“Tough Love – 303”…Blog. [3/?]
What Parents… ‘Excuse’… in “Moderation”… the Children will… “Practice”… “In Excess!”
In the last blog… we explored only ‘some’ of the Biblical concepts of… “Tough Love!” When reading through the Bible… ‘One’ will see this Truth… throughout the Scriptures, both OT & NT! “Tough Love”… is ‘not’ practiced in our American Society. If it were practiced… there would be less crime… and a Holy Fear of God; the God of the Bible. Instead even our School System… has embraced the concept… “No Child Left Behind!” Instead of ‘Raising the Standard’… it has been lowered to the… “Lest Common Denominator”. Stupid is as… stupid does!
*** (1Corinthians 14:40) Let all things = be done decently = and in order.
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
HOW does one… deal with SIN/SINS… in the Church or with Others? Can this be done in a ‘true spirit’ of humbleness of heart and mind? But of course it can and ‘Must’ be done… but ‘Only’… “According to the Scriptures!” The Pharisees, the Scribes and Lawyers of Jesus’ day, had simply ‘Replaced’ the Scriptures with the Talmud and the “Tradition of the Elders!” They were… Warned by the Scriptures… Not to Do that… but did so anyway!
*** (Matthew 15:5-to-9) But you say, Whoever says to his father or mother, Whatever you would gain from me, It is a gift to God;
(Matt 15:6) and in no way he honors his father or his mother. And you voided the commandment of God = by your tradition.
(Matt 15:7) Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying,
(Matt 15:8) "This people draws near to Me = with their mouth, = and honors Me with their lips, = but their heart is far from Me.
(Matt 15:9) But in vain they worship Me, = teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."
*** (Proverbs 30:5-6) Every word of God is pure; = He is a shield = to those = who put their trust in Him.
(Pro 30:6) Do not add to His Words, = lest He reprove you = and you be found a Liar.
*** (Deuteronomy 12:32) All the things I command you, = be careful to do it. = You shall not = add to it, = nor take away from it.
*** (Exodus 20:19-20) And they said to Moses, = You speak with us, = and we will hear. = But let not God = speak with us, lest we die.
(Exodus 20:20) And Moses = said to the people, = Do not fear, = for God has come = to test you, = and so that His fear = may be before your faces, = so that you may not sin.
There are ‘Examples’ of… “Tough Love”… throughout the Scriptures. There are also the Proper Biblical Instructions for doing So! How long have you been a Christian? No, do not answer me’ but answer ‘yourself’. Do you know where they are found… in the Scriptures? Can you share them with your ‘brother or sister’… in Christ? If Not… why Not…? If we are going to call ourselves… His children… should we not then… follow our Heavenly Father’s Instructions… Found in His Holy Word…?
*** (Galatians 6:1) Brothers, = if a man is overtaken = in a fault, = you the spiritual ones = restore such a one = in the spirit of meekness, = considering yourself, = lest you also be tempted.
*** (Luke 17:3) Take heed to yourselves. = If your brother = trespasses against you, = rebuke him. = And = if he repents, = forgive him.
*** (1Corinthians 6:3-to-6) Do you = not know = that we shall judge angels, = not to mention = the things of this life?
(1Cor 6:4) If, then, = you truly have judgments = of the things of this life, = set those who are least esteemed = in the church = to judge.
(1Cor 6:5) For I speak to your shame. = Is it so that there is not = a wise one among you, = not even one = in your midst = who shall be able to judge = between his brother?
(1Cor 6:6) But brother = goes to law = with brother, = and that = before the unbelievers.
About now… anyone can readily see that the Scriptures; God’s handbook for Mankind… has all the instructions anyone would need! The Church was and is to be the modicum for all of this correction. The Saints who are to do… ‘God’s Business’… before the Body of Christ and; NOT before the Mocking Unbelievers! Yet, in so very many divorce cases… Christians take Christians… to the COURTS… before the Unbelieving God Mockers of this Word! This is what the Scripture says… (1Corinthians 6:5) For I speak to your shame. = Is it so that there is not = a wise one among you, = not even one = in your midst = who shall be able to judge = between his brother?
*** (Matthew 18:15-to-20) "If your brother = sins against you, = go and confront him = while the two of you are alone. = If = he listens to you, = you have won back = your brother.
(Mat 18:16) But if he doesn't listen, = take one or two others with you = so that 'every word = may be confirmed = by the testimony = of two or three witnesses.'
(Matt 18:17) If, = however, = he ignores them, = tell it to the congregation. = If = he also ignores the congregation, = regard him as a gentile = and a tax collector.
(Matt 18:18) "Truly I tell you, = whatever you prohibit on earth = will have been prohibited in heaven, = and whatever you permit on earth = will have been permitted in heaven.
(Matt 18:19) Furthermore, = truly I [Jesus] tell you = that if two of you agree = on earth = about anything you request, = it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
(Matt 18:20) For where = two or three = have come together in My Name, = I [Jesus] = am there among them."
*** (Deuteronomy 19:15) One witness = shall not rise up against = a man = for any iniquity, = or for any sin, = in any sin that he sins. = At the mouth of = two witnesses, = or at the mouth of = three witnesses, = shall the matter be made sure.
*** (1Corinthians 14:32-33) And the spirits of the prophets = are subject to the prophets.
(1Cor 14:33) For God = is not the author of confusion, = but of peace, = as in all churches of the saints.
*** (Isaiah 28:13) But the Word of Jehovah [God] = was to them = precept on precept, = precept on precept; = line on line, = line on line; = here a little, = there a little; = that they might go, = and fall backward, = and be broken = and snared = and taken.
*** (1Corinthians 14:40) Let = all things = be done decently = and in order.
Being in “Fellowship” with “Christ Jesus”… simply means being; “Obedient to His Word”… just as He was to His Father’s [God] Word. Did you know… that Christ… ‘Never’ did what He wanted… but ‘Only’ what He was told to do by God? His life Agenda… was to be the “Passover Lamb of God” [John 1:29 & 1Corinthians 5:7]… to redeem sinful mankind and set them ‘FREE’…. “From both the ‘Power’ & the ‘Penalty’ of… SIN/SINS!”
*** (John 6:37-to-40) All that the Father [God] gives Me [Jesus] shall come to Me, = and the one who comes to Me [John 7:38-39= = I will in no way cast out.
(John 6:38) For I came down from Heaven, = not to do My own will = but the will of Him = Who sent Me.
(John 6:39) And this is the will of the Father who sent Me, = that of all which He has given Me = I should lose nothing = but should raise it up again at the last day.
(John 6:40) And this is the will of Him = Who sent Me, = that everyone who sees the Son = and believes on Him = should have everlasting life. = And I will raise him up at the last day.
*** (John 12:49-50) For I [Jesus] = have not spoken of Myself, = but the Father [God] = Who sent Me = gave Me a command, = what I should say, = and what I should speak.
(John 12:50) And I know = that His command = is life everlasting. = Therefore whatever I speak, = even as the Father said to Me, = so I speak.
IF Jesus ‘Only’… Obeyed His Father [God]… isn’t our responsibility… as His children… to ‘Obey’ and to ‘Do’… “His Holy Word”; when dealing with “SIN/SINS”… in ourselves and in others? When was the last time… your ‘Church’… dealt with Sin in the Body of Christ… as commanded in “Matthew 18:15-to-20”…? Never you say…? How could that Be? Surely there are some “Christians that have Divorced”… in all churches? Why then… did ‘YOU’ or your Pastor or your Elders… “NOT OBEY”… the Instructions in the Holy Word of God…? Because they chose “NOT to Obey”; the Holy “Word of GOD”… the results is… “Mark 10:11-12.”
*** (2Corinthains 13:5-6) examine yourselves, = whether you are in the faith, = prove your own selves. = Do you not know your own selves, = that Jesus Christ is in you, unless you are reprobates?
(2Cor 13:6) But I trust that you = will know that = we are not reprobates.
*** (Ezekiel 3:18-to-21) When I [God] = say to the wicked, = You shall surely die; = and you do not give him warning, = nor speak to warn the wicked = from his wicked way, = to save his life; = the same wicked one shall die in his iniquity; = but I will require his blood = at your hand.
(Ezek 3:19) Yet if you warn the wicked, = and he does not turn = from his wickedness = nor from his wicked way, = he shall die in his iniquity; = but you have delivered your soul.
(Ezek 3:20) And when the righteous = turns from his righteousness = and commits iniquity, = = and when I lay a stumbling block before him, = he shall die. = Because you have not given him warning, = he shall die in his sin, = and his righteousness which he has done = shall not be remembered; = but his blood = I will require at your hand.
(Ezek 3:21) But if = you warn the righteous = so that the righteous does not sin, = and if he does not sin, = he shall surely live = because he is warned; = also you have delivered your soul.
*** (Ezekiel 2:7) And you = shall speak = My Words to them, = whether they will hear = or whether they will forbear, = for they are rebellious.
Continued in the next Blog.
In Christ Jesus, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
“Tough Love – 202”…Blog. [2/?]
“Tough Love – 202”…Blog. [2/?]
*** (Ezekiel 14:14) And though these = three men, = Noah, = Daniel, = and Job, = were in it, = they should deliver = ‘Only’ = their ‘own’ souls = by their righteousness, = says the Lord Jehovah.
Do you understand… God’s concept of “Tough Love?” “IF”… you ‘do not’ understand this concept… “THEN”… you cannot understand “God’s [Agape] Love!” As far as it goes, with the ‘NT Christian’… “Many”… simply… “Excuse Away – SIN/SINS” They do not handle themselves or others as the Bible instructs. They say that they… “Love Jesus”… and yet ‘do not’ obey the instructions for doing so in… His Holy Word! One must first… know & study… the Precious Holy Word of God… “BECAUSE”… Christ Jesus… is the “Living Word of GOD!”
*** (1Timothy 5:20) ‘Those’ = who sin, = ‘rebuke’ before all, = so that the rest = also = may fear [God].
*** (Job 28:28) And to man He said, = Behold, = the fear of the Lord, = that is wisdom! = And to depart = from evil = is understanding!
*** (Ecclesiastes 8:11) Because = sentence against = an evil work = is not executed speedily, = therefore = the heart of the sons of men = is fully set = in them = to do evil.
*** (Malachi 3:6) For I am Jehovah, = I change not. = Because of this = you sons of Jacob are not destroyed.
*** (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus Christ = the same = yesterday = and today = and forever.
Did you know… that there are “More Divorces” among ‘those’ that say they… “LOVE JESUS”… than among… “All Un–Believers?” That is quite a ‘shocking’ statistic, especially when Believers often speak about… “Forgiveness to Un–Believers!” How can that be… they = cannot forgive their Mate… and then = speak about Jesus’ Love… and Forgiveness… to the Sinner? Something is ‘Very Wrong’… about their concept of… Jesus’ Love!
*** (1John 4:20) If anyone says, = I love God, = and hates his brother, = he is a liar. = For if he = does not love his brother = whom he has seen, = how can he = love God = Whom = he has not seen?
Have ‘you’ read through… the Old Testament in the past year? Throughout the OT, God sent prophets and ‘men of God’… to warn His Chosen People… Israel… to turn [Repent] from their SIN/SINS… and return back to God and His Holy Word! In His Holiness… God even told them the words of the verse at the top of this blog. Their national sin… in departing from God and His Holy Word… could not stay the Judgment of God. He in His Holiness… could not allow their SIN/SINS… to continue. He had to Spank [chasten] them with His… “Tough Love!”
*** (1Peter 4:17-18) For the time has come = for the judgment = to begin from the house of God. = And if it = first = begins from us, = what will be the end of those = disobeying the gospel of God?
(1Pet 4:18) And if the righteous one is scarcely saved, = where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
*** (1Corinthians 11:27-to-32) Therefore, = whoever = eats the bread or drinks from the cup = in an unworthy manner = will be held responsible = for the Lord's body and blood.
(1Cor 11:28) A person = must = examine himself = and then eat the bread = and drink from the cup.
(1Cor 11:29) For the one who eats and drinks = without recognizing the body = eats and drinks = judgment on himself.
(1Cor 11:30) That's why = so many of you = are weak = and sick = and a considerable number = are dying.
(1Cor 11:31) But if we judged ourselves correctly, = we would not be judged.
(1Cor 11:32) Now, = while we are being judged by the Lord, = we are being disciplined [Spanked] = lest we be condemned = along with the world.
About now… one can readily that we are ‘First’ to judge our own hearts and actions. If we choose ‘not to’… we are simply asking for God, to do so! HE chastens all His Real Children… so that they may Be HOLY… as He is Holy. His Love [Agape] for His own… will not allow them to continue in their sin… and continue to Shame… His Holy Name! Surely you would not allow someone to speak slander… about your family? It is the ‘same’ with God and His Children!
*** (2Samuel 12:12-13-14) For you did it = secretly, = but I [God] will do this thing = before all Israel and before the sun.
(2Sam 12:13) And David said to Nathan, = I have sinned against Jehovah. = And Nathan said to David, = Jehovah also has put away your sin; you shall not die.
(2Sam 12:14) Only, = because by this deed = you have given great occasion = to the enemies of Jehovah = to blaspheme, = this child born to you shall surely die.
*** (1Corinthians 5:1-to-6) It is actually reported that = sexual immorality = exists among you, = and of a kind = that is not found even among the gentiles. = A man [son] is actually living with his father's wife!
(1Cor 5:2) And you are = being arrogant = instead of being filled with grief = and seeing to it = that the man who did this = is removed from among you.
(1Cor 5:3) Even though I am away from you physically, = I am with you in spirit. = I have already passed judgment = on the man who did this, = as though I were present with you.
(1Cor 5:4) When you are gathered together = in the name of our Lord Jesus = and my spirit = and the power of our Lord Jesus are present,
(1Co 5:5) hand this man = over to Satan = for the destruction of his flesh, = so that his spirit = may be saved = on the Day of the Lord.
(1Cor 5:6) Your boasting is not good. = You know = that a little yeast = leavens the whole batch of dough, = don't you?
This kind of “Tough Love”… is ‘not’ seen in the NT Church of Christ Jesus… Today! Instead a type of… “Satanic Tolerance for SIN/SINS”… has replaced that Godly Judgment and the corrective action needed for a Holy Church and a congregation of God’s Holy People! Simply look at the way some Women… come dressed to… Worship Jesus? It looks as some are dressed to go ‘out on the town’… instead of coming to worship Jesus! Can’t we ‘All’… “Just Get Along”… seems to be the driving force… without any regard for the Holiness of God and His Holy Word!
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus answered him [Satan], saying, = It is written that = "man shall not live = by bread alone, = but by every = Word of God."
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = Doers of the Word, = and = Mot Merely Hearers = who Deceive themselves.
*** (John 15:9-to-12) As the Father [God] has loved Me [Jesus], = so I have loved you; = continue in My love.
(John 15:10) If you keep My commandments, = you shall abide in My love, = even as I have kept = My Father's commandments = and abide in His love.
(John 15:11) I have spoken these things = to you so that = My joy might remain in you = and your joy might be full.
(John 15:12) This is My commandment, = that you love one another = as I have loved you.
*** (John 12:48-49-50) He who rejects Me [Jesus] = and does not receive = My Words = has one who judges him; = the Word = that I have spoken, = the same shall judge him in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I [Jesus] have not = spoken of Myself, = but the Father [God] = Who sent Me [Jesus] = gave Me a command, = what I should say, = and what I should speak.
(John 12:50) And I [Jesus] = know that His [God’s] command = is life everlasting. = Therefore = whatever I [Jesus] speak, = even as the Father [God] = said to Me [Jesus], = so I [Jesus] =speak.
*** (Matthew 24:35) The heaven = and the earth = shall pass away, = but = My Words = shall not = pass away.
“Tough Love”… as described in the Holy Word of God… does what is best for the person… not what is convenient! IF you really love someone, especially a member of the Body of Christ… His Bride… His Church… surely you will do what is best for… Him or Her… and the Church. Perhaps think this issue through… and Search The Scriptures [Acts 17:11]… and then decide to act?
Continued in the next Blog.
In Christ Jesus, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3
*** (Ezekiel 14:14) And though these = three men, = Noah, = Daniel, = and Job, = were in it, = they should deliver = ‘Only’ = their ‘own’ souls = by their righteousness, = says the Lord Jehovah.
Do you understand… God’s concept of “Tough Love?” “IF”… you ‘do not’ understand this concept… “THEN”… you cannot understand “God’s [Agape] Love!” As far as it goes, with the ‘NT Christian’… “Many”… simply… “Excuse Away – SIN/SINS” They do not handle themselves or others as the Bible instructs. They say that they… “Love Jesus”… and yet ‘do not’ obey the instructions for doing so in… His Holy Word! One must first… know & study… the Precious Holy Word of God… “BECAUSE”… Christ Jesus… is the “Living Word of GOD!”
*** (1Timothy 5:20) ‘Those’ = who sin, = ‘rebuke’ before all, = so that the rest = also = may fear [God].
*** (Job 28:28) And to man He said, = Behold, = the fear of the Lord, = that is wisdom! = And to depart = from evil = is understanding!
*** (Ecclesiastes 8:11) Because = sentence against = an evil work = is not executed speedily, = therefore = the heart of the sons of men = is fully set = in them = to do evil.
*** (Malachi 3:6) For I am Jehovah, = I change not. = Because of this = you sons of Jacob are not destroyed.
*** (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus Christ = the same = yesterday = and today = and forever.
Did you know… that there are “More Divorces” among ‘those’ that say they… “LOVE JESUS”… than among… “All Un–Believers?” That is quite a ‘shocking’ statistic, especially when Believers often speak about… “Forgiveness to Un–Believers!” How can that be… they = cannot forgive their Mate… and then = speak about Jesus’ Love… and Forgiveness… to the Sinner? Something is ‘Very Wrong’… about their concept of… Jesus’ Love!
