ‘Removed’ me… from their Face Book… friends list. Wow… can you imagine that…? Someone who says they… “LOVE JESUS”… would be offended; when the ‘Published Word’… spoke of the “Wrong of Celebrating Halloween”…? How can that Be…?
*** (Galatians 4:16) So then = did I become = your enemy = speaking to you = “The Truth?”
*** (John 17:17-18-19) Sanctify them = through Your Truth. = Your Word - is Truth.
(John 17:18-19) As You [God] = have sent Me [Jesus] = into the world, = even so I [Jesus] = have sent them = into the world.
(John 17:18) As You [God] = have sent Me [Jesus] = into the world, = even so I [Jesus] = have sent them = into the world. [(Luke 24:48) And you are witnesses of these things.]
(John 17:19) And I sanctify Myself = for their sakes, = so that they also = might be sanctified in Truth.
What does “Sanctification” mean…? In its form; it means simply to be “Dedicated” = “Set Apart or Separate”… for a “Particular Purpose!” What would that Purpose be…? First, what makes One… Sanctified? From John 17 we simply see… “The Truth!” Christ Jesus, the Living Word of God… prayed to God His Father and Ours… that WE might be Sanctified by Truth! The Word of God… is the Truth for all and any Applications of “Life and Salvation”.
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus answered him [Satan], = saying, = It is written that = "man shall not live by bread alone, = but by every Word of God."
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being doers of the Word, = and ‘not’ merely hearers = who ‘deceive’ themselves.
*** (Luke 6:46) "Why do you keep calling Me [Jesus] = 'Lord, = Lord,' = but don't do = what = I [Jesus] = tell you?
There is very much difference… in being ‘Called Christian’… then by “Living as One!” “Many” call themselves “Christian”… and have “Never” = been “Truly Born Again”… by God’s Holy Spirit! The seldom if ever… “Read & Study”… the Precious Holy Word of God. Their learning consists of Sermons and Church and Fellowship. Whatever anyone, that says they are a Christian ‘does’… seems “Alright with Them!” They never see “Right & Wrong”… instead they just get along… with ‘Everyone!’
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
*** (1Corinthians 5:1-2) It is actually reported = that sexual immorality exists among you, = and of a kind that is = not found = even among the gentiles. = A man is actually living with his father's wife!
(1Cor 5:2) And you are being arrogant = instead of being filled with grief = and seeing to it = that the man who did this = is removed = from among you.
False Christians – 101 [1/4]
What is it exactly about “Halloween”… that Truly Born Again Christians should be concerned about? Are there “Pagan Practices”… involved in their “History of Practice?” Circa 327 AD, Emperor Constantine stopped True Christian Persecutions and Married the Pagan Holidays with the Supposed Christian ones. Halloween is equivalent to Satan’s Christmas. Simply “Google – Halloween” and look at the Practices. Do any of them… Glorify God the Father or Christ Jesus or the Holy Spirit…? Absolutely “NOT!”
*** (2Corinthians 6:15-to-18) What harmony exists = between Christ and Satan, = or what do a believer = and an unbeliever = have in common?
(2Cor 6:16) What agreement = can a temple of God = make with idols? = For we are the temple of the living God, = just as God said: = "I will live and walk among them. = I will be their God, = and they will be my people."
(2Cor 6:17) Therefore, = "Get away from them = and separate yourselves from them, = " declares the Lord, = "and don't touch anything unclean. = Then I will welcome you.
(2Cor 6:18) I will be your Father, = and you will be = my sons and daughters," = declares the Lord Almighty.
*** (Ephesians 5:17) Therefore do not be unwise [stupid], = but understand = what the will [Word] of the Lord is.
How about a “Harvest Party”… at ‘Church’; instead of celebrating “Halloween?” Simply changing the ‘Name’… does ‘not negate’ its evil influence. “Sin” by any other name… is still… “SIN!” Well… won’t the “Children” – be “Disappointed”…? IF your Children are Really Born Again… “Shouldn’t YOU”… ‘BE’ Teaching them to Obey God…? Or perhaps You Yourself… don’t obey the Holy Word of God…? “What” the Parents allow in “Moderation”… The Children will… “Excuse”… in “Excess”…!
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and ‘searched’ the Scriptures = ‘daily’ = to see if those things = were so.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) Prove = all things, = hold fast = to the good.
*** (Deuteronomy 18:9-to-14) When you come to the land which Jehovah your God gives you, = you shall not learn = to do according to = the abominations of those nations.
(Deut 18:10) There shall not be found among you = anyone who makes his son or his daughter = to pass through the fire, = or that uses divination, = an observer of clouds, = or a fortune-teller, or a witch,
(Deut 18:11) or a charmer, = or a consulter with familiar spirits, = or a wizard, = or one who calls to the dead.
(Deut 18:12) For ‘all’ = that do these things = are an ‘abomination’ to Jehovah. = And ‘because’ of these abominations = Jehovah your God = drives them out from before you.
(Deut 18:13) You shall = be perfect = with Jehovah your God.
(Deut 18:14) For these nations = whom you shall possess = listened to observers of clouds = and to diviners. = But as for you, = Jehovah your God = has ‘not’ allowed you = to do so.
When I see those… that “Say they are Christians”… post “Horoscopes” and the Likes; on their pages; I know that they “Do Not… Love JESUS!” They commit… ‘Spiritual Adultery’… in doing so. Such is the practice of ‘Halloween’ Also! Because they… “Do Not”… Read & Study… the Holy Word of God; they are influenced ‘more’, by the “Word and its Corruptness”… than by the Holy Spirit of God! That is why His Holy Word… is ‘needed’; so that ‘one’ may “Grow in His Grace” and in the “Knowledge of His – Holiness”.
*** (James 4:4-to-10) You adulterers! = Don't you know = that friendship with the world = means hostility with God? = So whoever wants to be a friend = of this world = is an enemy of God.
(Jas 4:5) Or do you think = the Scripture means nothing = when it says = that the Spirit that God = caused to live in us = jealously yearns for us?
(Jas 4:6) But He gives = all the more grace. = And so He says, = "God opposes the arrogant = but gives grace to the humble."
(Jas 4:7) Therefore, = submit yourselves to God. = Resist the devil, = and he will run away from you.
(Jas 4:8) Come close to God, = and He will come close = to you. = Cleanse your hands, you sinners, = and purify your hearts, = you “double-minded”.
(Jas 4:9) Be miserable, = mourn, = and cry. = Let your laughter be turned into mourning, = and your joy into gloom. [Repent!]
(Jas 4:10) Humble yourselves = before the Lord, = and He will exalt you.
*** (Proverbs 28:13) He who = covers his sins = shall not be blessed; = but whoever confesses = and leaves them = shall have mercy.
*** (1John 2:15-16-17) Stop loving the world = and the things = that are in the world. = If anyone = persists in loving the world, = the Father's love = is not in him.
(1Jn 2:16) For everything = that is in the world = the desire for fleshly gratification, = the desire for possessions, = and worldly arrogance = is not from the Father = but is from the world.
(1Jn 2:17) And the world = and its desires = are fading away, = but the person who does God's will [Word] = remains forever.
*** (1John 1:5-to-10) This is the message = that we have heard from Him = and declare to you: = God is light, = and in Him = there is no darkness = None at all!
(1Jn 1:6) If we claim = that we have fellowship with Him = but = keep living in the darkness, = we are lying = and the Truth = is Not in us.
(1Jn 1:7) But if = we keep living in the Light = as He Himself = is in the light, = we have fellowship with one another, = and the blood of Jesus = His Son = cleanses us from all sin.
(1Jn 1:8) If we say = that we do not have any sin, = we are deceiving ourselves = and the Truth = is not in us.
(1Jn 1:9) If we = make it our habit = to confess our sins, = He is faithful and righteous = to forgive us those sins = and cleanse us = from all unrighteousness.
(1Jn 1:10) If we = say that we have never sinned, = we make Him = a Liar = and His Word = is not in us.
How about “IT”…? Will you ‘say’ that You = “Love Jesus”… and still… “Celebrate Halloween”…? ? ?
*** (Galatians 4:16) So = have I now = become your enemy = for telling you = The Truth?
*** (Luke 24:48) And = you = are witnesses = of these things.
Thanks, In Christ Jesus, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
“The ‘Puppy’ – 101”…Blog.
“The ‘Puppy’ – 101”…Blog.
Recently while speaking… with a friend of mine; he asked me about God and why He judges mankind. He used the analogy of a ‘Puppy’. IF a ‘puppy’ misbehaves; would you ‘damn’ that puppy because he didn’t ‘obey’ you? That was an interesting question and deserves some further investigation. Many people try to equate to God on human terms and use human; ‘Thinking & Reason’. The problem with that is that God, the God of the Bible is ‘Not’… human; Nor does He think and act; like we do.
*** (Isaiah 55:6-to-9) Seek Jehovah [God] = while = He may be found; = call on Him = while = He is near.
(Isa 55:7) Let the wicked = forsake his way, = and the unrighteous man = his thoughts; = and let him = return to Jehovah, = and He will have mercy on him; = and to our God, = for He will abundantly pardon.
(Isa 55:8) For = My thoughts = are not your thoughts, = nor your ways = My ways, = says Jehovah.
(Isa 55:9) For = as the heavens = are higher than the earth, = so are My ways = higher than your ways, = and My thoughts = than your thoughts.
*** (Jeremiah 29:11-12-13) For I know = the purposes = which I am purposing for you, = says Jehovah [God]; = purposes of peace = and not of evil, = to give you a future = and a hope.
(Jer 29:12) Then you shall call on Me, = and you shall go and pray to Me, = and I will listen to you.
(Jer 29:13) And you shall = seek Me and find Me, = when you search for Me = with all your heart.
We can readily see… from these verses and many other in the Bible; that our human ‘Logic & Thinking’ cannot begin to compare with God’s. He created this entire universe and keeps it running, both the “Macro & Micro” Universe. He is Eternal and knows “All”; past, present and future! None of we humans can in any way; compare ourselves to God. He as “Creator of All”… both seen and unseen… has the ‘Absolute Right’… to do what He pleases to do! But did you ‘read’ in those verses… He God… offers His Salvation to ALL…? He offers a way to “Know Him”; to have Him hear your Prayers and that He has an ‘Eternal Plan’… for your Life.
*** (Matthew 11:27-to-30) All things are delivered to Me [Jesus] = by My Father [God]. = And no one = knows the Son [Jesus] = except the Father [God]. = Nor does anyone = know the Father except the Son, = and the one = to whom the Son [Jesus] = will reveal Him [God].
(Matt 11:28) Come to Me [Jesus] = all you who labor = and are heavy laden, = and I = will give you rest.
