“Thanksgiving Day, 2010 – 101”…Blog.
When one ‘hears’ the word… “Thanksgiving”… what does one; think of? Is it a ‘day’ on the calendar in November…? In Canada, ‘Thanksgiving’ day is in October! Is it the ‘Turkey and all the fix-ens’…? Is it the start of shopping for what one; will buy for ‘others’ for Christmas…? What about ‘all’ the other countries that do not; Celebrate Thanksgiving…? Does Thanksgiving have some ‘Special’… Spiritual and Social meaning… only to Americans…?
*** (1Thessalonians 5:18) In everything = give thanks, = for this is the will of God = in Christ Jesus = concerning you.
*** (2Timothy 3:12-13) Yea, and = ‘All’ = who desire = to live godly in Christ Jesus = will be persecuted.
(2Tim 3:13) But = evil men and seducers = will go forward to worse, = deceiving = and being deceived.
*** (Romans 3:24-25-26) By His grace they are justified freely = through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
(Rom 3:25) Whom God offered = as a place where atonement = by Christ's blood = could occur through faith. = He did this = to demonstrate His righteousness, = because He had waited patiently to deal with sins committed in the past.
(Rom 3:26) He wanted to demonstrate = at the present time = that He Himself is righteous = and = that He justifies the person = who has the faithfulness of Jesus.
*** (1Corinthians 15:19) If = in this life only = we have hope in Christ, = we are of all men = most miserable.
“True Thankfulness”… to God for our situation; transcends ‘any’ blessings or tribulations; we may have or about to have. It sees that ‘All Things’… are by His sovereign control… and that we are ‘not’ always; going to know what He is doing; in and through our lives! IF you can trust your ‘eternal destiny’ to Him… shouldn’t you trust your ‘present and future’… state also…? Remember, God, the God of the Bible… is ‘Not’… Santa Clause; at your beacon call! He "GOD"... has promised you… “His Grace” [2Corinthians 12:8-9-10] … in and for the ‘good’ and the ‘bad!’
*** (Isaiah 55:8-9) For = My thoughts = are not your thoughts, = nor your ways = My ways, = says Jehovah [God].
(Isa 55:9) For = as the heavens = are higher than the earth, = so are My ways = higher than your ways, = and = My thoughts = than your thoughts.
*** (Job 2:7-10) And Satan = went forth from the presence of Jehovah [God] = and struck Job = with sore boils = from the sole of his foot = to the top of his head.
(Job 2:8) And he took a broken piece of pottery = to scrape himself with. = And he sat down among the ashes.
(Job 2:9) And = his ‘wife’ said to him, = Do you still hold to your integrity? = Curse God and die!
(Job 2:10) But = he said to her, = You speak as = one of the ‘foolish’ ones speak. = What? = Shall we receive good at the hand of God, = and = shall we not receive evil? = In all this = Job did not sin with his lips.
*** (Habakkuk 3:17-18-19) Though = the fig tree shall not blossom, = and fruit is not on the vines; = the labor of the olive fails, = and the fields yield no food. = The flock is cut off from the fold, = and no herd is in the stalls;
(Hab 3:18) yet = I will rejoice in Jehovah, = I will joy = in the God of my salvation.
(Hab 3:19) Jehovah the Lord is my strength, = and He will make my feet like hinds' feet, = and He will make me to walk on my high places. = To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.
*** (Exodus 4:11) And = Jehovah [God] = said to him, = Who = has made man's mouth? = Or Who = makes the dumb, = or deaf, = or the seeing, = or the blind? = Have not I, = Jehovah?
*** (Genesis 18:25) Far be it from You [God] = to act in this manner, = to kill the righteous = with the wicked. = And far be it from You, = that the righteous should be as the wicked. = Shall not the Judge = of all the earth = do right?
Somehow “Millions”… live their lives excluding God… from all that happens! But when something goes wrong; we say… “How could God allow this…?” But did you know; our ‘limited control’ over life… is only an illusion…? I find the ‘biggest’ problem in my life is… “ I ”…! I want to ‘think’ my own way [2Corinthians 10:3-to-6], and ‘do’ what pleases me! I have to ‘Continually Remember’… that I am ‘not’ mine; but I am “Christ’s”… and am here to serve Him, and not myself…!
*** (James 4:13-16) Come now, = those saying, = Today or tomorrow = we will go into such a city = and = spend a year there, = and = we will trade = and = will make a profit,
(Jas 4:14) who = do not know = of the morrow. = For what is your life? = For it is = a vapor, = which appears for = a little time, = and then disappears.
(Jas 4:15) Instead of you saying, = If the Lord wills, = we shall live = and do this = or that.
(Jas 4:16) But now = you boast = in your = presumptions. = All = such boasting = is evil.
*** (Romans 14:7-8-9) For = none of us = lives to himself, = and = no one dies = to himself.
(Rom 14:8) For both = if we live, = we live to the Lord; = and = if we die, = we die to the Lord. = Therefore both = if we live, = and if we die, = we are = the Lord's.
(Rom 14:9) For this = Christ [Jesus] = both died = and rose = and lived again, = that He might be Lord [Boss] = both of the dead = and living.
*** (Philippians 2:5-to-11) For = let this mind be in you = which was also in Christ Jesus,
(Php 2:6) Who, = being in the form of God [Colossians 1:15], = thought it not robbery = to be equal with God [Exodus 24:9-10-11],
(Php 2:7) but = made Himself = of no reputation, = and = took upon Himself = the form of a servant, = and = was made in the likeness of men [Hebrews 4:14-15-16].
(Php 2:8) And = being found in fashion as a man, = He humbled Himself = and = became obedient unto death [1Corinthians 5:17], = even the death of the cross [John 10:17-18].
(Php 2:9) Therefore God = has highly exalted Him, = and = has given Him a name = which is ‘above’ every name [Revelation 5:5-10],
(Php 2:10) that = at the name of Jesus = every knee should bow, = of heavenly ones, = and = of earthly ones, = and = of ones under the earth;
(Php 2:11) and = that every tongue = should confess that = Jesus Christ is Lord [John 12:44-48], = to the glory of God the Father.
*** (Rom 6:16) Do you = not know = that ‘to whom’ = you yield yourselves = as ‘slaves’ for obedience, = you are ‘slaves’ to him = whom you ‘obey’; = whether = it is of ‘sin’ to death, = or = of ‘obedience’ = to righteousness.
(Rom 6:17) But = thanks be to our God = that you were = the slaves of sin, = but = you have ‘obeyed’ = from the heart = that form of doctrine = to which you were delivered [Ephesians 1:1-7].
(Rom 6:18) Then being made = free from sin, = you = became the slaves of righteousness.
Un–Thankfulness”… is the Ultimate Sin…! God has provides Eternal Salvation; and “Many”… have rejected it…!
*** (Revelation 21:8) But the fearful, = and the unbelieving, = and the abominable, = and murderers, = and whoremongers, = and sorcerers, = and idolaters, = and all liars, = will have their part in the Lake burning with fire and brimstone, = which is the second death.
*** (Hebrews 10:28) He who despised Moses' Law = died without mercy = on the word of two or three witnesses.
(Heb 10:29) Of how much worse punishment, = do you suppose, = will he be thought worthy of punishment, = the one = who has trampled the Son of God, = and who has counted the blood of the covenant = with which he was sanctified an unholy thing, = and has insulted the Spirit of grace?
(Heb 10:30) For = we know Him = Who has said, = "Vengeance belongs to Me, = I will repay, says the Lord." = And again, = "The Lord shall judge His people."
(Heb 10:31) It is a fearful thing = to fall into the hands = of the living God.
*** (Romans 10:9-13) Because = if = you confess the Lord Jesus, = and = believe in your heart = that God has raised Him = from the dead, = you shall be saved.
(Rom 10:10) For = with the heart = one believes unto righteousness, = and = with the mouth = one confesses unto salvation.
(Rom 10:11) For the Scripture says, = "Everyone believing on Him [John 7:38-39] = shall not be put to shame."
(Rom 10:12) For there is no difference = both of Jew = and of Greek [Gentile], = for the same Lord [Jesus] = over all = is rich = to all = who call on Him.
(Rom 10:13) For everyone, = "whoever = shall call on the name = of the Lord = will be saved."
*** (Luke 18:13) And = standing afar off, = the tax-collector = would not even lift up his eyes to Heaven, = but struck on his breast, saying, = God = be merciful to me = a sinner!
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving – 2010…!
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Email: atruth459@yahoo.com
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
“Conviction or Preference – 101”…Blog.
“Conviction or Preference – 101”…Blog.
*** (Matthew 7:21-23) Not everyone = who says to Me [Jesus] =, Lord! = Lord! = Shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, = but he who does = the will [Word] of My Father in Heaven.
(Matt 7:22) “MANY” = will say to Me [Jesus] = in that day, = Lord! = Lord! = Did we not prophesy = in Your name, = and = through Your name = throw out demons, = and = through Your name = do many wonderful works?
(Matt 7:23) And then = I [Jesus] = will say to them = I never knew you! = Depart from Me, = those working lawlessness!
Do you know the “Difference”…? Many say they ‘Believe the Bible’… but ‘do not’ obey; The Holy Word of God. Did you read in the above Scripture verse… ‘That is WHAT… Jesus Said!” Not the Few… nor the Some… “But Many!” A “Preference”… is what you ‘prefer or choose’. It may be a food group, like ‘Desert!’ Or it may be a particular TV or Video. It may even be a favorite Song… or even a Sports Team! Those are all; “Preferences”… like flavors of Ice Cream!
*** (Revelation 2:10-11) Do not = at all fear [Psalms 56:3] = what you are about to suffer [1Thes 3:4]. = Behold, = the Devil will cast some of you into prison, = so that you may be tried. And you will have tribulation ten days [Matthew 10:19-20]. Be faithful to death, = and = I [Jesus] = will give you = the crown of life.
(Rev 2:11) He who has an ear, = let him hear = what the Spirit says to the churches. = He who overcomes = will not be hurt = by the second death.
*** (1Peter 3:14-17) But = if you also suffer for righteousness' sake, = you are blessed. = And do not fear = their fear, = nor be troubled,
(1Pe 3:15) but = sanctify the Lord God = in your hearts, = and = be ready always to give an answer = to everyone = who asks you a reason = of the hope in you, = with meekness and fear;
(1Pe 3:16) having a good conscience, = that while they = speak against you as evildoers = they may be shamed, = those falsely accusing = your good behavior in Christ.
(1Pe 3:17) For it is better, = if the will of God wills it, = to suffer for well-doing = than for evil-doing.
*** (Hebrews 11:36-40) Still “OTHERS” = endured taunts and floggings, = and even chains = and imprisonment.
(Heb 11:37) They were stoned to death, = sawed in half, = and = killed with swords. = They went around = in sheepskins and goatskins. = They were needy, = oppressed, = and mistreated.
(Heb 11:38) The world wasn't worthy of them. = They wandered in deserts, = mountains, = caves, = and holes in the ground.
(Heb 11:39) All these people = won approval [from GOD] = for their faith = but = did not receive what was promised,
(Heb 11:40) since God = had planned something better for us = so that they = would not become complete = without us.
These above verses… speak to the “Issue of Conviction!” Conviction means you ‘Will’… even suffer Death… for what you Believe! Not many today, have such a conviction about the Bible and its Truth. ‘MOST’… belong to the; ‘First Church of Rodney King’… “Can’t we all… Just get Along”…? They would rather have the friendship of the… “Outright Blatant Religious”… than to “Defend the Holy Word of God!” When shown a Bible verse, their response is always… “That’s your interpretation!” They know nothing of those of Faith… that have given their lives… for the Truth!
*** (Romans 10:3-4) For they, = being ignorant of God's righteousness = and = going about = to establish their own righteousness, = have not = submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.
*** (John 12:43) For they = loved the praise of men = more than = the praise of God.
Fox’s book of Martyrs!
http://www.jesus.org.uk/vault/library/foxes_book_of_martyrs.pdf [download]
Have you ever read this book…? If you have ever been tried for your Faith; this will encourage you! When you take a stand for the “Complete Authority of the Holy Word of God”… you will ‘Lose’ some of your Friends; ‘Who’ call themselves: ‘Christians!’ Those that Love Jesus are continually… “Reading & Studying His Word!” How else are we to handle life… if we do not know what His Word… ‘Says?’
*** (2Timothy 2:15) Study earnestly = to present yourself = approved to God, = a workman that = does not need = to be ashamed, = rightly = dividing the Word of Truth.
*** (Eph 6:17) And = take the helmet of salvation, = and = the sword of the Spirit, = which is = the Word of God,
*** (2Corinthians 4:16-17-18) That's why = we are not discouraged. = No, = even though our outer man = is wearing out, = our inner man = is being renewed = day by day.
(2Cor 4:17) This light, = temporary nature of our suffering = is producing for us = an eternal weight of glory, = far beyond = any comparison,
(2Cor 4:18) because = we do not look for things = that can be seen = but for things = that cannot be seen. = For things that can be seen are temporary, = but things that cannot be seen = are eternal.
