“Do You know your OT Scriptures? – 101” …Blog.
(Luke 24:44-to-49) And He [Jesus]
said to them, These are the
words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that “ALL” things
must be fulfilled which were written in the “Law of Moses” and in the “Prophets”
and in the “Psalms” about Me
(Luke 24:45)
And He opened their mind to understand the Scriptures.
(Luke 24:46)
And He said to them, So it is written, and so it behooved Christ to suffer and
to rise from the dead the third
(Luke 24:47)
and that Repentance and Remission of sins should be proclaimed
in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
(Luke 24:48)
And you are witnesses of these things.
(Luke 24:49)
And behold, I [Jesus] send the [Holy Spirit] promise [John 7:38-39] of My Father [God] on
you. But you sit in the city of Jerusalem “Until” you are clothed with power
from on high. [Acts 2:1-to-5]
(Proverbs 4:7) Wisdom is the main thing; get wisdom; and
with all your getting get
(Psalms 119:97-to-104) MEM: Oh how I love Your Law! It is
my meditation all the day.
(Psa 119:98) Through Your Commandments You
make me wiser than my enemies, for they are
ever with me.
(Psa 119:99)
I have more understanding than all my teachers; for Your testimonies
are my prayer. [Psalms 19:7-to-14]
119:100) I understand more than the
old men, because I keep Your Commandments.
119:101) I have kept my feet from
every evil way, so that I might keep Your Word.
119:102) I have not departed from Your judgments; for You have taught me.
119:103) How sweet are Your Words to my
taste! More than honey to my mouth!
119:104) Through Your Commandments I get understanding;
therefore I hate every false way.
Surely You know the 23rd Psalm… “The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not
want!” But what about the rest of the “OT Scriptures”…? Many who say they are “Christians
[?]”… say they are “Forgiven”… and yet “Cannot Explain”… “Salvation & Justification
& Forgiveness”: by the “Faith,
Grace, Mercy & Love of God”…! “CAN YOU” take your Bible… and PROVE: your “Salvation
& Justification & Forgiveness” with the Scriptures…? If You Cannot: just
perhaps You are “Not TRULY: Born Again”, by the Holy Spirit of God…? Why do I
say such things, with the boldness of God and the “Complete Authority of His
Holy Word”…? It is because the… “MANY”: of Matthew
7:21-22-23… are among us. Are You the… “Salt of the World”… as Christ
Jesus: “SAID”…? Or are you LIKE the ‘Jews of Jesus day’, who worshiped God with
their “Mouths: ONLY”…? Are You only one of the “Sheepel”… OR are You a “True Disciple”
of Christ Jesus, “Lord of Lords” & “King of Kings”…? Perhaps You are simply
a… “Parrot”… who repeats what they have heard: WITHOUT knowing the Scriptures,
the Holy Word of God…? The Catholics BLINDLY follow the Pope! Do You BLINDLY
follow your “Church or Denomination”… in the “Same Way”…? And Please… DO “NOT”
TELL ME… “I know, what I know, what I know”...!
*** (Matthew 5:13) You are the salt of
the world. But if the salt should lose
its taste; how can it be made salty again?
It's good for Nothing
but to be thrown out and trampled on by people.
*** (Matthew 23:24) Blind guides
who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!
“Bible Study: Academic or ‘Worship?’ – 101”
*** (Proverbs 27:17) Iron sharpens iron,
so a man sharpens the face of his friend.
*** (Titus 2:11-to-15) For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people. [Psalms 98:2]
(Tit 2:12) It trains us to Renounce ungodly living and worldly passions SO that we might
live Sensible, Honest, and Godly lives in the present world
(Tit 2:13) as
we Wait for the blessed hope and the glorious Appearance of our
great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. [Zachariah 12:10]
(Tit 2:14) He
[Christ] gave Himself for us to set us free from
every wrong and to cleanse us so that we could be His Special People
who are enthusiastic about good works.
(Tit 2:15) These
are the things you should say. Encourage and Refute: with Full
Authority. Do not let anyone look down on you.
*** (Hebrews 5:11-to-14) We have much to say about this, but it is difficult to explain because you have become too lazy
to understand.
(Heb 5:12) In fact, though by now you should be
teachers, you still need someone to teach you the basic truths of God's word. You have become people who need milk
instead of solid food.
(Heb 5:13) For everyone who lives on milk is still
a baby and is inexperienced in the message of righteousness.
(Heb 5:14) But solid food is for mature people, whose minds are trained by
practice to distinguish good from evil.
Isn’t it about Time – 101 ?
Surely You know the “Debauched Spiritual
Condition”… of our
American Society? I see Christians [?] posting about the IRS, the President,
The Supreme Court decisions and a plethora of other “Declining Social Conditions!” And YET, those same “Christians [?]” say they
“Love Jesus”…? Don’t You remember, He said, “My Kingdom is NOT of this world: John 18:36-37”…? And yet, those ‘Claiming’ to be HIS… NEVER: speak out about… “Sin,
Righteousness & Judgment”…! Yet, “Each & Every DAY”… “Over 4,000+
Innocent Unborn Babies –> are Murdered in Abortion Clinics!” Christians [?]
are getting divorced and remarried into Adultery “Mark 10:11-12”…? When was the last time… “You read through the OT”…?