(Matt 11:29) Take My yoke on you = and learn of Me, = for I am meek and lowly in heart, = and you shall find rest to your souls.
(Matt 11:30) For My yoke is easy, = and My burden is light.
*** (John 14:6-7) Jesus said to him, = I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; = no one comes to the Father [God] =but by Me [Jesus].
(John 14:7) If you had known Me [Jesus], = you would have known My Father [God] also. = And from now on = you know Him and have seen Him.
*** (Colossians 1:12-to-19) giving thanks to the Father, = Who has made us meet = to be partakers of the inheritance = of the saints in light.
(Col 1:13) For He [God] = has delivered us from the power of darkness = and has translated us into the kingdom = of His dear Son [Jesus];
(Col 1:14) in Whom = we have redemption = through His blood, = the remission of sins.
(Col 1:15) Who [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, = the First-born of all creation.
(Col 1:16) For all things were created in Him, = the things in the heavens, = and the things on the earth, = the visible and the invisible, = whether thrones = or dominions = or principalities = or powers, = all things were created through Him and for Him.
(Col 1:17) And He is before all things, = and by Him = all things consist.
(Col 1:18) And He [Jesus] is the Head of the body, = the church, = Who is the Beginning, = the First-born from the dead, = that He may be pre-eminent in all things.
(Col 1:19) For it pleased the Father [God] = that in Him [Jesus] = all fullness should dwell.
“Christ Jesus” created All… and because of this; He has the preeminence over ‘All’. About the “Puppy”… did you create that ‘Puppy?’ Of course not; only “God” created all things! Puppies can “Never – Be Born Again”… by God’s Holy Spirit; “Only ‘mankind’ can!” But God the Father… has ‘provided’ salvation to all mankind; “Accepted by Few… Rejected by Many!” Mankind thinks they know better than God, and thus become god [small-g] in their lives. They have an “Allusion of Control”… which is only an Illusion. Can you control… “Cancer”… should it invade your body? That is a ‘rhetorical’ question. “Absolutely Not!”
*** (Romans 9:20-21) No, but, O man, = who are you = who replies against God? = Shall the thing formed = say to Him who formed it, = Why have you made me this way?
(Rom 9:21) Does not the potter = have power over the clay, = from the same lump = to make one vessel to honor [special] = and another to dishonor [utility]?
*** (Exodus 4:11) And Jehovah [God] = said to him, = Who has made man's mouth? = Or Who makes the dumb, = or deaf, = or the seeing, = or the blind? = Have not I, = Jehovah [God]?
*** (John 9:1-2-3) And passing by, = He [Jesus] saw a man = who was blind from birth.
(John 9:2) And His disciples asked Him, saying, = Master, = who sinned, = this man or his parents, = that he was born blind?
(John 9:3) Jesus answered, = Neither = has this man = nor = his parents sinned, = but that the works of God = might be revealed in him.
I am ‘sure’… that you believe in some sort of Justice; don’t You? If someone robs you, or crashes into your car… and it is ‘not’ your fault; “You want Justice!” Murder and Rape and Stealing and Lying… are all wrong. But ‘especially’ so… if it ‘personally’; happens to you or to ‘one’ of your family members. God has given us His Law… from which mankind has taken many of our ‘Human Laws’. Each legal system is based on some ‘Moral Code!’ Here in America, their hand is only slapped. Many times here the Criminal does “NOT” get his or her… due Punishment. The remaining family members… do not get the Justice they deserve; for the wrong perpetrated towards them.
*** (Ecclesiastes 8:11) Because sentence = against an evil work = is not executed speedily, = therefore the heart = of the sons of men = is fully set in them = to do evil.
*** (Hebrews 10:26-to-31) For if we sin = willfully = after we have received the knowledge of the Truth, = there remains no more sacrifice for sins,
(Heb 10:27) but a certain = fearful looking for judgment = and fiery indignation, = which shall devour the adversaries.
(Heb 10:28) He who despised Moses' Law = died without mercy = on the word of two or three witnesses.
(Heb 10:29) Of how much worse punishment, = do you suppose, = will he be thought worthy of punishment, = the one who has trampled the Son of God, = and who has counted the blood of the covenant = with which he was sanctified an unholy thing, = and has insulted the Spirit of grace?
(Heb 10:30) For we know Him [God] = Who has said, = "Vengeance belongs to Me, = I will repay, = says the Lord." = And again, = "The Lord shall judge His people."
(Heb 10:31) It is a fearful thing = to fall into the hands = of the living God.
God the Father… has provided Salvation through the Finished Work of Christ Jesus. He willing and freely offers it to All Mankind. Mankind is not a ‘Puppy’… but are the Living Creations of God the Father. God chastens [spanks] all those that are really His. And those that are Not His… He has offered them… the Sacrificial Death, Burial and Resurrection of His Son, Christ Jesus… as a payment for all their SIN/SINS… Past, Present and Future! But Most have rejected that… simply bringing Eternal Judgment, forever and forever… in the Eternal Lake of Fire!
*** (John 3:16-to-21) For God so loved the world = that He gave = His only-begotten Son [Christ Jesus], = that whoever = believes in Him = should not perish = but have everlasting life.
(John 3:17) For God = did not send His Son [Jesus] = into the world [The First Time] = to condemn the world, = but so that the world = might be saved = through Him [Jesus].
(John 3:18) He who believes on Him = is not condemned, = but he who does not believe = is condemned already, = because he has not believed = in the name of the only-begotten Son of God.
(John 3:19) And this is the condemnation, = that the Light [Jesus] = has come into the world, = and men loved darkness = rather than the Light, = because their deeds were evil.
(John 3:20) For everyone = who does evil = hates the Light, = and does not come to the Light, = lest his deeds should be exposed.
(John 3:21) But he who practices Truth = comes to the Light = so that his works may be revealed, = that they exist, having been worked in God.
*** (John 1:1-to-4) In the beginning was the Word [Jesus], = and the Word was with God, = and the Word was God.
(John 1:2) He was in the beginning with God.
(John 1:3) All things came into being through Him, = and without Him = not even one thing came into being = that has come into being.
(John 1:4) In Him was life, = and the life = was ‘the light’ of men.
*** (Rev 19:11-to-16) And I saw Heaven opened. = And behold, a white horse! = And He sitting on him was called = Faithful and True. = And in righteousness He judges and makes war.
(Rev 19:12) And His eyes were like a flame of fire, = and on His head many crowns. = And He had a name written, - one that no one knew except Himself.
(Rev 19:13) And He had been clothed in a garment dipped in blood, = and His name is called = The Word of God.
(Rev 19:14) And the armies in Heaven followed Him on white horses, = clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
(Rev 19:15) And out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, = so that with it He should strike the nations. = And He will shepherd them with a rod of iron. = And He treads the winepress of the wine of the anger and of the wrath of Almighty God.
(Rev 19:16) And He has on His garment, = and on His thigh a name written, = KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
After reading all this… can you or anyone… Justify “Rejecting” = God’s Precious Gift of Salvation… through Christ Jesus…? Can ‘you’ then say that any of mankind is justified in “Disobeying God’s ‘prepaid’ offer of Salvation? Mankind loves their “SIN/SINS”… and will not come to God… lest their disobedience be exposed.
*** (1John 4:16-to-19) And we have known and believed = the love that God = has in us. = God is love, = and he who abides in love = abides in God, = and God in him.
(1Jn 4:17) In this is our love made perfect, = that we may have = boldness in the day of judgment, = that as He is, so also we are in this world.
(1Jn 4:18) There is no fear in love, = but perfect love casts out fear, = because fear has torment. = He who fears [death] = has not been perfected in love.
(1Jn 4:19) We love Him [God] = because = He first loved us.
*** (Hebrews 2:14-15) Since then the children have partaken of flesh and blood, = He [Jesus] = also Himself = likewise partook of the same; = that through death = He [Jesus] =might destroy him = who had the power of death = that is, the Devil,
(Heb 2:15) and = deliver those = who through fear of death = were all their lifetime subject to bondage [of Sin].
*** (Ecclesiastes 12:13) Let us hear the conclusion = of the whole matter. = Fear God, = and keep His commandments. = For this is the whole duty of man.
(Eccl 12:14) For God = shall bring every work into judgment, = with every secret thing, = whether it is good, = or whether evil.
When you are Speeding… and see a ‘Police Officer’; don’t you “Slow Down”…? But of course! Should you not “Fear God the Father”… Who created all of Mankind… and has provided “Eternals Salvation” in and through… Christ Jesus…? Or do you “Reject His Precious Gift”… and then ask “WHY”… must I go to the Lake of Fire for Eternity?
Heaven & Hell - 101
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
“It is ‘Finished!’ – 201”…Blog. [2/2]
“It is ‘Finished!’ – 201”…Blog. [2/2]
Why did I… go through ‘all’ this Background to share with you about… “It Is ‘Finished’…?? Unless you know what ‘Repentance’ is called for… they your Belief will only be based on what someone has shared with you about Jesus. “Many” make uniformed decisions for Christ Jesus… ‘Not’ knowing what they are believing… “In or About!” Many have waked church aisles in the heat of emotion and then later on… have given up on Christianity. Say it isn’t So…? Just look at ‘All’ the decisions made after the “9-11” Muslim Terrorist Attack on NYC..? Churches were packed to overflowing…! Where are all those… ‘attendees’ now…?
*** (John 7:37-38-39) On the last and most important day of the festival, = Jesus = stood up and shouted, = "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink!
(John 7:38) The one who believes in Me, = as the Scripture has said, = will have rivers of living water flowing from his heart."
(John 7:39) Now He said this about the [Holy] Spirit, - whom those who were believing in him = were to receive. = For the Spirit was not yet present, = because Jesus had not yet been glorified.
*** (Matthew 7:13-14) Go in through the narrow gate, = for wide is the gate = and broad is the way that leads to destruction, = and ‘many’ = there are who go in through it.
(Matt 7:14) Because narrow is the gate = and constricted is the way = which leads to life, = and there are ‘few’ = who find it.
*** (Hebrews 5:7-8-9) For Jesus, in the days of His flesh, = when He had offered up prayers and supplications = with strong cryings and tears to Him [God] = Who was able to save Him from death, = and was heard in that He feared,
(Heb 5:8) though being a Son, = yet He learned obedience = by the things which He suffered.
(Heb 5:9) And being perfected, = He became = the Author of eternal salvation = to all those who obey Him,
*** (Luke 6:46) And = why do you = call Me [Jesus] = Lord, = Lord, = and = do not do = what I say?
We all know someone… who will say that they were ‘once’ a Christian… but have since left the Faith! That is an “Impossibility for Anyone”… Truly Born Again… by God’s Holy Spirit! God will spank His true disobedient children. Many that claim former Faith… only had ‘religion’… and not Christ Jesus! That is why “The Holy Scriptures”… are paramount to one’s ‘True Faith’… in “Christ’s Finished Work of Redemption”.