*** (1John 4:20) If anyone says, = I love God, = and hates his brother, = he is a liar. = For if he = does not love his brother = whom he has seen, = how can he = love God = Whom = he has not seen?
Have ‘you’ read through… the Old Testament in the past year? Throughout the OT, God sent prophets and ‘men of God’… to warn His Chosen People… Israel… to turn [Repent] from their SIN/SINS… and return back to God and His Holy Word! In His Holiness… God even told them the words of the verse at the top of this blog. Their national sin… in departing from God and His Holy Word… could not stay the Judgment of God. He in His Holiness… could not allow their SIN/SINS… to continue. He had to Spank [chasten] them with His… “Tough Love!”
*** (1Peter 4:17-18) For the time has come = for the judgment = to begin from the house of God. = And if it = first = begins from us, = what will be the end of those = disobeying the gospel of God?
(1Pet 4:18) And if the righteous one is scarcely saved, = where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
*** (1Corinthians 11:27-to-32) Therefore, = whoever = eats the bread or drinks from the cup = in an unworthy manner = will be held responsible = for the Lord's body and blood.
(1Cor 11:28) A person = must = examine himself = and then eat the bread = and drink from the cup.
(1Cor 11:29) For the one who eats and drinks = without recognizing the body = eats and drinks = judgment on himself.
(1Cor 11:30) That's why = so many of you = are weak = and sick = and a considerable number = are dying.
(1Cor 11:31) But if we judged ourselves correctly, = we would not be judged.
(1Cor 11:32) Now, = while we are being judged by the Lord, = we are being disciplined [Spanked] = lest we be condemned = along with the world.
About now… one can readily that we are ‘First’ to judge our own hearts and actions. If we choose ‘not to’… we are simply asking for God, to do so! HE chastens all His Real Children… so that they may Be HOLY… as He is Holy. His Love [Agape] for His own… will not allow them to continue in their sin… and continue to Shame… His Holy Name! Surely you would not allow someone to speak slander… about your family? It is the ‘same’ with God and His Children!
*** (2Samuel 12:12-13-14) For you did it = secretly, = but I [God] will do this thing = before all Israel and before the sun.
(2Sam 12:13) And David said to Nathan, = I have sinned against Jehovah. = And Nathan said to David, = Jehovah also has put away your sin; you shall not die.
(2Sam 12:14) Only, = because by this deed = you have given great occasion = to the enemies of Jehovah = to blaspheme, = this child born to you shall surely die.
*** (1Corinthians 5:1-to-6) It is actually reported that = sexual immorality = exists among you, = and of a kind = that is not found even among the gentiles. = A man [son] is actually living with his father's wife!
(1Cor 5:2) And you are = being arrogant = instead of being filled with grief = and seeing to it = that the man who did this = is removed from among you.
(1Cor 5:3) Even though I am away from you physically, = I am with you in spirit. = I have already passed judgment = on the man who did this, = as though I were present with you.
(1Cor 5:4) When you are gathered together = in the name of our Lord Jesus = and my spirit = and the power of our Lord Jesus are present,
(1Co 5:5) hand this man = over to Satan = for the destruction of his flesh, = so that his spirit = may be saved = on the Day of the Lord.
(1Cor 5:6) Your boasting is not good. = You know = that a little yeast = leavens the whole batch of dough, = don't you?
This kind of “Tough Love”… is ‘not’ seen in the NT Church of Christ Jesus… Today! Instead a type of… “Satanic Tolerance for SIN/SINS”… has replaced that Godly Judgment and the corrective action needed for a Holy Church and a congregation of God’s Holy People! Simply look at the way some Women… come dressed to… Worship Jesus? It looks as some are dressed to go ‘out on the town’… instead of coming to worship Jesus! Can’t we ‘All’… “Just Get Along”… seems to be the driving force… without any regard for the Holiness of God and His Holy Word!
*** (Luke 4:4) And Jesus answered him [Satan], saying, = It is written that = "man shall not live = by bread alone, = but by every = Word of God."
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = Doers of the Word, = and = Mot Merely Hearers = who Deceive themselves.
*** (John 15:9-to-12) As the Father [God] has loved Me [Jesus], = so I have loved you; = continue in My love.
(John 15:10) If you keep My commandments, = you shall abide in My love, = even as I have kept = My Father's commandments = and abide in His love.
(John 15:11) I have spoken these things = to you so that = My joy might remain in you = and your joy might be full.
(John 15:12) This is My commandment, = that you love one another = as I have loved you.
*** (John 12:48-49-50) He who rejects Me [Jesus] = and does not receive = My Words = has one who judges him; = the Word = that I have spoken, = the same shall judge him in the last day.
(John 12:49) For I [Jesus] have not = spoken of Myself, = but the Father [God] = Who sent Me [Jesus] = gave Me a command, = what I should say, = and what I should speak.
(John 12:50) And I [Jesus] = know that His [God’s] command = is life everlasting. = Therefore = whatever I [Jesus] speak, = even as the Father [God] = said to Me [Jesus], = so I [Jesus] =speak.
*** (Matthew 24:35) The heaven = and the earth = shall pass away, = but = My Words = shall not = pass away.
“Tough Love”… as described in the Holy Word of God… does what is best for the person… not what is convenient! IF you really love someone, especially a member of the Body of Christ… His Bride… His Church… surely you will do what is best for… Him or Her… and the Church. Perhaps think this issue through… and Search The Scriptures [Acts 17:11]… and then decide to act?
Continued in the next Blog.
In Christ Jesus, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
“Conspiracy – 101”…Blog.
“Conspiracy – 101”…Blog.
The Names have been changed... to protect the Innocent! Based on a ‘Real Story’. Based on Facts! I can’t believe its Not Butter! The Truth is out there! UFO’s are real! There are the “Illuminati” that run everything! There are Outer Space Aliens living among us! I SAW it on TV… it must be True! And yes, the Government pays $600 for a ‘toilet seat’… from a contractor! Yes, ‘Big Foot’ is Real! ‘Crop Circles’ are Real! And the list goes… ON… and On… and on…!
*** (Proverbs 14:15) The simple = believes every word, = but the wise man watches his step.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) Prove all things, = hold fast to the good.
Can anyone imagine… why so ‘very many’, say that the Bible is not real? They simply believe everything and anything. There is “No Discernment” in people anymore. They have been ‘Shoveled Manure’… and they Believe what they are told. The Liberal Media… has been feeding the Public their “Politically Correct”… “Manure”… for so long that ‘Most’; seem to enjoy it! Perhaps that is why there is a… “Tea Party” movement, among Americans…?
Have you ever heard… “In a Recent Poll… 55% of Americans favored XYZ!” There are Over… 320 Million Americans! Did they Poll… “Each and Every One?” Obviously NOT! They simply sampled about ‘1,500’ with a series of Questions… written in such a way, ‘to gender’… a ‘Particular’ response! Pollsters have an Agenda… and it is base on “WHO”… is paying for the Poll! They use “Computer Demographics”… with filters as to Religion, Political association, Income and Geographic location, ‘i.e.’ Blue or Red… state. Can you even remember the ‘Last Time’… you were ‘Told’… “1,500 polled; with a ‘Sampling Error’ of… 3%...?
IF… you are ‘Not’ caught in a Lie… it does ‘NOT’ mean… you told the “TRUTH!”
This type of… “Non Reasoning”… has even infected the “Believing Church!” People ‘wrongly believe’… anything; done in the Name of God, especially IF the speaker uses a Bible! Say it isn’t so? Simply look at all the ‘Preaching & Teaching’… done on You Tube? It is posted all the time on Face Book. Most do ‘not’ want… any feed back as to the… “Validity of said Teaching”. Often times, I respond by posting a Scripture Verse… to refute or verify; said teaching.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony [Luke 24:44]! = If = they do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these were = more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they = received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and searched the Scriptures daily = to see if those things were so.
*** (1Corinthians 14:32-33) And the spirits = of the prophets = are subject to the prophets.
(1Cor 14:33) For God = is not the author of confusion, = but of peace, = as in all churches of the saints.
*** (1John 4:1) Beloved, = do not believe = every spirit, = but try the spirits = to see if they are of God, = because = “MANY” false prophets = have gone out into the world.
Because ‘some’ have become… “Health Conscious”… they have begun; checking the Labels of Food Stuffs! If you care, that much for your “Physical Bodies Health”… wouldn’t it seem Logical; to check the “Spiritual Truth”… of what you bring into your “Mind & Soul?” Recently while cleaning out under my kitchen sink… I noticed the warning labels… of some of my cleaning products. Some of the chemicals used for cleaning, are intrinsically dangerous. But of course, having been ‘certified & trained’ in “Hazardous Waste Management”’ I was already cognizant of the dangers.
*** (Matthew 24:24-25) For false Christs’ = and false prophets = will arise = and show great = signs and wonders; = so much so that, = if it were possible, = they would deceive = even the elect.
(Matt 24:25) Behold, = I [Jesus] =have told = “YOU” [Believer] = beforehand.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were = also false prophets = among the people, = even as there will be = false teachers among you, = who secretly will bring in = destructive heresies, = even denying the Master = Who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And “MANY” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and because of them = the way of Truth = will be = evil spoken of.
*** (Genesis 3:1) Now the serpent was more cunning = than any beast of the field = which Jehovah God had made. = And he said to the woman, = Is it so, that God has [Really] said, = You shall not eat = of every tree of the garden?
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) For such ones = are false apostles, = deceitful workers, = transforming themselves = into the apostles of Christ.
(2Cor 11:14) Did not = even Satan = marvelously transform himself = into an angel of light?
(2Cor 11:15) Therefore = it is no great thing = if his [Satan’s] ministers = also transform themselves = as ministers of righteousness, = whose end = shall be according to their works.
Simply Check OUT… ‘Whose’… teaching You are learning from. Compare everything they say and teach… to the Holy Word of God! Just because your friends may ‘approve’ of their teaching… “Does NOT Mean”… that they are ‘Teaching & Preaching’… the “Complete TRUTH”… of the Holy Word of God! But “YOU”… “Must – First – KNOW”… what the Word says… Don’t YOU…?
*** (1Kings 22:20-to-23) And Jehovah [God] said, = Who shall entice [Wicked King] Ahab = that he may go up = and fall = at Ramoth in Gilead? = And one said this way, = and another said that way.
(1Ki 22:21) And there came forth = a [lying] spirit and stood before Jehovah = and said, I will entice him.
(1Ki 22:22) And Jehovah said to him, = With what? = And he said, = I will go forth = and will be a lying spirit = in the mouth = of all his [false] prophets. = And He said, you shall entice him and succeed also. = Go forth and do so.
(1Ki 22:23) And now, behold, = Jehovah has put [permitted] = a lying spirit = in the mouth of all these your [false] prophets, = and Jehovah has spoken evil concerning you.
Are you ready to… Simply Believe… “EVERYTHING”… you are told or taught… from someone that has a Bible…? Yes… even ME? Take you Bible and check out… what you are Told or Taught!
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
The Names have been changed... to protect the Innocent! Based on a ‘Real Story’. Based on Facts! I can’t believe its Not Butter! The Truth is out there! UFO’s are real! There are the “Illuminati” that run everything! There are Outer Space Aliens living among us! I SAW it on TV… it must be True! And yes, the Government pays $600 for a ‘toilet seat’… from a contractor! Yes, ‘Big Foot’ is Real! ‘Crop Circles’ are Real! And the list goes… ON… and On… and on…!
*** (Proverbs 14:15) The simple = believes every word, = but the wise man watches his step.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) Prove all things, = hold fast to the good.
Can anyone imagine… why so ‘very many’, say that the Bible is not real? They simply believe everything and anything. There is “No Discernment” in people anymore. They have been ‘Shoveled Manure’… and they Believe what they are told. The Liberal Media… has been feeding the Public their “Politically Correct”… “Manure”… for so long that ‘Most’; seem to enjoy it! Perhaps that is why there is a… “Tea Party” movement, among Americans…?
Have you ever heard… “In a Recent Poll… 55% of Americans favored XYZ!” There are Over… 320 Million Americans! Did they Poll… “Each and Every One?” Obviously NOT! They simply sampled about ‘1,500’ with a series of Questions… written in such a way, ‘to gender’… a ‘Particular’ response! Pollsters have an Agenda… and it is base on “WHO”… is paying for the Poll! They use “Computer Demographics”… with filters as to Religion, Political association, Income and Geographic location, ‘i.e.’ Blue or Red… state. Can you even remember the ‘Last Time’… you were ‘Told’… “1,500 polled; with a ‘Sampling Error’ of… 3%...?
IF… you are ‘Not’ caught in a Lie… it does ‘NOT’ mean… you told the “TRUTH!”
This type of… “Non Reasoning”… has even infected the “Believing Church!” People ‘wrongly believe’… anything; done in the Name of God, especially IF the speaker uses a Bible! Say it isn’t so? Simply look at all the ‘Preaching & Teaching’… done on You Tube? It is posted all the time on Face Book. Most do ‘not’ want… any feed back as to the… “Validity of said Teaching”. Often times, I respond by posting a Scripture Verse… to refute or verify; said teaching.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony [Luke 24:44]! = If = they do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these were = more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they = received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and searched the Scriptures daily = to see if those things were so.
*** (1Corinthians 14:32-33) And the spirits = of the prophets = are subject to the prophets.
(1Cor 14:33) For God = is not the author of confusion, = but of peace, = as in all churches of the saints.
*** (1John 4:1) Beloved, = do not believe = every spirit, = but try the spirits = to see if they are of God, = because = “MANY” false prophets = have gone out into the world.
Because ‘some’ have become… “Health Conscious”… they have begun; checking the Labels of Food Stuffs! If you care, that much for your “Physical Bodies Health”… wouldn’t it seem Logical; to check the “Spiritual Truth”… of what you bring into your “Mind & Soul?” Recently while cleaning out under my kitchen sink… I noticed the warning labels… of some of my cleaning products. Some of the chemicals used for cleaning, are intrinsically dangerous. But of course, having been ‘certified & trained’ in “Hazardous Waste Management”’ I was already cognizant of the dangers.
*** (Matthew 24:24-25) For false Christs’ = and false prophets = will arise = and show great = signs and wonders; = so much so that, = if it were possible, = they would deceive = even the elect.
(Matt 24:25) Behold, = I [Jesus] =have told = “YOU” [Believer] = beforehand.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were = also false prophets = among the people, = even as there will be = false teachers among you, = who secretly will bring in = destructive heresies, = even denying the Master = Who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And “MANY” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and because of them = the way of Truth = will be = evil spoken of.
*** (Genesis 3:1) Now the serpent was more cunning = than any beast of the field = which Jehovah God had made. = And he said to the woman, = Is it so, that God has [Really] said, = You shall not eat = of every tree of the garden?
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14-15) For such ones = are false apostles, = deceitful workers, = transforming themselves = into the apostles of Christ.
(2Cor 11:14) Did not = even Satan = marvelously transform himself = into an angel of light?
(2Cor 11:15) Therefore = it is no great thing = if his [Satan’s] ministers = also transform themselves = as ministers of righteousness, = whose end = shall be according to their works.
Simply Check OUT… ‘Whose’… teaching You are learning from. Compare everything they say and teach… to the Holy Word of God! Just because your friends may ‘approve’ of their teaching… “Does NOT Mean”… that they are ‘Teaching & Preaching’… the “Complete TRUTH”… of the Holy Word of God! But “YOU”… “Must – First – KNOW”… what the Word says… Don’t YOU…?
*** (1Kings 22:20-to-23) And Jehovah [God] said, = Who shall entice [Wicked King] Ahab = that he may go up = and fall = at Ramoth in Gilead? = And one said this way, = and another said that way.
(1Ki 22:21) And there came forth = a [lying] spirit and stood before Jehovah = and said, I will entice him.
(1Ki 22:22) And Jehovah said to him, = With what? = And he said, = I will go forth = and will be a lying spirit = in the mouth = of all his [false] prophets. = And He said, you shall entice him and succeed also. = Go forth and do so.
(1Ki 22:23) And now, behold, = Jehovah has put [permitted] = a lying spirit = in the mouth of all these your [false] prophets, = and Jehovah has spoken evil concerning you.
Are you ready to… Simply Believe… “EVERYTHING”… you are told or taught… from someone that has a Bible…? Yes… even ME? Take you Bible and check out… what you are Told or Taught!
Thanks, In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
“Picture of Jesus? – 101”…Blog.
“Picture of Jesus? – 101”…Blog.
*** (1John 2:21) I have not = written to you = because you do not know = the Truth, = but because you do know it = and because = no Lie = comes from = the Truth.
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = doers of the Word, = and not = merely hearers = who Deceive themselves.
Wow… those are very powerful words; as are all the Words of the Holy Word of God, the Bible. If you have ‘read & studied’ your Bible for any time; you may have seen the ‘Seriousness’ of what God says ‘to those’… that are His. He will not allow His ‘real’ children to go on in their “SIN/SINS”… but as a Holy Father; will “Spank” them; with the Correction of His Love & Mercy. Many speak about the ‘Love of God’, without ‘ever’ sharing, the Chastening of His Love also.
*** (Jeremiah 48:10) Cursed is he = who = does the work of Jehovah deceitfully, = and cursed is he = who keeps back his sword = from blood [judgment].
*** (Luke 11:42) "How terrible = it will be for you Pharisees! = For you give a tenth of your mint, spices, and every kind of herb, = but you neglect = justice = and = the love of God. = These are the things you should have practiced, = without neglecting the others.
*** (Ezekiel 2:7) And = you = shall speak My Words = to them, = whether they will hear = or whether they will forbear, = for they are rebellious.
