This will be my last blog… in this series on ‘Evangelism’. Perhaps later, I will pick it back up again. If you have read through, them all, you will have a pretty good understanding of the depravity of mankind, the violation of “God’s Law & Word”, the work of God through the ‘Finished Work of Christ’ and the certainty that the Gospel… “Is Not’… ‘Just believing in Jesus!’ The True Belief in Him… is a working of God’s Holy Spirit… in the life of that person… to the Obedience… to God and to… His Word…! [2Corinthians 10:3-to-6]
(Ezekiel 3:18-to-21) When = I [God] = say to the wicked, = You shall surely die; = and = you = do not give him warning, = nor speak = to warn = the wicked = from his wicked way, = to save his life; = the same = wicked one = shall die in his iniquity; = but = I = will require = his blood = at your hand.
(Ezek 3:19) Yet = if = you = warn the wicked, = and = he does not turn = from his wickedness = nor = from his wicked way, = he shall die = in his iniquity; = but = you = have delivered = your soul.
(Ezek 3:20) And = when the righteous = turns from his righteousness = and = commits iniquity, = and = when = I [God] = lay a stumbling block before him, = he shall die. = Because = you = have not = given him warning, = he shall die in his sin, = and = his righteousness = which he has done = shall not = be remembered; = but = his blood = I = will require = at your hand.
(Ezek 3:21) But = if = you = warn the righteous = so that = the righteous = does not sin, = and = if = he does not sin, = he shall = surely live = because he is warned; = also = you = have delivered = your soul.
As you can see… by these verses that God holds us… “Totally Accountable”… because we are given… The Truth of His Word…! What we do with ‘His Truth’… directly affects us ‘Spiritually and Temporally’. We have… “No Option”… if we know the Truth! We have been given that ‘Special Responsibility’… as ‘sons & daughters’ of God. “Those”… that “do not take seriously” the ‘cost’ paid for our salvation through “Christ Jesus”… and… our responsibility and privilege… to share, that Treasure with Others…may Not… ‘Really Be’… “His Children!”
I have had people… tell me, well they said they were a Christian! So too do many here in America… but in reality… it is a ‘Social Christianity’… and… ‘NOT’ a “Conviction of Body, Soul [heart] and Mind!” It is simply only a… ‘Conversational’ preference! There is no spiritual growth, no change in actions and lifestyle and definitely… “No Obedience to the Word of God!”
(Matthew 4:4) But = He [Jesus] = answered = and = said, = It is written, = "Man shall not live = by bread alone, = but = by Every WORD = that proceeds = out of = the mouth of God."
(Luke 6:46) And = why = do you call = Me [Jesus] = Lord [Savior], = Lord [Master], = and = do not do = what = I [Jesus] = SAY?
(James 1:22) Keep on = being = Doers = of the Word, = and = Not = merely [casual] hearers = who = [constantly] deceive = themselves.
You can simply… know who belongs to Christ… in the way they act or react… to the “Word of God!” It is not hard to identify… these people. Next you are going to tell me that I am not to judge. Perhaps your understanding of the Word of God… is wrongly mistaken? IF you really knew the Word… you would then understand that there is… One Final Judge… Christ Jesus! He will use His Word… “To Judge ALL”… both ‘Christian’ and ‘Those’… that have rebelled against His Word. We are ‘Always’… to call Sin… what it is… “SIN!” = “Isaiah 5:20”
The inability ‘to discern’… “Truth & Lies”… comes from the Holy Spirit and the Knowledge of the Word of God, ‘The Bible!’ Perhaps this will help you understand what I mean? With over ‘310,000,000-million’ people in this country and over 30-million illegal’s… how many that have state drivers licenses… voted in this past presidential election? Dare I say… “Millions?” Even congress this past year… “Choose ‘NOT’ to pass legislation”… to make a person’s ‘drivers license expire’… the same date his or her… “Visitor’s Visa Expired!”
With that type of ‘deception rampart’… by the “Illegal’s”… how much more do you think there is from the 'non-resident' whose home is here? Because of the… “Trillions of Dollars” of Illegal Drugs… ‘Purchased & Consumed”… by the “Citizenry”… how can ‘You believe Anyone’…? Most people will “LIE”… because there is… ‘No Fear of God’ and ‘Judgment by Him’… in their “Minds & Hearts!”
(Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) Let us = hear = the conclusion = of the whole matter. = Fear God, = and = keep His commandments. = For = this is = the whole = duty of man.
(Eccl 12:14) For = God = shall bring = every work = into judgment, = with every = secret thing, = whether = it is good, = or = whether evil.
(2Corinthians 5:10-11) For = we must = All = appear = before = the judgment seat = of Christ, = so that = Each One = may receive = the things done = through the body, = according to = that which = he has done, = whether = good = or = bad.
(2Cor 5:11) Therefore, = knowing = the Fear of the Lord, = we = Persuade men. = But = we are revealed = to God, = and = I trust also = that = we are revealed = in your consciences.
Yes, even that person… that you just thought about! He or She… calls themselves ‘Christian?’ They may even go to Church with you! But you know that their LIFE is not right… by what they ‘Do and Say!’ Isn’t it better to believe… that they are “Really Not”… ‘A Christian’…? And then begin and continue… ‘To share the Truth of the Word of God’… “With Them…?” During my life… I have even heard testimonies of phony preachers… who were ‘Pastors’… who came to Christ… because of a witness and testimony of another… “Speaking the Word of God!”
Anyone’s response to God’s Word… will give a pretty good indication if they are… ‘Really A Christian!’ When there are those, that ‘Claim to be Christian’… and get upset with a particular verse from the ‘Bible’… that is a pretty good indication… that they do not know… “The Author - GOD!” Perhaps you who are reading this are upset with me that I would even suggest such a thing…?