*** (Romans 8:9) But you are not in the flesh, = but in the Spirit, = If = the Spirit of God dwells in you. = But if anyone = has ‘Not’ = the Spirit of Christ, = he is = ‘None’ = of His.
*** (1John 2:19) They went out from us, = but they were not of us; = for if = they were of us, = they would have continued with us. = But they went out = so that it might be revealed = that they were ‘Not’ = all of us.
*** (Hebrews 12:6-7-8) for whom the Lord loves = He chastens, = and = He scourges = every son = whom He receives."
(Heb 12:7) If you endure chastening, = God deals with you as with sons, = for what son is he = whom the father = does not chasten?
(Heb 12:8) But if you are = without chastisement, = of which all [say they] are partakers, = then you are ‘bastards’ [illegitimate] = and not sons.
*** (1Corintians 11:30) That's why = so ‘many’ = of you are ‘weak’ = and ‘sick’ = and a ‘considerable’ number = are ‘dying’.
About ‘Now’… you may readily see… from the Scriptures… that ‘Not All’… that say they are Christians… are really SO! There are many that profess “Christianity”… and never ‘Read & Study’… the Holy Word of God! Without the Scriptures… how could one believe on Jesus… as He said in… ‘John 7:37-38-39’… “As the Scriptures have Said?” How does one get True Faith… without the Scriptures…? How does one learn about God and His workings in our lives… without the Scriptures…? If you are not… “Reading & Studying”… The Holy Word of God… then perhaps you only have a Mental Belief on Jesus… and NOT One of the Heart…?
*** (Romans 10:17) Then faith = comes of hearing, = and hearing = by the Word of God.
“It is Finished”… is a legal accounting term that means… “Paid in Full!” This paid in full is absolutely “Free & Clear”. “Never to be ‘indebted’ again!” A word picture in the OT is of the year of Jubilee. Every 50 years, ‘all’ the land property and ‘all’ contained therein… reverted back to the “Original Owner”. If by some mean… one went hopelessly into debt; on the year of Jubilee… ‘all’ returned to its original owner. Your Fathers land… returned to the Sons and Family. All the tribes of Israel… Who had their lands sold and were under bondage… returned to them… “Free and Clear!”
*** (John 14:1) Let not your heart be troubled. = You believe in God, = believe also in Me.
(John 14:2) In My Father's house are = many mansions; = if it were not so, = I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
(John 14:3) And if I go and prepare a place for you, = I will come again = and receive you to Myself, = so that where I am, = you may be also.
All in Christ Jesus… are returned to that ‘possession’… that we will have… in the ‘Future’… in the New Heaven and the New Earth… where in dwells… ‘Complete Righteousness and Holiness!’
*** (Romans 5:17-to-21) For if by one man's offense [Adam] = death reigned by one, = much more they = who receive abundance of grace = and the gift of righteousness = shall reign in life = by One, Jesus Christ.
(Rom 5:18) Therefore = as by one offense = sentence came on all men to condemnation, = even so = by the righteousness of One [Christ] = the free gift came to all men = to justification of life.
(Rom 5:19) For as by one man's disobedience = many were made sinners, = so by the obedience of One = shall many be made righteous.
(Rom 5:20) But the Law entered = so that the offense might abound. = But where sin abounded, = grace did much more abound,
(Rom 5:21) so that as sin has reigned to death, = even so grace might reign = through righteousness = to eternal life = by Jesus Christ our Lord.
*** (Hebrews 10:10-to-18) By this = will we are sanctified = through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ = once for all. = [It is Finished]
(Heb 10:11) And indeed every priest stands daily ministering and offering often = the same sacrifices, = which can never take away sins.
(Heb 10:12) But this Man [Christ], = after He had offered = one sacrifice for sins = forever, = sat down on the right of God,
(Heb 10:13) from then on expecting = until His enemies are made His footstool.
(Heb 10:14) For by one offering = He has perfected = forever = those who are sanctified.
(Heb 10:15) The Holy Spirit = also is a witness to us; = for after He had said before,
(Heb 10:16) "This is the covenant = that I will make with them = after those days, = says the Lord; = I will put My Laws into their hearts, = and in their minds = I will write them,"
(Heb 10:17) also He adds, = "their sins and their iniquities = I will remember no more."
(Heb 10:18) Now where remission of these is, = there is no more offering = for sin.
Once ‘One’ knows these “Scriptures”… “All” this becomes clear. That… “Once” for All ‘Time & Eternity’… “Christ Jesus our Passover”… “Paid it All..!” There are no more sacrifices for SIN/SINS! The NT Greek… makes this even clearer when speaking these verses about Forgiveness…!
*** (1John 1:5-to-10) And this is the message which we have heard from Him = and declare to you, = that God is light, = and in Him = is no darkness at all.
(1Jn 1:6) If we say = that we have fellowship with Him = and walk in darkness, = we lie = and do not = practice = The Truth.
(1Jn 1:7) But if = we walk in the light, = as He is in the light, = we have fellowship with one another, = and the blood of Jesus Christ = His Son = cleanses us from all sin.
(1Jn 1:8) If we say that we have no sin, = we deceive ourselves, = and the Truth = is not in us.
(1Jn 1:9) If we confess our sins, = He is faithful and just = to forgive us our sins, = and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
(1Jn 1:10) If we say = that we have not sinned, = we make Him a liar, = and His Word = is not in us.
In this verse… “1Jn 1:7”… ‘Cleanses us from all sin’ = it is in the “Present & Continual Text”. It reads like this in the Greek NT… “Keeps On Cleansing Us!” This is our position in Christ when we are in Him and walk in His Word. When we purposely ‘disobey’ His Holy Word… we can expect God’s “Spanking!” Which of us… wants to be Spanked [Chastened] by God…? These are the “Two Different Types” of ‘Forgiveness’… “Positional and Experiential”.
Are you “Truly Born Again”… by the Holy Spirit of God…? Or do you just have a ‘knowledge’; about God and the Bible… “Without really being His child”…? If you are and you know it… simply confess it to Him, in your own Words. He knows your heart & mind… and Especially = “Your Heart!”
*** (Romans 10:9-to-13) If you declare = with your mouth = that Jesus is Lord, = and believe in your heart = that God raised him from the dead, = you will be saved.
(Rom 10:10) For a person believes = with his heart = and is justified, = and a person declares = with his mouth = and is saved.
(Rom 10:11) For the Scripture says, = "Everyone who believes in him will not be ashamed."
(Rom 10:12) For there is no difference = between Jew and Greek [Gentile], = because they all = have the same Lord, = Who gives richly = to all = who call on Him.
(Rom 10:13) For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
A simple prayer:
“Father God”… up to now… I have had ‘only’ religion and a ‘partial knowledge’ about You and Jesus. I ask you now… ‘the best I know how’… because I believe that “Christ Jesus” died for my sin and rose again. I thank You for His sacrifice for me; and for what He will continue to do in my life; as I yield myself to “Your Holy Word”… and its ‘Authority’ in my life. Take my life, and make it count for You; and for Your Glory! I ask this, in Jesus Precious Name and for Your Glory, Amen & Amen…! Thank You Father God… and help me to yield my life to You as Your child!
Thanks, In Christ, Roger.
Monday, October 25, 2010
“It is ‘Finished!’ – 101”…Blog. [1/2]
“It is ‘Finished!’ – 101”…Blog. [1/2]
*** (John 19:30) Then when Jesus = had received the sour wine, = He said, = It is finished! = And He bowed His head = and gave up the spirit [died].
Many celebrate ‘Christmas’… and ‘Easter’; or should I properly say, “Resurrection Sunday!” ‘Easter’ is actually a Pagan holiday, such as Halloween. In ‘Circa 327 AD’, Emperor Constantine united his empire, doing away with “True Christian” persecution and forever joining both “Pagan & Christian” holidays. Many ‘do not’ know this fact… and thus readily accept the common verbiage. Did you even know that the ‘days’ of the week… are named after heathen gods [small-g]. Much of our speech today has become “PC” [politically correct]… hiding its ‘True Agenda!’
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) Prove = ‘All’ things, = hold fast = to the good.
First, the Law of God… was given to Israel, God’s chosen people. It was their position and purpose… to be God’s Witnesses to the entire World. They fell short of that purpose… even though God, the God of the Bible… validate His ‘Position & Power’… in His ‘10–plagues’ upon Egypt and their gods. And yet, hard hearted Israel… also refused God… ‘10–times’ also.
*** (2Chronicles 6:32-33) And also to = the stranger = who is not of Your people Israel, = but has come from a far country = for Your great name's sake, = and Your mighty hand, = and Your stretched out arm, = if = they come and pray in this house;
(2Chron 6:33) then hear from Heaven, = from Your dwelling-place, = and do according to all that the stranger calls to You for, = so that all people of the earth may know Your name, = and fear You, = as Your people Israel, = and may know that this house which I have built is called by Your name.
*** (Numbers 14:21-22-23) But truly, as I [God] live, = all the earth shall be filled with the glory of Jehovah.
(Num 14:22) Because all those men = who have seen My glory and My miracles = which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, = and have tempted Me [God] = now these ten times, = and have not listened to My voice,
(Num 14:23) surely they = shall not see the land = which I swore to their fathers, = neither shall any of them that provoked Me see it.
Israel was given… Not only the Law, the Statutes, the Precepts, the Ordinances… but to “Show Forgiveness for Sin”… by the daily and yearly… Sacrifices for “SIN/SINS”. This ‘atonement’ was daily… with the smell of ‘Roasting Sacrifices’… permeating the air, every day; as a reminder of this ‘requirement’ of God. Sacrifices for leaders and priests were more than for the common man. Each position of responsibility… held its own recompense. This thought is even carried to the NT also.
*** (Leviticus 14:21-22) And if he is poor = and his hand cannot reach so much, = then he shall take one lamb for a trespass offering to be waved, = to make an atonement for him, = and one-tenth part of fine flour mixed with oil for a food offering, and a log of oil,
(Lev 14:22) and two turtle-doves = or two young pigeons, = such as his hand can reach. = And the one shall be a sin offering, and the other a burnt offering.
*** (James 3:1) Not many of you should become teachers, = my brothers, = because = you know that we who teach = will be judged more severely.
*** (1Timothy 5:17-18) Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of = double honor, = especially those who labor = in Word and doctrine.
(1Ti 5:18) For the Scripture says, = "You shall not muzzle the ox treading out grain," = and, "The laborer is worthy of his reward."
