“Now I lay me down to ‘Sleep’ – 101” …Blog.
*** (Ephesians 5:13-to-17) But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light; for whatever makes manifest is light. [John 8:12]
(Eph 5:14) Therefore He [God] says, “Awake, sleeping ones! And arise from the dead; and Christ shall give you light.”
(Eph 5:15) See then that you walk circumspectly; not as fools, but as wise,
(Eph 5:16) redeeming the time; because the days are evil.
(Eph 5:17) Therefore do not be unwise; but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Just suppose… ‘Today’ was the “Last Day” of your life…? Today a friend called me; wishing me a good trip to London, UK! I have flown about 250,000 miles in my life time; especially so when I used to travel for work. One day, flying back from Boston to Tampa; an elderly couple sat in my row. They were extremely nervous; as they had not flown in 10+ years. They always used to drive to Florida to visit their Children & Grandchildren. They told me this; as they tried to convey their ‘fear of flying’. I told them, ‘Everything is Relative! You live here in Boston and this Boston Traffic… scares me; more than anything! …LOL! They laughed and then realized what I told them… ‘That Flying was safer than Driving’…! Over 40,000 people are killed on America’s highways and 100,000+ sustain crippling injuries.
*** (Ecclesiastes 3:2) a time to be born, and a time to DIE; a time to plant, and a time to pull up what is planted;
*** (Hebrews 9:27) And as it is appointed to men once to die; but [immediately] after this the judgment,
Dealing with Death – 101 Blog
Seriously now… “One Cannot ‘Live Life’ Correctly”… until they “Personally”… have made peace with God; through the Finished Work of Christ Jesus…! We will all ‘stand’ before Christ Jesus… and be judged to what we did… “Or did ‘not’ do”… with God’s Gift of Salvation…! Perhaps ‘You’ already have a relationship with Him…? But is there someone; ‘You’ have been prompted to talk to… “Romans 8:14”… and have “NOT Obeyed” those promptings of the Holy Spirit…? Remember Christ Jesus sits at the Father’s Right hand… making intercession “Only for HIS!” But He has… “Other Sheep”… that need to “Hear His Voice!” What do ‘You’ think… He has ‘YOU’… here for…? “When ‘Your’ work is Done”… He will call ‘You’–Home…! Be it today or whenever; and in that I rest… when I fly!
*** (John 10:16) And I [Jesus] have other sheep; who are not of this fold. I must also lead those; and they shall hear My voice; and there shall be one flock; one Shepherd.
*** (Colossians 1:14-to-22) in Whom [Christ Jesus] we have redemption through His blood; the remission of sins.
(Col 1:15) Who is the image; of the invisible God; the First-born of all creation.
(Col 1:16) For all things were created in Him [Jesus]; the things in the heavens; and the things on the earth; the visible and the invisible; whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; ALL things were created through Him and for Him. [Isaiah 44:6]
(Col 1:17) And He is before all things; and by Him all things consist.
(Col 1:18) And He [Jesus] is the Head of the body; the Church; Who is the Beginning, the First-born from the dead; that He may be pre-eminent in ALL things.
(Col 1:19) For it pleased the Father [God]; that in Him [Jesus]; ALL fullness should dwell.
(Col 1:20) And through Him [Jesus] having made peace through the blood of His cross; it pleased the Father [God] to reconcile; ALL things to Himself through Him [Jesus]; whether the things on earth; or the things in Heaven.
(Col 1:21) And YOU; who were once alienated; and enemies in your mind; by wicked works; yet now He [Jesus] has reconciled [2Corinthains 5:18-to-21]
(Col 1:22) in the body of His flesh through death; to present you holy and without blemish; and without charge; in His sight,
*** (Hebrews 10:18) Now where Remission of these is; = THERE IS = NO MORE = OFFERING FOR SIN.
“It is ‘Finished!’ – 101”…Blog. [1/2]
“It is ‘Finished!’ – 201”…Blog. [2/2]
How about ‘IT’…? Are ‘You’ now; ready to go to be with Christ Jesus…? Or is there something ‘You’ need to clear up…? What about a bill that ‘You’ purposely did not ‘Pay’…? You owed the money; but just chose “Not TO Pay It!” Are ‘You’ this very instant; ready to go to be with… “Jesus?” Perhaps ‘You’ have not met with Him; “Daily”… in His Holy Word…? Yes, ‘You’ have been meaning to… but “ALL those Other Things”… seemed so very important! But What IF… today were your; “Last Day here on Earth”…? Would ‘You’ have Regrets… about the Spiritual Life: ‘You’ might have had…? No, I do not know your situation; nor would I presume to know. I simply ask ‘You’… those very “Questions”… “I have Asked Myself”…!
