“Who Moved – 1024” …Blog.
‘Who’ Moved…?
Remarriage after the Death of one’s Spouse…?
IF: “You” have taken YOUR time… and
read through these Scriptures and remarks; THEN: perhaps “You” are willing to
change your mind about: “Divorce” & “Adultery Remarriage”…? Please do ‘NOT’
believe only what I say; but ‘ONLY’ what the Holy Word of God says? “You” answer
to HIM: and “Not” to me. Your eternal: ‘rewards’ or ‘loss’ of rewards: is based
on His Truth: which “You” act upon. Surely “You” want God’s best for your Life:
Don’t ‘‘You’’? After your ‘Only’ spouse
has Died: “You” are free to Remarry: “But ‘Only’ in the LORD”…! [1Corhinthains
7:39 & Romans 7:1-2-3]
Believe Me – 101”…Blog. [1/2]
does “ONLY in the LORD” mean…? To put it plainly: IF the Lord wills it! How
does One know IF it is the Lord’s Will? The Will of GOD = Always Equals = His
Holy Word! Nothing More: Nothing Less! Surely He would ‘Not’ want a
‘Spiritually Mature’ person to marry a: ‘Spiritually Immature’ person. Do “You”
know about “Amos 3:3”…? What about Hebrews 5:11-to-14…? After ALL of the
Scriptures presented already: How could anyone even consider a marriage to “Someone”:
whose ‘Divorced’ spouse was still Living…?
*** (Amos 3:3) Can
two walk together: unless they are agreed?
*** (Hebrews 5:11-to-14) We have much to say about this, but it
is difficult to explain because “You” have become too
lazy to understand.
(Heb 5:12) In fact, though by now “You” should be
teachers, “You” still need someone to
teach “You” the basic truths of God's Word. “You” have become people who
need milk instead of solid food.
(Heb 5:13)
For everyone who lives on milk is still a [Spiritual] baby; and is inexperienced in the message of righteousness.
(Heb 5:14) But solid food [Bible Doctrine] is for mature people, whose minds are
trained by practice to distinguish [discern]: good from evil.
*** (Hosea
4:6) My people are destroyed for
lack of knowledge. Because “You”
have rejected knowledge, I [God] will also reject “You” from being priest to
Me. Since “You” have forgotten the
Law of your, I will also forget your sons, even I [The LORD].
*** (Judges
2:10) And also all that generation were gathered to their fathers. And
there arose ‘another’ generation after them
who did ‘NOT’ know The LORD, nor ‘even’ the works which He had done for
*** (Judges
21:25) In those days there was
no king in Israel. Every man did the
right [only] in his own eyes.
Suppose that “Divorced” persons spouse is
“Dead”…? Doesn’t that fulfill, “Romans 7:1-2-3” & “1Corinthains 7:39”…?
Yes, I believe so, in “Letter & Spirit!” But lets look at the Scripture and
see what it says about, “Virtue?” What
IF: She or he instituted the Divorce? How ‘would or could’, “You” trust one
such as that? Surely there must be some Scriptures covering this…? IF: “You” have a relationship with
Christ Jesus and His Holy Word, THEN:
Marriage can be an ‘Adjunct’: ONLY with the “Right Mate”. On the other hand: it
can be a distraction from; “Him & His Holy Word!” Question: what in fact is most important to “You’’…? Him & His
Holy Word: or a “Mate”…? Please answer
to yourself…?
*** (1Corinthains 7:29-to-35) This is what I mean, brothers: The time
has been shortened. From now on, those
who have wives should live: as though they had ‘None’,
(1Cor 7:30)
and those who mourn as though they did not mourn, and those who rejoice as
though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they did not own a
(1Cor 7:31)
and those who use the things in the world as though they were not dependent on
them. For the world in its present form;
is passing away.
(1Cor 7:32) I want “You” to be free from concerns. An unmarried man is ‘Concerned’ about the
affairs of the Lord: that is, about ‘how’ he can: Please the Lord.
(1Cor 7:33)
But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world, that is, about how he can please his
(1Cor 7:34) and so his attention is: ‘Divided’. An
unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the affairs of the Lord, so that she may be holy in body and
spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world, that is, about how she can please her
(1Cor 7:35) I'm saying this for your benefit: ‘Not’ to
put a noose around your necks: but to promote ‘good order’ and ‘Unhindered’
–> “Devotion to the [our] Lord.