But all these “Sacrifices”… were only “Types and Pictures”… of the ‘Final Sacrifice’… “Christ Jesus”: The Sinless Lamb of God! He was to “The Passover Lamb of God”… the God Man… both God and the Son of Man. Only a “Completely Perfect” – “Sinless Sacrifice” – would do… for all of time and eternity! All those sacrifices… in the OT were congealed; by the future “Sinless Sacrifice” of Christ Jesus, the Messiah. His… “Once for All Time”… did away with those Levitical Sacrifices and that system.
*** (Hebrews 9:19-to-22) For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the Law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water and scarlet wool and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people,
(Heb 9:20) saying, "This is the blood of the covenant which God has enjoined to you."
(Heb 9:21) And likewise he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry.
(Heb 9:22) And almost all things are by the law purged with blood, and without shedding of blood is no remission.
*** (1Corinthians 5:7) Therefore purge out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, as you are unleavened. = For also = Christ our Passover = is sacrificed for us.
*** (Hebrews 9:23-to-28) Therefore it was necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these, but the heavenly things themselves were purified with better sacrifices than these.
(Heb 9:24) For Christ has not entered into the Holy of Holies made with hands, which are the figures of the true, but into Heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.
(Heb 9:25) Nor yet that He should offer Himself often, even as the high priest enters into the Holy of Holies every year with the blood of others
(Heb 9:26) for then He must have suffered often since the foundation of the world, but now once in the end of the world He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
(Heb 9:27) And as it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment,
(Heb 9:28) so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many. = And to those who look for Him = He shall appear the second time = without sin [sacrifice] to salvation.
“To & For” Whom… is this Eternal Sacrifice for Sin completed…? God in His economy of “Free Will for Mankind”… has ‘Allowed’ mankind… to choose “Not to Obey”… God and His Holy Word! God has revealed Himself… to each and every one of those; Born! It is simply their Choice to… “Accept or Deny”… what is done for them in God’s Eternal; Grace & Mercy! Without free will… we would be no more than puppets.
*** (Psalms 19:1-to-4) To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the expanse proclaims His handiwork.
(Psalms 19:2) Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.
(Psalms 19:3) There is no speech nor are there words; their voice is not heard.
(Psalms 19:4) Their line [witness] has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world. In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun,
*** (John 1:9-to-12) He was the true Light; He enlightens every man coming into the world.
(John 1:10) He was in the world, and the world came into being through Him, and the world did not know Him.
(John 1:11) He came to His own, and His own received Him not.
(John 1:12) But as many as received Him, He gave to them authority to become the children of God, to those who believe on His name,
*** (Psalms 98:2-3) Jehovah has made known His salvation; His righteousness He has unveiled to the eyes of the nations.
(Psalms 98:3) He has remembered His mercy and His truth toward the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of Jehovah.
*** (John 3:19-20-21) And this is the condemnation, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil.
(John 3:20) For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
(John 3:21) But he who practices truth comes to the Light so that his works may be revealed, that they exist, having been worked in God.
“NO Excuses”… will ever be enough! Some will even after reading this say… “But what about those in the darkest deepest Jungles of this planet…? That is only to deflect… their own responsibility to God and to His Holy Word! When you ask them… “Do you ‘really’ care about them and what are you ‘doing’… to see that they “Know about JESUS?”… They will simply ‘not’ answer! God commands “All” mankind… everywhere to “Repent!” Most have not… and never will… because they love their “SIN/SINS!”
*** (Acts 17:30-31) Truly, then, God overlooking the times of ignorance, now He strictly commands all men everywhere = to Repent,
(Acts 17:31) because He has appointed a day in which He is going to judge the world in righteousness by a Man whom He appointed, having given proof to all by raising Him from the dead.
*** (Luke 24:46-47-48) He [Jesus] said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ was to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day,
(Luke 24:47) and that = Repentance and forgiveness of sins = is to be proclaimed in his name to all the nations, = beginning at Jerusalem.
(Luke 24:48) You are witnesses of these things.
*** (Luke 13:3-4-5) Absolutely not, I [Jesus] tell you! But if you don't Repent, then you, too, will all die.
(Luke 13:4) What about those eighteen people who were killed when the tower at Siloam fell on them? Do you think they were worse offenders than all the other people living in Jerusalem?
(Luke 13:5) Absolutely not, I tell you! But if you don't Repent, then you, too, will all die."
Continued in next blog.
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
“Those ‘Supernaturals’ Today – 101”…Blog.
“Those ‘Supernaturals’ Today – 101”…Blog.
While visiting my…. “You Tube” account; I found that several of my friends had send me videos about the [Supposed] “Supernatural Healings” happening today [Y2K]. There was even one of a Child going to heaven and seeing God! “Many” are taken in by those [False] “Claims”… and yet Jesus does ‘not’ get the Glory! The glory is given to ‘those’… to whom these things ‘Supposedly’ happen. There are ‘Many’ such claims by people ‘are claiming’ to be Christians… and yet there is… “No Bible Truth”… revealed in their ‘claims’ and in ‘testimonies?’
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If they do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because no light is in them.
*** (Matthew 12:39-40) But He [Jesus] = answered and said to them, = An evil and adulterous generation = seeks after a sign. = And there shall be = no sign = given to it except = the sign of the prophet Jonah.
(Matt 12:40) For as Jonah = was three days and three nights = in the belly of the huge fish, = so the Son of Man = shall be three days and three nights = in the heart of the earth.
*** (Matthew 24:24) For false Christs’ = and false prophets = will arise = and show great signs and wonders; = so much so that, = if it were possible, = they would deceive even the elect.
(Matt 24:25) Behold, = I [Jesus] = have told you = beforehand.
Have you noticed… All the ‘Supernatural’ programs on TV? Worse than that… is the subtle ‘Supernatural’… that has been introduced into “Video Gaming”… that “Most Parents”… are “OBLIVIOUS” To…! It “Snuck” right into; their “Children’s Entertainment”… and they did ‘not’ even realize it! Most simply… “Excuse It Away”… as ‘harmless’ entertainment… and do ‘Not’ see the “Spiritual Damage”… that it does to their Children!
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) For such ones = are false apostles, = deceitful workers, = transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
(2Cor 11:14) Did not even Satan = marvelously transform himself = into an angel of light?
(2Cor 11:15) Therefore = it is no great thing = if his ministers = also transform themselves as ministers of righteousness, = whose end shall be according to their works.
*** (Deuteronomy 18:12-13-14) For all = that do these things = are an abomination = to Jehovah. = And because of these abominations = Jehovah your God = drives them out from before you.
(Deut 18:13) You shall be perfect = with Jehovah = your God.
(Deut 18:14) For these nations = whom you shall possess = listened to observers of clouds = and to diviners. = But as for you, = Jehovah your God = has not allowed you = to do so.
What “Boundaries”… have you established in your “Hearts & Minds?” Just how much… of that which is an “Abomination to God”… will you “Allow”…? Of course you will tell me that You… ‘Do Not’ watch Pornography! But did you know that ‘sometimes’ You allow… “Spiritual Pornography”… into your lives…? Have you ever… “Read a Horoscope”…? Gone to a ‘Fortune Teller’ at a state or county fair…? How about ‘Celebrate’… “Halloween”…? Read or seen any of the ‘Harry Potter’ books or movies? All of those… are nothing more than “Spiritual Pornography!” All of those acts are “Forbidden”… by the Holy Word of God!
*** (Deuteronomy 18:9-to-12) When you come to the land = which Jehovah your God = gives you, = you shall not learn to do = according to = the abominations of those nations.
(Deut 18:10) There shall not be found = among you = anyone who makes his son or his daughter = to pass through the fire, = or that uses divination, = an observer of clouds, = or a fortune-teller, = or a witch,
(Deut 18:11) or a charmer, = or a consulter with familiar spirits, = or a wizard, = or one who calls to the dead.
(Deut 18:12) For all = that do these things = are an abomination to Jehovah. = And because of these abominations = Jehovah your God = drives them out from before you.
The ‘Supernatural’… seems to be woven though out all cultures. Yet, Few… even relate to God. They will readily recognize demons, the anti-Christ, haunted houses and all sorts of such “Nonsense!” Yet they will… “NOT–Recognize” that… “Each ONE”… of us has to answer to himself or herself to God, the God of the Bible. They are willing to hear anything to… Tickle their Ears… and be deceived by the ‘Unexplained’… “Supernatural!” Even to the “X-Files” and “Aliens!”
*** (2Timothy 3:13) But evil men = and seducers = will go forward to worse, = deceiving = and being deceived.
*** (2Timothy 4:3-4) For a time will be = when they will not = endure sound doctrine, = but they will ‘heap-up’ = teachers to themselves = according to their own lusts, = tickling the ear.
(2Tim 4:4) And they will = turn away their ears from the Truth = and will be turned to myths.
*** (2Timothy 2:23) Do not have anything to do = with foolish = and stupid discussions, = because you know = they breed useless arguments.
Do ‘You’ have a Bible…? If you do, then you can know ‘directly’ from the Holy Word of God; what you ‘need to know’… for “Life & Godliness!” Why then would you ‘believe’ someone else…? The entire world is corrupt and its systems are corrupt. They all fall under the dominion of Satan, because of the Disobedience of “Adam & Eve!” Why would you then… look to the ‘Supernatural’ for an answer… Not Knowing… if it was Satan and demons? Wouldn’t it just be better to… “Trust God” and “His Holy Word”… ‘Without’ any Supernatural sings and wonders?
*** (Numbers 23:19) God is not a man = that He should lie, = neither = the son of man that He should repent. = Has He said, = and shall He not do it? = Or has He spoken, = and shall He not make it good?
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through Your Truth. = Your Word = is Truth.
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus answered him, saying, = It is written that = "man shall not live by bread alone, = but by every Word of God."
Many will trust some Supernatural happening… without ever Checking to see what the Word says. Did you know that there is even a “NT Biblical” record of such… to the hurt of a man and his family? Did you also know that the NT Christians… destroyed all their former “Black Arts”… upon their Conversion to Christ…?
*** (Acts 19:13-to-20) And certain from the strolling Jews, = exorcists, = undertook to name the name of the Lord Jesus = over those = having evil spirits, = saying, = We adjure [command] you = by Jesus = whom Paul preaches.
(Act 19:14) And there were seven sons of Sceva, = a Jewish chief priest, = who did so.
(Act 19:15) But answering = the evil spirit said, = Jesus I know, = and I comprehend Paul, = but who are you?
(Act 19:16) And the man = in whom the evil spirit resided = leaped on them, = and overcoming them = he was strong against them, = so that they fled out of the house = naked and wounded.
(Act 19:17) And this was known = to all the Jews and Greeks = who lived at Ephesus, = and fear fell on all of them, = and the name of the Lord Jesus = was magnified.
(Act 19:18) And many = who believed = came and confessed = and showed their deeds.