Encouragement from God – 101
How about You…? Do you read you Bible daily…? Do you pray only when things are bad… or do you praise God at all times, both ‘Good & Bad’…? Recently I have been walking… and I find that I have ‘hurts’ in Places… I did not know I even ‘had!’ We are tried each and every moment of Life! Even in those times when no one is around… what do you ‘Entertain in your; Thought Life’…? When you have an opportunity to speak for Christ and His Word… do you substitute a ditty or some other cute saying…? Or do you take the… ‘Opportunity to Speak’: “HIS HOLY WORD”…?
*** (2Timothy 4:2) “PREACH” [Proclaim!] = the Word, = be instant = in season = and = out of season, = reprove, = rebuke, = exhort = with all long-suffering = and = doctrine.
(2Tim 4:3) For a time will be = when they = will not endure = sound doctrine, = but they will heap up teachers = to themselves = according to their own lusts, = tickling the ear.
(2Tim 4:4) And = they will turn away = their ears = from the truth = and = will be turned to myths.
*** (2Timothy 3:14-17) But = continue in the things = that you have learned = and = have been assured of, = knowing from Whom = you have learned them,
(2Ti 3:15) and = that from a child = you have known the Holy Scriptures, = which are able to make you wise = to salvation = through faith = in Christ Jesus.
(2Ti 3:16) All Scripture = is God-breathed, = and = is profitable for doctrine, = for reproof, = for correction, = for instruction in righteousness,
(2Ti 3:17) that the man [woman] of God = may be perfected [matured], = thoroughly furnished = to every good work.
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] = answered and said, = It is written, = "Man shall not live by bread alone, = but by every word = that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
Or are you Like Peter…? Peter denied Christ… “Three Times!” Do you call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus… and then post “Fortune Cookies” or “Horoscopes?” Is you witness for Christ… a bold one… “Counting the Cost?” Look at the cost to God for our salvation…! His only begotten Son, the Passover Sinless Lamb of God… dying for worthless sinners… out of Love [Agape]. Is it too much for you to speak… His Word… to ‘Others’…?
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, the days come, = says the Lord Jehovah [God], = that I will send a famine = in the land; = not a famine of bread = nor = a thirst for water, = but = of hearing the Words of Jehovah.
*** (Ezekiel 2:7) And = you shall speak = My Words = to them, = whether = they will hear = or whether = they will forbear, = for they are rebellious.
*** (Jeremiah 1:8) Do not = be afraid = of their faces; = for I [God] = am with you = to deliver you, = says Jehovah.
*** (Jeremiah 23:29) Is not = My Word = like a fire? = Says Jehovah [God]; = and = like a hammer = that breaks the rock = in pieces?
IF… ‘You’… do not speak for Jesus… who Will…?
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Email: atruth459@yahoo.com
*** (Matthew 7:21-23) Not everyone = who says to Me [Jesus] =, Lord! = Lord! = Shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, = but he who does = the will [Word] of My Father in Heaven.
(Matt 7:22) “MANY” = will say to Me [Jesus] = in that day, = Lord! = Lord! = Did we not prophesy = in Your name, = and = through Your name = throw out demons, = and = through Your name = do many wonderful works?
(Matt 7:23) And then = I [Jesus] = will say to them = I never knew you! = Depart from Me, = those working lawlessness!
Do you know the “Difference”…? Many say they ‘Believe the Bible’… but ‘do not’ obey; The Holy Word of God. Did you read in the above Scripture verse… ‘That is WHAT… Jesus Said!” Not the Few… nor the Some… “But Many!” A “Preference”… is what you ‘prefer or choose’. It may be a food group, like ‘Desert!’ Or it may be a particular TV or Video. It may even be a favorite Song… or even a Sports Team! Those are all; “Preferences”… like flavors of Ice Cream!
*** (Revelation 2:10-11) Do not = at all fear [Psalms 56:3] = what you are about to suffer [1Thes 3:4]. = Behold, = the Devil will cast some of you into prison, = so that you may be tried. And you will have tribulation ten days [Matthew 10:19-20]. Be faithful to death, = and = I [Jesus] = will give you = the crown of life.
(Rev 2:11) He who has an ear, = let him hear = what the Spirit says to the churches. = He who overcomes = will not be hurt = by the second death.
*** (1Peter 3:14-17) But = if you also suffer for righteousness' sake, = you are blessed. = And do not fear = their fear, = nor be troubled,
(1Pe 3:15) but = sanctify the Lord God = in your hearts, = and = be ready always to give an answer = to everyone = who asks you a reason = of the hope in you, = with meekness and fear;
(1Pe 3:16) having a good conscience, = that while they = speak against you as evildoers = they may be shamed, = those falsely accusing = your good behavior in Christ.
(1Pe 3:17) For it is better, = if the will of God wills it, = to suffer for well-doing = than for evil-doing.
*** (Hebrews 11:36-40) Still “OTHERS” = endured taunts and floggings, = and even chains = and imprisonment.
(Heb 11:37) They were stoned to death, = sawed in half, = and = killed with swords. = They went around = in sheepskins and goatskins. = They were needy, = oppressed, = and mistreated.
(Heb 11:38) The world wasn't worthy of them. = They wandered in deserts, = mountains, = caves, = and holes in the ground.
(Heb 11:39) All these people = won approval [from GOD] = for their faith = but = did not receive what was promised,
(Heb 11:40) since God = had planned something better for us = so that they = would not become complete = without us.
These above verses… speak to the “Issue of Conviction!” Conviction means you ‘Will’… even suffer Death… for what you Believe! Not many today, have such a conviction about the Bible and its Truth. ‘MOST’… belong to the; ‘First Church of Rodney King’… “Can’t we all… Just get Along”…? They would rather have the friendship of the… “Outright Blatant Religious”… than to “Defend the Holy Word of God!” When shown a Bible verse, their response is always… “That’s your interpretation!” They know nothing of those of Faith… that have given their lives… for the Truth!
*** (Romans 10:3-4) For they, = being ignorant of God's righteousness = and = going about = to establish their own righteousness, = have not = submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.
*** (John 12:43) For they = loved the praise of men = more than = the praise of God.
Fox’s book of Martyrs!
http://www.jesus.org.uk/vault/library/foxes_book_of_martyrs.pdf [download]
Have you ever read this book…? If you have ever been tried for your Faith; this will encourage you! When you take a stand for the “Complete Authority of the Holy Word of God”… you will ‘Lose’ some of your Friends; ‘Who’ call themselves: ‘Christians!’ Those that Love Jesus are continually… “Reading & Studying His Word!” How else are we to handle life… if we do not know what His Word… ‘Says?’
*** (2Timothy 2:15) Study earnestly = to present yourself = approved to God, = a workman that = does not need = to be ashamed, = rightly = dividing the Word of Truth.
*** (Eph 6:17) And = take the helmet of salvation, = and = the sword of the Spirit, = which is = the Word of God,
*** (2Corinthians 4:16-17-18) That's why = we are not discouraged. = No, = even though our outer man = is wearing out, = our inner man = is being renewed = day by day.
(2Cor 4:17) This light, = temporary nature of our suffering = is producing for us = an eternal weight of glory, = far beyond = any comparison,
(2Cor 4:18) because = we do not look for things = that can be seen = but for things = that cannot be seen. = For things that can be seen are temporary, = but things that cannot be seen = are eternal.
Encouragement from God – 101
How about You…? Do you read you Bible daily…? Do you pray only when things are bad… or do you praise God at all times, both ‘Good & Bad’…? Recently I have been walking… and I find that I have ‘hurts’ in Places… I did not know I even ‘had!’ We are tried each and every moment of Life! Even in those times when no one is around… what do you ‘Entertain in your; Thought Life’…? When you have an opportunity to speak for Christ and His Word… do you substitute a ditty or some other cute saying…? Or do you take the… ‘Opportunity to Speak’: “HIS HOLY WORD”…?
*** (2Timothy 4:2) “PREACH” [Proclaim!] = the Word, = be instant = in season = and = out of season, = reprove, = rebuke, = exhort = with all long-suffering = and = doctrine.
(2Tim 4:3) For a time will be = when they = will not endure = sound doctrine, = but they will heap up teachers = to themselves = according to their own lusts, = tickling the ear.
(2Tim 4:4) And = they will turn away = their ears = from the truth = and = will be turned to myths.
*** (2Timothy 3:14-17) But = continue in the things = that you have learned = and = have been assured of, = knowing from Whom = you have learned them,
(2Ti 3:15) and = that from a child = you have known the Holy Scriptures, = which are able to make you wise = to salvation = through faith = in Christ Jesus.
(2Ti 3:16) All Scripture = is God-breathed, = and = is profitable for doctrine, = for reproof, = for correction, = for instruction in righteousness,
(2Ti 3:17) that the man [woman] of God = may be perfected [matured], = thoroughly furnished = to every good work.
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] = answered and said, = It is written, = "Man shall not live by bread alone, = but by every word = that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
Or are you Like Peter…? Peter denied Christ… “Three Times!” Do you call the Blessed Name of Christ Jesus… and then post “Fortune Cookies” or “Horoscopes?” Is you witness for Christ… a bold one… “Counting the Cost?” Look at the cost to God for our salvation…! His only begotten Son, the Passover Sinless Lamb of God… dying for worthless sinners… out of Love [Agape]. Is it too much for you to speak… His Word… to ‘Others’…?
*** (Amos 8:11) Behold, the days come, = says the Lord Jehovah [God], = that I will send a famine = in the land; = not a famine of bread = nor = a thirst for water, = but = of hearing the Words of Jehovah.
*** (Ezekiel 2:7) And = you shall speak = My Words = to them, = whether = they will hear = or whether = they will forbear, = for they are rebellious.
*** (Jeremiah 1:8) Do not = be afraid = of their faces; = for I [God] = am with you = to deliver you, = says Jehovah.
*** (Jeremiah 23:29) Is not = My Word = like a fire? = Says Jehovah [God]; = and = like a hammer = that breaks the rock = in pieces?
IF… ‘You’… do not speak for Jesus… who Will…?
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Email: atruth459@yahoo.com
Sunday, November 21, 2010
“Can ‘You’ = ‘Lose “Your” Salvation?’ – 101”…Blog.
“Can ‘You’ = ‘Lose “Your” Salvation?’ – 101”…Blog.
*** (John 1:12) However, = to ‘All’ = who received [John 12:44] Him [Jesus], = to those believing [John 7:38-39] in His name, = He gave authority [privilege] to become God's children [2Chronicles 6:32-33],
There are ‘Many’… different “Christian” denominations. Not “All”… believe the Bible; as the Holy Word of God. Not “All” that say they are Christians… say they are ‘Born Again’; by “God’s Holy Spirit”. Where does that leave the person… ‘Searching’ for the “Truth about God”…? “Many” seldom if ever; read & study the Holy Word of God. So where does that leave the “Sinner”… looking for “Truth”…? Can the Blind… lead the Blind…?
*** (1Corinthians 2:14) A person who isn't spiritual = doesn't ‘accept’ the things of God's Spirit, = for they are ‘nonsense’ to him. = He ‘cannot’ understand them = because = they are spiritually encoded.
*** (Acts 17:11) And = these were more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they ‘received’ the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = searched the Scriptures = ‘daily’ = to see if those things were so.
*** (Psalms 51:10-11-12) Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
(Psalms 51:11) Cast me not away from Your presence, and take not = Your Holy Spirit = from me.
(Psalms 51:12) Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.
“King David”… under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote this Psalm. In the ‘OT Economy’, the Holy Spirit came upon certain men… for God’s–‘Uses & Purposes’. But the Psalmist and the OT Prophets; Knew this Fact. By record… Elisha [2Kings 2:9] was given a “Double Portion” of God’s Holy Spirit… by Elijah; before he was carried to heaven in a “Chariot of Fire” [2Kings 2:11]. “King Saul”, the first King of Israel, was first ‘Anointed’ by Samuel and given the Holy Spirit [1Samuel 15:1]! Saul sinned; and in his ‘Disobedience’ to God; and was given an… ‘Evil Spirit’ [1Samuel 16:14] from the Lord.
*** (John 7:38-39) The one who believes in Me [Jesus], = as the Scripture [Luke 24:44-45] has said, = will have rivers of living water [John 4:14] = flowing from his heart."
(John 7:39) Now He [Jesus] =said this about the [Holy] Spirit, = whom those = who were believing in Him = were to receive. = For the Spirit was not yet present, = because Jesus = had not yet been glorified.
*** (Acts 15:8-9) “God”, = Who ‘knows’ = everyone's heart, = showed them = He approved = by giving them = the “Holy Spirit”, = just as He did = to us [Acts 2:30-33].
(Acts 15:9) He [God] = made no distinction between them [Gentiles] and us [Jews], = because He = cleansed their hearts = by Faith.
*** (Galatians 3:1-2-3) O foolish Galatians, = who ‘bewitched’ you = ‘not’ to obey = the Truth, = to whom before your eyes = Jesus Christ was written = among you = crucified?