Did You compare those verses with the ones in the NT… and their Fulfillment…?
MANY speak about the forthcoming “Prophecy & the Last Days!” And YET:
Cannot take their Bibles and “Cannot Explain”… “Salvation & Justification
& Forgiveness: by the “Faith, Grace, Mercy & Love of God”…! These same
ones: were the ONES… who said that the “9-11” terrorist attacks were the “Last
Days Now!” Remember that was only 11 years ago! AND there has been “NO
Spiritual Growth” or “Evidence of Salvation”… in their ‘Same Lives’ since then.
They still DO NOT know their Bibles… or
HOW to defend the “TRUTH FAITH”…!
(John 16:7-to-15) But I [Jesus] tell you the Truth, it is expedient for you
that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you.
But if I depart, I will send Him to you. [Acts
(John 16:8) And
when that One comes, He will convict the world
concerning Sin, and concerning Righteousness, and concerning Judgment.
[Revelation 20:10-to-15]
(John 16:9) Concerning Sin, because they do not
believe on Me;
(John 16:10)
Concerning Righteousness, because I
go to My Father and you see Me no more;
(John 16:11)
Concerning Judgment, because the
ruler of this world is judged.
(John 16:12)
I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.
(John 16:13)
However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He
will guide you into All Truth. For He
shall not speak of Himself, but whatever He hears, He shall speak. And He will announce
to you things to come. [John 14:16-17
& John 17:17]
(John 16:14)
He will glorify Me, for He will receive of Mine and will announce it to you.
(John 16:15)
All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of
Mine and will announce it to
*** (James
4:4-to-10) You Adulterers and Adulteresses! Don't you
know that friendship with the world means hostility [War] with God? So whoever wants to be a friend of this world is an enemy of God. [Matthew 6:24 &
Luke 16:13]
(Jas 4:5) Or do you think the Scripture
means nothing: when it says that the Spirit that God caused to live in us
jealously yearns for us? [Joshua 24:19]
(Jas 4:6) But He gives all the more
grace. And so He says, "God
opposes the arrogant: but gives grace to the humble." [2Corinthains
12:6-to-10 & Hebrews 4:16]
(Jas 4:7) Therefore, Submit yourselves to
God. Resist the devil, and he will run away
from you.
(Jas 4:8) Come close to God,
and He will come close to you. Cleanse your hands,
you sinners, and Purify your hearts, you double-minded.
(Jas 4:9) Be Miserable, Mourn, and Cry.
[Repent] Let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy into
(Jas 4:10) Humble yourselves before the
Lord, and He will exalt you.
*** (John 12:48) He who rejects Me [Jesus] and does not
receive My Words;
has One who judges him; the
Word that I have spoken; the same shall ‘Judge’ him in the “Last Day”.
‘WITHOUT’ Repentance – 101” …Blog.
*** (Proverbs 28:13) He
who covers his sins shall NOT be blessed; but whoever
confesses and leaves [Forsakes] them shall have mercy.
*** (Romans
6:1-2) What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may
(Rom 6:2) God forbid. How shall
we, that are dead to sin, live any
longer therein?
*** (Isaiah 26:10) Let favor be shown to the wicked; ‘Yet’ he will ‘NOT’ learn righteousness; in the land
of uprightness he will deal ‘Unjustly’, and ‘Will Not’ behold the
majesty of Jehovah the LORD… [Jeremiah
Do You meet with Christ Jesus… “DAILY: in
His Holy Word”…? Why
then do You say that You are a Christian [?]…? Surely You cannot work a secular
job without orders from your “Boss?” GOD is continually speaking… “THROUGH”…
His Holy Word! People share with me that the Holy Spirit is leading them. How
can that BE… “IF You” Do NOT Know HIS HOLY WORD”…? The “Will of the LORD”… = “Always Equals” = … “His Holy Word!” “Nothing
More/Nothing Less”…! The Holy Spirit uses the WORD… to validate the Truth of
God! “WITHOUT”… Knowing His Holy Word… “How does ONE Know”… that they are led
BY: the Spirit of God = OR = by a “Satanic Angel of Light”…?
(1Jn 4:1) Beloved, do Not believe every spirit, but try
the spirits to see if they are of God, because many false prophets have
gone out into the world.
*** (1Corinthains 14:32) The spirits of
prophets [True or False]
are subject to the prophets [True
or False],
*** (1Jn
5:19) We know that we are from God and that the whole world lies under the control of the Evil One.
*** (2Corinthians 11:13-14) For such ones are False Apostles,
deceitful workers, transforming themselves - into the Apostles of
(2Cor 11:14) Did not even Satan marvelously transform himself into an –> ANGEL of LIGHT?
*** (2Peter 2:1-2) But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will
be false teachers among you, who secretly will bring in destructive
heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing on themselves swift
(2Pet 2:2) And -> Many <- span=""> will follow their pernicious ways; and
because of them the way of Truth: will be evil spoken
of. [John 7:17 & Jeremiah 23:29]
(Acts 17:11) These people
were more receptive than those in Thessalonica. They were very willing to
receive the message, and every day they carefully examined the
Scriptures to see if those things were so. [Or NOT!]
Discerning of Spirits – 101”…Blog.
in Christ, Roger // “Psalms 138:2”…!