(Act 19:19) Also many of those = practicing the curious arts, = bringing together the books, = burned them before all. = And they counted the prices of them = and found it to be = fifty thousand pieces of silver.
(Act 19:20) So the Word of God = grew mightily = and prevailed.
How about it…? Have you seen it for what it really is…? Satan is the Author of Confusion! He tries to blur the Truth of the Holy Word of God. Those that ‘do not’… “Hold to the Complete Authority of the Word of God”… are easily deceived by the ‘Supernatural!’ They take all supernatural as coming from God. They do not want… to believe that demons may be interactive in such thing. That is simply because… they have never ‘Read & Studied’… the Holy Word of God! They do not have Gods’ reference point… but that of the World.
*** (Luke 4:5-to-8) And the Devil, = leading Him [Jesus] = up into a high mountain, = showed Him [Jesus] = all the kingdoms of the world = in a moment of time.
(Luke 4:6) And the Devil said to Him [Jesus], = All this power = I [Satan] = will give you, = and the glory of them; = for it has been delivered = to me. = And I give it = to whomever = I will.
(Luke 4:7) Therefore if you will worship me, = all shall be yours.
(Luke 4:8) And Jesus answered and said to him, = Get behind me, Satan! = For it is written, = "You shall worship the Lord your God, = and Him only shall you serve [obey]."
*** (1John 5:19) We know = that we are of God, = and = “All” the world = lies in Evil.
Did you read that…? Jesus ‘never’ said… You [Satan] don’t have such authority! When Adam & Eve disobeyed God… the earth was cursed. Death is the curse of Sin and all it entails. Christ Jesus came as Savior… “Accepted by Few”… “Rejected by Many!” Say it isn’t So…? How many today… say they Love Jesus…? How many of those… Love their Bible and read them and obey the Word? Those numbers are Not the Same! As Jesus is the Living Word… why are there so very many… that say they ‘Love HIM’… and ‘Do Not’ = “Read & Study”… “His Holy Word?”
*** (Matthew 7:21-22-23) Not Everyone = who says to Me [Jesus], = Lord! - Lord! = shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, = but he who does = the will [Word] = of My Father in Heaven.
(Matt 7:22) “MANY” = will say to Me in that day, = Lord! = Lord! = Did we not ‘prophesy’ = in Your name, = and through Your name = ‘throw out’ demons, = and through Your name = do ‘many’ wonderful works?
(Matt 7:23) And then = I [Jesus] = will say to ‘them’ = I [Jesus] = ‘never’ knew you! = Depart from Me, = those working lawlessness!
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Friday, October 22, 2010
“Don’t Believe Me – 201”…Blog. [2/2]
“Don’t Believe Me – 201”…Blog. [2/2]
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = “Searched the Scriptures” = daily = to see = “IF” = those things were so.
… “Knowing ‘About’ GOD”… is “NOT” the same thing as… “Knowing God!”
How well do you know… ‘Your Bible?’ How long have you been “Born Again”; by the Holy Spirit of God? Perhaps, you have ‘never’ been; “Truly Born Again?” ‘No’, I did not ask you “IF” you were a Christian. “MANY” say they are, and yet Christ Jesus said Himself… in His Holy Word… that the “MANY” were not! “Christ Jesus” did ‘not’ say Few… or Some… but “MANY!” Just perhaps… that is why ‘YOU’ are willing to believe: “Anyone”… that speaks about “God”…?
*** (Matthew 7:21-22-23) “NOT = Everyone” = who says to Me [Jesus], = Lord! = Lord! = shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, = but he who does = the will [Word] = of My Father in Heaven.
(Matt 7:22) “MANY” = will say to Me [Jesus] = in that day, = Lord! = Lord! = Did we not prophesy = in Your name, = and through Your name = throw out demons, = and through Your name = do many wonderful works?
(Matt 7:23) And then I [Jesus] = will say to “THEM” = I [Jesus] = Never Knew YOU! = Depart from Me, = those working lawlessness!
Those that ‘Know Jesus’… and Love Him… Also ‘Love’–“His Holy Word!” Their faith grows as they learn more and more of Him; through His Word. Those that ‘do not’… know and study His Word… probably don’t ‘really’ know Him! About now, someone is thinking, “Just who do you think you are… to question my Faith in God” “Many” side step the issue of Jesus being God. ‘Never’ once… did ‘anyone’ ever say… “How dare do you question my faith in Jesus?” They side step the issue of “Christ Jesus”… by saying ‘God’… as a generic term.
*** (Philippians 2:9-10-11) Therefore God = has ‘highly exalted’ = Him [Jesus], = and has given Him a name = which is above every name,
(Philip 2:10) that at the name of Jesus = every knee should bow, = of heavenly ones, = and of earthly ones, = and of ones under the earth;
(Philip 2:11) and that = every tongue should confess = that Jesus Christ is Lord, = to the glory of God the Father.
Can you ‘listen’ to a Bible Teacher… and tell if “He or She”… is a ‘False Teacher’ or “Not?” Many cannot…! How then would of know… ‘If’ you were hearing “The Truth” or “Not?” There are ‘More False Teachers’… than there are “Real Ones!” And just how… does one determine that? By simply “Testing ALL”… with the Holy Word of God! “Christ Jesus” said it would be like in the ‘Days of Noah’… before His return. Just what was it like… in the ‘Days of Noah?’
*** (Luke 17:26) And as it was in the days of Noah, = so it also shall be = in the days of the Son of Man.
*** (Genesis 6:5) And Jehovah = saw that the wickedness of man = was great in the earth, = and every imagination = of the thoughts of his heart = was ‘only’ evil = continually.
Have you ever caught ‘Hell’… for posting Bible verses, somewhere? I have lost ‘Christian’ friends; on several different Social Sites… including ‘Face Book’. You will know “IF” someone; “Really Loves Jesus”… when they are willing to Accept = His Holy Word! Those that “Do Not” really ‘know’ Him… “Do Not”… like His Word. Did you know the Bible even says that…? “Many” say they are Christians and have… “Never”… read through His Word, completely! They would rather… watch a TV program or a Video… rather than ‘discipline’ themselves to “Read & Study”… “His Holy Word!” They simply take a ‘Pick & Choose’ approach… to the Word!
*** (Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, = The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, = if these are His doings. = Do not My words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
*** (2Timothy 2:15-16) Study earnestly = to present yourself = approved to God, = a workman that does not need = to be ashamed, = rightly dividing = the Word of Truth.
(2Tim 2:16) But shun profane, = vain babblings, = for they will increase = to more ungodliness.
*** (2Timothy 3:15-16-17) and that from a child = you have known = the Holy Scriptures, = which are able to make you wise = to salvation = through faith in Christ Jesus.
(2Ti 3:16) All Scripture = is God-breathed, = and is profitable for doctrine, = for reproof, = for correction, = for instruction in righteousness,
(2Ti 3:17) that the man of God = may be perfected, = thoroughly furnished = to every good work.
*** (Isaiah 28:13) But the Word of Jehovah = was to them = precept on precept, = precept on precept; = line on line, = line on line; = here a little, = there a little; = that they might go, = and fall backward, = and be broken = and snared = and taken.
Did you ever know ‘someone’… who claimed to be a ‘Christian’… and then some time later… “Left It?” Or did you ever know ‘someone’ who claimed… that “One”; could Lose their Salvation? You may be ‘sure’ about that person… by how they ‘Treat’ the Holy Word of God. If they are Truly Born Again… the indwelling Holy Spirit… makes the Word… Alive to their Hearts, Mind and Souls! They feed themselves… with the Word. They often say that they cannot get enough of it. That is that… “First Love”… which the Bible speaks about… “Revelation 2:4-5”
*** (1Corinthians 2:10-to-16) But God = has revealed them to us = by His Spirit; = for the Spirit searches all things, = yea, the deep things of God.
(1Cor 2:11) For who among men = knows the things of a man = except the spirit of man within him? = So also no one knows = the things of God = except the Spirit of God.
(1Cor 2:12) But we = have not received the spirit of the world, = but the Spirit from God, = so that we might know = the things = that are freely given to us = by God.
(1Cor 2:13) These things we also speak, = not in words which man's wisdom teaches, = but which the Holy Spirit teaches, = comparing spiritual things = with spiritual.
(1Cor 2:14) But the natural man = does ‘not’ receive = the things of the Spirit of God, = for they are foolishness to him; = neither can = he know them, = because they are spiritually discerned.
(1Cor 2:15) But he who is spiritual = judges all things, = yet he himself = is judged by no one.
(1Cor 2:16) For who has known = the mind of the Lord, = that he may instruct Him? = But we have the mind of Christ.
*** (Ephesians 1:11-to-14) in Whom [Christ] also = we have been chosen = to an inheritance, = being predestinated = according to the purpose of Him = Who works all things = according to the counsel = of His own will,
(Eph 1:12) for us to be = to the praise of His glory, = who previously = had trusted in Christ;
(Eph 1:13) in whom also you, = hearing the Word of Truth, = the gospel of our salvation, = in whom also believing, = you were sealed = with the Holy Spirit of promise,
(Eph 1:14) Who is the earnest = of our inheritance, = to the redemption [of our risen bodies] = of the purchased possession [by the Precious Blood of Jesus], = to the praise of His [Jesus] glory.
Do you… ‘Pick & Choose’… what you want to hear or learn from the Bible? Do you put away all those verses that speak about “Judgment & Damnation?” Do you think that anyone… will ever escape the “Total Judgment” of God; the God of the Bible…? Do you think of God as a ‘Santa Clause’; Who is here to serve your every desire? Have your ears been ‘Tickled’… by such “Preaching & Teaching?” If you do… then you surely ‘do not’ know… the God of the Bible! And that is why… You do NOT check out for yourself… By the Word… “What you are being taught!”
*** (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Let us = hear the conclusion = of the whole matter. = Fear God, = and keep His commandments. = For this is = the whole duty of man.
(Eccl 12:14) For God = shall bring = ‘every work’ = into judgment, = with ‘every’ secret thing, = whether it is good, = or whether evil.
*** (Ecclesiastes 8:11) Because sentence = against an evil work = is ‘not executed’ speedily, = therefore = the heart of the sons of men = is ‘fully’ set = in them = to do evil.
*** (Habakkuk 1:4) Therefore the law = has become helpless, = and justice = does ‘not’ always go forth. = For the wicked ‘entraps’ the righteous; = therefore justice goes forth, = being ‘perverted’.
*** (Isaiah 24:2) And as it is = with the people, = so it shall be with the priest; [Pastor] = as with the servant, = so with the master; = as with the handmaid, = so it is with her mistress; = as with the buyer, = so with the seller; = as with the lender, = so with the borrower; = as with the creditor, = so with the debtor.