(Gal 3:2) This only = I would learn from you: = Did you = receive = the [Holy] Spirit = by the ‘works’ of the law, = or = by the ‘hearing’ = of Faith?
(Gal 3:3) Are you so foolish? = Having begun in the Spirit, = do you now = ‘perfect’ yourself in the flesh?
*** (Ephesians 1:7-to-14) In Him [Jesus] = we have redemption = through His blood, = the forgiveness of sins, = according to the riches of His grace,
(Eph 1:8) which He = caused to abound toward us = in all wisdom = and understanding;
(Eph 1:9) having made known to us = the mystery of His will [Word], = according to His good pleasure = which He purposed in Himself [John 12:44-to-50],
(Eph 1:10) for an administration = of the fullness of times, = to head up = all things in Christ, = both the things in Heaven, = and the things on earth, = even in Him,
(Eph 1:11) in Whom [Christ] = also we have been chosen to an inheritance, = being predestinated = according to the purpose of Him = Who works all things = according to the counsel = of His own will,
(Eph 1:12) for us to be = to the praise of His glory, = who previously had trusted in Christ;
(Eph 1:13) in Whom also you, = hearing the Word of Truth, = the gospel of our salvation, = in Whom also believing, = you were sealed = with the Holy Spirit of promise [John 7:38-39],
(Eph 1:14) Who is the earnest = of our inheritance, = to the redemption of the purchased possession, = to the praise of His glory.
*** (1Corinthians 12:13) For also by one [Holy] Spirit = we are ‘All’ = baptized into one body [of Christ], = whether Jews or Greeks [Gentiles], = whether bond [slave] or free, = even ‘All’ = were made to drink = into one [Holy] Spirit.
All those of God… the God of the Bible… ‘knew & understood’… that “Salvation” = is the “Holy Spirit!” The NT believer has only to search the Scriptures! “Replete Throughout”, the Holy Word of God… in the Scriptures OT & NT; this Truth can be clearly “Seen!” That is why ‘one’; must “Trust the Scriptures”… “Above & Beyond”… Any ‘Denominational’ or ‘Church’… Teaching! Even test ‘All’ teaching; with the Scriptures… ‘Even this Blog!’ Many have been ‘wrongly’ taught… that they can somehow… ‘lose’ the Holy Spirit!
*** (Jude 1:17) But you, beloved, = remember the words spoken before = by the apostles = of our Lord Jesus Christ,
(Jud 1:18) because they ‘told’ you = that at the ‘last time’ = there will be ‘mockers’ = according to their lusts, = leading = ungodly lives.
(Jud 1:19) These are those = setting themselves apart, = animal-like ones, = “Not” = having the [Holy] Spirit.
*** (Romans 8:9) But you = are not in the flesh, = but in the Spirit, = if the Spirit of God = dwells in you. = But if = “Anyone” = has ‘Not’ = the Spirit of Christ, = he is “None” = of His.
… “The Holy Spirit”… is the ‘Identification’… of “God’s ‘True’ Children”…!
That is what… Being “Born Again”… that is…being born = ‘From Above’;… is ‘All’ about. Surely you have read the Scriptures…? You had an earthly birth… but before you can become “God’s Child”… you must be “Born Spiritually”; by His Holy Spirit…! You ‘cannot’ understand the Holy Word of God… ‘without’… His Holy Spirit! Remember… ‘1Corinthians 2:14’ at the beginning of this blog? All the Holy Word of God… is simply ‘foolishness’… to those; that ‘Do Not Have’ = “His Holy Spirit”…!
*** (Titus 1:15) To the pure = all things are pure. = But to those = who are defiled and unbelieving = ‘nothing’ is pure, = but = even their mind = and conscience = is ‘defiled’.
*** (Hebrews 4:2) For also we = have had the gospel preached, = as well as them. = “But the Word” = preached = ‘did not’ = profit them, = ‘Not’ = being mixed with ‘Faith’ = in those = who ‘heard’ it.
*** (Matthew 13:19) When = “Anyone” = hears = the Word of the kingdom = and = does not understand [believe] it, = then the wicked one [Satan] comes = and = ‘catches away’ = that [Word] which was sown = in his heart. = This is the seed sown by the wayside.
What about Salvation…? For those that ‘do not’ know… “IT”; is the Fulfillment of God’s Promise to Abraham and to ‘All’ those… who would trust in the Passover [1Corinthians 5:5] Lamb of God; [John 1:29-36] Christ Jesus the Messiah. All those Passover sacrifices of the OT… pointed forward to that ‘One Sacrifice’… For “All” SIN/SINS… for “All” = Time and Eternity! Are you ‘Dead or Alive’…? Surely you know…? Physically you know… but do you “Know Spiritually”…?
*** (Hebrews 12:2) looking to = Jesus [Christ] = the “Author” = and = “Finisher” of our faith, = Who for the joy that was set before Him = endured the cross, = despising the shame, = and sat down at the right of the throne of God.
*** (Philippians 1:6) being confident = of this very thing, = that He = Who has begun a good work = in you = will perform it = until = the day of Jesus Christ,
*** (Hebrews 5:8-9) though being a Son, = yet He [Jesus] = learned obedience = by the things = which He suffered.
(Heb 5:9) And being perfected, = He [Jesus] became = the Author of = “Eternal” = Salvation = to all those = who = ‘obey’ Him,
*** (Revelation 20:10-15) And the Devil = who deceived them = was cast into = the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, = where the beast and the false prophet were. = And he will be tormented day and night = forever = and ever.
(Rev 20:11) And I saw = a great white throne, = and Him sitting on it, = from Whose face = the earth and the heaven = fled away. = And a place = was ‘not’ found for them.
(Rev 20:12) And I saw the dead, = the small = and the great, = stand before God. = And books were opened, = and another book was opened, = which is the Book of Life. = And the dead = were judged out of those things = which were written in the books, = according to = their works.
(Rev 20:13) And the sea = gave up the dead in it. = And death and hell = delivered up the dead in them. = And = ‘each one’ of them = was judged = according to their works [deeds].
(Rev 20:14) And = death and hell = were cast into the Lake of Fire. = This is the second death.
(Rev 20:15) And if anyone = was not found = having been ‘written’ = in the Book of Life, = he [she] was cast into = the Lake of Fire.
Do you mean to tell “Everyone”… that you ‘cannot’ be sure; “IF”… you can ‘lose’ your Salvation…? Just what kind of ‘god’ or ‘church’… do you believe ‘In’…? Surely it is “NOT”… the God of the Bible… Who has given Us… His Holy Word; for complete assurance…? Surely “IF”; one ‘can’ lose the “Holy Spirit”… “You were Never Really”… ‘Born Again’… by “His Holy Spirit!” You simply have, the ‘same religion’ of the… “MANY”… of… “Matthew 7:21-22-23”…!
*** (1John 2:19-20-21) They = ‘went out’ = from us, = but = they were = ‘Not’ of us; = for “If” they were of us, = they would have ‘continued’ with us. = But they went out = so that it might be ‘revealed’ = that they were = ‘Not’ = all of us.
(1Jn 2:20) But you = have an anointing [Holy Spirit] = from the Holy One, = and you know all things.
(1Jn 2:21) I have ‘not written’ = to you = because you ‘do not’ = know the Truth, = but because you know it, = and = ‘know that’ = No Lie = is of The Truth.
*** (Hebrews 12:7-8) If you endure chastening, = God deals with you as with sons, = for what son is he = whom the Father does not chasten?
(Heb 12:8) But if = you are ‘without chastisement’, = of which ‘All’ [say they] are partakers, = then you = are Bastards [Illegitimate] = and = ‘not’ sons.
What is ‘Your’–“Final Conclusion” [Answer]…? You have the ‘Scriptures’ in this Blog; many others, in the Bible… to make that ‘Spiritual Determination!’ Perhaps, forsake your human thinking and wrong religious training… and “Trust Only” = “The Holy Word of God”…? … “Nothing More”… and… “Nothing Less”…!
*** (Romans 8:14-17) For as ‘many’ = as are led = by the [Holy] Spirit of God, = they ‘Are’ = the sons of God.
(Rom 8:15) For you = ‘have not’ received = the [earthly] spirit of bondage = again to fear, = but you have received = the [Holy] Spirit of adoption = by which we cry, = Abba [Daddy], = Father!
(Rom 8:16) The [Holy] Spirit Himself = bears witness = with our spirit = that we ‘Are’ = the children of God.
(Rom 8:17) And = ‘If’ = we are children, = ‘Then’ = we are heirs; = heirs of God = and = joint-heirs with Christ; = so that = ‘If’ = we suffer with Him, = we may ‘Also’ = be glorified together.
*** (Hebrews 2:11-15) For both He = Who sanctifies = and ‘they’ = who are sanctified = are = ‘All’ = of One, = for which cause = He [Jesus] = is ‘not ashamed’ = to call them brothers,
(Heb 2:12) saying, = "I [Jesus] = will declare Your Name [God] = to My brothers; = in the midst of the assembly = I will sing praise to You."
(Heb 2:13) And again, = "I [Jesus] = will put My trust in Him [God]." = And again, = "Behold Me and the children = whom God = has given Me [Jesus]."
(Heb 2:14) Since then the children = have partaken of = flesh and blood, = He [Jesus] = also Himself = likewise partook of the same; = that through death = He [Jesus] = might ‘destroy’ him = who had the power of death (that is, the Devil),
(Heb 2:15) and = deliver those = who through = ‘fear of death’ = were = ‘All’ their lifetime = subject to bondage.
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Email: atruth459@yahoo.com
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
“FAITH – ‘vs’ – ‘Anything Else’ – 101”…Blog.
“FAITH – ‘vs’ – ‘Anything Else’ – 101”…Blog.
*** (1Peter 1:6-7) In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you have to suffer various kinds of trials,
(1Pet 1:7) so that the genuineness of your faith, which is more valuable than gold that perishes when it is tested by fire, may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
How about… “Depression & Anxiety & Fear & Perplexity & Confusion &… ‘Any Thing’… “Else”…?”
*** (Romans 8:9) You, however, = are not of the flesh = but under the control of the [Holy] Spirit, = since God's Spirit = lives in you. = And if = ‘anyone’ = does ‘not’ have the Spirit of Christ, = he does ‘not’ belong = to Him.
The Anointing – 101
Physiology, Physicists’ & Their Practitioners… Simply use their ‘worldly’ philosophy… To ‘Explain Away’… SIN/SINS…! They “Label” such afflictions as mental deficiencies… and often prescribe “Pharmacy ‘controlled’ Medication”… to their patients. One bit if history that “MOST”… do not know… is about WW2 [1939-1945]. All the “Mental Institutions” were ‘over flowing’; packed with patients and residents. As soon as the news that Hitler had invaded Europe… they were ‘Immediately Voluntarily’ emptied; by the “Attendees”… leaving less than “Three Percent”… remaining! “97%”… did not even ‘need’… to be there…!
Now, before someone objects… I must state emphatically that; there are ‘genuine medical problems’ in the endocrine and CNS [central nervous system]… that need to be treated by special medications. I am ‘not’ speaking about those; but the myriad of maladies… ‘Imagined’ by those; that really have ‘nothing’ wrong with them… But… “Stink-In Think-In!”
*** (Luke 5:31-32) And Jesus = answered and said to them, = Those who are sound = do not need a physician, = but [only] = those who are sick.
(Luke 5:32) I [Jesus] = did not come = to call the righteous = to repentance, = but sinners [Romans 3:10-11].
*** (Matthew 6:24) “No one = can serve = “Two Masters”. = For either he = will hate the one = and = love the other, = or else = he will hold to the one = and = despise the other. = You ‘cannot’ = serve God = and mammon.
The Human Mind… “Cannot Entertain”… Faith… and…. Fear, Depression, or ‘any’ other thing… at the Same Time! ‘One’… =or= ‘the Other’… Rules the Heart, Mind and Soul…!
*** (Luke 16:13) “No” servant = can serve = “Two Masters”. = For either he will = hate the one = and love the other, = or else = he will hold to the one = and despise the other. = You ‘cannot’ = serve God = and mammon.
*** (Psalms 56:3) When = I am afraid = I will trust = in You [Lord God].
*** (Habakkuk 3:17-18-19) Though the fig tree shall not blossom, = and = fruit is not on the vines; = the labor of the olive fails, = and = the fields yield ‘no’ food. = The flock is cut off = from the fold, = and = no herd is in the stalls;
(Hab 3:18) yet = I will rejoice = in Jehovah, = I will joy = in the God = of my salvation.
(Hab 3:19) Jehovah the Lord is my strength, = and = He will make my feet like hinds' feet, = and = He will make me to walk on my high places. = To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.
In the Bible book of Habakkuk… their ‘Nation’ was facing ‘complete’ economic devastation and ‘capture’ by the Heathen. Yet the writer… viewed ‘all’ that; with only… “One Thought” in mind… “Jehovah the Lord is my strength!” Although he recognized the failure of all those things they trusted in… he ‘knew’ that; all that was… was ‘Nothing, without God!’ For the NT believer… who is “Born Again”, that is; “Born from Above… by the “Holy Spirit of God”… they have that “Supernatural Power from God”… to ‘wholly believe’; His Holy Word! Many speak about those ‘Promises of God’… but seldom ‘claim these’…!