What does ‘Jesus’ look like…? Many think He looks like the picture posted here. Would you be ‘shocked’… if I told you that is a “LIE”… and “NOT”… what Jesus really looks like? IF you know your Bible… THEN… you will know that this is… “True!” Some ‘research’ on the internet will show one… over ‘200’ separate portraits of “JESUS”… throughout the centuries. Many of the world’s ‘renowned’ artists, have tried to paint or sculpture a ‘likeness’ of Jesus. But “HAVE” they ‘forgotten’ the Command of the Lord God… in the “Scriptures”…? Even the “First” of the Commandments…?
*** (Exodus 20:1-to-4) And God spoke = all these words, = saying,
(Exodus 20:2) I am Jehovah your God, = who has brought you out of the land of Egypt, = out of the house of bondage.
(Exodus 20:3) You shall have no other gods = before Me.
(Exodus 20:4) You = shall not = make to yourselves any graven image, = or = any likeness of anything = that is in the heavens above, = or that is in the earth beneath, = or that is in the water under the earth.
*** (Deuteronomy 5:6-7-8) I am Jehovah your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
(Deut 5:7) You shall have no other gods besides Me.
(Deut 5:8) You = shall not = make a graven image for you, = any likeness of anything = that is in the heavens above, = or in the earth beneath, = or in the waters beneath the earth.
About now… 'One' may realize that they have been… “Religiously Duped”… because they have ‘Violated’ the first commandment of God. Does the person in the picture… even look Jewish? I think Not! Remember… Christ Jesus… is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and did ‘not’ look like a Gentile. “NO Lie is of the Truth… 1John 2:21”. Someone has made merchandise of you, by getting you to… Disobey God’s Holy Word… and then believe this Lie about Christ Jesus, the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings!
*** (John 20:27-28-29) Then He said to Thomas, = Reach your finger here = and behold My [Pierced] hands; = and reach your hand here = and = thrust it into My [Pierced] side; = and do not be unbelieving, = but believing.
(John 20:28) And Thomas answered and said to Him, = My Lord and my God!
(John 20:29) Jesus said to him, = Thomas, because you have seen Me = you have believed. = Blessed are they = who have ‘not’ seen = and have believed.
*** (Revelation 5:5-6-7) And one of the elders said to me, Do not weep. = Behold, = the Lion of the tribe of Judah, = the Root of David [Isaiah 55:3], = has prevailed to open the book = and to lose = the seven seals of it.
(Rev 5:6) And I looked, = and lo, = in the midst of the throne = and of the four living creatures, = amidst the elders, = a Lamb stood, = as if it had been slain, = having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.
(Rev 5:7) And He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him sitting on the throne.
*** (John 1:29) The next day John = sees Jesus coming to him = and says, = Behold the Lamb of God = Who takes away = the sin of the world!
*** (Zechariah 12:10) And I [God] = will pour on the house of David, = and on the people of Jerusalem, = the spirit of grace and of prayers. = And they shall look on Me [Jesus] = Whom they have pierced, = and they shall mourn for Him, = as one mourns for his only son, = and shall be bitter over Him, = as the bitterness over the first-born.
Did you ever… tie these Bible verses together to get the… Real Picture of Christ Jesus..? The Scriptures paint what Jesus ‘really’ looks like and how; we will ‘really’ see Him! There is no mistake… and there can be No Substitute… for the Truth of the Holy Word of God. Remember “Satan” comes as an angel of light… 2Corinthains 11:13-14-15… and will use Anything… to draw your heart & mind… away from the Truth of the Holy Word of God!
*** (Ephesians 5:9-10-11) For the fruit of the Spirit = consists of every form of goodness, = righteousness, = and Truth.
(Eph 5:10) Proving = what is acceptable = to the Lord,
(Eph 5:11) And have ‘Nothing’ = to do with the ‘unfruitful’ = works of darkness. = Instead, = ‘expose’ them = for what they are.
Perhaps now… IF you will simply Obey… Proverbs 28:13 & 1John 1:5-to-10… you may get back on track… with the Truth of the Holy Word of God. The choice always… remains yours… “To Obey” –or – “Not to Obey!”
Thanks for your Ear,
In Christ Jesus, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
*** (1John 2:21) I have not = written to you = because you do not know = the Truth, = but because you do know it = and because = no Lie = comes from = the Truth.
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = doers of the Word, = and not = merely hearers = who Deceive themselves.
Wow… those are very powerful words; as are all the Words of the Holy Word of God, the Bible. If you have ‘read & studied’ your Bible for any time; you may have seen the ‘Seriousness’ of what God says ‘to those’… that are His. He will not allow His ‘real’ children to go on in their “SIN/SINS”… but as a Holy Father; will “Spank” them; with the Correction of His Love & Mercy. Many speak about the ‘Love of God’, without ‘ever’ sharing, the Chastening of His Love also.
*** (Jeremiah 48:10) Cursed is he = who = does the work of Jehovah deceitfully, = and cursed is he = who keeps back his sword = from blood [judgment].
*** (Luke 11:42) "How terrible = it will be for you Pharisees! = For you give a tenth of your mint, spices, and every kind of herb, = but you neglect = justice = and = the love of God. = These are the things you should have practiced, = without neglecting the others.
*** (Ezekiel 2:7) And = you = shall speak My Words = to them, = whether they will hear = or whether they will forbear, = for they are rebellious.
What does ‘Jesus’ look like…? Many think He looks like the picture posted here. Would you be ‘shocked’… if I told you that is a “LIE”… and “NOT”… what Jesus really looks like? IF you know your Bible… THEN… you will know that this is… “True!” Some ‘research’ on the internet will show one… over ‘200’ separate portraits of “JESUS”… throughout the centuries. Many of the world’s ‘renowned’ artists, have tried to paint or sculpture a ‘likeness’ of Jesus. But “HAVE” they ‘forgotten’ the Command of the Lord God… in the “Scriptures”…? Even the “First” of the Commandments…?
*** (Exodus 20:1-to-4) And God spoke = all these words, = saying,
(Exodus 20:2) I am Jehovah your God, = who has brought you out of the land of Egypt, = out of the house of bondage.
(Exodus 20:3) You shall have no other gods = before Me.
(Exodus 20:4) You = shall not = make to yourselves any graven image, = or = any likeness of anything = that is in the heavens above, = or that is in the earth beneath, = or that is in the water under the earth.
*** (Deuteronomy 5:6-7-8) I am Jehovah your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
(Deut 5:7) You shall have no other gods besides Me.
(Deut 5:8) You = shall not = make a graven image for you, = any likeness of anything = that is in the heavens above, = or in the earth beneath, = or in the waters beneath the earth.
About now… 'One' may realize that they have been… “Religiously Duped”… because they have ‘Violated’ the first commandment of God. Does the person in the picture… even look Jewish? I think Not! Remember… Christ Jesus… is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and did ‘not’ look like a Gentile. “NO Lie is of the Truth… 1John 2:21”. Someone has made merchandise of you, by getting you to… Disobey God’s Holy Word… and then believe this Lie about Christ Jesus, the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings!
*** (John 20:27-28-29) Then He said to Thomas, = Reach your finger here = and behold My [Pierced] hands; = and reach your hand here = and = thrust it into My [Pierced] side; = and do not be unbelieving, = but believing.
(John 20:28) And Thomas answered and said to Him, = My Lord and my God!
(John 20:29) Jesus said to him, = Thomas, because you have seen Me = you have believed. = Blessed are they = who have ‘not’ seen = and have believed.
*** (Revelation 5:5-6-7) And one of the elders said to me, Do not weep. = Behold, = the Lion of the tribe of Judah, = the Root of David [Isaiah 55:3], = has prevailed to open the book = and to lose = the seven seals of it.
(Rev 5:6) And I looked, = and lo, = in the midst of the throne = and of the four living creatures, = amidst the elders, = a Lamb stood, = as if it had been slain, = having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.
(Rev 5:7) And He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him sitting on the throne.
*** (John 1:29) The next day John = sees Jesus coming to him = and says, = Behold the Lamb of God = Who takes away = the sin of the world!
*** (Zechariah 12:10) And I [God] = will pour on the house of David, = and on the people of Jerusalem, = the spirit of grace and of prayers. = And they shall look on Me [Jesus] = Whom they have pierced, = and they shall mourn for Him, = as one mourns for his only son, = and shall be bitter over Him, = as the bitterness over the first-born.
Did you ever… tie these Bible verses together to get the… Real Picture of Christ Jesus..? The Scriptures paint what Jesus ‘really’ looks like and how; we will ‘really’ see Him! There is no mistake… and there can be No Substitute… for the Truth of the Holy Word of God. Remember “Satan” comes as an angel of light… 2Corinthains 11:13-14-15… and will use Anything… to draw your heart & mind… away from the Truth of the Holy Word of God!
*** (Ephesians 5:9-10-11) For the fruit of the Spirit = consists of every form of goodness, = righteousness, = and Truth.
(Eph 5:10) Proving = what is acceptable = to the Lord,
(Eph 5:11) And have ‘Nothing’ = to do with the ‘unfruitful’ = works of darkness. = Instead, = ‘expose’ them = for what they are.
Perhaps now… IF you will simply Obey… Proverbs 28:13 & 1John 1:5-to-10… you may get back on track… with the Truth of the Holy Word of God. The choice always… remains yours… “To Obey” –or – “Not to Obey!”
Thanks for your Ear,
In Christ Jesus, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Friday, September 24, 2010
“9-11 Emergency – 101”…Blog.
“9-11 Emergency – 101”…Blog.
Have you ever used “9-11”… for an Emergency? It is an ‘emergency’ resource system whereby one may summon; the Police, Fire Depart or other emergency services. It has saved countless lives and has brought ‘comfort & security’ to most. But here in Florida this year, one man called “-9-11” because he had run out of beer. Another called “9-11” because the ‘drive thru’ was not getting his order fast enough. For every good system; there are and will be those; which ‘abuse the system’. Some ‘Believers’… are much like that today.
*** (1Corinthians 4:14) I do not write = these things = to shame you, = but as my beloved children = I warn you.
*** (1Corinthians 14:38) But if any = is ignorant, = let him = be ignorant.
Recently when reading… and posting on some of the internet sites; I found on FB someone posting about a person; they believed was Preaching good; but was ‘in fact’… a ‘Heretic’ preaching a “False Gospel”. There are many such “False Preachers & Teachers”; and they will surpass those that “Speak the Truth”. Whenever I see such postings, I post… “(1Thssalonians 5:21) Prove all things, hold fast to the good. Then I also, post a link to “The Bible Answer Man”… www.eqip.org Then I ask the person… to type the name of their… “PERSON”… into the search box; and check out what they are teaching’ comparing… to what the Bible says.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the Testimony! = If = they do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = If they do not hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will not be persuaded, = even though = one rose from the dead.
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those = of Thessalonica, = in that they received = the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = searched the Scriptures = daily = to see if those things = were so.
Those that are ‘Truly’… “Born Again” by the Holy Spirit of God; will be checking their Bibles to see “IF” = they are being told “The Truth” that comes from the Scriptures. There are so many that ‘do not’ even check out; what they are being taught in their own Churches. Each of us, will give an account to God… about what we believed. It may mean a loss of “eternal rewards”; for the True Believer [1Corinthians 3:11-to-15]. But to the “Non-Believer” = Religious person, it will mean more “eternal punishments” [Revelation 20:10-to-15]. Do you ‘not’ know… that the Bible warns… about such persons?
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were also false prophets = among the people, = even as there will be false teachers = among you, = who secretly will bring in = destructive heresies, = even denying the Master = Who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And “MANY” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and because of them = the way of Truth = will be evil spoken of.
*** (Jude 1:3-4) Having made all haste = to write to you = about the common salvation, beloved, = I had need = to write to you = to exhort you = to contend earnestly = for the faith = once delivered to the saints.
(Jud 1:4) For certain men = crept in secretly, = those having been of old previously written into this condemnation, = ungodly ones = perverting the grace of our God = for unbridled lust, = and denying the only Master, = God, = even our Lord Jesus Christ.
*** (Luke 18:8) I [Jesus] = say to you = that He [God] = will avenge them speedily. = Yet when the Son of Man comes, = shall He find = [True Biblical] Faith = on the earth?
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] answered, = "It is written, = 'One must not live on bread alone, = but on = every word = coming out of the mouth of God.'"
There are countless Warnings… through both the “OT & NT”… about false teachers. Replete are the Words… “Thus says the Lord”… over and over again. Israel, God’s chosen people… refused over and over again… “To Obey”… what God has given them, “In His Holy Word!” It is no different today, to the NT Church. No, I did NOT say or name a “Denomination”; because denominations are manmade, and have largely departed from the Holy Word of God. Simply look at the plethora of Churches; … that have “Homosexual” [See Romans chapter ‘One/All] or “Female Preachers”.
*** (Acts 20:27-to-31) For I = did not = keep back = from declaring to you = all = the counsel [Word] of God.
(Act 20:28) Therefore = take heed to yourselves, = and = to all the flock = in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, = to feed the church of God = which He [Jesus] has purchased = with His own blood.
(Act 20:29) For I know this, = that after my departure = grievous wolves shall enter in among you, = not sparing the flock.
(Act 20:30) Also men = shall arise from your own selves, = speaking perverse things = in order to draw disciples away after them.
(Act 20:31) Therefore = watch and remember = that for the time of three years = I did not cease to warn everyone = night and day with tears.
*** (Isaiah 24:2) And = as it is with the people, = so it shall be with the priest; = as with the servant, = so with the master; = as with the handmaid, = so it is with her mistress; = as with the buyer, = so with the seller; = as with the lender, = so with the borrower; = as with the creditor, = so with the debtor.
*** (Matthew 15:13-14) He [Jesus] replied, = "Every plant = that my heavenly Father [God] = did not plant = will be pulled up by the roots.
(Matt 15:14) Leave them alone. = They are blind guides of the blind. = If one blind person = leads another blind person, = both will fall into a ditch."
Many times… I have said to… “YOU”… to either ‘validate or invalidate’: what I have written in these blogs. Take your Bible and simply ‘Refute’ these blogs; and I will… “Repent Openly”… and correct my blogs. Did you know that Paul… had to correct Peter… in front of the Church? We are told to be responsible what we hear and what we take into our… “Minds & Hearts!”
*** (James 3:1) Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, = because you know = that we who teach = will be judged more severely.
*** (Galatians 2:11-to-16) But when Cephas [Peter] came to Antioch, = I [Paul] opposed him = to his face, = because = he was clearly = wrong.
(Gal 2:12) For until some men came from James, = he was in the habit of = eating with the gentiles, = but after they came = he drew back = and would not = associate himself with them [gentiles], = being afraid = of the circumcision [Jews] party.
(Gal 2:13) The other Jews = also joined him in this hypocrisy, = to the extent = that even Barnabas = was caught up in their hypocrisy.
(Gal 2:14) But when I saw = that they were not = acting consistently = with the Truth of the gospel, = I [Paul] told Cephas [Peter] = in front of everyone, = "Though you are a Jew, = you live like a gentile = and not like a Jew. = So how can you insist = that the gentiles = must live = like Jews?"
(Gal 2:15) We ourselves are Jews by birth, = and not gentile sinners,
(Gal 2:16) yet we know = that a person is not justified = by the works of the law = but by the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. = We, too, have believed in Christ Jesus = so that we might = be justified = by the faith of Christ = and not by the works of the law, = for no human being = will be justified by the works of the law.
*** (2Peter 3:15-16) And think of the long-suffering of our Lord as salvation = as our beloved brother Paul = also has written to you = according to the wisdom given to him
(2Pet 3:16) as also in all his letters, = speaking in them of these things; = in which are some things = hard to be understood, = which the unlearned = and unstable = pervert, = as also they do the rest of the Scriptures, = to their own destruction [Damnation].
Here in these Verses… Peter the Apostle, the head of the Jerusalem Church; containing both Jewish and Gentile Believers… VALIDATE… what Jesus had used to teach though Paul. This will counteract… that False Teaching… of some that “WRONGLY” say that… Paul was ‘not’ the “12th Apostle”. Continually… Search The Scriptures… and Validate or Invalidate… everything you Believe! Check it out… if you do not know for sure… ask someone you know.
*** (Ephesians 5:9--10) For the fruit of the Spirit = consists of every form of = goodness, = righteousness, = and = Truth.
(Eph 5:10) Proving = what is acceptable = to the Lord,
Thank you for your Ear!
In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Have you ever used “9-11”… for an Emergency? It is an ‘emergency’ resource system whereby one may summon; the Police, Fire Depart or other emergency services. It has saved countless lives and has brought ‘comfort & security’ to most. But here in Florida this year, one man called “-9-11” because he had run out of beer. Another called “9-11” because the ‘drive thru’ was not getting his order fast enough. For every good system; there are and will be those; which ‘abuse the system’. Some ‘Believers’… are much like that today.
*** (1Corinthians 4:14) I do not write = these things = to shame you, = but as my beloved children = I warn you.
*** (1Corinthians 14:38) But if any = is ignorant, = let him = be ignorant.
Recently when reading… and posting on some of the internet sites; I found on FB someone posting about a person; they believed was Preaching good; but was ‘in fact’… a ‘Heretic’ preaching a “False Gospel”. There are many such “False Preachers & Teachers”; and they will surpass those that “Speak the Truth”. Whenever I see such postings, I post… “(1Thssalonians 5:21) Prove all things, hold fast to the good. Then I also, post a link to “The Bible Answer Man”… www.eqip.org Then I ask the person… to type the name of their… “PERSON”… into the search box; and check out what they are teaching’ comparing… to what the Bible says.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the Testimony! = If = they do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = If they do not hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will not be persuaded, = even though = one rose from the dead.