You are ‘not’ responsible… for what I believe; ‘nor’ am I responsible for what you believe! Each of us is ‘responsible’ before God; as it is to “HIM”… that we will give an account! All I am trying to do… is to get you to… “Read, Study and Know = what God says in His Holy Word!” The world and those of “PC–Political Correct”… will even ‘Distort’… the message of the Gospel. Have you ever seen a Church Sign that said… “Full Gospel?” What they are saying… is that “Everyone Else”… does ‘not’ give you the ‘Full Gospel’… but only part! Be warned of such False Teachings!
*** (1Peter 3:12) For the eyes of the Lord = are on the righteous, = and His ears = are attentive to their prayer. = But the face of the Lord = is ‘against’ those = who do evil."
*** (Matthew 15:13-14) But He [Jesus] answered and said, = Every plant ‘which’ My heavenly Father [God] = has ‘not’ planted = shall be rooted up.
(Matt 15:14) Let them alone. = They are blind leaders = of the blind. = And if the blind = lead the blind, = both shall fall into the ditch.
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
*** (Matthew 12:30) The one = who is ‘not’ with Me [Jesus] = is against Me, = and the one who does ‘not’ gather = with Me = scatters.
*** (John 12:47-to-50) And if = any one = hears My Words = and does ‘not’ believe, = I [Jesus] do not judge him [now], = for I do not come [this time] = to judge the world, = but to save the world.
(John 12:48) He who rejects = Me [Jesus] = and does ‘not’ receive = My Words = has one who judges him; = the Word = that I have spoken, = the same shall judge him = in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I have not spoken of Myself, = but the Father [God] = Who sent Me [Jesus] = gave Me a command, = ‘what’ I should say, = and ‘what’ I should speak.
(John 12:50) And I know that = His command is life everlasting. = Therefore = whatever I speak, = even as the Father said to Me, = so I speak.
…“Knowing ‘About’ GOD”… is “NOT” the same thing as… “Knowing God!”
Just perhaps… it is time; to get into the Word of God. May I suggest a ‘study’ Bible for you? How about a ‘trusted source’ for good Bible teaching and preaching. Pastor John of “Grace to You”… has been teaching from the Bible for over 40-years. They have for “FREE”… their library opened… so that you may listen and even download MP 3 files of all their messages. You may trust these teachings. “One Warning”… “IF” = you ‘Do Not’… hold to the “Bible’s Complete Authority”… for those “Truly Born Again”… by “God’s Holy Spirit” = “THEN” = You will ‘not’ like this teaching!” IF you do… Then this is the ‘source’ for You!
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = “Searched the Scriptures” = daily = to see = “IF” = those things were so.
… “Knowing ‘About’ GOD”… is “NOT” the same thing as… “Knowing God!”
How well do you know… ‘Your Bible?’ How long have you been “Born Again”; by the Holy Spirit of God? Perhaps, you have ‘never’ been; “Truly Born Again?” ‘No’, I did not ask you “IF” you were a Christian. “MANY” say they are, and yet Christ Jesus said Himself… in His Holy Word… that the “MANY” were not! “Christ Jesus” did ‘not’ say Few… or Some… but “MANY!” Just perhaps… that is why ‘YOU’ are willing to believe: “Anyone”… that speaks about “God”…?
*** (Matthew 7:21-22-23) “NOT = Everyone” = who says to Me [Jesus], = Lord! = Lord! = shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, = but he who does = the will [Word] = of My Father in Heaven.
(Matt 7:22) “MANY” = will say to Me [Jesus] = in that day, = Lord! = Lord! = Did we not prophesy = in Your name, = and through Your name = throw out demons, = and through Your name = do many wonderful works?
(Matt 7:23) And then I [Jesus] = will say to “THEM” = I [Jesus] = Never Knew YOU! = Depart from Me, = those working lawlessness!
Those that ‘Know Jesus’… and Love Him… Also ‘Love’–“His Holy Word!” Their faith grows as they learn more and more of Him; through His Word. Those that ‘do not’… know and study His Word… probably don’t ‘really’ know Him! About now, someone is thinking, “Just who do you think you are… to question my Faith in God” “Many” side step the issue of Jesus being God. ‘Never’ once… did ‘anyone’ ever say… “How dare do you question my faith in Jesus?” They side step the issue of “Christ Jesus”… by saying ‘God’… as a generic term.
*** (Philippians 2:9-10-11) Therefore God = has ‘highly exalted’ = Him [Jesus], = and has given Him a name = which is above every name,
(Philip 2:10) that at the name of Jesus = every knee should bow, = of heavenly ones, = and of earthly ones, = and of ones under the earth;
(Philip 2:11) and that = every tongue should confess = that Jesus Christ is Lord, = to the glory of God the Father.
Can you ‘listen’ to a Bible Teacher… and tell if “He or She”… is a ‘False Teacher’ or “Not?” Many cannot…! How then would of know… ‘If’ you were hearing “The Truth” or “Not?” There are ‘More False Teachers’… than there are “Real Ones!” And just how… does one determine that? By simply “Testing ALL”… with the Holy Word of God! “Christ Jesus” said it would be like in the ‘Days of Noah’… before His return. Just what was it like… in the ‘Days of Noah?’
*** (Luke 17:26) And as it was in the days of Noah, = so it also shall be = in the days of the Son of Man.
*** (Genesis 6:5) And Jehovah = saw that the wickedness of man = was great in the earth, = and every imagination = of the thoughts of his heart = was ‘only’ evil = continually.
Have you ever caught ‘Hell’… for posting Bible verses, somewhere? I have lost ‘Christian’ friends; on several different Social Sites… including ‘Face Book’. You will know “IF” someone; “Really Loves Jesus”… when they are willing to Accept = His Holy Word! Those that “Do Not” really ‘know’ Him… “Do Not”… like His Word. Did you know the Bible even says that…? “Many” say they are Christians and have… “Never”… read through His Word, completely! They would rather… watch a TV program or a Video… rather than ‘discipline’ themselves to “Read & Study”… “His Holy Word!” They simply take a ‘Pick & Choose’ approach… to the Word!
*** (Micah 2:7) House of Jacob, it is said, = The Spirit of Jehovah is limited, = if these are His doings. = Do not My words = do good to him = who walks uprightly?
*** (2Timothy 2:15-16) Study earnestly = to present yourself = approved to God, = a workman that does not need = to be ashamed, = rightly dividing = the Word of Truth.
(2Tim 2:16) But shun profane, = vain babblings, = for they will increase = to more ungodliness.
*** (2Timothy 3:15-16-17) and that from a child = you have known = the Holy Scriptures, = which are able to make you wise = to salvation = through faith in Christ Jesus.
(2Ti 3:16) All Scripture = is God-breathed, = and is profitable for doctrine, = for reproof, = for correction, = for instruction in righteousness,
(2Ti 3:17) that the man of God = may be perfected, = thoroughly furnished = to every good work.
*** (Isaiah 28:13) But the Word of Jehovah = was to them = precept on precept, = precept on precept; = line on line, = line on line; = here a little, = there a little; = that they might go, = and fall backward, = and be broken = and snared = and taken.
Did you ever know ‘someone’… who claimed to be a ‘Christian’… and then some time later… “Left It?” Or did you ever know ‘someone’ who claimed… that “One”; could Lose their Salvation? You may be ‘sure’ about that person… by how they ‘Treat’ the Holy Word of God. If they are Truly Born Again… the indwelling Holy Spirit… makes the Word… Alive to their Hearts, Mind and Souls! They feed themselves… with the Word. They often say that they cannot get enough of it. That is that… “First Love”… which the Bible speaks about… “Revelation 2:4-5”
*** (1Corinthians 2:10-to-16) But God = has revealed them to us = by His Spirit; = for the Spirit searches all things, = yea, the deep things of God.
(1Cor 2:11) For who among men = knows the things of a man = except the spirit of man within him? = So also no one knows = the things of God = except the Spirit of God.
(1Cor 2:12) But we = have not received the spirit of the world, = but the Spirit from God, = so that we might know = the things = that are freely given to us = by God.
(1Cor 2:13) These things we also speak, = not in words which man's wisdom teaches, = but which the Holy Spirit teaches, = comparing spiritual things = with spiritual.
(1Cor 2:14) But the natural man = does ‘not’ receive = the things of the Spirit of God, = for they are foolishness to him; = neither can = he know them, = because they are spiritually discerned.
(1Cor 2:15) But he who is spiritual = judges all things, = yet he himself = is judged by no one.
(1Cor 2:16) For who has known = the mind of the Lord, = that he may instruct Him? = But we have the mind of Christ.
*** (Ephesians 1:11-to-14) in Whom [Christ] also = we have been chosen = to an inheritance, = being predestinated = according to the purpose of Him = Who works all things = according to the counsel = of His own will,
(Eph 1:12) for us to be = to the praise of His glory, = who previously = had trusted in Christ;
(Eph 1:13) in whom also you, = hearing the Word of Truth, = the gospel of our salvation, = in whom also believing, = you were sealed = with the Holy Spirit of promise,
(Eph 1:14) Who is the earnest = of our inheritance, = to the redemption [of our risen bodies] = of the purchased possession [by the Precious Blood of Jesus], = to the praise of His [Jesus] glory.
Do you… ‘Pick & Choose’… what you want to hear or learn from the Bible? Do you put away all those verses that speak about “Judgment & Damnation?” Do you think that anyone… will ever escape the “Total Judgment” of God; the God of the Bible…? Do you think of God as a ‘Santa Clause’; Who is here to serve your every desire? Have your ears been ‘Tickled’… by such “Preaching & Teaching?” If you do… then you surely ‘do not’ know… the God of the Bible! And that is why… You do NOT check out for yourself… By the Word… “What you are being taught!”
*** (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Let us = hear the conclusion = of the whole matter. = Fear God, = and keep His commandments. = For this is = the whole duty of man.
(Eccl 12:14) For God = shall bring = ‘every work’ = into judgment, = with ‘every’ secret thing, = whether it is good, = or whether evil.
*** (Ecclesiastes 8:11) Because sentence = against an evil work = is ‘not executed’ speedily, = therefore = the heart of the sons of men = is ‘fully’ set = in them = to do evil.
*** (Habakkuk 1:4) Therefore the law = has become helpless, = and justice = does ‘not’ always go forth. = For the wicked ‘entraps’ the righteous; = therefore justice goes forth, = being ‘perverted’.
*** (Isaiah 24:2) And as it is = with the people, = so it shall be with the priest; [Pastor] = as with the servant, = so with the master; = as with the handmaid, = so it is with her mistress; = as with the buyer, = so with the seller; = as with the lender, = so with the borrower; = as with the creditor, = so with the debtor.