*** (1Thsssalonians 3:4) For verily, = when we were with you, = we told you before = that we should suffer = tribulation; = even as it came to pass, = and you know.
*** (1Peter 4:15-15) But let = none of you = suffer = as a murderer, = or a thief, = or an evildoer, = or a meddler in the affairs of others.
(1Pet 4:16) But if = one suffers as a Christian, = let him not be ashamed, = but let him glorify God = because of this.
*** (Job 2:9-10) And his wife said to him, = Do you still hold to your integrity? = Curse God = and die!
(Job 2:10) But he said to her, = You = speak as one of the foolish ones speak. = What? = Shall we receive good = at the hand of God, = and = shall we not receive evil? = In all this = Job did not sin = with his lips.
Today ‘MANY’ Christians… ‘Blame’… Satan for; ‘all’ their problems & trials & temptations. The problem is not him… “But US!” Because they… “Don’t Know the Holy Word of God”… and what it really says; they simply believe ‘anything’ that someone says… “Without Checking” out what the ‘WORD’… “Says First!” How many of you… ‘check’ what the Word says… when reading my blogs… to see if they are; ‘Valid?’
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with ‘all’ readiness of mind = and = searched the Scriptures = ‘daily’ = to see if those things = were so [or not].
*** (James 1:14-15-16) But = ‘each one’ = is tempted = by his lusts, = being drawn away = and = seduced by them.
(Jas 1:15) Then = when lust has conceived, = it brings forth sin. = And sin, = when it is fully formed, = brings forth death.
(Jas 1:16) Do not = ‘err’, = my beloved brothers.
*** (Romans 6:16) Do you = ‘not know’ = that to whom = you ‘yield’ yourselves = as ‘slaves’ for obedience, = you are ‘slaves’ = to him = whom you obey; = whether it is of sin = to death, = or = of obedience = to righteousness.
*** (2Corinthians 10:3-to-6) Of course, = we are living in the flesh [our body], = but we do not fight [war] = in a fleshly way.
(2Co 10:4) For the weapons = of our warfare = are not those of the flesh. = Instead, = they have the power of God = to demolish fortresses. = We tear down = [contradictory] arguments
(2Co 10:5) and = every proud obstacle = that is raised = ‘against’ = the knowledge [Word] of God, = taking = ‘every’ = thought captive = in order = to ‘obey’ Christ.
(2Co 10:6) We are ready = to punish [Proverbs 28:13] = every act of disobedience = when your obedience is complete [1John 1:5-to-10].
Where does ‘One’… go from here..? When one knows what the Holy Word of God says… they can then… Simply Change = their “Stink-In Think-In” = for… “It is Written…!” Isn’t that what Christ Jesus did… when confronted by Satan; after His 40-day fast…? When you have thoughts of insecurity… do you invite them in to “Take Up Residence”… in your ‘Mind?’ Remember… ‘You’… serve the Master you Love! You cannot serve the Truth of the Scriptures… and then entertain thoughts of… “Depression, Anger, Hate, Lust and ‘Any Other’… Thought!”
…. Whose… Your… “Daddy” [Abba]….? ? ? … “WHO”…? ? ?
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus answered him [Satan]; saying, = It is written that = “man shall not live by bread alone, = but by ‘every’ = Word of God.
*** (John 15:3) Now = you are clean = through the Word = which I [Jesus] = have spoken to you.
*** (Ephesians 6:17) And take the helmet of salvation, = and = the sword of the Spirit, = which is = the Word of God,
*** (Matthew 13:19) When = “Anyone” = hears = the Word of the kingdom = and = does not understand [believe] it, = then the wicked one comes = and catches away = that [Word] which was sown = in his heart. = This is the seed sown by the wayside.
… ‘Not’… to “Decide”… ‘Is’, to… “Decide!”
Simply take the “Scriptures”… in this blog, and make them a part of your… “Thought Life!” There are ‘many’ more… that you can lean on; but You have to find them… “For Yourselves!” Do you understand your Position in Christ…? Well then continue to “Read ‘Over & Over’ Again”… “Romans chapter 8:All!”. Did you know that Christ Jesus… Prayed for “All Those”… that are His…? Simply, “Read ‘Over & Over’ Again”… “John chapter 17:All!” Build you mind into a ‘depository’ of the Word and… ‘Obeying’ “2Corinthians 10:3-to-6”… “… Every Thought to the Obedience of Christ!”
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = “Doers of the Word”, = and = ‘Not’ merely hearers = who = “Deceive” themselves.
“Lie to Me – 101” Blog.
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Email : atruth459@yahoo.com
*** (1Peter 1:6-7) In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you have to suffer various kinds of trials,
(1Pet 1:7) so that the genuineness of your faith, which is more valuable than gold that perishes when it is tested by fire, may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
How about… “Depression & Anxiety & Fear & Perplexity & Confusion &… ‘Any Thing’… “Else”…?”
*** (Romans 8:9) You, however, = are not of the flesh = but under the control of the [Holy] Spirit, = since God's Spirit = lives in you. = And if = ‘anyone’ = does ‘not’ have the Spirit of Christ, = he does ‘not’ belong = to Him.
The Anointing – 101
Physiology, Physicists’ & Their Practitioners… Simply use their ‘worldly’ philosophy… To ‘Explain Away’… SIN/SINS…! They “Label” such afflictions as mental deficiencies… and often prescribe “Pharmacy ‘controlled’ Medication”… to their patients. One bit if history that “MOST”… do not know… is about WW2 [1939-1945]. All the “Mental Institutions” were ‘over flowing’; packed with patients and residents. As soon as the news that Hitler had invaded Europe… they were ‘Immediately Voluntarily’ emptied; by the “Attendees”… leaving less than “Three Percent”… remaining! “97%”… did not even ‘need’… to be there…!
Now, before someone objects… I must state emphatically that; there are ‘genuine medical problems’ in the endocrine and CNS [central nervous system]… that need to be treated by special medications. I am ‘not’ speaking about those; but the myriad of maladies… ‘Imagined’ by those; that really have ‘nothing’ wrong with them… But… “Stink-In Think-In!”
*** (Luke 5:31-32) And Jesus = answered and said to them, = Those who are sound = do not need a physician, = but [only] = those who are sick.
(Luke 5:32) I [Jesus] = did not come = to call the righteous = to repentance, = but sinners [Romans 3:10-11].
*** (Matthew 6:24) “No one = can serve = “Two Masters”. = For either he = will hate the one = and = love the other, = or else = he will hold to the one = and = despise the other. = You ‘cannot’ = serve God = and mammon.
The Human Mind… “Cannot Entertain”… Faith… and…. Fear, Depression, or ‘any’ other thing… at the Same Time! ‘One’… =or= ‘the Other’… Rules the Heart, Mind and Soul…!
*** (Luke 16:13) “No” servant = can serve = “Two Masters”. = For either he will = hate the one = and love the other, = or else = he will hold to the one = and despise the other. = You ‘cannot’ = serve God = and mammon.
*** (Psalms 56:3) When = I am afraid = I will trust = in You [Lord God].
*** (Habakkuk 3:17-18-19) Though the fig tree shall not blossom, = and = fruit is not on the vines; = the labor of the olive fails, = and = the fields yield ‘no’ food. = The flock is cut off = from the fold, = and = no herd is in the stalls;
(Hab 3:18) yet = I will rejoice = in Jehovah, = I will joy = in the God = of my salvation.
(Hab 3:19) Jehovah the Lord is my strength, = and = He will make my feet like hinds' feet, = and = He will make me to walk on my high places. = To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.
In the Bible book of Habakkuk… their ‘Nation’ was facing ‘complete’ economic devastation and ‘capture’ by the Heathen. Yet the writer… viewed ‘all’ that; with only… “One Thought” in mind… “Jehovah the Lord is my strength!” Although he recognized the failure of all those things they trusted in… he ‘knew’ that; all that was… was ‘Nothing, without God!’ For the NT believer… who is “Born Again”, that is; “Born from Above… by the “Holy Spirit of God”… they have that “Supernatural Power from God”… to ‘wholly believe’; His Holy Word! Many speak about those ‘Promises of God’… but seldom ‘claim these’…!
*** (1Thsssalonians 3:4) For verily, = when we were with you, = we told you before = that we should suffer = tribulation; = even as it came to pass, = and you know.
*** (1Peter 4:15-15) But let = none of you = suffer = as a murderer, = or a thief, = or an evildoer, = or a meddler in the affairs of others.
(1Pet 4:16) But if = one suffers as a Christian, = let him not be ashamed, = but let him glorify God = because of this.
*** (Job 2:9-10) And his wife said to him, = Do you still hold to your integrity? = Curse God = and die!
(Job 2:10) But he said to her, = You = speak as one of the foolish ones speak. = What? = Shall we receive good = at the hand of God, = and = shall we not receive evil? = In all this = Job did not sin = with his lips.
Today ‘MANY’ Christians… ‘Blame’… Satan for; ‘all’ their problems & trials & temptations. The problem is not him… “But US!” Because they… “Don’t Know the Holy Word of God”… and what it really says; they simply believe ‘anything’ that someone says… “Without Checking” out what the ‘WORD’… “Says First!” How many of you… ‘check’ what the Word says… when reading my blogs… to see if they are; ‘Valid?’
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with ‘all’ readiness of mind = and = searched the Scriptures = ‘daily’ = to see if those things = were so [or not].
*** (James 1:14-15-16) But = ‘each one’ = is tempted = by his lusts, = being drawn away = and = seduced by them.
(Jas 1:15) Then = when lust has conceived, = it brings forth sin. = And sin, = when it is fully formed, = brings forth death.
(Jas 1:16) Do not = ‘err’, = my beloved brothers.
*** (Romans 6:16) Do you = ‘not know’ = that to whom = you ‘yield’ yourselves = as ‘slaves’ for obedience, = you are ‘slaves’ = to him = whom you obey; = whether it is of sin = to death, = or = of obedience = to righteousness.
*** (2Corinthians 10:3-to-6) Of course, = we are living in the flesh [our body], = but we do not fight [war] = in a fleshly way.
(2Co 10:4) For the weapons = of our warfare = are not those of the flesh. = Instead, = they have the power of God = to demolish fortresses. = We tear down = [contradictory] arguments
(2Co 10:5) and = every proud obstacle = that is raised = ‘against’ = the knowledge [Word] of God, = taking = ‘every’ = thought captive = in order = to ‘obey’ Christ.
(2Co 10:6) We are ready = to punish [Proverbs 28:13] = every act of disobedience = when your obedience is complete [1John 1:5-to-10].
Where does ‘One’… go from here..? When one knows what the Holy Word of God says… they can then… Simply Change = their “Stink-In Think-In” = for… “It is Written…!” Isn’t that what Christ Jesus did… when confronted by Satan; after His 40-day fast…? When you have thoughts of insecurity… do you invite them in to “Take Up Residence”… in your ‘Mind?’ Remember… ‘You’… serve the Master you Love! You cannot serve the Truth of the Scriptures… and then entertain thoughts of… “Depression, Anger, Hate, Lust and ‘Any Other’… Thought!”
…. Whose… Your… “Daddy” [Abba]….? ? ? … “WHO”…? ? ?
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus answered him [Satan]; saying, = It is written that = “man shall not live by bread alone, = but by ‘every’ = Word of God.
*** (John 15:3) Now = you are clean = through the Word = which I [Jesus] = have spoken to you.
*** (Ephesians 6:17) And take the helmet of salvation, = and = the sword of the Spirit, = which is = the Word of God,
*** (Matthew 13:19) When = “Anyone” = hears = the Word of the kingdom = and = does not understand [believe] it, = then the wicked one comes = and catches away = that [Word] which was sown = in his heart. = This is the seed sown by the wayside.
… ‘Not’… to “Decide”… ‘Is’, to… “Decide!”
Simply take the “Scriptures”… in this blog, and make them a part of your… “Thought Life!” There are ‘many’ more… that you can lean on; but You have to find them… “For Yourselves!” Do you understand your Position in Christ…? Well then continue to “Read ‘Over & Over’ Again”… “Romans chapter 8:All!”. Did you know that Christ Jesus… Prayed for “All Those”… that are His…? Simply, “Read ‘Over & Over’ Again”… “John chapter 17:All!” Build you mind into a ‘depository’ of the Word and… ‘Obeying’ “2Corinthians 10:3-to-6”… “… Every Thought to the Obedience of Christ!”
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = “Doers of the Word”, = and = ‘Not’ merely hearers = who = “Deceive” themselves.
“Lie to Me – 101” Blog.
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Email : atruth459@yahoo.com
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
“Free Pass – 101”…Blog.
“Free Pass – 101”…Blog.