*** (Isaiah 5:20) Woe to those = who call evil good = and good evil; = who put darkness for light = and light for darkness; = who put bitter for sweet = and sweet for bitter!
*** (Acts 17:11) And these = were more noble than those = of Thessalonica, = in that they received = the Word = with all readiness of mind = and = searched the Scriptures = daily = to see if those things = were so.
Those that are ‘Truly’… “Born Again” by the Holy Spirit of God; will be checking their Bibles to see “IF” = they are being told “The Truth” that comes from the Scriptures. There are so many that ‘do not’ even check out; what they are being taught in their own Churches. Each of us, will give an account to God… about what we believed. It may mean a loss of “eternal rewards”; for the True Believer [1Corinthians 3:11-to-15]. But to the “Non-Believer” = Religious person, it will mean more “eternal punishments” [Revelation 20:10-to-15]. Do you ‘not’ know… that the Bible warns… about such persons?
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were also false prophets = among the people, = even as there will be false teachers = among you, = who secretly will bring in = destructive heresies, = even denying the Master = Who bought them, = bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And “MANY” = will follow their pernicious ways, = and because of them = the way of Truth = will be evil spoken of.
*** (Jude 1:3-4) Having made all haste = to write to you = about the common salvation, beloved, = I had need = to write to you = to exhort you = to contend earnestly = for the faith = once delivered to the saints.
(Jud 1:4) For certain men = crept in secretly, = those having been of old previously written into this condemnation, = ungodly ones = perverting the grace of our God = for unbridled lust, = and denying the only Master, = God, = even our Lord Jesus Christ.
*** (Luke 18:8) I [Jesus] = say to you = that He [God] = will avenge them speedily. = Yet when the Son of Man comes, = shall He find = [True Biblical] Faith = on the earth?
*** (Matthew 4:4) But He [Jesus] answered, = "It is written, = 'One must not live on bread alone, = but on = every word = coming out of the mouth of God.'"
There are countless Warnings… through both the “OT & NT”… about false teachers. Replete are the Words… “Thus says the Lord”… over and over again. Israel, God’s chosen people… refused over and over again… “To Obey”… what God has given them, “In His Holy Word!” It is no different today, to the NT Church. No, I did NOT say or name a “Denomination”; because denominations are manmade, and have largely departed from the Holy Word of God. Simply look at the plethora of Churches; … that have “Homosexual” [See Romans chapter ‘One/All] or “Female Preachers”.
*** (Acts 20:27-to-31) For I = did not = keep back = from declaring to you = all = the counsel [Word] of God.
(Act 20:28) Therefore = take heed to yourselves, = and = to all the flock = in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, = to feed the church of God = which He [Jesus] has purchased = with His own blood.
(Act 20:29) For I know this, = that after my departure = grievous wolves shall enter in among you, = not sparing the flock.
(Act 20:30) Also men = shall arise from your own selves, = speaking perverse things = in order to draw disciples away after them.
(Act 20:31) Therefore = watch and remember = that for the time of three years = I did not cease to warn everyone = night and day with tears.
*** (Isaiah 24:2) And = as it is with the people, = so it shall be with the priest; = as with the servant, = so with the master; = as with the handmaid, = so it is with her mistress; = as with the buyer, = so with the seller; = as with the lender, = so with the borrower; = as with the creditor, = so with the debtor.
*** (Matthew 15:13-14) He [Jesus] replied, = "Every plant = that my heavenly Father [God] = did not plant = will be pulled up by the roots.
(Matt 15:14) Leave them alone. = They are blind guides of the blind. = If one blind person = leads another blind person, = both will fall into a ditch."
Many times… I have said to… “YOU”… to either ‘validate or invalidate’: what I have written in these blogs. Take your Bible and simply ‘Refute’ these blogs; and I will… “Repent Openly”… and correct my blogs. Did you know that Paul… had to correct Peter… in front of the Church? We are told to be responsible what we hear and what we take into our… “Minds & Hearts!”
*** (James 3:1) Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, = because you know = that we who teach = will be judged more severely.
*** (Galatians 2:11-to-16) But when Cephas [Peter] came to Antioch, = I [Paul] opposed him = to his face, = because = he was clearly = wrong.
(Gal 2:12) For until some men came from James, = he was in the habit of = eating with the gentiles, = but after they came = he drew back = and would not = associate himself with them [gentiles], = being afraid = of the circumcision [Jews] party.
(Gal 2:13) The other Jews = also joined him in this hypocrisy, = to the extent = that even Barnabas = was caught up in their hypocrisy.
(Gal 2:14) But when I saw = that they were not = acting consistently = with the Truth of the gospel, = I [Paul] told Cephas [Peter] = in front of everyone, = "Though you are a Jew, = you live like a gentile = and not like a Jew. = So how can you insist = that the gentiles = must live = like Jews?"
(Gal 2:15) We ourselves are Jews by birth, = and not gentile sinners,
(Gal 2:16) yet we know = that a person is not justified = by the works of the law = but by the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. = We, too, have believed in Christ Jesus = so that we might = be justified = by the faith of Christ = and not by the works of the law, = for no human being = will be justified by the works of the law.
*** (2Peter 3:15-16) And think of the long-suffering of our Lord as salvation = as our beloved brother Paul = also has written to you = according to the wisdom given to him
(2Pet 3:16) as also in all his letters, = speaking in them of these things; = in which are some things = hard to be understood, = which the unlearned = and unstable = pervert, = as also they do the rest of the Scriptures, = to their own destruction [Damnation].
Here in these Verses… Peter the Apostle, the head of the Jerusalem Church; containing both Jewish and Gentile Believers… VALIDATE… what Jesus had used to teach though Paul. This will counteract… that False Teaching… of some that “WRONGLY” say that… Paul was ‘not’ the “12th Apostle”. Continually… Search The Scriptures… and Validate or Invalidate… everything you Believe! Check it out… if you do not know for sure… ask someone you know.
*** (Ephesians 5:9--10) For the fruit of the Spirit = consists of every form of = goodness, = righteousness, = and = Truth.
(Eph 5:10) Proving = what is acceptable = to the Lord,
Thank you for your Ear!
In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cell Phones - 101 Blog.
“Cell Validation – 101” Blog.
Each one of us… seek some sort of Validation, either from our mate, friend and even from FB or some other social internet site. Many that attend Church get their Kudos from their friends that believe… just like they do… whether it is ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong!’ Remember David Koresh and the Branch Dividians in Waco Texas? Or Jim Jones and the 800 that died with him in a “Mass Suicide!” Perhaps NOW… is the time to stop and see “WHAT”… ‘You Really Believe’..?
*** (John 12:43) For they loved = the praise of men = more than = the praise of God.
*** (2Timothy 3:7) Ever learning, = and never able to = come to the knowledge = of the Truth.
*** (Matthew 7:21-22-23) "Not everyone = who keeps saying to Me [Jesus], = 'Lord, = Lord,' = will get into the kingdom of heaven, = but only the person = who keeps doing = the will [Word] of my Father [God] in heaven.
(Matt 7:22) “MANY” = will say to Me [Jesus] on that day, = 'Lord, = Lord, = we prophesied = in Your name, = drove out demons = in Your name, = and = performed many miracles = in Your name, = didn't we?'
(Matt 7:23) Then I [Jesus] = will tell them plainly, = 'I [Jesus] = never knew you. = Get away from Me, = you who practice lawlessness!'"
Can ‘YOU’ possibly… live ‘without’ a “Cell Phone?” Did you realize that a CP… is nothing more than… “Instant Validation [Gratification]? Oh how I hate shopping, seeing people walking through the grocery store, speaking on a cell. It seems that “MANY”… ‘cannot’ live without one! They are “Instantly Validated”… by the other person, they are speaking with. Much like today’s youth… that have “NO”… ‘Social’ or ‘Sexuality’ restraints!
*** (Romans 6:16) Do you not know that = to whom = you yield yourselves as slaves for obedience, = you are = slaves = to him whom you obey; = whether it is of sin to death, = or of obedience to righteousness.
About now… someone is offended! They are… ‘addicted’ to their ‘Cell’; and will not give it up. Yet they complain, about the Cost, every time they have to pay the bill. They are satisfied by the Validation they receive. One of my friends who attends “AA” [Alcoholics Anonymous] said they told her… “IF”… you cannot go more than “Two Weeks”… without an Alcoholic drink… “THEN”… they were a… “Bona fide Alcoholic!” Could that be applied to a Cell…? But each one will say that it is only a convenience. A ‘Convenience’… against “Pre-Planning?” What did you do… ‘before’ you had a Cell?
*** (Proverbs 26:12) Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
*** (Proverbs 15:7) The lips of the righteous send forth knowledge, but the heart of the foolish is not so.
*** (Proverbs 16:25) There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of it is the ways of death.
A Parody about a “Cell Phone”…!
Dear Mom,
Today we finally made the last payment on your Tombstone. It will be installed at your grave this week. Sorry it took so long to pay for it, but it is a ‘Custom One’; that took a little longer. You see, it looks like the… “Your Cell PHONE”… that we buried with you!
It seems that when you were alive; you were ‘Always’ speaking with someone else, besides your family, children and husband, ‘our father’. We were your ‘little children’ and needed so very much from you; but you were ‘always’ on your “Cell!”
We often though, that you must care for your Cell… ‘More’ than you do us? Even as pre-teens and teens… you still ‘never’ seemed to have enough time for us. Yes, even our dad; your husband, never got ‘your’ attention, as you were always ‘speaking’ with someone else… on your “Cell!”
But now you are gone… but you ‘still’ have your “Cell”… there in the casket and the “Cell Phone Tombstone”… to remind “Us”… about ‘You!’
We love you… your Family. [A Parody]
Someone once to me… how do you afford to travel internationally? Well I do not smoke, do not drink alcohol nor do I have a Cell Bill. Simply with the money I save… I can every 3-years afford to do so. We all save for… what we want and spend what we want. The effort we put into… anything… is where our heart, really is. Some need “Validation” [Gratification]… ‘Instantly’… and some are willing to “Wait!”
*** (Luke 16:10-to-13) He who is faithful in the least = is also faithful in much. = And he who is unjust in the least = is also unjust in much.
(Luke 16:11) Therefore if = you have not been faithful = in the unrighteous mammon, = who will entrust the = true riches to you?
(Luke 16:12) And if you = have not been faithful = in that which is another's, = who shall give you that which is your own?
(Luke 16:13) No servant = can serve two masters. = For either = he will hate the one = and love the other, = or else = he will hold to the one = and despise the other. = You cannot serve God = and mammon.
*** (Matthew 25:21) His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful over a few things; I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.
May I ask ‘one’ Question…? Do you find yourself… spending more time; Thinking about Jesus and what His Word says… than you do spending ‘time’… on your “Cell?” No, I am not against Cells. Simply evaluate… from “Whom”… do you get; your ‘Validation’…?
Thanks for your EAR!
In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Each one of us… seek some sort of Validation, either from our mate, friend and even from FB or some other social internet site. Many that attend Church get their Kudos from their friends that believe… just like they do… whether it is ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong!’ Remember David Koresh and the Branch Dividians in Waco Texas? Or Jim Jones and the 800 that died with him in a “Mass Suicide!” Perhaps NOW… is the time to stop and see “WHAT”… ‘You Really Believe’..?
*** (John 12:43) For they loved = the praise of men = more than = the praise of God.
*** (2Timothy 3:7) Ever learning, = and never able to = come to the knowledge = of the Truth.
*** (Matthew 7:21-22-23) "Not everyone = who keeps saying to Me [Jesus], = 'Lord, = Lord,' = will get into the kingdom of heaven, = but only the person = who keeps doing = the will [Word] of my Father [God] in heaven.
(Matt 7:22) “MANY” = will say to Me [Jesus] on that day, = 'Lord, = Lord, = we prophesied = in Your name, = drove out demons = in Your name, = and = performed many miracles = in Your name, = didn't we?'
(Matt 7:23) Then I [Jesus] = will tell them plainly, = 'I [Jesus] = never knew you. = Get away from Me, = you who practice lawlessness!'"
Can ‘YOU’ possibly… live ‘without’ a “Cell Phone?” Did you realize that a CP… is nothing more than… “Instant Validation [Gratification]? Oh how I hate shopping, seeing people walking through the grocery store, speaking on a cell. It seems that “MANY”… ‘cannot’ live without one! They are “Instantly Validated”… by the other person, they are speaking with. Much like today’s youth… that have “NO”… ‘Social’ or ‘Sexuality’ restraints!
*** (Romans 6:16) Do you not know that = to whom = you yield yourselves as slaves for obedience, = you are = slaves = to him whom you obey; = whether it is of sin to death, = or of obedience to righteousness.
About now… someone is offended! They are… ‘addicted’ to their ‘Cell’; and will not give it up. Yet they complain, about the Cost, every time they have to pay the bill. They are satisfied by the Validation they receive. One of my friends who attends “AA” [Alcoholics Anonymous] said they told her… “IF”… you cannot go more than “Two Weeks”… without an Alcoholic drink… “THEN”… they were a… “Bona fide Alcoholic!” Could that be applied to a Cell…? But each one will say that it is only a convenience. A ‘Convenience’… against “Pre-Planning?” What did you do… ‘before’ you had a Cell?
*** (Proverbs 26:12) Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
*** (Proverbs 15:7) The lips of the righteous send forth knowledge, but the heart of the foolish is not so.
*** (Proverbs 16:25) There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of it is the ways of death.
A Parody about a “Cell Phone”…!
Dear Mom,
Today we finally made the last payment on your Tombstone. It will be installed at your grave this week. Sorry it took so long to pay for it, but it is a ‘Custom One’; that took a little longer. You see, it looks like the… “Your Cell PHONE”… that we buried with you!
It seems that when you were alive; you were ‘Always’ speaking with someone else, besides your family, children and husband, ‘our father’. We were your ‘little children’ and needed so very much from you; but you were ‘always’ on your “Cell!”
We often though, that you must care for your Cell… ‘More’ than you do us? Even as pre-teens and teens… you still ‘never’ seemed to have enough time for us. Yes, even our dad; your husband, never got ‘your’ attention, as you were always ‘speaking’ with someone else… on your “Cell!”
But now you are gone… but you ‘still’ have your “Cell”… there in the casket and the “Cell Phone Tombstone”… to remind “Us”… about ‘You!’
We love you… your Family. [A Parody]
Someone once to me… how do you afford to travel internationally? Well I do not smoke, do not drink alcohol nor do I have a Cell Bill. Simply with the money I save… I can every 3-years afford to do so. We all save for… what we want and spend what we want. The effort we put into… anything… is where our heart, really is. Some need “Validation” [Gratification]… ‘Instantly’… and some are willing to “Wait!”
*** (Luke 16:10-to-13) He who is faithful in the least = is also faithful in much. = And he who is unjust in the least = is also unjust in much.
(Luke 16:11) Therefore if = you have not been faithful = in the unrighteous mammon, = who will entrust the = true riches to you?
(Luke 16:12) And if you = have not been faithful = in that which is another's, = who shall give you that which is your own?
(Luke 16:13) No servant = can serve two masters. = For either = he will hate the one = and love the other, = or else = he will hold to the one = and despise the other. = You cannot serve God = and mammon.
*** (Matthew 25:21) His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful over a few things; I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.
May I ask ‘one’ Question…? Do you find yourself… spending more time; Thinking about Jesus and what His Word says… than you do spending ‘time’… on your “Cell?” No, I am not against Cells. Simply evaluate… from “Whom”… do you get; your ‘Validation’…?
Thanks for your EAR!
In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
“UNITY = at any Cost? – 202”…Blog [2/2]
“UNITY = at any Cost? – 202”…Blog [2/2]
MANY call themselves… ‘Christians’; Less are ‘truly’ Born Again, by the Holy Spirit of God. What sets apart those that are Born Again… from those that call themselves Christian? Could it be as simple as… ‘acknowledging’… the Complete Authority of the Holy Word of God? “Absolutely Yes!” IF the Word is ‘not’ the Final Authority… who or what; then is? Is it some ‘Church Denomination’ or is it just some ‘religious jargon’…? Here in America, ‘Christianity’ has become a ‘Cultural Practice’… just as ‘Islam’ is in the Middle East.
*** (Acts 17:11) These people = were more receptive = than those in Thessalonica. = They were very willing = to receive the message, = and every day = they carefully examined = the Scriptures = to see if those things = were so.
*** (1Corinthians 2:10-to-16) But God = has revealed them to us by His Spirit; = for the Spirit searches all things, = yea, the deep things of God.
(1Cor 2:11) For who among men = knows the things of a man = except = the spirit of man = within him? So also = no one knows the things of God = except the Spirit of God.
(1Cor 2:12) But we have = not received = the spirit of the world, = but the Spirit from God, = so that we = might know the things = that are freely given to us = by God.
(1Co 2:13) These things we also speak, = not in words which man's wisdom teaches, = but which the Holy Spirit teaches, = comparing spiritual things = with spiritual.
(1Cor 2:14) But the natural man = does not receive = the things of the Spirit of God, = for they are foolishness to him; = neither can he know them, = because they are spiritually discerned.
(1Cor 2:15) But he who is spiritual = judges all things, = yet he himself is judged by no one.
(1Cor 2:16) For who has known = the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him? = But we have the mind of Christ.
*** (Isaiah 55:8-9) For My thoughts = are not your thoughts, = nor your ways = My ways, = says Jehovah [God].
(Isa 55:9) For as the heavens = are higher than the earth, = so are My ways = higher than your ways, = and = My thoughts = than your thoughts.