(2Corinthains 5:17-to-21) So that = if = any ‘one’ = is in Christ, = that one = is a new creature; = old things = have = passed away; = behold, = all things = have become = new.
(2Cor 5:18) And = all things = are = of God, = Who = has reconciled = us = to Himself = through = Jesus Christ, = and = has given = to us = the ministry of reconciliation; [to reconcile others to Christ by the Gospel]
(2Cor 5:19) whereas = God = was in = Christ = reconciling = the world = to Himself, = not imputing = their trespasses to them, = and = putting = the word of reconciliation = in us.
(2Cor 5:20) Then = we [surely] are = Ambassadors = on behalf = of Christ, = as God = exhorting [them] = through us, = we beseech = you = on behalf = of Christ, = [you] be reconciled = to God.
(2Cor 5:21) For = He = has made Him [Christ] = Who = knew no sin, = to be = [the] sin [sacrifice] = for us, = that we = might become = the righteousness of God = in Him [Christ].
As God the Father… drew us to Christ… by the conviction of His Holy Spirit… we too with our Testimony of Forgiveness in Christ… as His Ambassadors… point “Others”… to this same Salvation in Him! One sinner saved by God’s Grace… telling another sinner… where ‘he or she’ can find… “God’s Grace in Forgiveness”…! That my friend… is simply… “Evangelism!” Perhaps now you can understand, not only the “Responsibility of Grace”… but the care, of our Heavenly Father… for those that are ‘Lost and Dying’ in their… “Sin/Sins”…?
(Matthew 9:37-38) Then = He [Jesus] = said to = His disciples, = The harvest = truly is plenteous, = but = the laborers = are few.
(Matt 9:38) Therefore = pray = to the Lord [God] = of the harvest = that = He = will send out = laborers = into = His harvest.
(Luke 10:21-22) In that hour = Jesus = rejoiced in Spirit = and = said, = I thank You, = Father, = Lord of Heaven and earth, = that = You = have hidden = these things = from = the sophisticated and cunning, = and = have revealed them = to babes. = Yes, Father, = for so = it was pleasing = before You.
(Luke10:22) All things = are delivered = to Me [Jesus] = by My Father [God]; = and = no one = knows Who = the Son is = except the Father, = and = who = the Father is = except the Son, = and = the One = to whom = the Son [Jesus] = will reveal Him [God].
(John 6:44) No one = can come = to Me [Jesus] =unless = the Father [God] = Who has sent = Me [Jesus] = draw him, = and = I = will raise him up = at the last day.
(John 10:15-16-17) Even as = the Father [God] = knows Me [Jesus], = I = also know = the Father. = And = I [Jesus] = lay down = My life = for = the sheep.
(John 10:16) And = I = have other sheep = who are not = of this fold. = I = must also lead those, = and = they shall hear = My voice, = and = there shall be = one flock, = one Shepherd.
(John 10:17) Therefore = My Father = loves Me, = because = I = lay down = My life = so that = I = might take it again. [John 2:19-to-22]
(John 6:37) Everyone = the Father [God] = gives Me [Jesus] = will come = to Me, = and = the one = who comes = to Me = I = will never = turn away. [Hebrews 13:5]
May I leave you… with an assignment…? Simply open your Bible, ask Jesus to prepare your heart [2Chronicles 19:3]… and then Read Jesus’ pray for those that are His… in John 17… the entire Chapter! That is what Jesus prayed for YOU… if you are Truly one of His! Then read… Romans chapter “8”… and see what your position and responsibility is… as a Child of God! Then it read again… 2Corinthains 5:18-to-21… about being… “His Ambassador”…!
(Luke 24:44-to-48) Then = He [Jesus] = said to them, = "These are = My Words = that = I spoke to you = while I was = still with you = that everything = written about Me = in the law of Moses, = the Prophets, = and = the Psalms = had to be fulfilled."
(Luke 24:45) Then He [Jesus] = opened their minds = so that they = might come = to understand = the Scriptures.
(Luke 24:46) He = said to them, = "Thus it is written, = that = the Christ = was to suffer = and = to rise = from the dead = on = the third day,
(Luke 24:47) and = that Repentance = and = forgiveness of sins = is to be = proclaimed = in His Name = to = All the nations, = beginning = at Jerusalem.
(Luke 24:48) You = are witnesses = of = these things.
(John 3:16-to-21) "For this is how = God = loved the world: = He gave = His only begotten = Son [Jesus] = so that everyone = who believes = in Him = might not perish = but have = eternal life.
(John 3:17) For God = sent His Son = into the world, = not to = condemn the world, = but = that the world = might be saved = through Him.
(John 3:18) Whoever = believes in Him = is not condemned, = but = whoever Does Not = believe in Him = has already = been condemned, = because = he has not believed = in the Name = of God's = only begotten Son [Jesus].
(John 3:19) And = this is = the basis = for = Damnation: = The Light = has come = into the world, = but = people loved = the darkness [of sin] = more than the Light [of Christ] = because = their actions = were evil.
(John 3:20) For everyone = who practices = wickedness = hates = the Light = and = does not = come to = the Light, = so that = his actions = may not = be exposed.
(John 3:21) But = whoever = does what is True = comes to = the Light, = so that all = may see = that his actions = have been done in God."
(John 8:12) Then = Jesus = spoke again to them, = saying, = I am = the Light = of the world. = He who = follows Me = shall not = walk in darkness, = but = shall have = the light of life.
(Revelation 3:19) As many as = I = love, = I = rebuke = and = chasten; = therefore = be zealous = and = repent.
Final in this series… “Evangelism – 101”… [11-of-11]
Thank you for Your EAR! Roger //Email// atruth459@yahoo.com
Home Page: http://truth459.blogspot.com/