What is “License”…? No, I did not say, ‘do you have a license.’ A license, especially a driver license… ‘allows one legally’… to operate a specific vehicle. It can also be vehicle specific… as one needs a “CDL”, to operate a ‘16-Wheeler Semi.’ I have a ‘motor cycle’ endorsement, on my vehicle driving permit. Just because you have a ‘Permit to Drive’… does that mean “YOU”; ‘can’ or are ‘aloud’… “To Violate… ‘those’ Driving Laws”…? Speeders are practicing… “License”… as they know the Law; and still ‘chose’ to… “Violate the Law!”
*** (1John 3:4) Everyone = who ‘practices’ sin = also practices “lawlessness”, = for sin = is ‘lawlessness’.
*** (Romans 6:1) What shall we say then? = Shall we continue = in sin, = that grace may abound?
(Rom 6:2) God forbid. How shall we, = that are ‘dead’ to sin [power & penalty], = live any longer therein?
*** (James 1:22) Keep on ‘being’ = Doers of the Word, = and = “Not” = ‘merely’ hearers = who ‘Deceive’ themselves.
*** (Luke 6:46) Why do = “YOU” = keep ‘calling’ = Me [Jesus] = 'Lord [Savior], = Lord [boss],' = but ‘Don't Do’ = what I [Jesus] = tell you [to]?
Can you see ‘Now’… where the Holy Word of God; is leading ‘One’… who ‘knows & obeys’… “His Word?” ‘Many’ tell me… “We are under Grace” = and “Not under the Law!” But what they… “Fail to State”… is that God’s Grace is for… “Justification”… to only those that are “Truly Born Again”; by God’s Holy Spirit. Remember… “Not Everyone”… that says they are ‘Christian’… really are! Did you know that “Christ Jesus” said that very thing; “Himself”… in “His Word”…?
*** (Matthew 7:21-22-23) Not everyone = who says to Me [Jesus], = Lord! = Lord! = shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, = but he who does = the will [Word] of My Father [God] in Heaven.
(Matt 7:22) “MANY” = will say to Me [Jesus] = in that day, = Lord! = Lord! = Did we not prophesy = in ‘Your Name’, = and = through ‘Your Name’ = throw out demons, = and = through ‘Your Name’ = do many wonderful works?
(Matt 7:23) And = then I [Jesus] = will say to them = I [Jesus] = ‘never’ = knew “You!” = Depart from Me, = those working [practicing] = lawlessness [1John 3:4]!
False Christians – 101 [1/4]
*** (Romans 5:1) Therefore being = ‘justified’ by faith, = we have peace with God = through our Lord Jesus Christ.
*** (Romans 5:9) Much more then, = being now = ‘justified’ by His blood, = we shall be saved from wrath through Him. [Hebrews 10:12]
*** (Romans 8:9) But you are not in the flesh, = but in the Spirit, = if = the Spirit of God = dwells in you. = But if = anyone = has ‘not’ the Spirit of Christ, = he is = none = of His.
Forgiveness - 101…
Unless ‘one’ understands… their ‘position & responsibility’–in “Christ”… they will “Practice License!” Just like a Tapestry; the Holy Word of God… “God’s Truth”… is woven through the Bible; which can only be ‘revealed’, by God’s Holy Spirit! That is why… we must… “Prayerfully–Read & Study”… His Holy Word! Without growing in ‘His Truth’… with ‘His Word’… one will remain; “Spiritually Immature!” He Christ… has called us not only His children… but also “His Soldiers!” How then can a ‘baby’… “Fight the good fight of Faith?
*** (1Corinthians 2:10-to-14) But God = has revealed them to us = by His Holy Spirit; = for the [Holy] Spirit searches ‘all’ things, = yes, = the ‘deep’ things of God.
(1Cor 2:11) For who among men = knows the things of a man = except the spirit of man within him? = So also = no one knows = the things of God = except the Spirit of God.
(1Cor 2:12) But we = have ‘not’ received the spirit of the world, = but the [Holy] Spirit from God, = so that we = might know the things = that are freely given to us = by God.
(1Cor 2:13) These things = we also speak, = ‘not’ in words which man's wisdom teaches, = but which the Holy Spirit teaches, = comparing ‘spiritual’ things = with ‘spiritual’.
(1Cor 2:14) But = the natural man = does not receive = the things = of the Spirit of God, = for they are foolishness to him; = neither can he know them, = because they are spiritually discerned.
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through Your Truth. = Your Word = is Truth.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = searched the Scriptures = ‘daily’ = to see if those things = were so = [or not].
Isn’t it about Time – 101 ?
Do you “Love–Jesus”…? Do you meet with ‘Him’… “Daily”… in “His Holy Word”; to be taught by “His Holy Spirit”…? Christ Jesus is the Living Word… and ‘Only’; by His Word… can ‘one’ grow in grace! If ‘You’ are “Truly”… the “Salt of the Earth [Matthew 5:13]”… as ‘Jesus’ said… shouldn’t ‘You’… “Really know His Word?” Shouldn’t ‘You’… ‘be able’ to share it; with both’ Believers and Un-Believers…? Are ‘You’ truly a “Soldier of Christ” [2Timothy 2:3-4-5]… shouldn’t ‘You’… know the “Sword of the Sprit”… the “Holy Word of God”…?
*** (John 1:14) The ‘Word’ became flesh = and tabernacled [lived] among us. = We gazed on His glory, = the kind of glory that belongs = to the Father's [God] unique Son [Christ], = full of Grace and Truth.
*** (Revelation 19:11-12-13) And I saw Heaven opened. = And behold, a white horse! = And He [Christ] sitting on him was called = Faithful and True. = And in ‘righteousness’ = He judges [John 12:48-49-50] = and makes war.
(Rev 19:12) And His eyes were like a flame of fire, = and on His head many crowns. = And He had a name written, = one that no one knew = except Himself.
(Rev 19:13) And He had been clothed in a garment dipped in blood [Isaiah 63:1-to-4], = and = His name is called = The Word of God.
*** (Ephesians 6:17-18) And take the helmet of salvation, = and the sword of the Spirit, = which is = the Word of God,
(Eph 6:18) praying always [Luke 18:1] = with all prayer and supplication = in the Spirit, = and watching to this very thing = with ‘all’ = perseverance and supplication = for ‘all’ saints.
*** (2Corinthians 4:16) For this cause = we do not faint; = but though our outward man = perishes, = yet the inward man = is being renewed = day by day.
*** (John 15:3) Now you are clean = through the Word = which I [Jesus] =have spoken to you.
“Clarification – 101”…Blog.
It is up to… “YOU”… and to no one else! “You”… must make the ‘Choice to Either’… “Read & Study God’s Holy Word”… “Or Not To!” Study the New Testament… “First!” Then, when you start in the Old Testament… you will see so ‘many’ of the Prophecies… fulfilled in the NT. If you have never started in the NT… perhaps start in the “Gospel of Luke”; First…? Often times I am led by God’s Holy Spirit… “Romans 8:14”… to read a ‘particular’ book. Often times, He has kept me in the same book; for days at a time. Remember this one thing… do you want ‘Man’s Approval’ for knowing your Bible… OR… “God’s Approval”… for Obeying His Holy Word…? ‘Especially’… “Luke 24:44-to-48”…!
*** (John 12:43-to-50) for they loved = the glory of men = more than = the glory of God.
(John 12:44) But Jesus cried out and said, = He who believes on Me = does not believe = on Me = but on Him [God] = Who sent Me [Jesus].
(John 12:45) And he who sees Me [Jesus] = sees Him [God] = Who sent Me [Jesus].
(John 12:46) I [Jesus] = have come = as a Light = into the world, = so that whoever = believes on Me [Jesus] = should ‘not’ remain = in darkness.
(John 12:47) And if any one = hears My Words = and does not believe, = I do not [This Time] = judge him, = for I do not come [This Time] = to judge the world, = but to save the world.
(John 12:48) He who rejects Me [Jesus] = and does ‘not’ receive = My Words = has ‘one’ who judges him; = the Word = that I [Jesus] = have spoken, = the same [Word] = shall judge him = in the last day [Revelation 20:10-to-15].
(John 12:49) For I [Jesus] = have ‘not’ spoken of Myself, = but the Father [God] = Who sent Me = gave Me a command, = what I should say, = and what I should speak.
(John 12:50) And I [Jesus] know = that His [God] command is life everlasting. = Therefore = whatever I [Jesus] speak, = even as the Father [God] = said to Me [Jesus], = so I speak.
*** (2Chronicles 12:14) And = he did the evil = ‘because’ = he ‘did not’ = “Prepare” his heart = to seek Jehovah [The Lord].
*** (Ezra 7:10) For Ezra = had “Prepared his heart” = ‘to seek’ = the Law [Word] of Jehovah, = and = ‘to do it’, = and = to ‘teach’ = statutes and judgments = in Israel.
… “Not ‘to’… “Decide”… “Is ‘to’… Decide!”…? How about You…?
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Email: atruth459@yahoo.com
Sunday, November 14, 2010
“Seeing Heaven? – 101”… Blog.
“Seeing Heaven? – 101”… Blog.
Have you seen ‘Heaven’…? “IF” someone told you ‘they’ had… would you believe him or her? How about a ‘vision’ from God…? Would you believe that…? Well… what about; the You Tube Video of Big Foot; or the Video of Aliens...? There is so very much of this going one… it has become “Shameful & Silly!”
*** (Ephesians 5:9-10-11) For the fruit of the Spirit consists of every form of goodness, righteousness, and Truth.
(Eph 5:10) Proving what pleases the Lord,
(Eph 5:11) and have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness. Instead, expose them for what they are.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these were more noble than those of Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily to see if those things were so.
Dreams & Visions – 101 [1/6]
‘Many’ say that they “Love Jesus”… But ‘seldom’; if ever… “Read & Study”… His Holy Word! “IF”… they ‘did’… “THEN”… they would ‘not’ be “Deceived”… by such ‘Foolishness!’ The “Many” are ready to believe ‘anything’… without checking it out for themselves… “With the Word!” Just what kind of “Satanic Deception”… am I speaking ‘About’…? Just how far does Satan’s power exist…? Who are His Workers and Just how… do they deceive so ‘very’ many…? Christ Jesus said… that Satan is the… “Father of Lies” – “John 8:44”
*** (Matthew 13:19) When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom and does not understand it, then the wicked one [Satan] comes and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown by the wayside.
*** (Luke 4:6-7-8) And the Devil said to Him [Jesus], = All this power = I will give you, = and the glory of them; = for it has been delivered to me. = And I give it = to whomever = I will.
(Luke 4:7) Therefore if you will worship me, = all shall be yours.
(Luke 4:8) And Jesus answered and said to him, Get behind me, Satan! For it is written, "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve."
*** (1John 5:19) We know that we are of God, and all the world lies in Evil.
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) For such ones are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
(2Co 11:14) Did not even Satan marvelously transform himself into an angel of light?
(2Co 11:15) Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves as ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works.
“Many” are deceived… into believing such “Foolish Videos!” Did you ever watch any of those “Supposed Healing Campaigns”… on TV or Video…? The ‘Supposed’ Evangelist; supposedly binds Satan… and then ‘Commands Healing’… in the Name of Jesus…? The ‘Supposedly’ healed person… then throws down their Crutches or gets up, from the Wheel Chair; and hobbles off the stage…? Let me simply ask you… “Does this sound like the Healing of Acts 3:6-to-9…? Of course “NOT”…! Have you ever seen that kind of healing on TV… “Walking and Leaping and Praising God!” Absolutely Not!
*** (Acts 3:6-to-9) But Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!
(Act 3:7) And taking him by the right hand, he lifted him up. And immediately his feet and ankle-bones received strength.
(Act 3:8) And leaping up, he stood and walked and entered with them into the temple, = walking = and = leaping = and = praising God.
(Act 3:9) And all the people saw him walking and praising God.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were also ‘false prophets’ among the people, even as there will be ‘false teachers’ among you, who secretly will bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And ‘many’ will follow their pernicious ways, and because of them ‘the way of truth’ will be evil spoken of.
*** (1John 4:1) Beloved, ‘do not’ believe every spirit, but try the spirits ‘to see’ if they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
*** (1Corinthians 14:32-33) And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. [True or False]
(1Cor 14:33) For God is ‘not’ the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
How about “YOU”…? When you hear about a ‘Supposed Miracle’… do you believe “IT?” Why is it… that so very “Many”… that ‘say’ they “Believe the Bible”… and then; “Need a ‘Miracle’ to Believe?” Didn’t the Jews of Jesus’ day… “Demand a Miracle”… from Him? Do you remember His reply? How about His own un-believing ‘Apostle Disciple’… who ‘demanded’ a miracle? What did Jesus reply to Him…?
*** (Matthew 12:38-39-40) Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we want to see a sign from you.
(Mat 12:39) But He [Jesus] answered and said to them, An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. And there shall be no sign given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.
(Mat 12:40) For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the huge fish, so the Son of Man shall be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
*** (John 20:27-28-29) Then He [Jesus] said to Thomas, Reach your finger here and behold My hands; and reach your hand here and thrust it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing.
(John 20:28) And Thomas answered and said to Him, My Lord and my God!