*** (Psalms 25:14) The secret of Jehovah [God] = is with those = who fear Him; = and = He will show them = His covenant.
Recently someone ‘complained’… that I ‘dissected’ Bible verses in such a manner. It helps to get the “Ideas Across”. I often do this in my personal Bible Study; when I meet with Christ in His Word, daily = . Do you meet with The LORD Jesus ‘daily’ in His Holy Word…? Do you allow His Holy Spirit… to lead you into “His Truth”…? Does the Holy Spirit… teach you new “Truths” [Deuteronomy 29:29]; that you ‘never’ saw before, when reading the Word…? Perhaps if not… then you need to re-examine your relationship with Him…?
*** (Mark 1:35) And in the morning, = rising up a great while = before day, = He [Jesus] went out, = and = departed into a solitary place, = and = there prayed [Worshipped].
*** (John 15:3) Now you are clean through = the Word = which I [Jesus] =have spoken to you.
*** (2Corinthians 4:16) For this cause we do not faint; = but though our outward man perishes, = yet the inward man = is being renewed = day by day.
Do you examine… ‘Any & All’ teaching; to see if it fits, into what the Holy Word of God, Says? Yes, even these blogs! ‘MANY’ have a particular teacher or preacher they are fond of. All True Bible Truth… is taught and validated… by the Holy Spirit… that indwells, those Truly Born Again by Him. There are more and more… “False Teachers & Preachers”… ‘Teaching & Preaching’… “Other”, than God’s Holy Word. This False “Prosperity Gospel” has been around for quite a while. It is “NO Different” than the teaching of Islam; promising a plethora of ‘Virgins’; for each Faithful Muslim Man. Christ Jesus called them ‘All’… “Blind Leaders of the Blind” = Matthew 15:14.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) Prove all things, = hold fast to the good.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If they = do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = If = they do not hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will not be persuaded, = even though one = rose from the dead.
*** (Luke 24:27) And beginning at Moses = and all the Prophets, = He [Jesus] = expounded to them = in all the Scriptures = the things concerning Himself.
*** (Acts 17:11) These people were more receptive = than those in Thessalonica. = They were very willing to receive the message, = and every day = they carefully examined = the Scriptures = to see if those things = were so.
Each ‘one’ of us… will give an ‘account’ to God; of “Who & What”… we believed about Him and His Holy Word. Yes, for the “True Believer” it may even mean a ‘Loss of Rewards’. There will be “No Excuses”… because God has given His Holy Spirit [Roman 8:9]… to each one [John 7:37-38-39]. Someone once said; I believe what my Pastor Believes. Well, what does your Pastor Believe? My Pastor believes what my Church believes. Well what does your Church believe? Well we all believe the “Same Thing!” But the real question is: Do you believe what the Bible Teaches?
*** (James 3:1) Not many of you = should become teachers, = my brothers, = because you know = that we who teach = will be judged = more severely.
*** (Hebrews 5:11-to-14) We have much to say about this, = but it is difficult to explain = because = you have become = too lazy to understand.
(Heb 5:12) In fact, = though by now = you should be teachers, = you still need someone = to teach you the basic truths = of God's Word. = You have become people = who need milk = instead of solid food.
(Heb 5:13) For everyone = who lives on milk = is still a baby = and is inexperienced = in the message of righteousness.
(Heb 5:14) But solid food = is for mature people, = whose minds are trained by practice = to distinguish = good from evil.
*** (2Peter 3:15-16) Think of our Lord's patience = as salvation, = just as our dear brother Paul = also wrote to you = according to the wisdom = given him.
(2Pet 3:16) He speaks about this subject = in all his letters. = Some things in them = are hard to understand, = which ignorant = and unstable people = distort to their own destruction, = as they do = the rest of the Scriptures.
Believing in the “Word of God”… is also a ‘Work’ of God. He gives us what we need, when we are ready to “Hear & Obey”… ‘His Holy Word’. What do you do with the ‘Word of God.?’ Many say they… “Love Jesus”… but ‘do not’ know His Word. How can that be? For those that are married, you do know what your mate likes, ‘don’t you?’ How else do we get to… “Know Jesus”… if we do not know, “His Word?” Remember… He; Jesus… is the Living Word, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. How else do we get to “Know HIM”… except by His Word? [1Samuel 3:21]
*** (John 6:29) Jesus answered them, = "This is = the work of God: = to believe in the One [Messiah] = Whom = He [God] has sent."
*** (1Corintians 11:31-32) For if we would judge ourselves, = we would not be judged.
(1Cor 11:32) But when we are judged, = we are chastened by the Lord, = that we should not = be condemned with the world.
*** (1Corinthians 3:11-to-15) For no other foundation = can no one lay = than the one being laid, = who is Jesus Christ.
(1Cor 3:12) And if anyone builds on this foundation = gold, = silver, = precious stones, = wood, = hay, = stubble,
(1Cor 3:13) each one's work = shall be revealed. = For the Day shall declare it, = because it shall be = revealed by fire; = and the fire [Jeremiah 23:29] = shall try each one's work = as to what kind it is.
(1Cor 3:14) If anyone's work [John 6:29] = which he built remains, = he shall receive a reward.
(1Cor 3:15) If anyone's work [Jude 1:23] = shall be burned up, = he shall suffer loss. = But he = shall be saved, = yet so as by fire.
*** (Luke 24:45) Then He [Jesus] = opened their minds = so that they might come = to understand the Scriptures.
If you are… spending more time in Church or other religious activities; than you do in His Word; just perhaps that is ‘why’, you have become… “Deaf”… to His Word. Perhaps, no one ever told you… “You ‘must’ Know – His Word”… in order to know Him. How else would “One”… get to Know Jesus? Recently one said, “Other People have told me about Jesus!” But is what they said… the same as what the Scriptures have said… “About Jesus?” Jesus Himself said… “He that believes on Me… ‘As the Scripture has said’… “John 7:37-38-39”. If you believe is Not the ‘same’ as Scripture… then just perhaps you don’t really “Know… Jesus?”
*** (John 5:39-40) You search the Scriptures, = for in them = you think you have eternal life. = And they are = the ones witnessing of Me [Jesus],
(John 5:40) and you will not = come to Me [Jesus] = that you might have life.
*** (John 14:23-24) Jesus answered = and said to him, = If a man loves Me, = he will keep My Word. = And My Father will love him, = and We will come to him = and make Our abode with him.
(John 14:24) He who does not love Me [Jesus] = does not keep My Words, = and the Word = which you hear = is not Mine [Jesus], = but the [God] Father's = Who sent Me [Jesus].
*** (1John 2:21) I have not = written to you = because you = do not know the Truth, = but because = you know it, = and know that no Lie = is of the Truth.
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them through Your Truth. = Your Word is Truth.
There will be “No Unity”… unless one is willing to Yield themselves… to the Truth of Scripture. Nothing More… Nothing Less…!
Thanks for your Ear!
In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
MANY call themselves… ‘Christians’; Less are ‘truly’ Born Again, by the Holy Spirit of God. What sets apart those that are Born Again… from those that call themselves Christian? Could it be as simple as… ‘acknowledging’… the Complete Authority of the Holy Word of God? “Absolutely Yes!” IF the Word is ‘not’ the Final Authority… who or what; then is? Is it some ‘Church Denomination’ or is it just some ‘religious jargon’…? Here in America, ‘Christianity’ has become a ‘Cultural Practice’… just as ‘Islam’ is in the Middle East.
*** (Acts 17:11) These people = were more receptive = than those in Thessalonica. = They were very willing = to receive the message, = and every day = they carefully examined = the Scriptures = to see if those things = were so.
*** (1Corinthians 2:10-to-16) But God = has revealed them to us by His Spirit; = for the Spirit searches all things, = yea, the deep things of God.
(1Cor 2:11) For who among men = knows the things of a man = except = the spirit of man = within him? So also = no one knows the things of God = except the Spirit of God.
(1Cor 2:12) But we have = not received = the spirit of the world, = but the Spirit from God, = so that we = might know the things = that are freely given to us = by God.
(1Co 2:13) These things we also speak, = not in words which man's wisdom teaches, = but which the Holy Spirit teaches, = comparing spiritual things = with spiritual.
(1Cor 2:14) But the natural man = does not receive = the things of the Spirit of God, = for they are foolishness to him; = neither can he know them, = because they are spiritually discerned.
(1Cor 2:15) But he who is spiritual = judges all things, = yet he himself is judged by no one.
(1Cor 2:16) For who has known = the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him? = But we have the mind of Christ.
*** (Isaiah 55:8-9) For My thoughts = are not your thoughts, = nor your ways = My ways, = says Jehovah [God].
(Isa 55:9) For as the heavens = are higher than the earth, = so are My ways = higher than your ways, = and = My thoughts = than your thoughts.
*** (Psalms 25:14) The secret of Jehovah [God] = is with those = who fear Him; = and = He will show them = His covenant.
Recently someone ‘complained’… that I ‘dissected’ Bible verses in such a manner. It helps to get the “Ideas Across”. I often do this in my personal Bible Study; when I meet with Christ in His Word, daily = . Do you meet with The LORD Jesus ‘daily’ in His Holy Word…? Do you allow His Holy Spirit… to lead you into “His Truth”…? Does the Holy Spirit… teach you new “Truths” [Deuteronomy 29:29]; that you ‘never’ saw before, when reading the Word…? Perhaps if not… then you need to re-examine your relationship with Him…?
*** (Mark 1:35) And in the morning, = rising up a great while = before day, = He [Jesus] went out, = and = departed into a solitary place, = and = there prayed [Worshipped].
*** (John 15:3) Now you are clean through = the Word = which I [Jesus] =have spoken to you.
*** (2Corinthians 4:16) For this cause we do not faint; = but though our outward man perishes, = yet the inward man = is being renewed = day by day.
Do you examine… ‘Any & All’ teaching; to see if it fits, into what the Holy Word of God, Says? Yes, even these blogs! ‘MANY’ have a particular teacher or preacher they are fond of. All True Bible Truth… is taught and validated… by the Holy Spirit… that indwells, those Truly Born Again by Him. There are more and more… “False Teachers & Preachers”… ‘Teaching & Preaching’… “Other”, than God’s Holy Word. This False “Prosperity Gospel” has been around for quite a while. It is “NO Different” than the teaching of Islam; promising a plethora of ‘Virgins’; for each Faithful Muslim Man. Christ Jesus called them ‘All’… “Blind Leaders of the Blind” = Matthew 15:14.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) Prove all things, = hold fast to the good.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and to the testimony! = If they = do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light = is in them.
*** (Luke 16:31) And he said to him, = If = they do not hear = Moses and the Prophets, = they will not be persuaded, = even though one = rose from the dead.
*** (Luke 24:27) And beginning at Moses = and all the Prophets, = He [Jesus] = expounded to them = in all the Scriptures = the things concerning Himself.
*** (Acts 17:11) These people were more receptive = than those in Thessalonica. = They were very willing to receive the message, = and every day = they carefully examined = the Scriptures = to see if those things = were so.
Each ‘one’ of us… will give an ‘account’ to God; of “Who & What”… we believed about Him and His Holy Word. Yes, for the “True Believer” it may even mean a ‘Loss of Rewards’. There will be “No Excuses”… because God has given His Holy Spirit [Roman 8:9]… to each one [John 7:37-38-39]. Someone once said; I believe what my Pastor Believes. Well, what does your Pastor Believe? My Pastor believes what my Church believes. Well what does your Church believe? Well we all believe the “Same Thing!” But the real question is: Do you believe what the Bible Teaches?
*** (James 3:1) Not many of you = should become teachers, = my brothers, = because you know = that we who teach = will be judged = more severely.
*** (Hebrews 5:11-to-14) We have much to say about this, = but it is difficult to explain = because = you have become = too lazy to understand.
(Heb 5:12) In fact, = though by now = you should be teachers, = you still need someone = to teach you the basic truths = of God's Word. = You have become people = who need milk = instead of solid food.
(Heb 5:13) For everyone = who lives on milk = is still a baby = and is inexperienced = in the message of righteousness.
(Heb 5:14) But solid food = is for mature people, = whose minds are trained by practice = to distinguish = good from evil.
*** (2Peter 3:15-16) Think of our Lord's patience = as salvation, = just as our dear brother Paul = also wrote to you = according to the wisdom = given him.
(2Pet 3:16) He speaks about this subject = in all his letters. = Some things in them = are hard to understand, = which ignorant = and unstable people = distort to their own destruction, = as they do = the rest of the Scriptures.
Believing in the “Word of God”… is also a ‘Work’ of God. He gives us what we need, when we are ready to “Hear & Obey”… ‘His Holy Word’. What do you do with the ‘Word of God.?’ Many say they… “Love Jesus”… but ‘do not’ know His Word. How can that be? For those that are married, you do know what your mate likes, ‘don’t you?’ How else do we get to… “Know Jesus”… if we do not know, “His Word?” Remember… He; Jesus… is the Living Word, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. How else do we get to “Know HIM”… except by His Word? [1Samuel 3:21]
*** (John 6:29) Jesus answered them, = "This is = the work of God: = to believe in the One [Messiah] = Whom = He [God] has sent."
*** (1Corintians 11:31-32) For if we would judge ourselves, = we would not be judged.
(1Cor 11:32) But when we are judged, = we are chastened by the Lord, = that we should not = be condemned with the world.
*** (1Corinthians 3:11-to-15) For no other foundation = can no one lay = than the one being laid, = who is Jesus Christ.
(1Cor 3:12) And if anyone builds on this foundation = gold, = silver, = precious stones, = wood, = hay, = stubble,
(1Cor 3:13) each one's work = shall be revealed. = For the Day shall declare it, = because it shall be = revealed by fire; = and the fire [Jeremiah 23:29] = shall try each one's work = as to what kind it is.
(1Cor 3:14) If anyone's work [John 6:29] = which he built remains, = he shall receive a reward.
(1Cor 3:15) If anyone's work [Jude 1:23] = shall be burned up, = he shall suffer loss. = But he = shall be saved, = yet so as by fire.
*** (Luke 24:45) Then He [Jesus] = opened their minds = so that they might come = to understand the Scriptures.
If you are… spending more time in Church or other religious activities; than you do in His Word; just perhaps that is ‘why’, you have become… “Deaf”… to His Word. Perhaps, no one ever told you… “You ‘must’ Know – His Word”… in order to know Him. How else would “One”… get to Know Jesus? Recently one said, “Other People have told me about Jesus!” But is what they said… the same as what the Scriptures have said… “About Jesus?” Jesus Himself said… “He that believes on Me… ‘As the Scripture has said’… “John 7:37-38-39”. If you believe is Not the ‘same’ as Scripture… then just perhaps you don’t really “Know… Jesus?”
*** (John 5:39-40) You search the Scriptures, = for in them = you think you have eternal life. = And they are = the ones witnessing of Me [Jesus],
(John 5:40) and you will not = come to Me [Jesus] = that you might have life.
*** (John 14:23-24) Jesus answered = and said to him, = If a man loves Me, = he will keep My Word. = And My Father will love him, = and We will come to him = and make Our abode with him.
(John 14:24) He who does not love Me [Jesus] = does not keep My Words, = and the Word = which you hear = is not Mine [Jesus], = but the [God] Father's = Who sent Me [Jesus].
*** (1John 2:21) I have not = written to you = because you = do not know the Truth, = but because = you know it, = and know that no Lie = is of the Truth.
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them through Your Truth. = Your Word is Truth.
There will be “No Unity”… unless one is willing to Yield themselves… to the Truth of Scripture. Nothing More… Nothing Less…!
Thanks for your Ear!
In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Monday, September 20, 2010
“UNITY = at what Cost? – 101”…Blog. [1/?]
“UNITY = at what Cost? – 101”…Blog. [1/?]
*** (Matthew 10:34-to-38) [Jesus said] = Do not think that I have come = to bring peace on earth. = I did not come = to send peace, = but a Sword.
(Matt 10:35) For I have come to set a man = against his father, = and the daughter against her mother, = and the daughter-in-law = against her mother-in-law.
(Matt 10:36) And a man's foes = shall be those = of his own household.
(Matt 10:37) He who loves = father or mother = more than Me [Jesus] = is not worthy of Me. = And he who loves = son or daughter = more than Me [Jesus] = is not worthy of Me.
(Matt 10:38) And he who = does not take up = his cross = and follow Me [Jesus] = is not worthy of Me.
*** (Luke 10:27) And answering, he said, = You shall love = the Lord your God = with all your heart, = and with all your soul, = and with all your strength, = and with all your mind, = and your neighbor as yourself.
Perhaps now… you may see what the Scripture says about Unity… as the cost of “TRUTH”…? Even those personal ‘feelings & emotions’, you have about ‘family & friends’… must not come before Truth! The command of Scripture… even says your Love for JESUS… must be first, and come from all your being. Feelings of any kind… ‘do not’ supersede… the “Truth of Scripture”. Christ Jesus, the Living Word… has given us his Living Word… so that we may “Know & Obey”… “His Holy Word”; Above… “All or Any!”
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through = Your Truth. = Your Word = is Truth.
*** (2John 1:8-to-11) Look to yourselves, = so that we may = not lose = those things which we worked out, = but that we may receive = a full reward.
(2Jn 1:9) Everyone = transgressing = and not abiding = in the doctrine of Christ = does not have God. = He who abides in = the doctrine of Christ, = he has both = the Father and the Son.
(2Jn 1:10) If anyone = comes to you = and = does not bring this doctrine, = do not receive him into your house, = nor speak a greeting to him.
(2Jn 1:11) For he who = speaks a greeting = to him = is partaker of = his evil deeds.
*** (Ephesians 5:9) for the fruit of the Spirit = is in all = goodness = and righteousness = and Truth,
(Eph 5:10) Proving = what is acceptable = to the Lord.
(Eph 5:11) And = have no fellowship = with the unfruitful works of darkness, = but rather = reprove them.