The Requirements for a Levite… and OT Priest were specific about
Marriage. As a NT Believer: are we not OT Priests, unto our Lord Jesus…? [Kings
& Priests: Revelation 5:10] If “You” will take some time to read through
the OT Scriptures, “You” will find Scriptures “Applicable & Maturing”: for the NT Believer. Not in a
legalistic sense; but in the “Godly Wisdom” that one needs! No Pastor should ever ‘violate’ these
*** (Leviticus 21:6-to-9) They shall be
holy to their God and
not profane the name of their God. For they offer the fire offerings of The
LORD, the bread of their God. Therefore they shall be holy.
(Lev 21:7) They shall “NOT” take a wife who
is a “WHORE”, or “DEFILED”. Neither shall they take a woman “DIVORCED” from
her husband. For he [the Levite or Priest] is Holy to his God.
(Lev 21:8) And
“You” shall sanctify him, for he offers the bread of your God. He shall be ‘Holy’
to ‘‘You’’. For I am holy, The LORD who sanctifies ‘‘You’’.
(Lev 21:9) And
the daughter of any priest, if she profanes herself by going whoring, she
profanes her father. She shall be burned
with fire.
*** (Proverbs
31:10) Who can find a virtuous woman?
For her price is far above
(Pro 31:11) The heart of her husband does safely trust in her; so that
he shall have no need of spoil. [Plunder]
(Pro 31:12) She will do him ‘Good’: and “Not Evil”: ‘ALL’
the days of her life. [Proverbs
Question: If a woman claims… to be a
Child of God: and Divorces her Husband, does that Validate: her “Virtue” or “Lack of Virtue”…? She by her Divorce: “Does Him
EVIL!” How many Christian women in American Churches: fit this profile…? The “Many”
remarried! Of course, the “Violation of her Wedding Vows”: is evidence enough
of her “Lack of Virtue!” When she has ‘Wedding Vows’ with her second husband:
which one does “GOD: Validate”…? [Mark 10:112-12 & Hebrews 13:4]
“You” ever wonder WHAT… goes through the ‘Mind’ of the Pastor: Who knows
they are: “Divorced & Remarrying”…? Perhaps it goes like this…? “I wonder
IF they will attend here and “Donate their Tithes” to My Church”…? We barely
make our debt now! I strongly believe this is one of the reasons why so many Pastors:
“Remarry Divorced (Pseudo) Christians!”
*** (Luke 6:43-44) "A
good tree “Doesn't” produce rotten fruit: and a rotten tree “Doesn't” produce good fruit.
(Luke 6:44) For every tree is known by its own fruit.
People don't gather figs from thorny
plants or pick grapes from a thorn bush.
*** (James 3:9-to-12) With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse those who are made in
God's likeness.
(James 3:10) From the same Mouth: come blessing and
cursing. It should not be like this, my brothers!
(James 3:11) A spring cannot pour both fresh and
brackish water from the same opening,
can it? [No!]
(James 3:12) My brothers, a fig tree cannot produce
olives, nor a grapevine figs, can
it? [No!] Can a salt spring produce fresh water. [No!]
*** (2Peter 2:19-to-22) Promising
them freedom, they themselves are “Slaves
to Depravity”, for a person is a
slave: to whatever conquers him.
(2Pet 2:20) For if, after escaping the world's
corruptions through a full knowledge of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they
are again entangled and conquered by them: then their last condition is worse
than their former one.
(2Pet 2:21)
It would have been better for them ‘Not’ to have known the way of righteousness
than to know it: and ‘turn’ their backs
on the Holy Commandment that was committed to them.
(2Pet 2:22)
The proverb is true that describes what has happened to them: "A dog returns to its vomit,"
and "A pig that is washed goes back to wallow in the mud."
Just suppose “You” find a new ‘potential’ mate… who has divorced
their Mate: and “Remarried into Adultery?” Both of their mates are now: ‘Dead!’
No matter how much “Beauty” or “Money” or “Charisma” he or she has: “Would “You”
marry such a Person?”
answer: Yes or No…?
“Divorced” their first mate… and married another mate [Mark 10:11-12]. Why
would: or could “You” TRUST: such a Mate? She or He has already Violated: numerous
Bible Verses..! What made them Change that they are NOW, going to obey God’s
Holy Word…? Do NOT: be so naïve…! “You” think “You” are in Love…? Or is it
“Lust” & the “Pride of Life”…? God
the Will of God = Always Equals = His Holy Word!