(John 20:29) Jesus said to him, Thomas, because you have seen Me you have believed. Blessed are they who have ‘not seen’ and have believed.
*** (Hebrews 10:38-39) Now, "the Just shall live by faith. But if he draws back, My soul shall have no pleasure in him."
(Heb 10:39) But we are ‘not’ of those withdrawing to destruction, ‘but’ of those who believe to the preserving of the soul.
*** (John 3:19-20) And this is the condemnation, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil.
(John 3:20) For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
In a 2006 national poll… of over ‘10,000’… Pastors, Bible ‘School & Bible’ College Teachers… “Less Than”… ‘One Third’… believed in the “Complete Authority of the Bible”. That means that ‘Two Thirds’… did “NOT” believe in the Inherency of the Bible and in its Complete Authority! That means that they… “Do NOT”… Know JESUS! Plain and Simple! What about those; that sit under their Teaching…? Or those that are followers of ‘Them’…? “How & What”… do you think… they believe… about the ‘Authority & Validity’… of God’s Holy Word…? Where do ‘You’… Stand…?
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them through Your Truth. Your Word is Truth.
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] answered and said, It is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written that "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word of God."
*** (Proverbs 30:6) Do not add to His Words, that He not reprove you, and you be found a liar.
*** (Revelation 22:18-19) For I testify together to everyone who hears the Words of the prophecy of this Book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add on him the plagues that have been written in this Book.
(Rev 22:19) And if anyone takes away from the Words of the Book of this prophecy, God will take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which have been written in this Book.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law and to the testimony! If they do not speak ‘according to’ this Word, it is because ‘no light’ is in them.
Where does that leave “YOU”… who do not believe ‘ONLY’ the Holy Word of God…? Just perhaps you have ‘Never’ been… “Born Again”; by the Holy Spirit of God…? Perhaps you have ‘only’ believed that you were a Christian… ‘without’ being “Born from Above”; by God’s Holy Spirit…? Where does that ‘Then’… leave “You”… for Eternity…? Knowing ‘about’ Jesus and Knowing ‘some’ about the Bible… “Does NOT”… make ‘one’; a Born Again Christian!
*** (Luke 16:27-to-31) And he said, I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house,
(Luke 16:28) for I have five brothers, so that he may testify to them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
(Luke 16:29) Abraham said to him, They have Moses and the Prophets, let them hear them.
(Luke 16:30) And he said, No, father Abraham, but if one should go to them from the dead, they would repent.
(Luke 16:31) And he said to him, If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded, even though one rose from the dead.
Answering Blind FAITH - 101
Just where and how… have ‘You’… “Believed On Jesus?” Have you believed on Him… ‘According to the Scriptures’… “John 7:38-39?”… Or have you believed on Him… because ‘someone’ told you about Him…? “Many”… speak ‘many’ things about Christ Jesus… that are’; Not True! “IF” your belief… or ‘Saving Faith’… is “Not Based”… on the Scriptures; what is it based ‘On?’ No wonder why… “So Very MANY”… believe ‘Anything’; that they “Hear about Jesus”.
*** (2Corinthians 13:5-6) Keep examining yourselves to see whether you are continuing in the faith. Test yourselves! You know, do not you, that Jesus Christ lives in you? Could it be that you are failing the test?
(2Cor 13:6) I hope you will realize that we haven't failed the test.
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
“Veterans Day & The ‘Christian’ Soldier – 101”…Blog.
“Veterans Day & The ‘Christian’ Soldier – 101”…Blog.
*** (2Timothy 2:3-4-5) Join me in suffering like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
(2Tim 2:4) No one serving in the military gets mixed up in civilian matters, for his aim is to please his commanding officer.
(2Tim 2:5) Moreover, no one [either] who is an athlete wins a prize unless he competes according to the rules.
Today our Nation… celebrates Veterans Day, or Armistice Day. It is a remembrance of all those; ‘Who gave their Lives’ and those who ‘served’ in our Military. Over the past 30 some years; there has been an ‘Anti-Military’ bias in our great country. The draft was done away with and the ‘All Voluntary Service’; has replaced it… to the ‘detriment’ of our Nation. Back then, when the parents failed ‘to train’… the military surely did. It gave direction and purpose… to many young men, who had very little or none at all.
*** (Ecclesiastes 8:11) Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.” British Statesman, Edmund Burke.
Those of us… who have served, know what it is like. But did you realize… that ‘Law Enforcement’ here in our country has an ‘equally hard’ or even ‘harder’ job…? The ‘Illegal Drug’s… “A Four Trillion Dollar” industry; is supported by our “Own American People”…? They themselves are ‘undermining’ the very foundations of our country! And the “Freedoms & Privileges” paid for with the “Lives & Limbs”… of Many Veterans! Every time you support “Marijuana and the Other Illegal Drugs”… you are ‘helping’; to “Destroy”… “Our Country!”
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
*** (Genesis 4:8-9-10) And Cain talked with his brother Abel. And it happened when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him.
(Gen 4:9) And Jehovah [God] said unto Cain, Where is your brother Abel? And he said, I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?
(Gen 4:10) And He [God] said, What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries to Me from the ground.
What is “Even Worse”… are the “Over 55-million”… “Innocent Babies”… that have been “Murdered by Abortion”… in their Mother’s womb… by their “American Mothers!” That is More… than have been Killed in war time! “Pets and Criminals”… have ‘more’ protection… “Than those Innocent Babies – Murdered!” What about you… when was the last time… you spoke out for those… Innocent Babies…?
*** (Proverbs 14:34) Righteousness lifts up a nation, but sin is a shame to any people.
*** (Exodus 20:13) You shall not kill.
*** (Ecclesiastes 3:8) a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
*** (Deuteronomy 9:4) Do not say in your heart, when Jehovah your God thrusts them out from before you, saying, Jehovah has brought me in to possess this land for my righteousness. But say, Jehovah dispossesses them from before you because of the wickedness of those nations.
Did you Know… that in the “Original Hebrew OT Text; Exodus 20:13”… this is an ‘incorrect’ translation into English? In the Hebrew, there are ‘Five’ different words for Hebrew word ‘Kill’. The one used in this text… may and should be ‘Correctly Translated’… “You shall Not Murder, Innocent Life!” Death is permitted by God, the God of the Bible… as it is a part of War and Judgment on a peoples and nations. The breaking the Sabbath carried the Death Penalty; and so did False Prophesying. So too… even a rebellious child; was to be put to death, after continual rebellion to parents and civil authority.
The ‘Military’… is the Strength of a Nation; to keep itself safe against, ‘all’ external aggression. And Yes, that can be “Abused by Despots” such as… “Hitler of Germany” and “Po Pot of Cambodia!” And yes, even in our “Own Government”; such as in the issue with the ‘Murder’ of the “Innocent, men, women & children”… of the “Branch Dividians in Waco Texas!” But as Law Enforcement is for our ‘Domestic Protection’… so as our military if for; ‘International Protection’. There is an unseen war… going on… against ‘All’ that is good and right and decent!
*** (Ephesians 6:11-12) Put on all the armor of God, for you to be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil,
(Eph 6:12) because wrestling against flesh and blood is not to us, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world's rulers, of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenlies.
*** (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God, and keep His commandments. For this is the whole duty of man.
(Eccl 12:14) For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good, or whether evil.
Are “YOU”… Truly Born Again… by the Holy Spirit of God…? “IF”… You are, then you are a… “Soldier of Christ!” He is your… “Commanding Officer”… and ‘His Orders’ to you and to ‘Other Christian Soldiers’… are found in… “His Holy Word, the Bible!” There are No Other Options… and He will ‘reward’ or ‘punish’… according to His Holy Word; “Nothing More”, “Nothing Less”..!
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being Doers of the Word, and Not merely hearers who Deceive themselves.
*** (Luke 6:46) "Why do you keep calling Me [Jesus] 'Lord, Lord,' But Don't Do what I [Jesus] tell you [to]?
*** (John 12:47-to-20) And if any one hears My Words and does not believe, I do not judge him, for I do not come to judge the world, but to save the world.
(John 12:48) He who rejects Me and does not receive My Words has one who judges him; the Word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I have not spoken of Myself, but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say, and what I should speak.
(John 12:50) And I know that His command is life everlasting. Therefore whatever I speak, even as the Father said to Me, so I speak.
*** (Acts 17:11) These people were more receptive than those in Thessalonica. They were very willing to receive the message, and every day they carefully examined the Scriptures to see if those things were so.
Do You Really, Love “JESUS”…? Is He your Savior and Lord [Boss]…? Are you in His ‘Holy’ Word… “Daily”… to get your daily marching orders; as a ‘Soldier of Christ’…? Or are you one of the ‘stand-bys’… who are Christians… “Only In Title… &… Not In Action?” Remember, He will judge everything for “Rewards for Service” and “Loss of Rewards”… by His Holy Word! He will be completely; “Just and Holy”… not expecting more, than He has provided for In You… by “His Holy Spirit”…!
*** (Romans 8:9) But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone has not the Spirit of Christ, he is ‘none’ of His.
*** (1Corinthians 12:13) For also by one [Holy] Spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks [Gentiles], whether bond or free, even all were made to drink into one Spirit.
*** (1Corinthians 3:11-to-15) For no other foundation can no one lay than the one being laid, who is Jesus Christ.
(1Cor 3:12) And if anyone builds on this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble,
(1Cor 3:13) each one's work shall be revealed. For the Day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try each one's work as to what kind it is.
(1Cor 3:14) If anyone's work which he built remains, he shall receive a reward.
(1Cor 3:15) If anyone's work shall be burned up, he shall suffer loss. But he shall be saved, yet so as by fire.
*** (2Corinthians 13:5-6) examine yourselves, whether you are in the faith, prove your own selves. Do you not know your own selves, that Jesus Christ is in you, unless you are reprobates?
(2Cor 13:6) But I trust that you will know that we are not reprobates.
*** (Matthew 12:30) The one who is not with Me [Jesus] is against Me [Jesus], and the one who does not gather with Me [Jesus] scatters.
So where do you “Stand”…? Are you part of His army… or are you against Him…? You know that without me even asking… “Don’t You?” If you truly are His child… and you haven’t been serving Him and His Holy Word… how about starting… “Right Now?” If He has called you, into the Glorious Gospel… of His Light & Truth… then take advantage of the Opportunities HE Jesus… has given You… in and through His Grace, Mercy and Love…?
*** (Luke 24:44-to-48) And He [Jesus] said to them, These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets and in the Psalms about Me.
(Luke 24:45) And He opened their mind to understand the Scriptures.
(Luke 24:46) And He said to them, So it is written, and so it behoved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day,
(Luke 24:47) and that repentance and remission of sins should be proclaimed in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
(Luke 24:48) And you are witnesses of these things.
Am I a soldier of the Cross…? [Song]
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
“Can you ‘Understand?’–101”… Blog.
“Can you ‘Understand?’–101”… Blog.
Because our world… is fast becoming a ‘Global Village’; we find it necessary to communicate with “Others”… who may ‘not’ share our “Native Tongue” [Language]. For some time… I have been learning other languages, Spanish in particular. One summer, some time ago; I spent ‘time’ listening to a Russian language course and ‘cannot’ even now… remember 5 words! Often times, because I am a Born Again Christian… I want to share God’s Holy Word… with others. The language barrier has been broken down with Translation Software and Internet Translation links. Basic communication can be opened by typing in your English and then selecting the Target Language.
These are just a few… there are many more. Many times in other countries… they are learning ‘English’ and want to practice on someone. I welcome this challenge and try and help them, if their ‘English’ is not understandable. How about you… have you stepped out of your… ‘Comfort Zone’ and tried to Communicate with someone in another… ‘Language & Country?’ When sharing the Bible verses… I often use this ‘Free’ Bible Software. It can be downloaded to your home computer or your laptop. You do not have to be on the internet to use one of those Bible links.
It has the Bible… in the Original OT Hebrew and the NT Greek. There are also many Asian, Middle Eastern and European Translations of the Bible. There are maps, commentaries and other tools… to help One… Grow in God’s Grace and in the Knowledge of His Holy Word! My favorite tool is the Word Search. At the top of the page is a pair of binoculars. Click on that it has a drop down menu. Simply type in the Word… and it will show you… where it is found in the OT, NT or Both! The term… “It came to Pass”… is found “452-times”… in the Bible.
“How do I know that the Bible”…? – 101 Blog.
*** (2Timothy 2:15) Study earnestly to present yourself approved to God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
*** (2Timothy 4:1-to-5) Therefore I solemnly witness before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is going to judge the living and the dead according to His appearance and His kingdom,
(2Tim 4:2) preach the Word, be instant in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.
(2Tim 4:3) For a time will be when they will not endure sound doctrine, but they will heap up teachers to themselves according to their own lusts, tickling the ear.
(2Tim 4:4) And they will turn away their ears from the truth and will be turned to myths.
(2Tim 4:5) But you watch in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fully carry out your ministry.