“Can’t we all, just Get Along”… sits atop the ‘Modern Church’ today. “Unity” is primary, and forsakes… the Truth of the Holy Word of God. Entertainment and political issues… have replaced the preaching of the Word… and its’ Obedience. They welcome everyone; of any persuasion, even though they do not hold to; the “Complete Authority” of the Holy Word of God. “Unity at any Cost”… even including political correctness. Even the Muslim is welcomed… to worship his god… in the congregation. The Adulterers and the Liars are too, welcomed to worship their god [small-g].
(1Corinthians 5:9-to-13) I wrote to you = in the letter = not to associate intimately = with the sexually immoral;
(1Cor 5:10) yet not altogether = with the fornicators of this world, = or with the covetous, = or extortioners, = or with idolaters; = for then you must go out of the world.
(1Cor 5:11) But now = I have written to you = not to associate intimately, = if any man = called a brother = and is = either sexually immoral, = or covetous, = or an idolater, = or a reviler, = or a drunkard, = or an extortioner; = with such a one not to keep company.
(1Cor 5:12) For what is it to me = to also judge those who are outside? = Do you not judge those = who are inside? [The Church]
(1Cor 5:13) But God judges = those who are outside. = Therefore put out from you the evil one. [in the Church]
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = Doers of the Word, = and Not = merely hearers = who Deceive themselves.
*** (Luke 6:46) "Why do you = keep calling Me [Jesus] = 'Lord, = Lord,' = but don't do what = I [Jesus] tell you? [My–Word]
About Now… you can see the “Seriousness”… of the Holy Word of God! The Word is not for… ‘Picking & Choosing’… which ones we will… “Obey?” So very many… have “Excused Away” SIN/SINS… by saying; “We are under Grace and NOT under the Law!” But what they… “Fail to Understand”… is that God will use His Word, in His Determination to Chasten [Spank] those His Children… who are ‘disobedient’. Do you want a… “Spanking from God”…? Salvation is by God’s “Grace & Mercy Alone”… but that does ‘Not’ mean… that we are to disregard; “Obedience to His Holy Word!”
*** (1Corinthians 11:30-31-32) That's why = so many of you = are weak = and sick = and = a considerable number = are dying.
(1Co 11:31) But if we judged ourselves = correctly, = we would not = be judged.
(1Co 11:32) Now, = while we are being judged = by the Lord, = we are being disciplined = lest we be condemned along = with the world.
*** (Hebrews 12:6-to-9) For the Lord disciplines = the one He loves, = and He punishes every son = He accepts."
(Heb 12:7) What you endure = is for the sake of discipline. = God is treating you as sons. = Is there a son = whom His father = does not discipline? [No!]
(Heb 12:8) Now if = you = are without any discipline, = in which all sons share, = then you are illegitimate [Bastards] = and = not = His sons.
(Heb 12:9) Furthermore, we had earthly fathers who used to discipline us, and we respected them for it. We should even = more submit = to the Father of our spirits = and live, = shouldn't we?
*** (Romans 13:9-10) For the commandments, = "You must not commit adultery [sexually immoral]; = you must not murder; = you must not steal; = you must not covet," = and every other commandment = are summed up in this statement: = "You must love your neighbor as yourself."
(Rom 13:10) Love never does anything = that is harmful to its neighbor. = Therefore, = love is the fulfillment of the law.
What ‘IF’, we are shown… something “Wrong”… by the Word, and by the Holy Spirit? We are to correct it in our own lives; unless we want a ‘Spanking by God’. What ‘IF’… we see something “Wrong”… in another brother or sister in Christ…? How about in an unbeliever…? Are we to keep our mouths… “Shut”… in order to maintain… “UNITY?” That is exactly what the ‘Corinthian Church’ did; and that is why we have so much… “Correction by Instruction”… throughout… the ‘Entire’ = “Holy Word of God”.
*** (Ezekiel 2:7) And = you shall speak = My Words = to them, = whether they will hear = or whether they will forbear, = for they are rebellious.
*** (Galatians 6:1) Brothers, = if a man [woman] = is overtaken in a fault, = you the spiritual ones = restore such a one = in the spirit of meekness, = considering yourself, = lest you also be tempted.
*** (1Corinthians 5:2-to-6) And you are = being arrogant = instead of being filled with grief = and seeing to it that = the man who did this = is removed from among you.
(1Cor 5:3) Even though I am away from you physically, = I am with you in spirit. = I have already = passed judgment = on the man who did this, = as though I were present with you.
(1Cor 5:4) When you are gathered together = in the name of our Lord Jesus = and my spirit = and the power of our Lord Jesus are present,
(1Cor 5:5) hand this man = over to Satan = for the destruction of his flesh, = so that his spirit = may be saved = on the Day of the Lord.
(1Cor 5:6) Your boasting is not good. = You know that a little yeast = leavens the whole batch of dough, = don't you?
(1Cor 5:7) Get rid = of the old yeast = so that you may be = a new batch of dough, = since you are to be free from yeast. = For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.
*** (Ezekiel 3:18-to-21) When I say to the wicked, = You shall surely die; = and you = do not give him warning, = nor speak = to warn the wicked = from his wicked way, = to save his life; = the same wicked one = shall die in his iniquity; = but I will require his blood at your hand.
(Ezek 3:19) Yet if = you warn the wicked, = and he does not turn = from his wickedness = nor from his wicked way, = he shall die in his iniquity; = but you have delivered your soul.
(Ezek 3:20) And when = the righteous = turns from his righteousness = and commits iniquity, = and when I lay a stumbling block before him, = he shall die. = Because you have not given him warning, = he shall die in his sin, = and his righteousness which he has done = shall not be remembered; = but his blood I will require at your hand.
(Ezek 3:21) But if = you warn the righteous = so that the righteous = does not sin, = and if he does not sin, = he shall surely live = because he is warned; = also you have delivered your soul.
“MOST”, Do Not Want… To Confront… “SIN/SINS”… in ‘Themselves’ or in ‘Others!’ They say that they “LOVE Jesus”… and yet do ‘not’ “Read & Study”… His Holy Word! His Word… is not here to ‘tickle our ears’; or to be able to ‘quote Bible verses… “BUT–TO–LIVE–BY!” We change our “Minds”, our “Hearts” and our “Actions”… to line them up to the “Obedience” of His Holy Word! Most of us that have secular jobs or positions… strive for “Perfection & Excellence”… don’t we? Shouldn’t it be the same in our Spiritual Lives…? No, we Never become Sinless… but we ‘Can & Should’… “Sin – Less & Less!”
(Matthew 5:48) Therefore be perfect, = even as your = Father in Heaven is Perfect.
*** (John 15:1-2-3) I [Jesus] am the True Vine, = and My Father [God] = is the Vinedresser.
(John 15:2) Every branch in Me = that does not bear fruit, = He takes away. = And every one that bears fruit, = He prunes it = so that it may bring forth = more fruit.
(John 15:3) Now you are clean through = the Word = which I [Jesus] = have spoken to you.
*** (Luke 4:4) And = Jesus answered him, = saying, = It is written that = "man shall not live by bread alone, = but = by every Word of God."
Continued in next blog…
Thank you, for your Ear,
In Christ Jesus, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
*** (Matthew 10:34-to-38) [Jesus said] = Do not think that I have come = to bring peace on earth. = I did not come = to send peace, = but a Sword.
(Matt 10:35) For I have come to set a man = against his father, = and the daughter against her mother, = and the daughter-in-law = against her mother-in-law.
(Matt 10:36) And a man's foes = shall be those = of his own household.
(Matt 10:37) He who loves = father or mother = more than Me [Jesus] = is not worthy of Me. = And he who loves = son or daughter = more than Me [Jesus] = is not worthy of Me.
(Matt 10:38) And he who = does not take up = his cross = and follow Me [Jesus] = is not worthy of Me.
*** (Luke 10:27) And answering, he said, = You shall love = the Lord your God = with all your heart, = and with all your soul, = and with all your strength, = and with all your mind, = and your neighbor as yourself.
Perhaps now… you may see what the Scripture says about Unity… as the cost of “TRUTH”…? Even those personal ‘feelings & emotions’, you have about ‘family & friends’… must not come before Truth! The command of Scripture… even says your Love for JESUS… must be first, and come from all your being. Feelings of any kind… ‘do not’ supersede… the “Truth of Scripture”. Christ Jesus, the Living Word… has given us his Living Word… so that we may “Know & Obey”… “His Holy Word”; Above… “All or Any!”
*** (John 17:17) Sanctify them = through = Your Truth. = Your Word = is Truth.
*** (2John 1:8-to-11) Look to yourselves, = so that we may = not lose = those things which we worked out, = but that we may receive = a full reward.
(2Jn 1:9) Everyone = transgressing = and not abiding = in the doctrine of Christ = does not have God. = He who abides in = the doctrine of Christ, = he has both = the Father and the Son.
(2Jn 1:10) If anyone = comes to you = and = does not bring this doctrine, = do not receive him into your house, = nor speak a greeting to him.
(2Jn 1:11) For he who = speaks a greeting = to him = is partaker of = his evil deeds.
*** (Ephesians 5:9) for the fruit of the Spirit = is in all = goodness = and righteousness = and Truth,
(Eph 5:10) Proving = what is acceptable = to the Lord.
(Eph 5:11) And = have no fellowship = with the unfruitful works of darkness, = but rather = reprove them.
“Can’t we all, just Get Along”… sits atop the ‘Modern Church’ today. “Unity” is primary, and forsakes… the Truth of the Holy Word of God. Entertainment and political issues… have replaced the preaching of the Word… and its’ Obedience. They welcome everyone; of any persuasion, even though they do not hold to; the “Complete Authority” of the Holy Word of God. “Unity at any Cost”… even including political correctness. Even the Muslim is welcomed… to worship his god… in the congregation. The Adulterers and the Liars are too, welcomed to worship their god [small-g].
(1Corinthians 5:9-to-13) I wrote to you = in the letter = not to associate intimately = with the sexually immoral;
(1Cor 5:10) yet not altogether = with the fornicators of this world, = or with the covetous, = or extortioners, = or with idolaters; = for then you must go out of the world.
(1Cor 5:11) But now = I have written to you = not to associate intimately, = if any man = called a brother = and is = either sexually immoral, = or covetous, = or an idolater, = or a reviler, = or a drunkard, = or an extortioner; = with such a one not to keep company.
(1Cor 5:12) For what is it to me = to also judge those who are outside? = Do you not judge those = who are inside? [The Church]
(1Cor 5:13) But God judges = those who are outside. = Therefore put out from you the evil one. [in the Church]
*** (James 1:22) Keep on being = Doers of the Word, = and Not = merely hearers = who Deceive themselves.
*** (Luke 6:46) "Why do you = keep calling Me [Jesus] = 'Lord, = Lord,' = but don't do what = I [Jesus] tell you? [My–Word]
About Now… you can see the “Seriousness”… of the Holy Word of God! The Word is not for… ‘Picking & Choosing’… which ones we will… “Obey?” So very many… have “Excused Away” SIN/SINS… by saying; “We are under Grace and NOT under the Law!” But what they… “Fail to Understand”… is that God will use His Word, in His Determination to Chasten [Spank] those His Children… who are ‘disobedient’. Do you want a… “Spanking from God”…? Salvation is by God’s “Grace & Mercy Alone”… but that does ‘Not’ mean… that we are to disregard; “Obedience to His Holy Word!”
*** (1Corinthians 11:30-31-32) That's why = so many of you = are weak = and sick = and = a considerable number = are dying.
(1Co 11:31) But if we judged ourselves = correctly, = we would not = be judged.
(1Co 11:32) Now, = while we are being judged = by the Lord, = we are being disciplined = lest we be condemned along = with the world.
*** (Hebrews 12:6-to-9) For the Lord disciplines = the one He loves, = and He punishes every son = He accepts."
(Heb 12:7) What you endure = is for the sake of discipline. = God is treating you as sons. = Is there a son = whom His father = does not discipline? [No!]
(Heb 12:8) Now if = you = are without any discipline, = in which all sons share, = then you are illegitimate [Bastards] = and = not = His sons.
(Heb 12:9) Furthermore, we had earthly fathers who used to discipline us, and we respected them for it. We should even = more submit = to the Father of our spirits = and live, = shouldn't we?
*** (Romans 13:9-10) For the commandments, = "You must not commit adultery [sexually immoral]; = you must not murder; = you must not steal; = you must not covet," = and every other commandment = are summed up in this statement: = "You must love your neighbor as yourself."
(Rom 13:10) Love never does anything = that is harmful to its neighbor. = Therefore, = love is the fulfillment of the law.
What ‘IF’, we are shown… something “Wrong”… by the Word, and by the Holy Spirit? We are to correct it in our own lives; unless we want a ‘Spanking by God’. What ‘IF’… we see something “Wrong”… in another brother or sister in Christ…? How about in an unbeliever…? Are we to keep our mouths… “Shut”… in order to maintain… “UNITY?” That is exactly what the ‘Corinthian Church’ did; and that is why we have so much… “Correction by Instruction”… throughout… the ‘Entire’ = “Holy Word of God”.
*** (Ezekiel 2:7) And = you shall speak = My Words = to them, = whether they will hear = or whether they will forbear, = for they are rebellious.
*** (Galatians 6:1) Brothers, = if a man [woman] = is overtaken in a fault, = you the spiritual ones = restore such a one = in the spirit of meekness, = considering yourself, = lest you also be tempted.
*** (1Corinthians 5:2-to-6) And you are = being arrogant = instead of being filled with grief = and seeing to it that = the man who did this = is removed from among you.
(1Cor 5:3) Even though I am away from you physically, = I am with you in spirit. = I have already = passed judgment = on the man who did this, = as though I were present with you.
(1Cor 5:4) When you are gathered together = in the name of our Lord Jesus = and my spirit = and the power of our Lord Jesus are present,
(1Cor 5:5) hand this man = over to Satan = for the destruction of his flesh, = so that his spirit = may be saved = on the Day of the Lord.
(1Cor 5:6) Your boasting is not good. = You know that a little yeast = leavens the whole batch of dough, = don't you?
(1Cor 5:7) Get rid = of the old yeast = so that you may be = a new batch of dough, = since you are to be free from yeast. = For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.
*** (Ezekiel 3:18-to-21) When I say to the wicked, = You shall surely die; = and you = do not give him warning, = nor speak = to warn the wicked = from his wicked way, = to save his life; = the same wicked one = shall die in his iniquity; = but I will require his blood at your hand.
(Ezek 3:19) Yet if = you warn the wicked, = and he does not turn = from his wickedness = nor from his wicked way, = he shall die in his iniquity; = but you have delivered your soul.
(Ezek 3:20) And when = the righteous = turns from his righteousness = and commits iniquity, = and when I lay a stumbling block before him, = he shall die. = Because you have not given him warning, = he shall die in his sin, = and his righteousness which he has done = shall not be remembered; = but his blood I will require at your hand.
(Ezek 3:21) But if = you warn the righteous = so that the righteous = does not sin, = and if he does not sin, = he shall surely live = because he is warned; = also you have delivered your soul.
“MOST”, Do Not Want… To Confront… “SIN/SINS”… in ‘Themselves’ or in ‘Others!’ They say that they “LOVE Jesus”… and yet do ‘not’ “Read & Study”… His Holy Word! His Word… is not here to ‘tickle our ears’; or to be able to ‘quote Bible verses… “BUT–TO–LIVE–BY!” We change our “Minds”, our “Hearts” and our “Actions”… to line them up to the “Obedience” of His Holy Word! Most of us that have secular jobs or positions… strive for “Perfection & Excellence”… don’t we? Shouldn’t it be the same in our Spiritual Lives…? No, we Never become Sinless… but we ‘Can & Should’… “Sin – Less & Less!”
(Matthew 5:48) Therefore be perfect, = even as your = Father in Heaven is Perfect.
*** (John 15:1-2-3) I [Jesus] am the True Vine, = and My Father [God] = is the Vinedresser.
(John 15:2) Every branch in Me = that does not bear fruit, = He takes away. = And every one that bears fruit, = He prunes it = so that it may bring forth = more fruit.
(John 15:3) Now you are clean through = the Word = which I [Jesus] = have spoken to you.
*** (Luke 4:4) And = Jesus answered him, = saying, = It is written that = "man shall not live by bread alone, = but = by every Word of God."
Continued in next blog…
Thank you, for your Ear,
In Christ Jesus, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
“The Christian Thinker – 101”…Blog [5/?]
“The Christian Thinker – 101”…Blog [5/?]
Perhaps allow me to share… some of ‘my schooling’; in the Holy Word of God. No, I did not graduate from Bible College; and did not, attend a Bible Seminary. Nor did I follow the ‘Denominational’ teachings of some Church. I did ‘not’ sit under the particular teaching of any one person. I do ‘not’ hold to the “Armenian” or the “Calvinist”… “Teachings or Interpretations” of the Scriptures. Many get involved in this ‘mindset’ and cannot break free; to their detriment. They simply “Hold” to what they have been taught; and it colors their view of the Holy Scriptures.
*** (Psalms 119:97-to-104) MEM: Oh [Lord] how I love Your Law! = It is my meditation = all the day.
(Psa 119:98) Through Your Commandments = You [Lord] = make me wiser than my enemies, = for they are ever with me.
(Psa 119:99) I have = ‘more’ understanding = than ‘all’ my teachers; = for Your testimonies = are my prayer [Lord].
(Psa 119:100) I understand ‘more’ = than the old [mature] men, = because = I keep Your Commandments [Lord].
(Psa 119:101) I have = kept my feet = from every evil way, = so that I = might keep Your Word [Lord].
(Psa 119:102) I have ‘not’ departed = from Your judgments; = for You [Lord] have taught me.