You are ‘not’ responsible… for what I believe; ‘nor’ am I responsible for what you believe! Each of us is ‘responsible’ before God; as it is to “HIM”… that we will give an account! All I am trying to do… is to get you to… “Read, Study and Know = what God says in His Holy Word!” The world and those of “PC–Political Correct”… will even ‘Distort’… the message of the Gospel. Have you ever seen a Church Sign that said… “Full Gospel?” What they are saying… is that “Everyone Else”… does ‘not’ give you the ‘Full Gospel’… but only part! Be warned of such False Teachings!
*** (1Peter 3:12) For the eyes of the Lord = are on the righteous, = and His ears = are attentive to their prayer. = But the face of the Lord = is ‘against’ those = who do evil."
*** (Matthew 15:13-14) But He [Jesus] answered and said, = Every plant ‘which’ My heavenly Father [God] = has ‘not’ planted = shall be rooted up.
(Matt 15:14) Let them alone. = They are blind leaders = of the blind. = And if the blind = lead the blind, = both shall fall into the ditch.
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
*** (Matthew 12:30) The one = who is ‘not’ with Me [Jesus] = is against Me, = and the one who does ‘not’ gather = with Me = scatters.
*** (John 12:47-to-50) And if = any one = hears My Words = and does ‘not’ believe, = I [Jesus] do not judge him [now], = for I do not come [this time] = to judge the world, = but to save the world.
(John 12:48) He who rejects = Me [Jesus] = and does ‘not’ receive = My Words = has one who judges him; = the Word = that I have spoken, = the same shall judge him = in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I have not spoken of Myself, = but the Father [God] = Who sent Me [Jesus] = gave Me a command, = ‘what’ I should say, = and ‘what’ I should speak.
(John 12:50) And I know that = His command is life everlasting. = Therefore = whatever I speak, = even as the Father said to Me, = so I speak.
…“Knowing ‘About’ GOD”… is “NOT” the same thing as… “Knowing God!”
Just perhaps… it is time; to get into the Word of God. May I suggest a ‘study’ Bible for you? How about a ‘trusted source’ for good Bible teaching and preaching. Pastor John of “Grace to You”… has been teaching from the Bible for over 40-years. They have for “FREE”… their library opened… so that you may listen and even download MP 3 files of all their messages. You may trust these teachings. “One Warning”… “IF” = you ‘Do Not’… hold to the “Bible’s Complete Authority”… for those “Truly Born Again”… by “God’s Holy Spirit” = “THEN” = You will ‘not’ like this teaching!” IF you do… Then this is the ‘source’ for You!
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
“Don’t Believe Me – 101”…Blog. [1/?]
“Don’t Believe Me – 101”…Blog. [1/?]
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = “Searched the Scriptures” = daily = to see = “IF” = those things were so.
“Don’t Believe Me”… and what I write in these blogs… “Unless”… ‘You’ go to the Holy Word of God: and “Verify with the Word”… what I say is True! I will even go even further… “Don’t Believe”, your Pastor of your Church… “Unless ‘you’ do the Same!” “Don’t believe”, that Radio or TV Preacher… “Unless ‘you’ do the Same!” “None” of us are perfect and we like all others; can be mistaken: No, I should say… “Wrong”… in something we say! May I be so bold as to say… “Lazy People”; with little “Responsibility”… are ready “To Believe”–“Everything & Anything!”
*** (Galatians 2:11-to-16) But when ‘Peter’ came to Antioch, = I [Paul] = opposed ‘him’ to his face, = because = he = was to be blamed.
(Gal 2:12) For before some came from James, = he ate with the nations [Gentile Christians]. = But when they came, = he withdrew and separated himself, = fearing those of the circumcision [Jewish Christians].
(Gal 2:13) And the rest of the Jews [Christians] = also dissembled with him, = so as even Barnabas = was led away with their dissembling.
(Gal 2:14) But when I [Paul] = saw that they ‘did not’ walk uprightly = with the truth of the gospel, = I said to Peter = before all, = If you, = being a Jew, = live as a Gentile, = and not as the Jews, = why do you compel the nations [Gentiles] to Judaize?
(Gal 2:15) We Jews by nature, = and not sinners of the nations,
(Gal 2:16) knowing = that a man = is ‘not’ justified = by works of the Law, = but through faith in Jesus Christ; = even we believed in Jesus Christ, = that we might be justified = by the faith in Christ, = and not by works of the Law. = For all flesh will not be justified by works of law.
Here is an ‘example’… right from the Scriptures! Paul had to rebuke Peter, for his error in “Practice and Teaching”. It is no different today. Today, there are some Good Bible Teachers… and there are some… “Outright Liars!” Can you tell the difference? “IF”… you know the Holy Word of God… and what it teaches… you can then ‘Discern’… between “Lies & Truth!” If you have no such desire… ‘to do so’… just perhaps you had better see… If – “YOU”… are “Truly Born Again”…?
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = If = they do not hear Moses = and the Prophets, = they will not be persuaded, = even though = one rose from the dead.
*** (Isa 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If = they do not speak according to this Word, = it is because = no light is in them.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) ‘PROVE’ = All Things, = hold fast to the good.
*** (Ephesians 5:9) for the fruit of the Spirit = is in all goodness = and righteousness = and Truth,
(Eph 5:10) Proving = what is acceptable = to the Lord.
(Eph 5:11) And have no fellowship = with the unfruitful works of darkness, = but rather reprove them.
“MOST”, that say… they are Christians; are only so in Word! “MOST”, who say they are Christian; are “Not SO”… in “Practice!” “MOST”, who say they are Christian; do not Know, Read or Study… their Bibles! The simply believe ‘Any & all”… that is told to them. They have “NO” Spiritual Discernment… to be able to decide… “What is Truth” and “What are Lies!” Right away someone will say to me… “You are judging and Only God can Judge!” That is because they; do not properly understand and know the “Scriptures” or “True Biblical Judging!”
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
*** (1Timothy 5:20) Those who sin, = rebuke before all, = so that the rest also may fear [God].
*** (1Corinthians 6:5-6) For I speak to your shame. = Is it so = that there is not a wise one among you, = not even ‘one’ = in your midst = who shall be able to judge between his brother?
(1Cor 6:6) But brother goes to law = with brother, = and that before = the unbelievers.
Can you see of ‘What’… is being said here? We have become a nation of… ‘Non–Thinkers!’ We have been shoveled so very much… manure… from and by the Entertainment Media; that we are willing to ‘Accept Anything’… as Truth! Especially from the “Churches” and “Pastors” and “Supposed ‘Bible’ Teachers!” May I share with you and practical example? There is a Face Book application called… “God wants you to Know – A message from God!” There is more heresy there, because what they say & teach… is NOT from the Bible.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) ‘PROVE’ = All Things, = hold fast to the good.
“Knowing ‘About’ GOD”… is “NOT” the same as “Knowing God!” Many know about God, and many more use… ‘God Talk’… with is “Only Religious!” It may ‘NOT’… be the “Absolute Truth of God!” Many ‘False Churches’ and ‘False Bible Teachers’; are prevalent today. When one says ‘this fact’… they are immediately deemed… “Hyper–Critical” and even “Mean Spirited!” They are soon ‘Branded’ as… “Un–Loving” & “Un–Christ like!” What “MOST” fail to realize… is that Satan’s camp… is in the Churches… and “NOT”… in the World. He has the World… blinded already!
*** (2Corinthians 4:3-4) So = if our gospel is hidden, = it is veiled to those = who are dying [spiritually].
(2Cor 4:4) In their case, = the god of this world [Satan] = has blinded the minds = of those = who do not believe = to keep them from seeing = the light = of the glorious gospel of Christ, = Who is the image of God.
*** (John 3:19-20-21) And this is the condemnation, = that the Light [Christ] = has come into the world, = and men = loved darkness = rather than the Light [Christ], = because = their deeds were evil.
(John 3:20) For everyone = who does evil hates the Light [Christ], = and does not come to the Light [Christ], = lest his deeds should be exposed.
(John 3:21) But he who practices Truth = comes to the Light [Christ] = so that his works may be revealed, = that they exist, having been worked in God.
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) For such ones = are false apostles, = deceitful workers, = transforming themselves = into the apostles of Christ.
(2Cor 11:14) Did not even Satan = marvelously transform himself = into an angel of light?
(2Cor 11:15) Therefore it is no great thing = if his [Satan] ministers = also transform themselves as ministers of righteousness, = whose end shall be according to their works.
Can you see… where this is ‘Leading?’ Once again; “Knowing ‘About’ GOD”… is “NOT” the same as “Knowing God!” Satan uses… ‘God Talk’… to keep the ‘Blind’… “Blinded”; to the Truth of the Holy Word of God! His ‘False Teachers’… both men and women… can be seen in Pulpits; on TV; on the Radio; and on the Internet! How do you know… ‘Who is who’… and ‘Which is which?’ In simplicity… it is what they “Teach & Preach”… about the “Complete Authority” of the Holy Word of God. Often times they ‘substitute’; there ‘own’ interpretation of what the Bible says.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = “Searched the Scriptures” = ‘daily’ = to see = “IF” = those things were so.
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] answered and said, = It is written, = "Man shall not live by bread alone, = but by every word = that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus answered him, saying, = It is written that = "man shall not live by bread alone, = but by every Word of God."
Many of the ‘False Teachers’… will not validate what they say… with the Holy Word of God! They often offer… “Kingdom Authority and Promises”… to their listeners and get them to wrongly believe… that they have the ‘same’ authority that the Apostles had. They often claim complete authority over Satan, Sickness and All manner of Evil. They often ‘falsely claim’ that demons are to blame for ones woes… and “NOT their Own Sin!” They take away the “Personal Responsibility” for sin… and then call it… the Demon of Lust, Sex, Greed and the like! Seldom if ever; do you hear them say… “It Is Written!”
*** (James 1:14-15-16) Instead, = each person is tempted = by his own desire, = being lured = and = trapped by it.
(Jas 1:15) When that desire becomes pregnant, = it gives birth to sin; = and when that sin grows up, = it gives birth to death.
(Jas 1:16) Do not be deceived, = my dear brothers.
*** (Romans 6:16) Don't you know = that when you = offer yourselves = to someone = as obedient slaves, = you are slaves = of the one you obey = either of sin, = which leads to death, = or of obedience = which leads to righteousness?
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = Doers of the Word, = and Not = merely hearers = who Deceive themselves.
*** (Luke 6:46) "Why do you keep calling = Me [Jesus] = 'Lord, = Lord,' = but Don't Do = what I [Jesus] = tell you?
YOU make a choice for “SIN/SINS”…! And you make the ‘Choice’… “To Obey the Holy Word of God”… or “Not!” Many times… because the consequences of Sin are not ‘immediately’ apparent… we wrongly think… that we “Graced–Over those Sins!” That is another of the “LIES”… taught by many of the ‘False Teachers’…! Each time we choose to sin… we give up a little of our souls… and its ability to ‘Hear & Obey God’; and His Holy Word! Choose… “Not to SIN”… and you will be better off! Don’t watch that TV Program that promotes Sexual Immorality! Don’t watch those Violence programs that dull our ‘senses and sensitivity’ to… Violence! Ever wonder why Women ‘never’ Blush… but instead of… wear “Blush Makeup?”