How serious are ‘You’… about sharing your “Faith In Christ”… with Others? Do you know what the Great Commission is..? Do you even know what Christ Jesus told all of us… who are Truly His Children…? How about You? Can you share your Faith… with others of your same language group? This is all part of the Christian Maturation process called… “Growing in Grace!”
*** (2Peter 3:18) But grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.
*** (Luke 24:44-to-48) Then He [Jesus] said to them, "These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you = that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms had to be fulfilled."
(Luke 24:45) Then He opened their minds so that they might come to understand the Scriptures.
(Luke 24:46) He said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ was to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day,
(Luke 24:47) and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
(Luke 24:48) You are witnesses of these things.
*** “Give a man a fish… and You feed him for a day…! Teach a man… how to fish… and You feed him… for Life...!”
Ok, so will You… try it…? I promise you… it will “Not Hurt!” …LOL! Take some time and learn another language. Dedicate yourself to the Task… and then learn as you go. Remember most of what you will learn, will or may… be new to you! Become comfortable with learning from your mistakes. In all honesty… it is better for you, than that TV! …LOL!
*** (Luke 24:48) And you are witnesses of these things.
Afrikaans [South Africa]
(Luke 24:48) En julle is getuies van hierdie dinge.
Spanish. [Latin America]
(Luke 24:48) "Ustedes son testigos de estas cosas.
(Luke 24:48) Вы же свидетели сему.
Luke 24:48 ท่านทั้งหลายเป็นพยานด้วยข้อความเหล่านั้น
Luke 24:48 Các ngươi làm chứng về mọi việc đó; ta đây sẽ ban cho các ngươi điều Cha ta đă hứa,
Luke 24:48 你们就是这些事的见证。
Luke 24:48 Kamu adalah saksi dari semuanya ini.
(Luke 24:48) I kunnen vittna härom.
Hebrew New Testament.
Luke 24:48 ואתם עדי הדברים האלה׃
Ok… did you see how ‘Easy’… it was…?
*** (John 1:49-50-51) Nathanael answered and said to Him, Rabbi, You are the Son of God. You are the King of Israel!
(John 1:50) Jesus answered and said to him, Because I said to you, I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You shall see greater things than these.
(John 1:51) And He said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Hereafter you shall see Heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Monday, November 8, 2010
“False ‘Teachers’ – 101”…Blog. [1/?]
“False ‘Teachers’ – 101”…Blog. [1/?]
“IF”, you will permit me… may I present the ‘Scriptural’ position; of those Truly Born Again, by the Holy Spirit of God. When that is established… then look at what the “Scriptures” says about… ‘False Teachers’. Those that are Truly Born Again and have God’s Holy Spirit to “Teach” them… right from… the Holy Word of God…! When you have a True hunger from God; to know “Him & His ways”… that can ‘only’ be fulfilled… with the Holy Word of God!
*** (John 14:26) But the Comforter, = the Holy Spirit = Whom the Father [God] = will send in My [Jesus] Name, = He shall teach you all things = and = bring all things to your remembrance, = whatever I [Jesus] = have said to you.
*** (John 16:13-14-15) However, = when He, = the Spirit of Truth, = has come, = He will guide you into = All Truth. = For He shall ‘not speak’ of Himself, = but ‘whatever’ He hears, = He shall speak. = And He will announce to you = things to come.
(John 16:14) He will glorify Me [Jesus], = for He will receive of Mine = and will announce it to you.
(John 16:15) All things that the Father [God] = has are Mine. = Therefore I [Jesus] = said that He will take of Mine = and will announce it to you.
*** (1Corinthians 2:12-13-14) But we = have not received = the spirit of the world, = but the Spirit from God, = so that we might know = the things = that are freely given to us = by God.
(1Cor 2:13) These things we also speak, = not in words which man's wisdom teaches, = but which the Holy Spirit teaches, = comparing spiritual things = with spiritual.
(1Cor 2:14) But the = natural man = does not receive = the things of the Spirit of God, = for they are = foolishness = to him; = neither can he = know them, = because they are spiritually discerned.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these were = more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = searched the Scriptures = daily = to see if those things = were so. [See Luke 16:31]
In these four verses… one can see that Jesus said; that the Holy Spirit would teach… “His!” Because the Father had given it to Jesus first, and the Holy Spirit will teach… “His Real Children!” Because they ‘do not’ have the spirit of this world… but instead the Holy Spirit… they can then; “Understand & Know”… those things of God; found in His Word. They… compare Spiritual things with Spiritual things… ‘unlike’ the natural man; who thinks all is foolishness and does ‘not’ understand the Word of God. The True Believer… checks the “Scripture–Daily”… to see IF those things were so… or ‘Not!’
*** (Ephesians 1:7-to-14) In Him [Jesus] = we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our offenses, = according to the riches of God's grace
(Eph 1:8) that He [Jesus] lavished on us, = along with ‘all’ = wisdom and understanding,
(Eph 1:9) when He [God] made known to us = the secret of His will. = This was according to His [God’s] plan = that He = set forth in Christ [Jesus]
(Eph 1:10) to usher in = the fullness of the times = and = to gather up all things = in Christ, = both things in heaven = and = things on earth.
(Eph 1:11) In Christ [Jesus] = we were also chosen when we were predestined = according to the purpose of the One [God] = Who does everything according to = the intention of His will,
(Eph 1:12) so that we = who had already fixed our hope on Christ = might live for His praise and glory.
(Eph 1:13) You, too, = have heard = the Word of Truth, = the gospel of your salvation. = When you believed = in Him [Jesus] = you were sealed = with the promised Holy Spirit, [John 7:38-39]
(Eph 1:14) Who is the guarantee of our inheritance = until the redemption = of God's own possession, = to His praise and glory.
*** (Matthew 7:21-22-23) Not Everyone = who keeps saying to Me [Jesus], = 'Lord, = Lord,' = will get into the kingdom of heaven, = but ‘only’ the person = who keeps doing = the will [Word] = of My [Jesus] = Father [God] in heaven.
(Matt 7:22) “MANY” = will say to Me [Jesus] = on that day, = 'Lord, = Lord, = we prophesied = in Your Name, = drove out demons = in Your Name, = and = performed many miracles = in Your Name, = didn't we?'
(Matt 7:23) Then = I [Jesus] = will tell them plainly, = “I [Jesus] = ‘Never’ = knew you. Get away from Me, = you who practice Lawlessness!”
*** (Romans 8:9) You, however, = are not of the flesh = but of the Spirit, = since God's [Holy] Spirit lives in you. = And if = ‘anyone’ = does not have = the Spirit of Christ, = he does ‘not’ belong to Him.
Herein is the Difference…! Those that are ‘Truly Born Again’… by the “Holy Spirit” of God: “KNOW”… the Truth of the Holy Word of God! Those that “DO NOT”… simply use… ‘God Talk’ and parade around… “FOOLING”… ‘Most’.. That they are ‘Really’ Christians! Christ Jesus said… “I Never Knew YOU!” Yes they “Fooled” many others… but “Did NOT”; fool Christ… Who sees the hearts! Today, “The MANY”… are religious and use the words… “Amen!” “Hallelujah!” “Praise the Lord!” And much “Other–God Talk”… with such words and phrases! In reality… they “Do NOT” have the Holy Spirit of God… and are “Not”… HIS [Jesus]!
*** (Jude 1:19-20-21) These = are those setting themselves apart, = animal-like ones, = not having the [Holy] Spirit.
(Jude 1:20) But you, beloved, = building yourselves up = in your most holy faith, = praying in the Holy Spirit,
(Jude 1:21) keep yourselves in the love of God, = eagerly awaiting = the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ = to everlasting life.
*** (2Timothy 2:15-16) Study earnestly = to present yourself = approved to God, = a workman = that does ‘not’ need to be ashamed, = rightly dividing = the Word of Truth [God].
(2Tim 2:16) But shun profane, = vain babblings, = for they will increase to more ungodliness.
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through Your = Truth. = Your Word = is Truth.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law and to the testimony! = If = they do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light is in them.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) Prove = all things, = hold fast = to the good.
The True Believer… “Knows & Obeys”… the Holy Word of God. Their focus is ‘not’ on the things of this world… but on those things that are “Eternal & Unshakable.” They ‘Believe’… the “Holy Word of God”… and they ‘make sure’… that it is used… Correctly! Each & Every one of US… Shop! We check prices and read Sale Adds… and may even cut coupons. We get the best deal we can… to be Good Stewards… of the funds Christ has… entrusted us with! But do we in our Spiritual Lives… simply use the Same Criteria? “MOST”… do Not! They will simply believe… anything… without going to the Scriptures… and check it out!
http://truth459.blogspot.com/2010/07/out-of-context-101-1-of-blog.html [1/2]
*** (Luke 18:8) I say to you that He [God] = will avenge them speedily. = Yet when the Son of Man = comes [again], = shall He find = [True Biblical] faith = on the earth?
*** (Matthew 24:37) But as = the days of Noah were, = so shall be = the coming of the Son of Man.
*** (Genesis 6:5) And Jehovah = saw that the wickedness of man = was great in the earth, = and every imagination = of the thoughts of his heart = was only evil = continually.
*** (Jude 1:3-4) Dear friends, = although I was eager to write to you = about the salvation we share, = I found it necessary = to write to you = and urge you = to continue your vigorous defense of the Faith = that was passed down to the saints = once and for all.
(Jude 1:4) For some people = have slipped in = among you unnoticed. = They were written about long ago as being deserving of this condemnation = because they are ungodly. = They turn the grace of our God into uncontrollable lust = and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
About now… “You” can readily see from the ‘Scriptures’… that there is an “Unseen Spiritual Deception”… going on in the background. ‘Many’ do not want to know about it… and wrongly think that… “Just Loving Jesus”… is enough? That is ‘not’ what He intended us to do… to sit back on the premises… and… wait for His return. They ‘do not’ understand that there is a “Battle for the Souls, Hearts and Minds”… of sinful, lost mankind! These types of ‘Christians’… “Never Study the Holy Word of God”… to see what… “Christ has for them to do!” To them… singing and praising God and church… is just enough! They are the ONES… Christ calls… “Lukewarm!”
*** (Luke 24:44-to-48) Then He [Jesus] = said to them, = "These are My words that I spoke to you = while I was still with you = that ‘everything’ = written about Me [Jesus] = in the law of Moses, = the Prophets, = and the Psalms = had to be fulfilled."
(Luke 24:45) Then He [Jesus] = opened their minds = so that they might = come to understand = the Scriptures.
(Luke 24:46) He [Jesus] = said to them, = “Thus it is written, = that the Christ = was to suffer = and to rise from the dead = on the third day,
(Luke 24:47) and that = repentance = and = forgiveness of sins = is ‘to be’ proclaimed = in His Name = to ‘all’ the nations, = beginning at Jerusalem.
(Luke 24:48) You = are witnesses = of these things.
*** (2Timothy 4:1-to-5) Therefore I [Paul] = solemnly ‘witness’ before God = and the Lord Jesus Christ, = Who is going to judge = the living and the dead = according to His appearance = and = His kingdom,
(2Tim 4:2) “PREACH” = the Word, = be instant in season = and = out of season, = reprove, rebuke, = exhort = with all long-suffering = and doctrine.
(2Tim 4:3) For a time will be = when they ‘will not’ = endure sound doctrine, = but they will heap up teachers = to themselves = according to their own lusts, = tickling the ear.
(2Tim 4:4) And they will = ‘turn away’ = their ears = from the Truth = and = will be ‘turned’ to myths.
(2Tim 4:5) But you = watch [guard] in ‘all’ things, = endure afflictions, = do the work of an evangelist, = fully carry out = your ministry.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But = there were ‘also’ = false prophets among the people, = even as = there ‘will be’ = “False Teachers” = among you, = who secretly = will bring in = destructive heresies, = even denying the Master = Who bought them, = bringing on themselves = swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And = “MANY” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and because of them = the way of Truth = will be ‘evil’ spoken of.
What do you “Believe”…? Well, I believe what my Church Teaches! What does your Church Teach? Well, my Pastor teaches Us. What does your Pastor Teach? He teaches us… what our Church Believes! And so, the story goes on and on… in a ‘circular’ reasoning… that says “Absolutely Nothing!” “Many”… act out of this ‘Conundrum’… and think ‘nothing’ about it. They have that ‘party spirit’ and if anyone ‘questions’ them… they ‘cannot’ present a “Scriptural Answer!” This is the same ‘mindset’ of those; that ‘Follow’… “MOST OF”… those “FALSE”… TV and Radio preachers!” But “Yes”… there are some “Good Biblical Teachers?... there too!
*** (2Timothy 3:6-7) For of these = are those = who creep into houses = and = lead captive = silly women loaded with sins, = led away = with different kinds of lusts,
(2Tim 3:7) ‘ever’ learning = and = ‘never able’ = to come to the full knowledge = of the Truth.
*** (2Corinthians 11:4) For = ‘if’ someone = comes along = and = preaches ‘another’ Jesus = than the one we preached, = or should you receive = a different spirit = from the one you received = or a different gospel = from the one you accepted, = you are all too willing to listen.