(Psa 119:103) How sweet are = Your Words [Lord] = to my taste! = More than honey to my mouth!
(Psa 119:104) Through Your Commandments [Lord] = I get understanding; = therefore I hate every false way.
There is absolutely… ‘nothing wrong’ with the True Biblical teaching of some Pastors, in some of the Churches. Those ‘Godly Men’; led by the Holy Spirit of God, do in fact, facilitate ‘Spiritual Growth’ to the Glory of God; and the Spiritual Growth of ‘some’ of the members. But, those teachings… are “Never”… to take the place of God’s Holy Word. We, who are Born Again by the Holy Spirit of God… have God’s Holy Spirit… to teach us; the Truth of the Word. Pastors and Godly Bible Teachers are only ‘an adjunct’… to such teaching. That teaching… should “NEVER”… take the place of the Holy Word of God. Remember, “Only ONE” is ‘Perfect’… and they Nailed “HIM”… to that “Old Rugged Cross”… in ‘our’ place!
*** (Ephesians 4:11-12) And truly He [God] gave some = to be apostles, = and some to be prophets, = and some to be evangelists, = and some to be pastors ‘and’ [and not in the Greek NT] teachers, [SB: Pastor/Teachers]
(Eph 4:12) for the perfecting of the saints, = for the work of the ministry, = for the edifying of the body of Christ.
*** (John 16:13) However, when He, = the [Holy] Spirit of Truth, has come, = He will guide you into all Truth. = For He shall not speak of Himself, = but whatever He hears, = He shall speak. = And He will announce to you things to come.
(John 16:14) He will glorify Me [Jesus], = for He will receive of Mine = and will announce [reveal] = it to you.
(John 16:15) All things that the Father [God] has are Mine [Jesus]. = Therefore I [Jesus] said that He [The Holy Spirit] will take of Mine = and will announce it to you.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and = to the testimony! = If = they do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light is in them.
What about the “Free Will” of Mankind…? Some 'extraneous' teaching leads one to believe that mankind… “Does ‘Not’, have a Free Will!” Nothing could be further from the Truth. Many look at the Bible as just an answer book, and when it does not give them the answer; they are looking for, they ‘Falsely Claim’… that it does not say this or that. Many do not stud the original “NT Greek” and “OT Hebrew”… but simply draw wrong conclusions from their ‘English’ translation of the Scriptures, some are good and some are very bad.
“The Bible”… is a book of “Spiritual Principles: and the ‘history’ of God’s working with His creation, mankind. Open your Bible and look at “Three Verses” and tell “IF”… they do in fact… speak about “Free Will” of Mankind. They are: James 1:22 = Luke 6:46 = 2John 1:8-to-11. Anytime the Scripture says… “Thus says the Lord”… that is a choice [418 times]… “To Obey” or “Not to Obey!” What is it, that confuses this… ‘free will’ issue; could it be as simply as… “Predestination or Election?”
*** (Ephesians 1:5) Having predestinated us = unto the adoption of children = by Jesus Christ to Himself [God], = according to the good pleasure of His will,
*** (2Peter 1:10) Therefore, brothers, = rather be diligent to make your calling = and election sure, = for if you do these things, = you shall never fall.
God’s Plan… is for “Everyone” to come to Salvation in Christ. But God has given mankind that choice of “Free Will”. God has even revealed Himself through His Creation order [Psalms 19:1-to-6]. He had chosen His People Israel… to be His witness and His example to the Nations. [2Chronicles 6:32-33]. Israel being delivered from Egypt by the ‘10’-plagues; had God had dealt with Israel ‘10’-times and they would not listen. [Numbers 14:21-to-21] Even when Christ Jesus came as their Messiah, Prophet and King of Israel… they would not listen; to Him. [Romans 9:24-to-27].
*** (Ezekiel 33:11) Say to them: = As I live, says the Lord Jehovah, = I have no delight = in the death of the wicked, = except in the turning of the wicked from his way [Repentance], = and so to live. = Turn, = turn from your evil ways; = for why will you die, = O house of Israel?
*** (2Peter 3:9) The Lord is not slow = concerning His promise, = as some count slowness, = but is long-suffering toward us, = not purposing that any should perish, = but that all should come to repentance.
*** (Acts 17:30-31-32) Truly, then, = God overlooking the times of ignorance, = now He strictly commands = all men = everywhere = to Repent,
(Act 17:31) because He has appointed a day = in which He is going to judge the world = in righteousness = by a Man [Jesus] = Whom He appointed, = having given proof = to all = by raising Him from the dead.
(Act 17:32) And hearing of a resurrection of the dead, = some indeed mocked; = and others said, = We will hear you again concerning this. [Free Will?]
*** (John 1:9-to-12) He [Jesus] was the true Light; = He enlightens = every man = coming into the world.
(John 1:10) He was in the world, = and the world came into being through Him [Colossians 1:12-to-17], = and the world did not know Him.
(John 1:11) He came to His own, = and His own = received Him not. [Free Will?]
(John 1:12) But as many = as received Him, = He [Jesus] gave to them = authority to become = the children of God, = to those = who believe on His name, [Free Will?]
*** (Psalms 98:2-3) Jehovah [God] = has made known = His salvation; = His righteousness = He has unveiled = to the eyes of the nations [Gentiles].
(Psalms 98:3) He has remembered = His mercy and His Truth = toward the house of Israel; = all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of Jehovah.
The Gospel… both the Good News and the Bad News… has been shared with the Word, and they have rejected it. It is so very simple to understand “Election.” ‘YOU’ have One Vote: ‘Jesus’ has One Vote; and ‘Satan’ has One Vote. “Whosoever”… gets the most “Votes”; has the Election, the rest simply ‘choose’… Damnation in the Lake of Fire, [Revelation 20:10-to-15] tormented day & night… forever and forever.
*** (Romans 6:16) Don't you know that when = you = offer yourselves to someone = as obedient slaves, = you are the slaves = of the one you obey = either of sin, which leads to death, = or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
Recently, someone… said to me… “What about those that ‘do not’ come to Christ; did Christ die for their sins also…? Is there a “Limited Atonement”… ‘only’ for those that come to Christ Jesus? Absolutely Yes! Perhaps I may share with you a ‘simple’ understanding of this fact?
1. I give you a check for… “10,000 US dollars!”
2. You thank me and… ‘Never’ cash that check!
3. You think that it is charity; but I tell you it is ‘grace’… with no strings attached.
4. Still… you want to succeed on your own, with the help of no one.
5. You die…!
6. Your heirs close your estate… and find my check to you… for the money.
7. They go to the Bank… and try and ‘cash’ the check… made out to you.
8. The bank ‘informs’ them… sorry the person is dead; these funds are… “Non-Transferable!”
That is a ‘word picture’… of “Salvation”. God calls “All” mankind to Himself. “Most” refuse His gift of Grace; in payment for their… “Sin / Sins.” Their ‘Refusal’ to cash their check [Salvation], the… “Gift of God”… will leave one… without the ‘eternal’ payment for their… “Sin/Sins!” This… Atonement by Christ Jesus for YOU… is paid for by the… “Death, Burial and Resurrection of Himself”… But… “Rejected by You!” Where then do you expect to spend eternity… after spitting in the face of God and refusing His gift of Grace to you? This is the Gospel… that we communicate as… “Evangelism = You are Witnesses of these Things… “Luke 24:44-to-49”
*** (Hebrews 10:28-to-31) He who = despised Moses' Law = died without mercy = on the word of two or three witnesses.
(Heb 10:29) Of how much worse punishment, = do you suppose, = will he be thought worthy of punishment, = the one who has trampled the Son of God, = and who has counted = the blood of the covenant = with which he was sanctified = an unholy thing, = and has insulted the Spirit of grace?
(Heb 10:30) For we know Him [God] = Who has said, = "Vengeance belongs to Me, = I will repay, = says the Lord." = And again, = "The Lord shall judge = His people."
(Heb 10:31) It is a fearful thing = to fall into the hands = of the living God.
*** (1Corinthians 11:30-31-32) That's why = so many of you are = weak and sick = and a considerable number = are dying.
(1Cor 11:31) But if = we judged ourselves correctly, = we would not be judged.
(1Cor 11:32) Now, = while we are being judged by the Lord, = we are being disciplined = lest we be condemned = along with the world.
Can it be any simpler than this…? Yes...! Now after reading this… do you ‘really’ believe that Mankind does ‘NOT’ have a… “Free Will?” You chose to read this… didn’t You… by you free will?
*** (Matthew 7:13-14-15) "Go in = through the narrow gate. = For the gate is wide = and the road is spacious = that leads to destruction, = and many people are entering by it.
(Matt 7:14) How narrow is the gate = and how constricted is the road = that leads to life, = and few are the people who find it!"
(Matt 7:15) "Beware of false prophets = who come to you in sheep’s clothing = but inwardly = are savage wolves. [Why a warning if there is No free will?]
*** (John 3:19-20-21) And this is the condemnation, = that the Light has come into the world, = and men loved darkness = rather than the Light, = because their deeds were evil.
(John 3:20) For everyone = who does evil = hates the Light, = and does not come = to the Light, = lest his deeds should be exposed.
(John 3:21) But he who practices Truth = comes to the Light = so that his works may be revealed, = that they exist, = having been worked in God.
Continued in next Blog [6/?]
Thank you for your Ear!
In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Perhaps allow me to share… some of ‘my schooling’; in the Holy Word of God. No, I did not graduate from Bible College; and did not, attend a Bible Seminary. Nor did I follow the ‘Denominational’ teachings of some Church. I did ‘not’ sit under the particular teaching of any one person. I do ‘not’ hold to the “Armenian” or the “Calvinist”… “Teachings or Interpretations” of the Scriptures. Many get involved in this ‘mindset’ and cannot break free; to their detriment. They simply “Hold” to what they have been taught; and it colors their view of the Holy Scriptures.
*** (Psalms 119:97-to-104) MEM: Oh [Lord] how I love Your Law! = It is my meditation = all the day.
(Psa 119:98) Through Your Commandments = You [Lord] = make me wiser than my enemies, = for they are ever with me.
(Psa 119:99) I have = ‘more’ understanding = than ‘all’ my teachers; = for Your testimonies = are my prayer [Lord].
(Psa 119:100) I understand ‘more’ = than the old [mature] men, = because = I keep Your Commandments [Lord].
(Psa 119:101) I have = kept my feet = from every evil way, = so that I = might keep Your Word [Lord].
(Psa 119:102) I have ‘not’ departed = from Your judgments; = for You [Lord] have taught me.
(Psa 119:103) How sweet are = Your Words [Lord] = to my taste! = More than honey to my mouth!
(Psa 119:104) Through Your Commandments [Lord] = I get understanding; = therefore I hate every false way.
There is absolutely… ‘nothing wrong’ with the True Biblical teaching of some Pastors, in some of the Churches. Those ‘Godly Men’; led by the Holy Spirit of God, do in fact, facilitate ‘Spiritual Growth’ to the Glory of God; and the Spiritual Growth of ‘some’ of the members. But, those teachings… are “Never”… to take the place of God’s Holy Word. We, who are Born Again by the Holy Spirit of God… have God’s Holy Spirit… to teach us; the Truth of the Word. Pastors and Godly Bible Teachers are only ‘an adjunct’… to such teaching. That teaching… should “NEVER”… take the place of the Holy Word of God. Remember, “Only ONE” is ‘Perfect’… and they Nailed “HIM”… to that “Old Rugged Cross”… in ‘our’ place!
*** (Ephesians 4:11-12) And truly He [God] gave some = to be apostles, = and some to be prophets, = and some to be evangelists, = and some to be pastors ‘and’ [and not in the Greek NT] teachers, [SB: Pastor/Teachers]
(Eph 4:12) for the perfecting of the saints, = for the work of the ministry, = for the edifying of the body of Christ.
*** (John 16:13) However, when He, = the [Holy] Spirit of Truth, has come, = He will guide you into all Truth. = For He shall not speak of Himself, = but whatever He hears, = He shall speak. = And He will announce to you things to come.
(John 16:14) He will glorify Me [Jesus], = for He will receive of Mine = and will announce [reveal] = it to you.
(John 16:15) All things that the Father [God] has are Mine [Jesus]. = Therefore I [Jesus] said that He [The Holy Spirit] will take of Mine = and will announce it to you.
*** (Isaiah 8:20) To the Law = and = to the testimony! = If = they do not speak = according to this Word, = it is because = no light is in them.
What about the “Free Will” of Mankind…? Some 'extraneous' teaching leads one to believe that mankind… “Does ‘Not’, have a Free Will!” Nothing could be further from the Truth. Many look at the Bible as just an answer book, and when it does not give them the answer; they are looking for, they ‘Falsely Claim’… that it does not say this or that. Many do not stud the original “NT Greek” and “OT Hebrew”… but simply draw wrong conclusions from their ‘English’ translation of the Scriptures, some are good and some are very bad.
“The Bible”… is a book of “Spiritual Principles: and the ‘history’ of God’s working with His creation, mankind. Open your Bible and look at “Three Verses” and tell “IF”… they do in fact… speak about “Free Will” of Mankind. They are: James 1:22 = Luke 6:46 = 2John 1:8-to-11. Anytime the Scripture says… “Thus says the Lord”… that is a choice [418 times]… “To Obey” or “Not to Obey!” What is it, that confuses this… ‘free will’ issue; could it be as simply as… “Predestination or Election?”
*** (Ephesians 1:5) Having predestinated us = unto the adoption of children = by Jesus Christ to Himself [God], = according to the good pleasure of His will,
*** (2Peter 1:10) Therefore, brothers, = rather be diligent to make your calling = and election sure, = for if you do these things, = you shall never fall.
God’s Plan… is for “Everyone” to come to Salvation in Christ. But God has given mankind that choice of “Free Will”. God has even revealed Himself through His Creation order [Psalms 19:1-to-6]. He had chosen His People Israel… to be His witness and His example to the Nations. [2Chronicles 6:32-33]. Israel being delivered from Egypt by the ‘10’-plagues; had God had dealt with Israel ‘10’-times and they would not listen. [Numbers 14:21-to-21] Even when Christ Jesus came as their Messiah, Prophet and King of Israel… they would not listen; to Him. [Romans 9:24-to-27].
*** (Ezekiel 33:11) Say to them: = As I live, says the Lord Jehovah, = I have no delight = in the death of the wicked, = except in the turning of the wicked from his way [Repentance], = and so to live. = Turn, = turn from your evil ways; = for why will you die, = O house of Israel?
*** (2Peter 3:9) The Lord is not slow = concerning His promise, = as some count slowness, = but is long-suffering toward us, = not purposing that any should perish, = but that all should come to repentance.
*** (Acts 17:30-31-32) Truly, then, = God overlooking the times of ignorance, = now He strictly commands = all men = everywhere = to Repent,
(Act 17:31) because He has appointed a day = in which He is going to judge the world = in righteousness = by a Man [Jesus] = Whom He appointed, = having given proof = to all = by raising Him from the dead.
(Act 17:32) And hearing of a resurrection of the dead, = some indeed mocked; = and others said, = We will hear you again concerning this. [Free Will?]
*** (John 1:9-to-12) He [Jesus] was the true Light; = He enlightens = every man = coming into the world.
(John 1:10) He was in the world, = and the world came into being through Him [Colossians 1:12-to-17], = and the world did not know Him.
(John 1:11) He came to His own, = and His own = received Him not. [Free Will?]
(John 1:12) But as many = as received Him, = He [Jesus] gave to them = authority to become = the children of God, = to those = who believe on His name, [Free Will?]
*** (Psalms 98:2-3) Jehovah [God] = has made known = His salvation; = His righteousness = He has unveiled = to the eyes of the nations [Gentiles].
(Psalms 98:3) He has remembered = His mercy and His Truth = toward the house of Israel; = all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of Jehovah.
The Gospel… both the Good News and the Bad News… has been shared with the Word, and they have rejected it. It is so very simple to understand “Election.” ‘YOU’ have One Vote: ‘Jesus’ has One Vote; and ‘Satan’ has One Vote. “Whosoever”… gets the most “Votes”; has the Election, the rest simply ‘choose’… Damnation in the Lake of Fire, [Revelation 20:10-to-15] tormented day & night… forever and forever.
*** (Romans 6:16) Don't you know that when = you = offer yourselves to someone = as obedient slaves, = you are the slaves = of the one you obey = either of sin, which leads to death, = or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
Recently, someone… said to me… “What about those that ‘do not’ come to Christ; did Christ die for their sins also…? Is there a “Limited Atonement”… ‘only’ for those that come to Christ Jesus? Absolutely Yes! Perhaps I may share with you a ‘simple’ understanding of this fact?
1. I give you a check for… “10,000 US dollars!”
2. You thank me and… ‘Never’ cash that check!
3. You think that it is charity; but I tell you it is ‘grace’… with no strings attached.
4. Still… you want to succeed on your own, with the help of no one.
5. You die…!
6. Your heirs close your estate… and find my check to you… for the money.
7. They go to the Bank… and try and ‘cash’ the check… made out to you.
8. The bank ‘informs’ them… sorry the person is dead; these funds are… “Non-Transferable!”
That is a ‘word picture’… of “Salvation”. God calls “All” mankind to Himself. “Most” refuse His gift of Grace; in payment for their… “Sin / Sins.” Their ‘Refusal’ to cash their check [Salvation], the… “Gift of God”… will leave one… without the ‘eternal’ payment for their… “Sin/Sins!” This… Atonement by Christ Jesus for YOU… is paid for by the… “Death, Burial and Resurrection of Himself”… But… “Rejected by You!” Where then do you expect to spend eternity… after spitting in the face of God and refusing His gift of Grace to you? This is the Gospel… that we communicate as… “Evangelism = You are Witnesses of these Things… “Luke 24:44-to-49”
*** (Hebrews 10:28-to-31) He who = despised Moses' Law = died without mercy = on the word of two or three witnesses.
(Heb 10:29) Of how much worse punishment, = do you suppose, = will he be thought worthy of punishment, = the one who has trampled the Son of God, = and who has counted = the blood of the covenant = with which he was sanctified = an unholy thing, = and has insulted the Spirit of grace?