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) Now there were false prophets = among the people, = just as there also will be = false teachers among you, = who will secretly introduce = destructive heresies = and even deny the Master who bought them, = bringing swift destruction on themselves.
(2Pet 2:2) Many people = will follow their immoral ways, = and because of them = the way of Truth = will be maligned.
*** (1John 4:1) Beloved, = do not believe = every spirit, = but try the spirits = to see if they are of God, = because many false prophets = have gone out into the world.
*** (Jude 1:3-4) Dear friends, = although I was eager to write to you = about the salvation we share, = I found it necessary to write to you = and urge you = to continue your vigorous defense of the faith = that was passed down to the saints once and for all.
(Jude 1:4) For some people have slipped in among you unnoticed. = They were written about long ago = as being deserving of this condemnation = because they are ungodly. = They turn the grace of our God = into uncontrollable lust and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Continued in next blog…
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = “Searched the Scriptures” = daily = to see = “IF” = those things were so.
“Don’t Believe Me”… and what I write in these blogs… “Unless”… ‘You’ go to the Holy Word of God: and “Verify with the Word”… what I say is True! I will even go even further… “Don’t Believe”, your Pastor of your Church… “Unless ‘you’ do the Same!” “Don’t believe”, that Radio or TV Preacher… “Unless ‘you’ do the Same!” “None” of us are perfect and we like all others; can be mistaken: No, I should say… “Wrong”… in something we say! May I be so bold as to say… “Lazy People”; with little “Responsibility”… are ready “To Believe”–“Everything & Anything!”
*** (Galatians 2:11-to-16) But when ‘Peter’ came to Antioch, = I [Paul] = opposed ‘him’ to his face, = because = he = was to be blamed.
(Gal 2:12) For before some came from James, = he ate with the nations [Gentile Christians]. = But when they came, = he withdrew and separated himself, = fearing those of the circumcision [Jewish Christians].
(Gal 2:13) And the rest of the Jews [Christians] = also dissembled with him, = so as even Barnabas = was led away with their dissembling.
(Gal 2:14) But when I [Paul] = saw that they ‘did not’ walk uprightly = with the truth of the gospel, = I said to Peter = before all, = If you, = being a Jew, = live as a Gentile, = and not as the Jews, = why do you compel the nations [Gentiles] to Judaize?
(Gal 2:15) We Jews by nature, = and not sinners of the nations,
(Gal 2:16) knowing = that a man = is ‘not’ justified = by works of the Law, = but through faith in Jesus Christ; = even we believed in Jesus Christ, = that we might be justified = by the faith in Christ, = and not by works of the Law. = For all flesh will not be justified by works of law.
Here is an ‘example’… right from the Scriptures! Paul had to rebuke Peter, for his error in “Practice and Teaching”. It is no different today. Today, there are some Good Bible Teachers… and there are some… “Outright Liars!” Can you tell the difference? “IF”… you know the Holy Word of God… and what it teaches… you can then ‘Discern’… between “Lies & Truth!” If you have no such desire… ‘to do so’… just perhaps you had better see… If – “YOU”… are “Truly Born Again”…?
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = If = they do not hear Moses = and the Prophets, = they will not be persuaded, = even though = one rose from the dead.
*** (Isa 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If = they do not speak according to this Word, = it is because = no light is in them.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) ‘PROVE’ = All Things, = hold fast to the good.
*** (Ephesians 5:9) for the fruit of the Spirit = is in all goodness = and righteousness = and Truth,
(Eph 5:10) Proving = what is acceptable = to the Lord.
(Eph 5:11) And have no fellowship = with the unfruitful works of darkness, = but rather reprove them.
“MOST”, that say… they are Christians; are only so in Word! “MOST”, who say they are Christian; are “Not SO”… in “Practice!” “MOST”, who say they are Christian; do not Know, Read or Study… their Bibles! The simply believe ‘Any & all”… that is told to them. They have “NO” Spiritual Discernment… to be able to decide… “What is Truth” and “What are Lies!” Right away someone will say to me… “You are judging and Only God can Judge!” That is because they; do not properly understand and know the “Scriptures” or “True Biblical Judging!”
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
*** (1Timothy 5:20) Those who sin, = rebuke before all, = so that the rest also may fear [God].
*** (1Corinthians 6:5-6) For I speak to your shame. = Is it so = that there is not a wise one among you, = not even ‘one’ = in your midst = who shall be able to judge between his brother?
(1Cor 6:6) But brother goes to law = with brother, = and that before = the unbelievers.
Can you see of ‘What’… is being said here? We have become a nation of… ‘Non–Thinkers!’ We have been shoveled so very much… manure… from and by the Entertainment Media; that we are willing to ‘Accept Anything’… as Truth! Especially from the “Churches” and “Pastors” and “Supposed ‘Bible’ Teachers!” May I share with you and practical example? There is a Face Book application called… “God wants you to Know – A message from God!” There is more heresy there, because what they say & teach… is NOT from the Bible.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) ‘PROVE’ = All Things, = hold fast to the good.
“Knowing ‘About’ GOD”… is “NOT” the same as “Knowing God!” Many know about God, and many more use… ‘God Talk’… with is “Only Religious!” It may ‘NOT’… be the “Absolute Truth of God!” Many ‘False Churches’ and ‘False Bible Teachers’; are prevalent today. When one says ‘this fact’… they are immediately deemed… “Hyper–Critical” and even “Mean Spirited!” They are soon ‘Branded’ as… “Un–Loving” & “Un–Christ like!” What “MOST” fail to realize… is that Satan’s camp… is in the Churches… and “NOT”… in the World. He has the World… blinded already!
*** (2Corinthians 4:3-4) So = if our gospel is hidden, = it is veiled to those = who are dying [spiritually].
(2Cor 4:4) In their case, = the god of this world [Satan] = has blinded the minds = of those = who do not believe = to keep them from seeing = the light = of the glorious gospel of Christ, = Who is the image of God.
*** (John 3:19-20-21) And this is the condemnation, = that the Light [Christ] = has come into the world, = and men = loved darkness = rather than the Light [Christ], = because = their deeds were evil.
(John 3:20) For everyone = who does evil hates the Light [Christ], = and does not come to the Light [Christ], = lest his deeds should be exposed.
(John 3:21) But he who practices Truth = comes to the Light [Christ] = so that his works may be revealed, = that they exist, having been worked in God.
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) For such ones = are false apostles, = deceitful workers, = transforming themselves = into the apostles of Christ.
(2Cor 11:14) Did not even Satan = marvelously transform himself = into an angel of light?
(2Cor 11:15) Therefore it is no great thing = if his [Satan] ministers = also transform themselves as ministers of righteousness, = whose end shall be according to their works.
Can you see… where this is ‘Leading?’ Once again; “Knowing ‘About’ GOD”… is “NOT” the same as “Knowing God!” Satan uses… ‘God Talk’… to keep the ‘Blind’… “Blinded”; to the Truth of the Holy Word of God! His ‘False Teachers’… both men and women… can be seen in Pulpits; on TV; on the Radio; and on the Internet! How do you know… ‘Who is who’… and ‘Which is which?’ In simplicity… it is what they “Teach & Preach”… about the “Complete Authority” of the Holy Word of God. Often times they ‘substitute’; there ‘own’ interpretation of what the Bible says.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = “Searched the Scriptures” = ‘daily’ = to see = “IF” = those things were so.
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] answered and said, = It is written, = "Man shall not live by bread alone, = but by every word = that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus answered him, saying, = It is written that = "man shall not live by bread alone, = but by every Word of God."
Many of the ‘False Teachers’… will not validate what they say… with the Holy Word of God! They often offer… “Kingdom Authority and Promises”… to their listeners and get them to wrongly believe… that they have the ‘same’ authority that the Apostles had. They often claim complete authority over Satan, Sickness and All manner of Evil. They often ‘falsely claim’ that demons are to blame for ones woes… and “NOT their Own Sin!” They take away the “Personal Responsibility” for sin… and then call it… the Demon of Lust, Sex, Greed and the like! Seldom if ever; do you hear them say… “It Is Written!”
*** (James 1:14-15-16) Instead, = each person is tempted = by his own desire, = being lured = and = trapped by it.
(Jas 1:15) When that desire becomes pregnant, = it gives birth to sin; = and when that sin grows up, = it gives birth to death.
(Jas 1:16) Do not be deceived, = my dear brothers.
*** (Romans 6:16) Don't you know = that when you = offer yourselves = to someone = as obedient slaves, = you are slaves = of the one you obey = either of sin, = which leads to death, = or of obedience = which leads to righteousness?
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = Doers of the Word, = and Not = merely hearers = who Deceive themselves.
*** (Luke 6:46) "Why do you keep calling = Me [Jesus] = 'Lord, = Lord,' = but Don't Do = what I [Jesus] = tell you?
YOU make a choice for “SIN/SINS”…! And you make the ‘Choice’… “To Obey the Holy Word of God”… or “Not!” Many times… because the consequences of Sin are not ‘immediately’ apparent… we wrongly think… that we “Graced–Over those Sins!” That is another of the “LIES”… taught by many of the ‘False Teachers’…! Each time we choose to sin… we give up a little of our souls… and its ability to ‘Hear & Obey God’; and His Holy Word! Choose… “Not to SIN”… and you will be better off! Don’t watch that TV Program that promotes Sexual Immorality! Don’t watch those Violence programs that dull our ‘senses and sensitivity’ to… Violence! Ever wonder why Women ‘never’ Blush… but instead of… wear “Blush Makeup?”
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) Now there were false prophets = among the people, = just as there also will be = false teachers among you, = who will secretly introduce = destructive heresies = and even deny the Master who bought them, = bringing swift destruction on themselves.
(2Pet 2:2) Many people = will follow their immoral ways, = and because of them = the way of Truth = will be maligned.
*** (1John 4:1) Beloved, = do not believe = every spirit, = but try the spirits = to see if they are of God, = because many false prophets = have gone out into the world.
*** (Jude 1:3-4) Dear friends, = although I was eager to write to you = about the salvation we share, = I found it necessary to write to you = and urge you = to continue your vigorous defense of the faith = that was passed down to the saints once and for all.
(Jude 1:4) For some people have slipped in among you unnoticed. = They were written about long ago = as being deserving of this condemnation = because they are ungodly. = They turn the grace of our God = into uncontrollable lust and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Continued in next blog…
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.