*** (Luke 4:5-to-8) The devil = also took Him [Jesus] = to a high place = and showed Him = ‘all’ the kingdoms of the world = in an instant.
(Luke 4:6) He [Satan] said to Jesus, = “I will give You = ‘all; this authority = and = the glory of these kingdoms. = For it = has ‘been given’ to me [Satan], = and = I [Satan] = give it = to ‘anyone’ = I [Satan] = please”.
(Luke 4:7) So if = You will worship me, = all this = will be Yours."
(Luke 4:8) But Jesus = answered him, = “It is written, = You must worship = the Lord your God = and serve ‘only’ = Him [God].”
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) Such people = are ‘false’ apostles, = dishonest workers = who are ‘masquerading’ as = apostles of Christ.
(2Cor 11:14) And no wonder, = since Satan himself = ‘masquerades’ as = an angel of light.
(2Cor 11:15) So = it ‘is not’ surprising = if = his servants = also ‘masquerade’ = as servants of righteousness. = Their doom = will match their deeds!
Christians and Halloween – 101 Blog.
*** (Galatians 4:16) So have I now = become your enemy = for telling you = the Truth?
Continued next blog… [2/?]
Thanks In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
“IF”, you will permit me… may I present the ‘Scriptural’ position; of those Truly Born Again, by the Holy Spirit of God. When that is established… then look at what the “Scriptures” says about… ‘False Teachers’. Those that are Truly Born Again and have God’s Holy Spirit to “Teach” them… right from… the Holy Word of God…! When you have a True hunger from God; to know “Him & His ways”… that can ‘only’ be fulfilled… with the Holy Word of God!
*** (John 14:26) But the Comforter, = the Holy Spirit = Whom the Father [God] = will send in My [Jesus] Name, = He shall teach you all things = and = bring all things to your remembrance, = whatever I [Jesus] = have said to you.
*** (John 16:13-14-15) However, = when He, = the Spirit of Truth, = has come, = He will guide you into = All Truth. = For He shall ‘not speak’ of Himself, = but ‘whatever’ He hears, = He shall speak. = And He will announce to you = things to come.
(John 16:14) He will glorify Me [Jesus], = for He will receive of Mine = and will announce it to you.
(John 16:15) All things that the Father [God] = has are Mine. = Therefore I [Jesus] = said that He will take of Mine = and will announce it to you.
*** (1Corinthians 2:12-13-14) But we = have not received = the spirit of the world, = but the Spirit from God, = so that we might know = the things = that are freely given to us = by God.
(1Cor 2:13) These things we also speak, = not in words which man's wisdom teaches, = but which the Holy Spirit teaches, = comparing spiritual things = with spiritual.
(1Cor 2:14) But the = natural man = does not receive = the things of the Spirit of God, = for they are = foolishness = to him; = neither can he = know them, = because they are spiritually discerned.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these were = more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = searched the Scriptures = daily = to see if those things = were so. [See Luke 16:31]
In these four verses… one can see that Jesus said; that the Holy Spirit would teach… “His!” Because the Father had given it to Jesus first, and the Holy Spirit will teach… “His Real Children!” Because they ‘do not’ have the spirit of this world… but instead the Holy Spirit… they can then; “Understand & Know”… those things of God; found in His Word. They… compare Spiritual things with Spiritual things… ‘unlike’ the natural man; who thinks all is foolishness and does ‘not’ understand the Word of God. The True Believer… checks the “Scripture–Daily”… to see IF those things were so… or ‘Not!’
*** (Ephesians 1:7-to-14) In Him [Jesus] = we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our offenses, = according to the riches of God's grace
(Eph 1:8) that He [Jesus] lavished on us, = along with ‘all’ = wisdom and understanding,
(Eph 1:9) when He [God] made known to us = the secret of His will. = This was according to His [God’s] plan = that He = set forth in Christ [Jesus]
(Eph 1:10) to usher in = the fullness of the times = and = to gather up all things = in Christ, = both things in heaven = and = things on earth.
(Eph 1:11) In Christ [Jesus] = we were also chosen when we were predestined = according to the purpose of the One [God] = Who does everything according to = the intention of His will,
(Eph 1:12) so that we = who had already fixed our hope on Christ = might live for His praise and glory.
(Eph 1:13) You, too, = have heard = the Word of Truth, = the gospel of your salvation. = When you believed = in Him [Jesus] = you were sealed = with the promised Holy Spirit, [John 7:38-39]
(Eph 1:14) Who is the guarantee of our inheritance = until the redemption = of God's own possession, = to His praise and glory.
*** (Matthew 7:21-22-23) Not Everyone = who keeps saying to Me [Jesus], = 'Lord, = Lord,' = will get into the kingdom of heaven, = but ‘only’ the person = who keeps doing = the will [Word] = of My [Jesus] = Father [God] in heaven.
(Matt 7:22) “MANY” = will say to Me [Jesus] = on that day, = 'Lord, = Lord, = we prophesied = in Your Name, = drove out demons = in Your Name, = and = performed many miracles = in Your Name, = didn't we?'
(Matt 7:23) Then = I [Jesus] = will tell them plainly, = “I [Jesus] = ‘Never’ = knew you. Get away from Me, = you who practice Lawlessness!”
*** (Romans 8:9) You, however, = are not of the flesh = but of the Spirit, = since God's [Holy] Spirit lives in you. = And if = ‘anyone’ = does not have = the Spirit of Christ, = he does ‘not’ belong to Him.
Herein is the Difference…! Those that are ‘Truly Born Again’… by the “Holy Spirit” of God: “KNOW”… the Truth of the Holy Word of God! Those that “DO NOT”… simply use… ‘God Talk’ and parade around… “FOOLING”… ‘Most’.. That they are ‘Really’ Christians! Christ Jesus said… “I Never Knew YOU!” Yes they “Fooled” many others… but “Did NOT”; fool Christ… Who sees the hearts! Today, “The MANY”… are religious and use the words… “Amen!” “Hallelujah!” “Praise the Lord!” And much “Other–God Talk”… with such words and phrases! In reality… they “Do NOT” have the Holy Spirit of God… and are “Not”… HIS [Jesus]!
*** (Jude 1:19-20-21) These = are those setting themselves apart, = animal-like ones, = not having the [Holy] Spirit.
(Jude 1:20) But you, beloved, = building yourselves up = in your most holy faith, = praying in the Holy Spirit,
(Jude 1:21) keep yourselves in the love of God, = eagerly awaiting = the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ = to everlasting life.
*** (2Timothy 2:15-16) Study earnestly = to present yourself = approved to God, = a workman = that does ‘not’ need to be ashamed, = rightly dividing = the Word of Truth [God].
(2Tim 2:16) But shun profane, = vain babblings, = for they will increase to more ungodliness.
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through Your = Truth. = Your Word = is Truth.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law and to the testimony! = If = they do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light is in them.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) Prove = all things, = hold fast = to the good.
The True Believer… “Knows & Obeys”… the Holy Word of God. Their focus is ‘not’ on the things of this world… but on those things that are “Eternal & Unshakable.” They ‘Believe’… the “Holy Word of God”… and they ‘make sure’… that it is used… Correctly! Each & Every one of US… Shop! We check prices and read Sale Adds… and may even cut coupons. We get the best deal we can… to be Good Stewards… of the funds Christ has… entrusted us with! But do we in our Spiritual Lives… simply use the Same Criteria? “MOST”… do Not! They will simply believe… anything… without going to the Scriptures… and check it out!
http://truth459.blogspot.com/2010/07/out-of-context-101-1-of-blog.html [1/2]
*** (Luke 18:8) I say to you that He [God] = will avenge them speedily. = Yet when the Son of Man = comes [again], = shall He find = [True Biblical] faith = on the earth?
*** (Matthew 24:37) But as = the days of Noah were, = so shall be = the coming of the Son of Man.
*** (Genesis 6:5) And Jehovah = saw that the wickedness of man = was great in the earth, = and every imagination = of the thoughts of his heart = was only evil = continually.
*** (Jude 1:3-4) Dear friends, = although I was eager to write to you = about the salvation we share, = I found it necessary = to write to you = and urge you = to continue your vigorous defense of the Faith = that was passed down to the saints = once and for all.
(Jude 1:4) For some people = have slipped in = among you unnoticed. = They were written about long ago as being deserving of this condemnation = because they are ungodly. = They turn the grace of our God into uncontrollable lust = and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
About now… “You” can readily see from the ‘Scriptures’… that there is an “Unseen Spiritual Deception”… going on in the background. ‘Many’ do not want to know about it… and wrongly think that… “Just Loving Jesus”… is enough? That is ‘not’ what He intended us to do… to sit back on the premises… and… wait for His return. They ‘do not’ understand that there is a “Battle for the Souls, Hearts and Minds”… of sinful, lost mankind! These types of ‘Christians’… “Never Study the Holy Word of God”… to see what… “Christ has for them to do!” To them… singing and praising God and church… is just enough! They are the ONES… Christ calls… “Lukewarm!”
*** (Luke 24:44-to-48) Then He [Jesus] = said to them, = "These are My words that I spoke to you = while I was still with you = that ‘everything’ = written about Me [Jesus] = in the law of Moses, = the Prophets, = and the Psalms = had to be fulfilled."
(Luke 24:45) Then He [Jesus] = opened their minds = so that they might = come to understand = the Scriptures.
(Luke 24:46) He [Jesus] = said to them, = “Thus it is written, = that the Christ = was to suffer = and to rise from the dead = on the third day,
(Luke 24:47) and that = repentance = and = forgiveness of sins = is ‘to be’ proclaimed = in His Name = to ‘all’ the nations, = beginning at Jerusalem.
(Luke 24:48) You = are witnesses = of these things.
*** (2Timothy 4:1-to-5) Therefore I [Paul] = solemnly ‘witness’ before God = and the Lord Jesus Christ, = Who is going to judge = the living and the dead = according to His appearance = and = His kingdom,
(2Tim 4:2) “PREACH” = the Word, = be instant in season = and = out of season, = reprove, rebuke, = exhort = with all long-suffering = and doctrine.
(2Tim 4:3) For a time will be = when they ‘will not’ = endure sound doctrine, = but they will heap up teachers = to themselves = according to their own lusts, = tickling the ear.
(2Tim 4:4) And they will = ‘turn away’ = their ears = from the Truth = and = will be ‘turned’ to myths.
(2Tim 4:5) But you = watch [guard] in ‘all’ things, = endure afflictions, = do the work of an evangelist, = fully carry out = your ministry.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But = there were ‘also’ = false prophets among the people, = even as = there ‘will be’ = “False Teachers” = among you, = who secretly = will bring in = destructive heresies, = even denying the Master = Who bought them, = bringing on themselves = swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And = “MANY” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and because of them = the way of Truth = will be ‘evil’ spoken of.
What do you “Believe”…? Well, I believe what my Church Teaches! What does your Church Teach? Well, my Pastor teaches Us. What does your Pastor Teach? He teaches us… what our Church Believes! And so, the story goes on and on… in a ‘circular’ reasoning… that says “Absolutely Nothing!” “Many”… act out of this ‘Conundrum’… and think ‘nothing’ about it. They have that ‘party spirit’ and if anyone ‘questions’ them… they ‘cannot’ present a “Scriptural Answer!” This is the same ‘mindset’ of those; that ‘Follow’… “MOST OF”… those “FALSE”… TV and Radio preachers!” But “Yes”… there are some “Good Biblical Teachers?... there too!
*** (2Timothy 3:6-7) For of these = are those = who creep into houses = and = lead captive = silly women loaded with sins, = led away = with different kinds of lusts,
(2Tim 3:7) ‘ever’ learning = and = ‘never able’ = to come to the full knowledge = of the Truth.
*** (2Corinthians 11:4) For = ‘if’ someone = comes along = and = preaches ‘another’ Jesus = than the one we preached, = or should you receive = a different spirit = from the one you received = or a different gospel = from the one you accepted, = you are all too willing to listen.
*** (Luke 4:5-to-8) The devil = also took Him [Jesus] = to a high place = and showed Him = ‘all’ the kingdoms of the world = in an instant.
(Luke 4:6) He [Satan] said to Jesus, = “I will give You = ‘all; this authority = and = the glory of these kingdoms. = For it = has ‘been given’ to me [Satan], = and = I [Satan] = give it = to ‘anyone’ = I [Satan] = please”.
(Luke 4:7) So if = You will worship me, = all this = will be Yours."
(Luke 4:8) But Jesus = answered him, = “It is written, = You must worship = the Lord your God = and serve ‘only’ = Him [God].”
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) Such people = are ‘false’ apostles, = dishonest workers = who are ‘masquerading’ as = apostles of Christ.
(2Cor 11:14) And no wonder, = since Satan himself = ‘masquerades’ as = an angel of light.
(2Cor 11:15) So = it ‘is not’ surprising = if = his servants = also ‘masquerade’ = as servants of righteousness. = Their doom = will match their deeds!
Christians and Halloween – 101 Blog.
*** (Galatians 4:16) So have I now = become your enemy = for telling you = the Truth?
Continued next blog… [2/?]
Thanks In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.