Not: marry that Person!
*** (Isaiah 26:10) Let favor be shown to the
wicked; ‘Yet’ he will ‘NOT’ learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness he
will deal ‘unjustly’, and ‘Will Not’ behold the majesty of Jehovah the LORD.
*** (Jeremiah 13:23) Can the
Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard its spots? Then you also may do good; who are ‘Accustomed’ to: Doing Evil!
IF: “You” are a student of the Word… have
“You” read though Proverbs! IF: that is not enough to show how women easily
corrupt men: read Romans chapter ONE! Who were the first “Homosexuals?” “Men or
Women”…? It was Women! Satan takes the woman much easier than the man. Have “You”
read Revelation: and that False Woman Preacher, “Jezebel” [Revelation
2:18-to-23]…? Sorry NO, I am ‘Not’ down on women, they can serve the Lord &
their husbands & families: with a ‘Zeal’ that a man: does ‘Not’ have. They
have a God Given ‘Nurturing’ for their Children. But their potential for ‘Evil’ is much greater
than that of a Man. Have “You” notice how “Hollywood Women Entertainers ‘KISS’
other Women on the Lips so easily in Public…? Enough: ‘Said’…?
*** (Luke
17:32) Remember Lot's wife.
*** (Romans 1:22-to-28) Professing
to be wise, they became fools
(Rom 1:23) and
changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible
man, and birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping things.
(Rom 1:24)
Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their own
bodies between themselves.
(Rom 1:25)
For they changed the truth of God into a lie, and they worshiped and served the
created thing more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
(Rom 1:26)
For this cause, God gave them up to dishonorable affections. For even their women changed the natural
use into that which is against nature.
(Rom 1:27) And likewise also the men, leaving the
natural use of the woman, burned in their lust toward one another; males with
males working out shamefulness, and receiving in themselves the recompense
which was fitting for their error.
(Rom 1:28) And even as they did not think fit to have
God in their knowledge, God gave
them over to a reprobate mind; to do the things not right,
Boys & ‘Sweet Girls?’ – 101” …Blog.
*** (Ephesians
1:4) according as He [God] chose us in Him [Christ]; before the foundation of the world; that we should be ‘Holy’
and without blame before Him in love, [John 6:44]
NOW… Someone is
thinking, “But What about Our Redemption & 1Corinthains 6:9-10-11”…” Sure we were Sinners but NOW we are
redeemed! What does it matter what kind of Life: we had before Christ?
To answer that question: I must ASK: “Are You INSTANTLY Mature
and will MAKE Goodly Decisions”…? “Absolutely NOT!” That change from our
“Sinful Lifestyle” to one of “Faithfulness & Spiritual Maturity” to Christ
Jesus… may take some years! Why then would ‘ONE’ take a Mate: who may need a ‘Life
Time’: to “Mature in Christ”…? Perhaps look to the Holy Word of God: for an
*** (Ezekiel
16:44) Behold, all who use proverbs shall use this proverb against you, saying, As the mother, so is
her daughter. [Leviticus
How does your Potential
MATE: handle money…? Does He or She have any “Secret Fetishes” or “Addictions”?
Often times, I counsel people about spending the: $50-to-$75: and get a ‘Credit
Check’: on your Potential Marriage Mate! And a “Background Check”, Also! IF:
“You” are ready to marry and they will NOT share their Social Security number:
THEN: they have “SOMETHING to HIDE!” That is “DEFINITELY” when “You” need a
“Background & Credit Check!” They are “HIDING” –> “SOMETHING”…?
You may be saying… “I am in LOVE”… how am I supposed to “Do
That”…? Why would “You”… ‘NOT: Do That’…? Has your “Love & Lust” so blinded
your ‘Cognitive Thought Process’: that “You” are relying ‘ONLY’ on your human
feelings…? What happens when those “FEELINGS”… are no longer with “You”…?
Second Marriages often get into trouble “BECAUSE”… people trust their ‘Feelings
& Emotions’: and “NOT the Facts”…! And the “Complications of those
Decisions”: that go against the Holy Word of God! Do “You” really believe that GOD: would NOT Recompense: “Remarriage
*** (Hebrews 13:4) Let marriage be kept honorable in every
way, and the marriage bed undefiled. For
God will judge those who commit sexual sins; especially those who commit Adultery.
‘Who’ Moved…?
Love; in Christ, Roger // “Psalms 138:2”…!