*** (Matthew 5:23-24) Therefore if you offer your gift on the altar; and there remember; that your brother has anything against you,
(Matt 5:24) leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother; and then come and offer your gift. [to God]
*** (1Timothy 1:19) holding faith and a good conscience; which some have put away; and made shipwreck; as to faith.
*** (Mark 1:35) And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, HE [Jesus] went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.
*** (1Samuel 3:21) And the LORD appeared again in Shiloh: for the LORD revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the LORD.
“True Riches – 101”…Blog.
*** (Micah 6:8) He [God] has shown you; O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you; but to do Justice; and to love Mercy; and to Walk Humbly; with your God?
Please ‘Pray’ for Me… as I go to speak at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park; London UK… on Sunday November 27, 2011…? How may ‘You’ pray…? First of all; would ‘You’ ask our Lord… to “Prepare those Hears” [Mine Too!] of those there… to be open to “His Holy Word”…? Pray also; that God would give them Repentance! Then pray that Satan would “NOT” take the Word out of their Hearts! Pray that they would have… “Absolutely NO Rest”… till they themselves have made Peace with GOD! Yes, the “Real God of the Bible” and ‘Not’ that one of the Muslims; or of the Catholic Church; or of the Church of England! “Remind God”… as I often DO… Lord, You said, “YOU are NOT willing that “Any Should Perish”… but that “ALL”… would come to Repentance!” Please pray a hedge of protection about me, while I am sharing our Lord’s Holy Word! One more thing I do… when I ask God for People; “Not ONLY” for their ‘Salvation’… but ‘Also’ for their Spiritual Growth… whatever the Cost…! And ‘Yes’, that does include a “Hunger for His Holy Word”… that can only be satisfied by Him…!
*** (Psalms 2:8) Ask of Me [God]; and I shall give the nations for Your inheritance; and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession.
*** (2Peter 3:9) The Lord is not slow concerning His promise; as some count slowness; but is long-suffering toward us; Not purposing that any should perish; but that all should come to Repentance. [Acts 17:30-31]
*** (Matthew 13:19) When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom and does not understand it; then the wicked one [Satan] comes and catches away; that which was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown by the wayside.
*** (2Timothy 2:25) in meekness instructing those who oppose; if perhaps God will give them Repentance; to the acknowledging of the Truth,
(2Ti 2:26) and that they awake out of the snare of the Devil; having been taken captive by him; so as to do the will of that one.
*** (Hebrews 2:10-to-15) For it became Him [Jesus] for Whom are all things and by whom are all things; in bringing many sons into glory; to perfect the Captain of their salvation; through sufferings.
(Heb 2:11) For both He Who sanctifies; and they who are sanctified are all of One; for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brothers;
(Heb 2:12) saying, “I will declare Your name to My brothers; in the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You.’
(Heb 2:13) And again, “I will put My trust in Him.” And again, “Behold Me and the children whom God has given Me.”
(Heb 2:14) Since then the children have partaken of flesh and blood; He [Jesus] also Himself likewise partook of the same; that through death; He might destroy him who had the power of death (that is, the Devil),
(Heb 2:15) and deliver those; who through fear of death; were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
*** (Job 1:9) And Satan answered Jehovah the LORD and said; Does Job fear God for nothing?
(Job 1:10) Have You not made a hedge around him; and around his house; and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands; and his livestock have increased in the land.
*** (John 15:1) I [Jesus] am the true vine; and my Father [God] is the vinegrower.
(John 15:2) He removes every branch in Me; that does not produce fruit; and he cleanses every branch that does produce fruit so that it might produce more fruit. (1Corinthains 11:30)
(John 15:3) You are already clean because of the Word that I have spoken to you.
*** (2Timithy 2:15-16) Study earnestly; to present yourself to God as an approved worker; who has nothing to be ashamed of; handling the Word of Truth; with precision.
(2Tim 2:16) However, avoid pointless discussions. For people will become more and more ungodly,
*** (Matthew 11:27-to-30) All things are delivered to Me [Jesus] by My Father [God]. And no one knows the Son; except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father; except the Son; and the one to whom; the Son will reveal Him.
(Matt 11:28) Come to Me [Jesus]; ALL you who labor and are heavy laden; and I will give you rest.
(Matt 11:29) Take My yoke on you and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest to your souls.
(Matt 11:30) For My yoke is easy; and My burden is light.
*** (Joh 6:44) No one can come to Me [Jesus]; unless the Father [God]; Who has sent Me; draw him; and I will raise him up at the last day.
*** (Hebrews 5:11) We have much to say about this; but it is ‘difficult’ to explain; because you have become; too lazy to understand.
Isn’t it about Time – 101 ?
Thank you for your Prayers; for His kingdom & His Sheep; that need to “Come to Him!”
Love; in Christ, Roger / “Psalms 138:2”…!
Email: atruth459@yahoo.com