(Heb 10:30) For we know Him [God] = Who has said, = "Vengeance belongs to Me, = I will repay, = says the Lord." = And again, = "The Lord shall judge = His people."
(Heb 10:31) It is a fearful thing = to fall into the hands = of the living God.
*** (1Corinthians 11:30-31-32) That's why = so many of you are = weak and sick = and a considerable number = are dying.
(1Cor 11:31) But if = we judged ourselves correctly, = we would not be judged.
(1Cor 11:32) Now, = while we are being judged by the Lord, = we are being disciplined = lest we be condemned = along with the world.
Can it be any simpler than this…? Yes...! Now after reading this… do you ‘really’ believe that Mankind does ‘NOT’ have a… “Free Will?” You chose to read this… didn’t You… by you free will?
*** (Matthew 7:13-14-15) "Go in = through the narrow gate. = For the gate is wide = and the road is spacious = that leads to destruction, = and many people are entering by it.
(Matt 7:14) How narrow is the gate = and how constricted is the road = that leads to life, = and few are the people who find it!"
(Matt 7:15) "Beware of false prophets = who come to you in sheep’s clothing = but inwardly = are savage wolves. [Why a warning if there is No free will?]
*** (John 3:19-20-21) And this is the condemnation, = that the Light has come into the world, = and men loved darkness = rather than the Light, = because their deeds were evil.
(John 3:20) For everyone = who does evil = hates the Light, = and does not come = to the Light, = lest his deeds should be exposed.
(John 3:21) But he who practices Truth = comes to the Light = so that his works may be revealed, = that they exist, = having been worked in God.
Continued in next Blog [6/?]
Thank you for your Ear!
In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
“The Christian Thinker – 404”…Blog [4/?]
About now… if you have been keeping up with these Blogs, one can readily see that those… Truly Born Again, by the Holy Spirit of God; are continually growing in God’s Grace & Mercy! They are continually ‘learning’ from the Holy Word of God… to the daily feeding of their Souls. They are not just standing on the Promises of the Word… but are putting their Faith and Witness for Christ… constantly out font, in a verbal and active way.
*** (Ezekiel 2:7) And you = shall speak My Words = to them, = whether they will hear = or whether they will forbear, = for they are rebellious.
*** (2Corinthians 4:16) For this cause we do not faint; = but though our outward man perishes, = yet the inward man = is being renewed = day by day.
*** (Jude 1:3) Having made all haste = to write to you = about the common salvation, beloved, = I had need to write to you = to exhort you = to contend earnestly = for the [True Biblical] Faith = once delivered to the saints.
Occasionally… I will read a post by someone, who will use the Term: = “The Pauline Epistles”. They will say, Paul said ‘this or that’… and it is NOT true, because it was him speaking. They use this “Excuse”… to invalidate the Holy Word of God. Are they “REALLY”… that ignorant, to believe that God would allow heresy to be part of Scripture. Or are they just… “Willingly Ignorant”… that Peter, the Apostle, the leader of the Jerusalem Church… validated what Paul said in The Scriptures?
*** (2Peter 3:15-16) Think of our Lord's patience as salvation, = just as our = dear brother Paul = also wrote to you = according to the wisdom = given him.
(2Pe 3:16) He speaks about this subject = in all his letters. = Some things in them = are hard to understand, = which ignorant = and unstable people = distort = to their own destruction, = as they do = the rest of the Scriptures.
*** (2Peter 1:20-21) knowing this = first, = that no prophecy of the Scripture = came into being = of its own = private interpretation.
(2Pe 1:21) For prophecy [Scripture] = was ‘not’ borne at any time = by the will of man, = but holy men of God = spoke = being borne along = by the Holy Spirit.
*** (2Timothy 3:15-16-17) and that from a child = you have known the Holy Scriptures, = which are able to make you = wise to salvation = through faith = in Christ Jesus.
(2Tim 3:16) All Scripture is God-breathed, = and is profitable = for doctrine, = for reproof, = for correction, = for instruction in righteousness,
(2Tim 3:17) that the man of God = may be perfected, = thoroughly furnished to every good work.
One ‘must’ continually… evaluate and test… what they are told = and/or; = what they ‘Believe’. This is part of the makeup of… “Growing In Grace”… and ‘not withering away’ in life. It is a constant movement forward to “Obedience of the Scriptures”… out of the same love that Christ Jesus had in His Obedience to the Father. As He humbled Himself to the will of the Father, He too learned Obedience… just as we need to learn… “Obedience!”
*** (Hebrews 5:7-8-9) For Jesus, in the days of His flesh, = when He had offered up prayers and supplications with strong cryings and tears = to Him who was able to save Him = from death, and was heard in that He feared [God],
(Heb 5:8) though being a Son, = yet He learned obedience = by the things which He suffered.
(Heb 5:9) And being perfected, = He became = the Author of Eternal Salvation = to all those = who obey Him,
*** (Matthew 26:39) And He went a little further and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.
*** (John 15:9-to-12) As the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you; continue in My love.
(John 15:10) If you keep My commandments, you shall abide in My love, even as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.
(John 15:11) I have spoken these things to you so that My joy might remain in you and your joy might be full.
(John 15:12) This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
*** (1John 5:2-3) By this we know that we love the children of God, whenever we love God and keep His commandments.
(1Jn 5:3) For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome.
*** (Acts 5:29) And Peter and the apostles = answered and said, = We ought to obey God = rather than men.
The Christian Thinker… will ‘always’ be studying Scripture, to know more and more about the “Perfect Will of God”; which is “Always”… in accordance to His Holy Word. Someone may say, “I know it is ‘God’s will’… because it… “Feels So Right!” Sorry “No”… one ‘cannot’ go on Feelings… if and when… the Holy Word of God… ‘says’ something different. There are “MANY” professing that they Know JESUS… and yet Never… “Read & Study”, His Holy Word. They could not explain… “Biblical Truth”… nor do they want to.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) Prove all things, = hold fast = to the good.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these were = more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and searched the Scriptures = daily = to see if those things were so.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were also = false prophets = among the people, = even as there will be = false teachers among you, = who secretly will bring in destructive heresies, = even denying the Master who bought them, bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And MANY = will follow their pernicious ways, = and because of them = the way of Truth = will be evil spoken of.
*** (Jude 1:17-18-19) But you, beloved, = remember the words = spoken before by the apostles = of our Lord Jesus Christ,
(Jude 1:18) because they told you that = at the last time = there will be Mockers = according to their lusts, leading ungodly lives.
(Jude 1:19) These are those setting themselves apart, = animal-like ones, = not having the [Holy] Spirit. [Romans 8:9]
The Christian Thinker… will continually ‘review & renew’… his or her mindset; about the Truth woven like a tapestry throughout both the OT & NT. This ongoing process of renewal takes place; as we bring our thoughts… into the “Captivity of Christ!” Before we came to Him, we were partakers of this “World’s Corrupt”… thought processes. But in Christ, we take His Word… and turn about’ our Thoughts and Actions… to the “Obedience of Christ!”
*** (Titus 3:3-to-7) For we ourselves also were once foolish, = disobedient, = deceived, = slaving for various lusts and pleasures, = living in malice and envy, = hateful, = hating one another.
(Tit 3:4) But when = the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared,
(Tit 3:5) Not by works of righteousness = which we have done, = but according to His mercy = He saved us, = through the washing of regeneration = and renewal of the Holy Spirit,
(Tit 3:6) whom He poured out on us = abundantly = through Jesus Christ our Savior,
(Tit 3:7) that being justified by His grace, = we should become heirs = according to the hope of eternal life.
*** (2Corinthians 10:3-to-6) For though walking about in flesh, = we do not war according to flesh.
(2Cor 10:4) For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, = but mighty through God = to the pulling down of strongholds,
(2Cor 10:5) pulling down imaginations = and every high thing = that exalts itself = against the knowledge of God, = and bringing into captivity = every thought = into the obedience of Christ;
(2Cor 10:6) and having readiness = to avenge all disobedience [1John 1:5-to-10 & Proverbs 28:13], = when your obedience is fulfilled.
*** (Philippians 2:5) For let this mind = be in you = which was also in Christ Jesus,
The “Christian Thinker”… will without realizing the transformation, having the leaned Word; permeate their very being, thoughts and ideas. Those Scriptures will seem to come out of nowhere as the Indwelling Holy Spirit… takes God’s Holy Word… in a moment by moment transformation of our Thought Processes. When we study the Word, we find Him, tying in ‘other’ Bible verses with ones we already know. Like an… “Artesian Well”… we will find God’s Holy Word… flowing out of our hearts & minds… so that we see as God sees. [John 7:38-39]
*** (Romans 8:9) But you are not in the flesh, = but in the Spirit, = if the Spirit of God dwells in you. = But if anyone has = not the Spirit of Christ, = he is = none of His.
*** (John 16:13-14-15) However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, = He will guide you into all Truth. = For He shall not speak of Himself, = but whatever He hears, = He shall speak. = And He will announce to you things to come.
(John 16:14) He will glorify Me, = for He will receive of Mine = and will announce it to you.
(John 16:15) All things that the Father has = are Mine. = Therefore I said that = He will take of Mine = and will announce it to you.
*** (John 14:27) Peace = I [Jesus] leave with you, = My peace I give to you. = Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
*** (Isaiah 32:17) And the work of righteousness = shall be peace; = and the service of righteousness = shall be quietness = and hope [assurance] forever.
Continued in next blog.
Thank you for your Ear!
In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.
About now… if you have been keeping up with these Blogs, one can readily see that those… Truly Born Again, by the Holy Spirit of God; are continually growing in God’s Grace & Mercy! They are continually ‘learning’ from the Holy Word of God… to the daily feeding of their Souls. They are not just standing on the Promises of the Word… but are putting their Faith and Witness for Christ… constantly out font, in a verbal and active way.
*** (Ezekiel 2:7) And you = shall speak My Words = to them, = whether they will hear = or whether they will forbear, = for they are rebellious.
*** (2Corinthians 4:16) For this cause we do not faint; = but though our outward man perishes, = yet the inward man = is being renewed = day by day.
*** (Jude 1:3) Having made all haste = to write to you = about the common salvation, beloved, = I had need to write to you = to exhort you = to contend earnestly = for the [True Biblical] Faith = once delivered to the saints.
Occasionally… I will read a post by someone, who will use the Term: = “The Pauline Epistles”. They will say, Paul said ‘this or that’… and it is NOT true, because it was him speaking. They use this “Excuse”… to invalidate the Holy Word of God. Are they “REALLY”… that ignorant, to believe that God would allow heresy to be part of Scripture. Or are they just… “Willingly Ignorant”… that Peter, the Apostle, the leader of the Jerusalem Church… validated what Paul said in The Scriptures?
*** (2Peter 3:15-16) Think of our Lord's patience as salvation, = just as our = dear brother Paul = also wrote to you = according to the wisdom = given him.
(2Pe 3:16) He speaks about this subject = in all his letters. = Some things in them = are hard to understand, = which ignorant = and unstable people = distort = to their own destruction, = as they do = the rest of the Scriptures.
*** (2Peter 1:20-21) knowing this = first, = that no prophecy of the Scripture = came into being = of its own = private interpretation.
(2Pe 1:21) For prophecy [Scripture] = was ‘not’ borne at any time = by the will of man, = but holy men of God = spoke = being borne along = by the Holy Spirit.
*** (2Timothy 3:15-16-17) and that from a child = you have known the Holy Scriptures, = which are able to make you = wise to salvation = through faith = in Christ Jesus.
(2Tim 3:16) All Scripture is God-breathed, = and is profitable = for doctrine, = for reproof, = for correction, = for instruction in righteousness,
(2Tim 3:17) that the man of God = may be perfected, = thoroughly furnished to every good work.
One ‘must’ continually… evaluate and test… what they are told = and/or; = what they ‘Believe’. This is part of the makeup of… “Growing In Grace”… and ‘not withering away’ in life. It is a constant movement forward to “Obedience of the Scriptures”… out of the same love that Christ Jesus had in His Obedience to the Father. As He humbled Himself to the will of the Father, He too learned Obedience… just as we need to learn… “Obedience!”
*** (Hebrews 5:7-8-9) For Jesus, in the days of His flesh, = when He had offered up prayers and supplications with strong cryings and tears = to Him who was able to save Him = from death, and was heard in that He feared [God],
(Heb 5:8) though being a Son, = yet He learned obedience = by the things which He suffered.
(Heb 5:9) And being perfected, = He became = the Author of Eternal Salvation = to all those = who obey Him,
*** (Matthew 26:39) And He went a little further and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.
*** (John 15:9-to-12) As the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you; continue in My love.
(John 15:10) If you keep My commandments, you shall abide in My love, even as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.
(John 15:11) I have spoken these things to you so that My joy might remain in you and your joy might be full.
(John 15:12) This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
*** (1John 5:2-3) By this we know that we love the children of God, whenever we love God and keep His commandments.
(1Jn 5:3) For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome.
*** (Acts 5:29) And Peter and the apostles = answered and said, = We ought to obey God = rather than men.
The Christian Thinker… will ‘always’ be studying Scripture, to know more and more about the “Perfect Will of God”; which is “Always”… in accordance to His Holy Word. Someone may say, “I know it is ‘God’s will’… because it… “Feels So Right!” Sorry “No”… one ‘cannot’ go on Feelings… if and when… the Holy Word of God… ‘says’ something different. There are “MANY” professing that they Know JESUS… and yet Never… “Read & Study”, His Holy Word. They could not explain… “Biblical Truth”… nor do they want to.
*** (1Thessalonians 5:21) Prove all things, = hold fast = to the good.
*** (Acts 17:11) And these were = more noble = than those of Thessalonica, = in that they received the Word = with all readiness of mind = and searched the Scriptures = daily = to see if those things were so.
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were also = false prophets = among the people, = even as there will be = false teachers among you, = who secretly will bring in destructive heresies, = even denying the Master who bought them, bringing on themselves swift destruction.
(2Pet 2:2) And MANY = will follow their pernicious ways, = and because of them = the way of Truth = will be evil spoken of.
*** (Jude 1:17-18-19) But you, beloved, = remember the words = spoken before by the apostles = of our Lord Jesus Christ,
(Jude 1:18) because they told you that = at the last time = there will be Mockers = according to their lusts, leading ungodly lives.
(Jude 1:19) These are those setting themselves apart, = animal-like ones, = not having the [Holy] Spirit. [Romans 8:9]
The Christian Thinker… will continually ‘review & renew’… his or her mindset; about the Truth woven like a tapestry throughout both the OT & NT. This ongoing process of renewal takes place; as we bring our thoughts… into the “Captivity of Christ!” Before we came to Him, we were partakers of this “World’s Corrupt”… thought processes. But in Christ, we take His Word… and turn about’ our Thoughts and Actions… to the “Obedience of Christ!”
*** (Titus 3:3-to-7) For we ourselves also were once foolish, = disobedient, = deceived, = slaving for various lusts and pleasures, = living in malice and envy, = hateful, = hating one another.
(Tit 3:4) But when = the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared,
(Tit 3:5) Not by works of righteousness = which we have done, = but according to His mercy = He saved us, = through the washing of regeneration = and renewal of the Holy Spirit,
(Tit 3:6) whom He poured out on us = abundantly = through Jesus Christ our Savior,
(Tit 3:7) that being justified by His grace, = we should become heirs = according to the hope of eternal life.
*** (2Corinthians 10:3-to-6) For though walking about in flesh, = we do not war according to flesh.
(2Cor 10:4) For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, = but mighty through God = to the pulling down of strongholds,
(2Cor 10:5) pulling down imaginations = and every high thing = that exalts itself = against the knowledge of God, = and bringing into captivity = every thought = into the obedience of Christ;
(2Cor 10:6) and having readiness = to avenge all disobedience [1John 1:5-to-10 & Proverbs 28:13], = when your obedience is fulfilled.
*** (Philippians 2:5) For let this mind = be in you = which was also in Christ Jesus,
The “Christian Thinker”… will without realizing the transformation, having the leaned Word; permeate their very being, thoughts and ideas. Those Scriptures will seem to come out of nowhere as the Indwelling Holy Spirit… takes God’s Holy Word… in a moment by moment transformation of our Thought Processes. When we study the Word, we find Him, tying in ‘other’ Bible verses with ones we already know. Like an… “Artesian Well”… we will find God’s Holy Word… flowing out of our hearts & minds… so that we see as God sees. [John 7:38-39]
*** (Romans 8:9) But you are not in the flesh, = but in the Spirit, = if the Spirit of God dwells in you. = But if anyone has = not the Spirit of Christ, = he is = none of His.
*** (John 16:13-14-15) However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, = He will guide you into all Truth. = For He shall not speak of Himself, = but whatever He hears, = He shall speak. = And He will announce to you things to come.
(John 16:14) He will glorify Me, = for He will receive of Mine = and will announce it to you.
(John 16:15) All things that the Father has = are Mine. = Therefore I said that = He will take of Mine = and will announce it to you.
*** (John 14:27) Peace = I [Jesus] leave with you, = My peace I give to you. = Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
*** (Isaiah 32:17) And the work of righteousness = shall be peace; = and the service of righteousness = shall be quietness = and hope [assurance] forever.
Continued in next blog.
Thank you for your Ear!
In Christ, Roger / Jeremiah 33:3.